Answering the Inner Call to More Life
Divine Ones,
The Light within you knows.
Perpetually expanding through your presence, and ever enriched, this vastness of your being is you….
Emanates into your human form, bringing about this focused experience of being human.
All that is, comes to you, through and because of this inner connection to divine light.
The divine within, the Inner Divine, is your true Self, your Divine Source. The Source of all that is, for you, and the way everything you experience - perceive - in this life, comes into being.
There is more here for you. More than meets the eye, the ears, the touch, the taste, the smell…
There are vibrational expression of you, experienced and relished by all that you are, that are not yet, realized: perceived as real by you.
You make real what you treat as real.
What you perceive comes about because of what you expect and what you believe, what you focus upon and what you talk about.
How you feel is always telling you how in sync you are with All That You Have Become! THE REAL YOU - the fully realized expression of you.
This REAL YOU longs for complete expression in manifest experience. You feel this as the call within you to all kinds of experience that are forms for you to know MORE LIFE, here. Now.
You feel this as desire.
Repeatedly, more and more fully answering these inner calls to more life is a possible choice in lifestyle; a way of being.
To choose this relationship to Life Itself is a skillful relating to your embodiment, one that is centered in your essence and in empowering the Inner Divine to shine forth without controlling, restricting, resisting, or limiting.
It’s a path in which you don’t recede from your peak moments but move into them and expand upon them; claiming them as real.
Learning to answer the Inner Calls to More Life, is learning to hear and trust the Inner Divine. It’s a path of hearing and trusting LIFE ITSELF, from within, from your own knowing.
Some of the keys to this are claiming what you know, opening to your inner greatness, aligning your ways of thinking and being with who you truly are and discovering how to be, talk to yourself, think, support, invite support and live so you can allow yourself to shine.
We’d like to begin to co-create with you around all of this, so you can have more fun. Doing so, you’ll also be demonstrating (and empowering) a new way of living, a new, emergent way of knowing your life here, through a reorientation and new practices of focusing and being, that unleash your inner light.
We hope that if you long for this kind of expansion…
If you feel called to new forms of expression, but not sure it’s not too late, that they’re not too big or unrealistic for you…
If you’re ready to allow your life, your light, your expression, your awareness to move to the next or higher levels of expression…
Or if you simply want to know yourself more fully and experience more joy…
That you will know that this is our current answer, our way to assist.
We know you. We love you. We are you, in vaster expression.
We are Angelic Beings of Light and Love, here in service to the One Light that is All of Creation - Life Itself.
It is our great joy to be here with you!
We hope you’re ready to come out and play.
I AM Archangel Michael, with the Angels Akyraiel, Alorah Mira, Aru-Kiri and the Galactic Dragons…We are the Council of Radiant Light