Comment by rev.joshua skirvin 32 minutes ago

In regards to Ashtar-DC-Visitors full Disclosure blog below posted by Beth yesterday ( see link) With all due respect but this sounds very much like the VISITORS to me. Sorry but there is to much untruths slipped in with some truths and much info that cannot be proven eithor way. I will address only what I believe to be untrue both from my own studies and from the Urantia Book.......The 1st earthlings were created only 4-1/2 million years ago. The 1st one hundred off world material beings were sent down to use to raise our DNA by inbreeding 250,000 yrs ago, which failed because of the Lucifer Rebellion who came here to establish his headquarters. The 2nd try was 50,000 yrs ago by Adam and Eve who was sent by Creator Michael to again try to uplift mans DNA by inbreeding with us and it failed also. So we have only a 10th of the higher DNA codes in us for the Ascension Event. And yes we have been quarantined  from the rest of the Universe cause of the Rebellion. This is supposed to be lifted now as of the 12-21-12. The UB does not speak of any other races of aliens coming to earth to live and interbreed, I don't know why they kept this from us as I do believe it happened but I don't believe all the story above but I think some of it is true.

Concerning promises they never kept, they don't say why again there was so many false flags. The last being 2 wks ago when they said they would De-cloak word wide at the end of the conference on the 3rd but nothing happened, why not?. And sense that time they keep saying they will soon. And now you want us to believe that the Anti-Christ Dictator Obama is going to Disclose soon about all the UFO's and Aliens on Earth. Its just another False Flag and that the rest of the world will follow. And what is "Reformation" you talk about?


   And you say only a few bad Annunaki ruled the world at one time in the not to distance pass and that now only a few Draco Reptilians have caused havoc the last 60 yrs. I wasn't there for the Annunaki but as for the Dracs well there's lots of them and they have been here for hundreds of yrs if not thousands and they have nearly completed there NWO. And now you want us to believe there's going to be another time reversal or shift and that its already happened and there's no more bad Dracs here sense 09. That all the bad guys have already been removed from earth,including all the NWO people involved in all the black lodges of the DC.. Well I think you got our world confused with a twin Earth and alternate Earth Because HERE THEY re still moving forward. They are still causing mass murder, mayhem and war almost daily. They are behind many of the False Flags and False channeling, such as this. You want us to believe that what we hear and see of the DC, Archons and Visitors Daily is not happening.

          SO SORRY but This time you have gone to far, what a web of deceit you weave! You must really take us Light workers for fools. I admit you have some power here ,you just zapped me with something so I could not see my screen to type but I have Allies on my side here too and they have stopped what you did. And if you post this you will see that there are many who believe like myself and can read in-between the lines and know the War is still on and is not over. You may pull the wool over the Sheeples eyes but not ours, Ok.

 Please people do not be fooled by this Visitors blog with more False Flags. Follow your Heart use Discretion. For this is the Biggest lie that they have tried to pull over on us yet. This is 5/14/13 and the DC-Visitors are still here and this is just another one of there games of deceptions . Read the blog in the link below if you don't believe me.L&L,Adonai

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  • Bless you, dear friend......And we must keep vigilant and clarify truth, when necessary, yet try to remain impervious to any attacks we might receive...We help each other when this happens....It is mainly for the sake of the younger and more easily swayed members and readers, that we expose the falsehoods which appear, from time to time...Yet our VICTORY is assured...!! ;-)  ***OM***

  • Thanks for the back up Drekx and I thank Sananda for coming forward and helping to put a stop to this nonsense! And your right that anything or anyone who says Obama is going to give Disclosure is, well a dead giveaway, huh. I am going to repost this one as well fro those who missed the 1st two posts will realize what is going on, besides I was on a roll, that is to say I really get upset that they keep trying to pull this crap off on us over and over again. I guess is that they are trying to catch the half awakened ones and younglings, you think. Also I want to think whoever it was in the Spirit Realm or ET'S who came to my rescue when they Zapped me yesterday when I was writing the blog that they monitor and did not want me to write, Another victory won .Adonai
  • Joshua,

    I have noted a reply by Peter on another discussion, which substatiates what I have stated below, from a well known and respected source:

    Greetings dear ones , it is I Sananda , I come to you today to correct more falsehoods that have been being spread about online and specifically on ACC . Recently a ‘’ Disclosure’’ message was posted on ACC , namely ‘’Full Galactic Disclosure A Message from Ashtar from the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds through Elizabeth Trutwin , May 12 , 2013’’, this was supposedly given by Ashtar , I can tell you personally it was not . I have been working very closely with him and several others during that time and he gave no such message at all . Which brings me to this message , it’s content and it’s relevance .

    It is reported to have been delivered from ‘’ The Rainbow Bridge ‘’ well I am not on the Rainbow nor is he on that ship . Also saying that I am on the New Jerusalem is also incorrect . And saying my ‘’code name’’ is King of Swords , as in K.O.S. is also untrue my dear friends , I do not go around ‘’undercover’’ in such a way at all , yes I truly am incarnate on planet in human form and I have indeed lived a rather long time on Earth this time round , in fact this year come October it will be 124 years . But be that as it may these exaggerations on line by these various people are getting rather out of hand don’t you think ?

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  • Hi friend,

    My advice is to ignore anything Beth Trutwin posts here on ACC, or elsewhere, as you have my word for it, it is not GFL official policy, nor strategy, she represents......

    Alarm bells should always ring when a "channel" tries to link Obama with the GFL and Ashtar Command...Please do not invest your time and energy in reading false channels, who only distract, hurt and confuse....

    I have reluctantly been compelled to expose Greg Giles, in the past and I will again, reluctantly expose the works of Trutwin and her Obamarama groupies circus of muddled messaging...I don't like having to do this, but seeing the hurt she causes others, I will do so...

    To pretend that disclosure requires Obama to OK it, is an illusion....The GFL seeks a change of government before any type of announcement is made, for security reasons...USA Corporation CEO's need not apply...


    Also I would suggest that limited conscousness is a disease suffered here on outer earth...and many evils are propagated by terrestrial sources and not mainly from off world...


    When humanity has been "cured" of limited consciousness, many evils will fall away...and this current mania for suicidal power brokering, by the elites, will be placed in the history books, where it belongs...

    Kind regards, Drekx Omega

  • OK, hold on there folks, I am a firm believer in the UB but I do have to agree they left somethings out, like the other Aliens who were not sent down by the spirit Realm and not wanting to talk about reincarnation. BUT we are not here to discuss the short coming of the UB. Were here to Discuss the Short Coming of the Ashtar-DC-Visitors. They are the ones making all the False Flags Promises that many of the younglings are hooked on. And the new Lies for this week seems to be the biggest yet. Its my job to warn people of this Deception , here is the cult trappings who still don't read the blogs I post  coming from our true friends "The Allies of Humanity" who are the ones exposing the VISITORS. The VISITORS are the ones behind most of these False Channelling, using all our favorite Mentors like Ashtar, Salusa, Jesus -Sananda and Prime Creator. They are imitating them and are extremely well at it. Its hard for most to tell. And the way to tell is that they do the same thing as the DC who follows what Lucifer taught and that is "to mix Truths with Untruths"

    NOW lets get down to the nitty gritty here, if you read the org. blog and then my comment on it. I am going after the untruths in it, that we know are untruths and to do that you have to be in this business as a Elder for a long time and you need a source of Truths that you believe in on all the different subjects. And as you know I have been doing that for the last couple of yrs on this site. Were not talking about who's right or wrong here so much as we are talking about all the past lies that they have given us, even up to the last couple of wks, promises that never came true which they usually blame on us or like in this one, they don't have a reason why those things they told us don't come true. Then they give us new Predictions, lies that also wont come true and they just keep doing it, cause like EINSTEIN below has pointed out, its to mislead the masses. The Churches, Schools, and Governments from around the world have been programed , trained to lie to us, and we know its lies at some point but we go with the masses and except those lies,  Even the MSM,vids and movies all lie to us and we except it as they are Destroying us and the World that we live in. The DC and Visitors are working together now it seems to take us over and install the NWO. And  we the Light workers are one of the few groups who are Awake somewhat and pose a threat to them and there NWO.

    They have been trying for the last couple of years and more to make us believe that the ETS will rescue us from the DC and will bring food ,energy, cheap transportation housing ,ect,ect to us. But in doing so we give up the last of our powers, we are just jumping out of the frying pan into the fire, for the Visitors Agenda is not much different than our present occupiers whom we are slaves to, the Dracs, the DC-Illuminati. So we are gaining nothing just moving the chairs around. Now back to the subject if thats possible, Now that have a new promise by the Anti-Christ Dictator Obama, that he will soon bring Disclosure and the world will follow. What a load of Crap, manure, Horse SH T . And how many times have they told us that there boy was going to save us,? and all the while he is building up his power structure to put in the NWO for the DC. you watch the right hand while the left hand is doing the dirty work. Come on wake up people, smell the coffee. Its all a game they are playing on the whole world, even many of us light workers fall for this crap,I even fell for it up until about  a yr ago and had many doubts the yr before that.. They benefit both ways , if we believe the lies and if we don't !, Hows that you say, yes they benefit if we don't  its because we then refuse to believe any or all of our Mentors who have helped us and led us in the past both ETS and Spirit REALM, we just give up n them cause we don't know who is who and what is the Truth and not the Truth, Like in this Blog she posted, so much info involving so many races and history that its hard if not impossible to tell what is the Truth, So to Separate it you need to seek what is not the truth that you believe in, to know that they have slipped the untruths in with the truths. 

    Then the next step is to see what they have told us before that hasn't come true and look to see what they are promising next, which will not come true as well. Another way that they benefit from this is through FEAR. And as everything that we knew as a movement falls apart and no-one to rescue us form the DC and  the Visitors, that we are on our own at least for some time until Ascension Happens if it ever does, well thats quite Scary isn't it? But you are on your own and always have been, like teaching a kid to ride a bike, after a while when he starts to get the hang of it the parent lets go and he's on his own, the parent is not worried cause the 1st thing they taught the kid to do was how to fall, so that when he does fall he can get back up and go again, Well thats us now, they have let go, were on our own for awhile, some of us are falling but others are there to pick them up and put them back on the path again. Those who are awakened help to awaken the others, until all are awake, then we go out and awaken the whole world, the 100 monkey effect or cosmic consciousness.

    The biggest lie that we must address is not the one of Disclosure but he latest one thats in the bottom of that heavy blog. They now want us to believe that we are in 5D. Thats right they want us to believe that the 3D and 4D world we see happening around us right now, isn't happening that we are already in 5D. And that they way they did that is by going back once again and changing time, that they have changed our time line once more back to 2009 and the the DC Dracaenas  and there 10 million black Lodge members are not here and that everything you now see happening with the DC-NWO is just a after effect. That they have all been taking away and will be put to trail. THIS LIE is to get us to give up the fight, why fight the battle if we have already won? Don't fall for this False Flag, what you see and hear is real, we have not won yet, do not give up the battle, stand by your stations, we still  have work to do, we are Warrior Light Workers, Rebels that can't be fooled so easy for we have been preprogramed before we came here to do battle with the DC and now Visitors. So pull yourselves together and stop attacking each other, know who your real enemy is and keep him close. This battle has taken on a another whole new step a new face or front. We must see this and learn to deal with it. Nobody is going to give us free energy,food , Disclosure or Contact or NASERA. We are the ones who are going to make it all happen, no one else can do it for us and we don't want anyone else do do it for us, for then we would be dependent on them, instead of ourselves. Weather we like it or not, we are all that we got, we are family, we are all one. L&L,Adonai

  • The Urantia Book also has its share of disinformation, including the exclusion of the topic of reincarnation.  As Kryon has stated, it (Urantia Book) is a picture of what the universe was.  Not as it is and is becoming.  Very hierarchal and stodgy.  Very condemning of Lucifer and Satan, with no mercy there.  Not following Sananda/Yeshua/Christ/Michael's exhortation of not judging, or of forgiving.  There are a number of cult trappings associated with it.  If in doubt, just go visit "Gabriel of Sedona" and his compound in Arizona.

  • Rev Joshua, with all due respect I think you're getting far too emotionally embroiled in these "untruths"(Channelings)... or maybe it's your path to point this out to the unsuspecting and easily mis-lead mass/es.

    You're obviously aware of ALL the false promises, de-cloaking, landing, prosperity, arrests, full-consciousness, new technology etc, etc....the list goes on.....and how often these things are repeated? Then there's always an excuse when it doesn't happen/materialise...and it's always seemingly our fault cos we're not ready and the all important "fear factor" is still too high a risk for these awesome, intelligent, multi-versal, inter-galactic, inter-planetary, inter-dimensional telepathic, aura-reading beings of light to mitigate....hmmm....somethings wrong with this equation that's for sure!!

    Anyways back to the repetitive nature of these "channels"!

    I think it was Joseph Goebbels who said "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it". Hence I think the reason for repeating the same nonsense over and over ad nauseam/infinitum...


  • Your right FW and this is the biggest False Flag they have tried to pull on us yet. Telling us that the DC-Visitors and friends have all been taken away as of 09 by using a time shift program. and that we are now in 5D. Thats like telling us black is white and we have to believe that. What a bunch of hog wash. I pray people don't fall for this,huh Adonai
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