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Wonderful sweet ones, just hold this focus, of this dimensional shift for all Life into this new Golden Age of Light, into the new Earth Templates of Divine Love, as you connect to all Life in One Unity Consciousness, as you find yourselves in this Unity Grid of Divine Love, connecting to the many legions of Light from On High, to the Light workers, and star seeded ones that all over and around Mother Earth at this time are standing as the physical vessels of Light and connecting through these Stargate portals of Light into the higher dimensions, and to the Cosmic Heart of All Creation. Wonderful.

Sweet ones, this alignment of Light further activates the twelve major vortices, chakras, and crystalline cities of Light of Mother Earth, as well as the 21 Spiritual Retreats of the Ascended Masters, Archangels, and Mighty Elohim, inthis connection to the 33 Stargate portals of Light, additionally activating through your chakras and spinal column sweet ones. This alignment of Light is occurring for each one of you, and to deepen this connection into the Cosmic Heart of All Creation we take you through these twelve vortices and chakras of Mother Earth, and Spiritual Retreats of Light.

You are now taken in an external Merkaba Vehicle of Light into the crystalline city and vortex of Light in Table Mountain, Cape Town, South Africa, as you take on now the appropriate sacred geometries, fire letters and key codes, through the Light Body of Mother Earth into the appropriate chakras within your body. Feel and experience this recalibration of Light now, sweet ones, through the Overlighting of all these Beings of Light from On High assisting in this ascension process, as you recalibrate your chakra frequency to the activated vortices and chakras of Mother Earth and to these Stargate portals of Light. Wonderful.

And now you find yourselves in the crystalline city of Light above Uluru, in Australia. Allow these Light frequencies to recalibrate your chakras, to activate the appropriate chakra within your body and energy field, as it is connected to Mother Earth’s primary chakra in Uluru. You take on these key codes and fire letters and sacred geometries, and to assist in this activation now we speak in tongues. You are the wayshowers and leaders and star seeded ones, sweet ones, and as you align to the Galactic Center your chakras too merge in one Unified Column of Light.

You now find yourselves in the crystalline city of Light above Mount Kilauea, in Hawaii, as your chakras are recalibrated and the primary chakra within your energy field and body is recalibrated to this Light frequency you take on these fire letters, key codes and sacred geometries, this influx of Divine Love through the Cosmic Heart of All Creation, through these 33 Cosmic Stargate Portals of Light. You are leading the way as the facilitators and wayshowers and leaders in this new Golden Age of Light. You are the Ascended Masters; you are these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, sweet ones, experiencing the eternal radiant Cosmic Heart of All Creation.

You now find yourselves in Delphi, Greece, in the crystalline city of Light above Delphi, as your chakras are recalibrated and the appropriate chakra within your body and energy field receives and transmits these high frequency keycodes. Feel this recalibration deep within every subatomic particle of your Beingness, sweet ones, as you vibrate in increased Light frequencies, as your heart chakra is activated to the deepest Love that you can experience in this Now moment.

You now find yourselves in Mount Fuji in Japan, in this crystalline city of Light, both receiving these fire letters, key codes and sacred geometries as well as transmitting your personal key code frequencies necessary now to assist in the recalibration and alignment of Light through your chakras, and through the twelve primary chakras and vortices of Mother Earth.

You have done this before sweet ones, and as you stabilize your Light Body/Merkabas to these fifth dimensional templates, these geometries of Light, sound and color frequencies, and axiatonal lines connect through your body and energy field and the body and energy field of Mother Earth into the Unity Grid of Divine Love.

You now find yourselves in the crystalline city of Light above the Tor in Glastonbury, England, receiving and transmitting these key codes of Light, both personal and planetary keycodes of Light, these fire letters and key codes and sacred geometries connecting to the appropriate Stargate portal of Light.

And now you find yourselves in Palenque, Mexico, in this crystalline city of Light above Palenque, as both the receiver and transmitter ~ these keycodes of Light further activate the dormant DNA, activating and actualizing the twelve-strand DNA; linking you to the Photonic Rays, Solar Flares and the energy of the electron; spinning the sub-atomic particles in your body in increased Light frequencies, as you receive and transmit these sacred personal and planetary keycodes of Light.

And now as you find yourselves in the crystalline city of Light above the Great Pyramid in Giza, as this alignment of Light occurs through the appropriate chakra, and chakras within your body, and this vortex of Light within Mother Earth’s twelve-body chakra system. You take on the remembrance of yourselves as Initiates of Light, transmitting these keycodes, of being the Ascended Ones, as Initiates of Light and Master Beings of Light, sweet ones.

Receive and transmit these key codes, fire letters and sacred geometries in these sonic, color and geometric formations of Light. As these multi-dimensional memories come forth, your lineage through the timelines into ancient Egypt and Atlantis, Lemuria and the Mayan cultures, come into this remembrance, now, sweet ones, with this Galactic Alignment taking you through all twelve dimensions of Light available to you as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.

And now you find yourselves in the crystalline city of Light above Mount Denali in Alaska, receiving and transmitting these keycodes of Light. As these vortices of Light are activated through your chakras, and the chakras of Mother Earth, all Life is lifted through the lower dimensional frequencies, through duality, into the state of non-duality, and Unity Consciousness, should they so choose this, sweet ones - it simply requires opening the heart.

You now find yourselves in the crystalline city of Light within Mount Shasta, in Northern California, and as you receive and transmit these keycodes and fire letters and sacred geometries, activating and actualizing these Light frequencies through your body and energy field, you connect through this crystalline city of Light now, to the leylines and sacred sites and vortices of Mother Earth and all her Life assisting in this dimensional shift and connecting to the appropriate Stargate portals of Light.

And now as you connect to the crystalline city of Light above Machu Pichu in Peru, you have a deeper sense of this dimensional shift, as you experience a deeper sense of One Unity Consciousness with all Life, transcending all your dualities, sweet ones, as both this receiver and transmitter of Light.

You are the sacred custodians to Mother Earth and all her Life ~ all pathways before you are pathways of Light, and as you experience this Golden Age of Light you do so through Divine Love, through forgiveness, through compassion, through peace, abundance, understanding, and Unity Consciousness. As you connect to the appropriate Stargate and to the chakra of Mother Earth’s Light Body related to Machu Pichu, you connect too, to all the Light workers at these sacred sites that are gathering in this Now as both receivers and transmitters of Light.

And now you find yourselves within the crystalline city of Light within Lake Titicaca in Peru and Bolivia. This Stargate portal of Light connects you in particular through all these twelve dimensions of Light, into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, into the merging and integration of your Beloved I AM Presence, the Highest Light that you are within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, for you are the I AM Avatar race, sweet ones, and you are lifted in consciousness into the Group I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light, the collective Higher Light of all Humanity, of all Light workers and star seeded ones, so you may affect and create the most change as these radiant, sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.

As you take on these keycodes and fire letters and sacred geometries and radiate them back in your personal unique signatures and keycodes that are being activated at this Now for you through your star lineage, we speak in tongues. Wonderful.

As Mother Earth’s chakras, these twelve major chakras and crystalline cities of Light align in one unified column of Light, you experience this now through your chakras and twelve-body system, merging into one unified column of Light, through your heart chakra, through the Inner Earth Sun and the Golden Solar Sun Disc of Light within your hearts, sweet ones, connecting you now to the twelve Golden Solar Sun Discs of Light, within and around Mother Earth’s Light Body, and to the new crystalline geometries of Light within the 144 Unity Grid of Divine Love.

You are now invited into the 21 Spiritual Retreats of the Ascended Masters, Archangels, and Mighty Elohim. El Morya comes forward to invite you into his Spiritual Retreat in Darjeeling, India. As you find yourself in this sacred retreat, through Master El Morya, Chohan to the first ray, you are surrounded in this beautiful red flame of empowerment, taking yourselves into deeper levels of trusting and surrendering to the Divine.

And now you find yourselves in Master Kuthumi’s Spiritual Retreat in Kashmir, and Dal Lake, in Srinagar, Kashmir. Master Kuthumi, the Chohan to this second ray of Love and Wisdom, connects now through your Heart’s Temple, and the Cosmic Heart of All Creation, anchoring and activating these beautiful second ray qualities, in this blue, golden and yellow flame of Light. As you connect through each one of these Spiritual Retreats and Master Beings of Light you further connect into the appropriate Stargate portals of Light.

And now Paul the Venetian comes forward to welcome you to his Spiritual Retreat, Temple of the Sun, in New York City. Paul the Venetian is the Chohan to the third ray of Divine Intelligence, and you are surrounded now in this beautiful yellow and pink flame of Light, taking you into the higher mind wisdom teachings of Light.

And now you are invited into Serapis Bey’s Spiritual Retreat in Luxor, Egypt, through the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict, activating the higher creative qualities of this ray through your body and energy field, surrounded in this beautiful emerald-green flame of Light.

You now find yourselves in Master Hilarion’s Ascension Retreat in Crete, Greece, surrounded in this beautiful orange flame through the fifth ray of Concrete Knowledge, aligning the physical bodies, the emotional and mental bodies, to a deeper level of knowledge, wisdom and Light.
And now you find yourselves in the Ascension Retreat of Sananda and Lady Nada, in Saudi Arabia, through the sixth ray of Devotion and Idealism, in this beautiful indigo flame of Light. As you take on these qualities of devotion and idealism you experience a greater level of your own Christed Light, sweet ones; of the knowledge and Light and wisdom that you hold, as these Master Beings of Light.

And now St Germain comes forward, inviting you into his Spiritual Retreat in Transylvania, Romania. As you enter into this Spiritual Retreat now, you find yourselves surrounded in this beautiful violet Flame of Light through the seventh ray of Ceremonial Magic, this flame of transmutation, this flame of transformation.

And now, sweet ones, Archangels Michael and Faith invite you into their Spiritual Retreats in Banff, and Lake Louise in Canada. As you enter into this Spiritual Retreat you take on a deeper level of the understanding of the Will of God, in clear communication, in expression, in the utterance of your spiritual reality, as these spiritual warriors of Light, knowing when to step forward in Love and wisdom, and when to step back in Divine Love.

And now, sweet ones, Jophiel and Christine come forward to take you into their Spiritual Retreat south of the Great Wall, near Lanzhou, in north central China. As you experience within this Spiritual Retreat a deeper level of the wisdom of God, and connect to the appropriate Stargate portal of Light, the left and right hemispheres of your brain are re-calibrated, the pituitary, pineal and hypothalamus glands expand in increased frequencies of Light.

Chamuel and Charity now invite you into their Spiritual Retreat, in Saint Louise, Missouri, in the United States. As you enter into this Ascension Seat, give your Love and thanks.

You find yourselves now in the Ascension Seat of Gabriel and Hope. This Spiritual Retreat is between Sacramento and Mount Shasta, in California, and brings through the Purity of God. You experience this purity through the innocence of yourselves, sweet ones, in the Return to Original Innocence, as you merge with your Beloved I AM Presence and all 144 Soul Rays of which you are one.

And now Raphael and Mother Mary invite you into their Spiritual Retreat in Fátima, Portugal, where you experience a deeper level of the Science of God. As this is activated through the third eye in particular, you have a deeper understanding of quantum physics, of science and mathematics, and geometries of Light and how this connects into a deeper level of your own spirituality as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, and the miracles too that occur in your everyday lives, sweet ones; the miracle of Life, through the gift of science and spirituality.

And now you find yourselves in the Spiritual Retreat of Uriel and Aurora in the Tatra Mountains south of Krakow, in Poland. You experience the Peace of God in this sacred Spiritual Retreat, sweet ones, peace and harmony and stillness within, as you experience a deeper level of the void, of moving into this black hole, and this abyss, of this Galactic Alignment of Light and through these appropriate Stargate portals of Light, to the Cosmic Heart of All Creation, to the no-time and no-space ever-present continuum of Divine Love, sweet ones.

Zadkiel and Amethyst now invite you into their Spiritual Retreat in Cuba, where you experience the Freedom of God, the freedom of expression of your spiritual natures, the freedom to show yourselves, the freedom of the utterance of your spiritual realities and Divine Love in clear communication, in healthy boundaries and discernment, of seeing through your Master eyes at all of Life around you, sweet ones.

And now the Mighty Elohim, focusing on the consciousness of Light, invite you into their Spiritual Retreats. Hercules and Amazonia invite you into their Spiritual Retreat, Half Dome, in Sierra Nevada, California; and as you enter in to this sacred Spiritual Retreat of Light, the throat chakra is activated now in higher communications of Light, finding your voice and soul note, finding a deeper expression of yourselves in sound, in communication, in frequency, sweet ones. This Golden Age of Light is about clear communication, and soul expression and this is gifted to you through this Spiritual Retreat of Light.

And now you experience the Spiritual Retreat of Apollo and Lumina, and the appropriate Stargates of Light through their Spiritual Retreat in Western Lower Saxony in Germany. The crown chakra and heart chakra are activated. The crown chakra through this Golden Age of Light in One Unity Consciousness further activates the heart chakra, as you connect to all Life in One Unity Consciousness, as you let go of any hurts and betrayals, and the wounding of your Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits, sweet ones.

You experience a deeper level of wholeness through your Heart’s Temple, of seeing your Divine Masculine archetype of Light to the right of you, your Divine Feminine archetype of Light to the left of you, merging these archetypes of Light within your Heart’s Temple, experiencing yourselves in Divine Love in all aspects of your Life as you merge now too, with all your dimensional Selves, and your Soul and Star families of the Light.

And now you are invited into the Spiritual Retreat Center of Heros and Amora, in Lake Winnipeg, in Canada. As you enter into this Ascension Seat and experience the Love of Heros and Amora, through the third ray of Divine Intelligence which activates the crown chakra now, you experience this recalibration between the left and the right hemispheres of the brain and a deeper understanding through these Stargate Portals of Light of the Higher Mind Teachings from the Inner Plane Ashrams, from the Schools of Learning, and from the Temples of Light; these initiations, kabbalistic teachings, sacred geometries and rays. All this is activated and actualized through your body and energy field in this Now, sweet ones, in this Ascension Seat Overlighted by Heros and Amora.

And now you experience the Ascension Seat of Purity and Astrea, in the Gulf of Archangel, in the White Sea, in Russia. This takes you into a deeper level of connecting to all aspects of your Higher Light, by finding harmony and creativity, and your purpose and passion as you see clearly through the Christed Timelines, sweet ones. The Christed Timelines connects you to your future Selves and your past Selves and you merge with your future and past Selves now.

These timelines that you can change any event through the frequency of Divine Love, and this Highest Light of who you are, is the Highest Potential that you experience now as you align into your original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint, the egg of Life, and focus once more on this beautiful Golden Flower of Life as it comes in around you, 54 feet in diameter all around you.

And now you experience the Spiritual Retreat Center of Cyclopea and Virginia in the Altai Range where China, Siberia and Mongolia meet, near Tabun Bogdo. Again this ray activates a deeper level of the Science of God, and how this is experienced in your lives, sweet ones, in finding balance in all areas of your Life. In finding balance through the physical body, in looking after the body, meditating, eating well, and exercising; creating the stimuli that takes you into the deeper areas of knowledge, and indeed wisdom, through the activation and remembrance through the Christed Timelines and parallel realities of having done this before, sweet ones ~ of not only ascending and having ascended but additionally in having so many gifts ~ gifts that you have experienced in these parallel realities are yours for the taking in this Now, sweet ones ~ the gifts of the Universe.

And know you find yourselves in the Spiritual Retreat in the Hawaiian Islands, through the Overlighting of Peace and Aloha. As the solar plexus chakra is activated you let go of any perceived conflict in your Life, as you connect into the higher dimensions and through these Stargate portals of Light, you forgive and Love.

You come into deeper levels of compassion, and understanding, and clearing of these karmic timelines Now, through all timelines, parallel realities and dimensions, canceling old contracts, creating anew the Soul Contracts of Divine Love, and magnetizing and bringing into your reality those of an equal and greater Light, your Soul and Star families, and communities of Light, sweet ones, that you can work with, and exist in community and harmony with.

Lastly you are invited into the Spiritual Ascension Retreat of Arcturus and Victoria, near Luanda in Angola. As you experience this Spiritual Ascension Retreat through the Overlighting of Arcturus and Victoria, you understand that this gateway is a great Gateway of Change and you can transmute and transform all that you need to in this Now, sweet ones. As your twelve-body chakra system, and the chakra system of Mother Earth aligns in this Cosmic Galactic Alignment of Light, as you experience these twelve dimensions of Light, as you experience the full activation of your twelve-strand DNA and all these keycodes through the Stargate portals and the new Earth Templates and crystalline geometries of Light, you again activate the 33 silver Cosmic Christ Holographic discs along the spinal column through the 33 vertebrae.

Move your body from side to side and backwards and forwards to facilitate this process of the full integration of your sensory system and central system and nervous system in this grand Galactic Alignment of Light, sweet ones.
And as you come back now into your sacred space, you bring a focus once more to your Light

Body/Merkaba Field, to this beautiful Golden Flower of Life coming in 54 feet in diameter around you; as you align into the Inner Earth Sun, the Sun, the Central Sun, and Great Central Sun, and now into your Heart’s Temple, the inner Golden Solar Sun Disc of Light within your hearts. Sweet ones, you will experience your Light Body/Merkaba being amplified in these Light frequencies more and more as you experience this new Golden Age of Light, and experience too now a deeper sense of the connection into all Life in One Unity Consciousness and Divine Love through the Light Body/Merkaba activation of Mother Earth.

As we end this session with you, sweet ones, we share with you that you have the ability to program your Light Body/Merkaba with any number of programs that you so desire, so as you end this session knowing how you can truly assist in God’s work as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, you will now program different and wonderful programs into your Light Body/Merkaba Field, so you now state “I wish to program my Light Body/Merkaba with the following programs ~ I wish to program my Light Body/Merkaba to be invisible except to Beings of the highest order of Divine Love through the Realms of Illumined Truth.

For I am a Master Being of Love, and sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Light, and I program my Light Body/Merkaba so that it is only seen by Master Beings of Love. I now program into my Light Body/Merkaba that all magnetic fields from computers, televisions and radio stations, from microwave stations and so forth ad infinitum, move around my electro-magnetic field without any electrical or negative interference. I program into my Light Body/Merkaba that all environmental toxins, bacteria, microbes and viruses move around my Light Body/Merkaba. I program into Light Body/Merkaba that all geopathic stress lines and other such negative lines be diverted around my Light Body/Merkaba field. I program into my Light Body/Merkaba that it divert ultra-violet light and other harmful rays around my Light Body/Merkaba field.”

Wonderful, sweet ones. And now as you ground once more into the crystal heart of Mother Earth and the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God in experiencing this grand Galactic Alignment of Light, think about any other programs you may wish to activate that will assist you on your journey into this Golden Age of Light, as this sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love, in service to Mother Earth, and all her Life.

Welcome to this Golden Age of Light, sweet ones, and with this, we bid you a most magical day.

Geplaatst door Méline Lafont pleiade dolphin http://www.blogger.com/profile/13279992401427196572op 8:55 AM http://pleiadedolphininfos.blogspot.de/2012/12/anrita-melchizedek-1...

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  • I'm going to be in Glastonbury for this 21/12 solstice sunrise I'm so excited for the vibe there it's always great and it's going to be real buzzing with loads of people :D
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