There certainly are a lot of reasons to get up every day, folks. The psychological operation known as, ‘The Great Awakening’ is getting really wild as far as the information war and the fabulous Days of Disclosure.

It’s important to note that there are folks in the know anticipating the coming out of JFK Jr. and today, July 16, is the anniversary of his faked death, so what better day to pull him out of the hat like magic and shock the snoozing world?

Capt. Kyle did say to get those Depends right away and get used to wearing them. July is going to be a historic month on our planet from the sound of it.

The White Hats got ahead of the Deep State’s plan to eliminate President Trump—as publicly predicted by several including Tucker Carlson, for one—and in so doing took control of the situation, ensuring the near miss and that Trump—the most protected and important man on Earth/Terra—is here to lead another battalion of Patriots and Lightwarriors into battle for supremacy and survival on this planet.

But wait! Not so fast. We need a distraction. Will this suffice?

J.D. Vance’s height: Trump campaign slaps back at Google suggesting he is 5ft 7in… and shows how tall he really stands

This is big!

Residents ordered to ‘evacuate now’ due to dam failure in Nashville, Illinois

How about this?

I know—THIS!

If we take the temperature of the Patriots who have been following the Q Ops for years, there is still trepidation and confusion, and that’s ok and to be expected. In fact, if we are confused and don’t see what’s coming around the corner, it speaks to the success of The Plan and the mandatory secrecy. It’s highly classified until they decide to tell us—or at the very least give us clues.

We can relax in the knowledge this is all scripted and will all work out in the end. It will be a spectacular ending. Sarge posted the following on Telegram concerning Trump’s announced wing man:


What’s this? JD Vance a writer/producer?


We might recall that Sidney Powell was also listed as a movie producer, as was Stephen Mnuchin. Q told us, “you’re watching a movie.”

Feb 22, 2018 9:39:44 PM EST
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 0c9770 No. 466606

People kill people.
You are watching a movie.
They want you WEAK.
6y, 4m, 3w, 17h, 1m ago       8chan qresearch

Let’s remember that there are many actors in this movie who agreed to play specific parts; some of which will mean they act as the good guy, and others most despised villains. We don’t yet know who the real bad guys are in all cases, and we do innerstand many of the worst offenders have already been removed. This Psychological Operation is winding down. We’re just waiting for the climax, and possibly anti-climax. We know it will end well. We haven’t gone through decades of this pain and anguish to choke down a bad ending. We’re expecting the world!

Now you know the significance of Junior standing atop the head of George Washington at Mount Rushmore in the photo I shared yesterday. George was the magazine he founded, where we now find Gene Ho, Trump’s personal photographer and trusted videographer, documenting the history in progress throughout this military operation. How many coincidences before it’s mathematically impossible? How can people not see the planned operation?

Wouldn’t it be fitting for JFK Jr. to take up the role of President of the United States? Let’s face it—Trump polarized the People—as intended. Many are coming around but the stubborn ones would probably be happy about seeing Trump fill another role and for Junior to take up where his father left off and take on the position of POTUS and CIC.

It would unify America because I don’t believe there are many who hate or even dislike JFK Jr. It would be the fairy tale ending we all love to see at the end of a movie.

Our current situation is like the sequel to the President JFK story and man, it is poetic! Here’s a little background to set the stage.


How many Qincidences can you stand, my friends? The swamp is far deeper than any of us could imagine but the numerous positive outcomes will offset the bitter pills we’ll have to swallow. Like they say… “a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down”.

The medicine has been bitter indeed, and those of us who are awake took it like the warriors we are. We don’t shy away from the truth, and we took it on the chin for our fellow man—the snoozers. We participated in the Q Psyop to Change the World, right there in the trenches.

The normies will have to face the music, but the way forward has been smoothed by decades of brave feats by the silent, faceless warriors who did what no Human should ever have to do. Some of you know what I mean. More below from Telegram. I believe this is quite accurate.

Advanced hidden military technology of HOLOGRAMS, created in DUMB’s in Arizona, New Mexico & Nevada, would be used with 5G & sound wave weapons to cause great illness, organ damage, cellular disruptions & nausea to Humans — mimicking an alien attack.

They would also released chimeras & other DNA-crossed animal, Human hybrids into the cities. We’ve seen this recently in the Miami event, Project Montauk, Plum Island, DUMB’s, bio-labs, etc. There’s even a bill ‘Human-Animal Chimera Prohibition Act of 2021’.

Neutralizing these massive weapons of destruction was top priority for the White Hats, along with ceasing the pedo, sex & Human trafficking operations globally, and saving the children.

The underground wars started well over a decade ago, probably 2 decades by now. Eliminating or taking over 10,000 massive DUMB’s that connect to one another worldwide is no easy task. Add in the replacement actor operations, along with switching over Earth’s financial system & doing all this with the least amount of civilian casualties. This is why it’s been taking so long & all opinion from everyday Humans are simply irrelevant to the mission.

We are very close now. We are in the timeline of the greatest exposures of all their CONS & LIES. As Humanity is exposed to the deceits & as the truth sets in, the consciousness of the collective will raise. The truth will change Humanity forever.

This change in frequency will shift realities — into a reality where Humans will be able to see & engage with inter-dimensional benevolent Beings. These are friends of Earth & Humanity. We are the mass majority too. When Humanity is ready & they are ready now, which is why we are witnessing it more & more. And it will expand greatly into the collective consciousness.


The fallout from the Trump assassination attempt will, as we said, go on for weeks until the unsuspecting public innerstand that this is the modus operandi of the Deep State and the tyrannical regime that has been running our plane[t].


Same playbook every time; it is not your average Human committing these bombings, knifings, shootings, etc. It is DS assets they enabled with drugs, mind control, weapons, cash, and training. The patsies just do what they were programmed to do—and then they kill them. Dead men tell no tales.


We have watched them do this for years. Recall the Columbine school shooting, the Batman Theatre massacre, the Boston Bombing, Sandy Hoax, the Parkland School Shooting, the Pulse Nightclub shooting, it goes on and on, and that was only America. Similar psyops took place in Europe and other countries. The mass shooting in Nova Scotia Canada in 2022 still has not been solved according to the [complicit] RCMP when 22 people were killed, including a pregnant RCMP officer. Satanic sacrifice?

Consider the Trump assassination attempt a ‘simulation’ of what the deep state has done many times and we are not going to tolerate any more.

How do we know the shooting was orchestrated by the White Hats? There are some brilliant Anons out there. Check this out. Graphic follows. Link to Telegram.

“WOW! Trump’s Agenda 47 ok his website has “violent” spelled as VIOLET and the “shooters” name was…

Mark VIOLETS!!?!?!? 🤯

Come on now. Now I’m CONVINCED this was a White Hat operation.



All credit to @Brainstorm_Joe for the dig on this one.”



The White Hats will make it so freaky that sane people won’t be able to simply accept the rhetoric and lamestream crap.

Critical Thinking Required…

• Video #1
Trump appeared to get injured with the first shot.

• Video #2
The first shot ( heard also appears to have hit two people and the bleachers..

How is that possible?
Unless there were there two synchronized shooters?


This just popped up on Telegram. No surprise here. Another distraction.

BREAKING: Police reportedly shot a suspect near the secure zone of the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Milwaukee

Here’s the Fox video. Note the address.



We have an SG Anon discussion with Patrick at Patriot Underground [ Trump Event ]which I have not yet listened to but know it will be excellent. Just stumbled on it with only 9 views. 1 hr. 45 min.

Situation Update w/ SG Anon (7.16.24)

Regardless of what does or does not happen today, we are making history, my friends. Today, and all the events within it comprise another page in the book. Before we’re through, nearly every man, woman, and child on Earth/Terra will know the inconvenient truth, and Where We Go One, We Go All.


Signing off for now. See you next time. ~ BP

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