Antares Stargate Crop Circle
and World Liberation Day


This is the subject I thought I'd ever be posting when I started this blog. I have a friend in Arizona who started channelling angels about a decade ago, which I thought then was pretty strange, but I've known both he and his wife for years, and both are exceptional human beings and beautiful people. They were even pillars in the fundamentalist religion I grew up in. He gave sermons! A gaggle of kids too.  My friends laughed at the change of direction they took into full blown woo-woo.  I knew GW had his encounters as well but that didn't bother me.  For some reason my friend did.

Its one thing when someone you don't know really well tells you something, but for some reason when someone you've grown up with tells you the same thing, its harder to accept.  It the expert from afar syndrome. Jesus ran into this when he preached in his home town, they said "isn't he the carpenter's son?"  Its why many of you have loved ones who find it hard to listen to what you believe.  After all what do you know?

We dis-empower each other every day like crabs in a barrel dragging those who crawl their way out of the matrix back down into the deep dark barrel. The Germans have a word for it, its called schadenfreude, we want people to suffer like us. We tend to take a freeze frame in time of those around us, and we tend to get uncomfortable when they grow beyond our little labelled and categorized boxes that we judged and described them into our life script that is in our minds. That was certainly true of me and my reactions.

Those who loosely refer to themselves as lightworkers are hearing this too, "How dare you say the future is bright! Can't you see the Illuminati want to kill us all?"  Yes, they indeed had dark plans for us and the galaxy, but the very fact that are able to use certain spiritual techniques to advance their evil, implies there is a structure and design to the universe that is very capably limiting the damage they can do (sometimes astonishingly so!). Forces so powerful they can make and unmake worlds as they choose,  but always acting with and through love because Love is all there is. The rest is illusion. Beings that can even erase the very souls of the darkened ones and send it back through for another cycle of evolution if it gets too far out of hand. In computer languages like Java there is a term for a process that recycles unused and wasted memory - garbage collection. The trash is being taken out. Darkness is an aberration - the willful denial and obstruction of love and light. Contrary to some dualistic beliefs, it is not necessary for darkness to define the light, the light is self-existent and not dependent up darkness for its existence.  However the resistance darkness causes, can greatly accelerate the evolution of souls.

I had by that point in my journey seen enough strange unusual things not to mock what he and his wife are doing. But it seemed unusual. He does a lot of those gatherings in Sedona, so some of you might know him, I won't mention his name here - but he's a good guy.

I'm going to do my best with this, this might not be the final version, if I get something wrong I'll update it. I am relating this as best I understand it, which is not very well.  I think I forgot to take ANGEL 101 in college.  So those of you who may understand more than I do in all this bear with me in my somewhat limited expertise in this field.  I do feel the information is significant enough to make sure its posted given today is World Liberation Day.

I met GW Hardin in 1994, through an accidental encounter on the USNET group ALT.DREAMS. USENET groups which were popular at that time on the Internet. They were the fore runner of blogs and social media groups. I've kept in touch via email off and on over the years.  GW is really good at explaining how dreams work, so good I usually can interpret my own now.

GW gave me 3 set of images on April 28th.  One of which I posted to American Kabuki. I group-sourced  interpretations from the bright minds out there to get this solved as rapidly as possible.  All of us are smarter than one of us.  Nobody, not even GW,  was sure what this all meant at that time. GW did not know I ran the American Kabuki blog until last week.

How this all evolved is very strange.  GW has been working with dreams for years and in the mid 1990s started interacting with and writing about angels and the coming age of miracles to mankind. He has written several books and made the New York Times Best-selling author.  GW's protege had a red thumb drive locked in a vault.  It simply disappeared.  An exhaustive search could not locate the drive anywhere.  Then one day his air conditioner went out and lights blinked.  When he went outside to look at the airconditioner, sitting straight on the grass next to the air conditioner was the red thumb drive.  The drive had been teleported out and teleported back.  It contained 3 images, one of which I posted, the crop circle. I was asked to not post the rest until we had more information.  Below is the complete set of images that were on the thumb drive.


I really didn't want to post the last image, the other two posed no issue for me.  Its a well known freemason image, the Rebis.  I grew up in a very fundamentalist Christian setting so my exposure to esoteric symbols was pretty much limited to those I have seen on Tarot cards, and even those are frowned on by Christianity. That in itself didn't bother me, but lately so many people are misunderstanding ancient symbols, either labelling them Illuminati or worse, as in the case of the Star of David, Satanic. Its not! I am sure the Jews are not too thrilled about their gravestones being declared Satanic. Symbols are neutral, its only dark behaviour that is evil. The cross is also an ancient symbol that pre-dates Jesus, but I won't go into that now. Its a thin line you walk with this kind of blog, I don't desire to fuel the hatreds of Nazis or Zionists, yet we all know that both groups are controlled by same people - all the controllers really want is everyone hating each others, cause their illusion is fueled by dark emotions and they will use every means possible to perpetuate the power of their illusion.

Below is the conversation (edited somewhat for privacy) I had with GW about these images and my reservations about posting the Rebis image on my blog. I've decided to post it all and let the chips fall where they do.  I died in 2009, so getting criticized or ridiculed is not such a big deal to me any more after that.  I stopped giving a crap about my ego in 2009, it just got in the way, got me into trouble, and made less capable of loving other human beings.

I encountered the divine during my near death experience.  My great fear of death went away - I knew beyond the doubt that we continue on after the body dies. The fear of death is really the fear the ego has of being discovered its not the true human but just the shell we show people.

Antares Star Gate Crop Circle Meaning 

Received from GW Hardin May 3, 2012

Three of the six Seen-Children of the Avatar-Child have shown up.One of them is boy of about ten years of age, named Micah. He gave more information about the three files I sent you of the Antares cluster (M44), the crop circle, and the Masonic symbol of the Ribes or the Divine Child.

He said through my protege that we are correct about the Antares M44 stargate being a key factor with date of the May 20 eclipse. However, he said there are three critical dates associated with the three symbols: May 5, May 16-18, and May 20-22.

He said the May 5 date (Antares Stargate activation) will align with the global meditation that will occur, in which humanity will manifest through intent and consciousness the return of human power and dignity with the elimination of the consciousness that we have allowed to enslave us.

The May 16-18 date will connect with the Orion Stargate (near Alnilam) that has a wormhole from there to near our solar system.

The Antares Stargate connecting with Orion Stargate will be the second dynamic of a triad that will cause human destiny to be altered forever toward Divine Consciousness and the ending of human slavery by others.

From the day of the eclipse on May 20 to May 22, the third stargate over the Indian Ocean will connect with the other two.

From the Project Looking Glass whistleblowers, we know that there are twelve natural Earth stargates. One of those is over the Indian Ocean.

When these three stargates (symbolized in the crop circle), complete their connection, the intent of the May 5 global event will manifest and anchor into the Earth herself on May 22. From that point on, nothing will be able to stop humanity's Ascension Consciousness.

Micah (a Seen-Child of the Avatar-Child) made a particular point to me personally to get the word out to our world that even though the ET/EDs are significantly assisting humanity, we MUST not see them as the cavalry coming to the rescue. Nothing is further from the truth. And to dwell in such mythology will only slow down our Ascension Journey.

Humanity must understand that we must empower ourselves, see ourselves as the Divine Children we are that the Avatar-Child has chosen to manifest through. The ET/EDs need the miracle of being human to come forth as much as we need this for ourselves. Thus the May 5 global intent is key in our taking ownership of our own rise from the ashes.

You are free to use as much or as little of this email as you wish. You also now have permission to show the other two symbols given by Ancient Elohim as symbolic indicators of what is about to unfold for humanity by humanity. from my heart to yours,
GW Hardin

AK: This has been revised, and may yet be revised again:

AK: The outside of the crop circle contains 9 points, 9 is associated with Divine Completion, for example in the Bahaí Faith the number 9 is revered as being the number of God, their symbol is a nine side star. This is also shared in other belief systems. I believe the outer image is the starting point of the portal message.

The outer ring is Galactic Central Sun which the ETs say The Creator Source power comes into this galaxy, its pointed in the same way human children draw our local Sun with points.  I am assuming for now the circles are in sequence and represent major stars with the one farthest away at the outside edge. 

GW: There is more than one central sun. Our solar system orbits around the Pleides. We are the Seventh Sister of the Peides. The central sun of the Pleiades is Halcyon or Alcyon, and thus our Sun of our sun. Some say our Sol orbits Sirius. But I can find no ETs who corroborate this. The black hole at the center of the Milky Way is not a sun, it's a massive black hole.

AK: Some ET channelings have said each Galaxy center has a star pair of white Sun and black hole.  I believe that is most often stated in the Sirian channelings. Perhaps also in The Law of One Series.

GW: Now that you mention it, Haramein does mention that the black hole has connected to it a "white-whole" which are the creative forces, or suns.

AK: The 2nd ring is the Antares Stargate.

GW: Please look at the diagram I gave you. Antares, Alnilam, and the Earth Stargate are a triad of stargates. The cirlces are holographic representations of the critical date for CHOOSING our path to Ascension Consciousness as well as date determinants.

AK: The 3rd ring is the Alnilam Stargate in the Orion Constellation.  The crop circle has 3 triangles in on the third ring from the outside, this implies there are three wormholes/portals (paths) in the image. Each wormhole requires two star gate connections. 

AK: The center image is a composite, it pictures:
1.) Full Moon of May 5th. Also known as a "Planting Moon"

2.) The solar annular eclipse where the moon passes in front of the sun on May 20. 
GW: The Moon will be a New Moon on May 20... which the angels consider sacred
AK 3.) It also has smaller circle passes the sun which is the Venus transits the Sun on June 6th. June 5th is a Full Moon.  Also known as a "Honey Moon".

4.) I think the pointed circle is Our Sun, also a star gate.

5.) The inner images are best represented by the graph below:. 


Additional Background Information:

Apr 28 (7 days ago)

AK: Here's a list of possible explanations my readers have suggested for the crop circle. (reader comments from blog)

GW: Wow. Impressive....the eclipse and June date are the most likely.

May 3

GW: You are free to use as much or as little of this email as you wish. You also now have permission to show the other two symbols given by Ancient Elohim as symbolic indicators of what is about to unfold for humanity by humanity.

AK: Going to have to sort through this info you gave me and write it up. Do you think the Masonic symbol is key?  I know so many people are spooked about the Masons and Illuminati and their symbols (they see them as magical curses rather than archetypes). Some don't even like the Mogen David [six sided star] now. Do you think it would harm anything if I leave that [Masonic] image (the Rebis) out?

GW: I share your concern. Why lose the message because of the symbol? What the angels told us from the beginning, is that this esoteric information was intended for all of humanity. They picked the seven churches of Asia Minor to give the information to humanity. But instead, the power brokers in the seven churches (Paul's chosen bishops) kept it for themselves to acquire power and influence.

Thus the illuminati were given the angelic information as well, but decided to keep it secret. Not unlike the [technology] patents we know exist that could change our planet much for the better. Yet these gifts of human creation have been kept secret.

The Ancients don't care about who's right and who's wrong. They don't care that the Illuminati created [using] these esoteric symbols. They only want humanity to have the secrets back in their hands. Yet, people choose to go into fear because the secret was touched by the Illuminati. So they live in their fear, which is another term for ignorance.

Two of the original Sevens that the angels chose to bless were Free-masons. I never liked it, but I accepted it. One of them became a longtime friend of mine, 31st degree. Yeah, the message is the key, not the symbols. You walk with wisdom.

AK: So by me filtering the message with Masonic symbol, in the effort to deflect criticisms that will come since the Rebis is a Masonic symbol, would be like me hiding parting of the message then? Is it this paternal instinct that led people down the dark path by creating a self selected elite rather than sharing the information openly?

People are freaking out over the Magen David, Fulford is not helping that misconception, some will no doubt freak over the gender bending/blending Rebis. These sort of esoteric symbols are a 4D/astral archetype right? Symbols as highly data compressed concept? It seems our brains are a symbolic processor of some sorts, dreams are filled with archetypes, as is the metaphors of reverse speech analysis discovered by David Jon Oates. Am I correct in deducing these symbols are either a part of a kind of 4D technology or are that technology (perhaps by harness the computation inherent in the quantum world of qubits, that over time - perhaps because of willful or forced ignorance, became called either occult, magic, and secret society teachings?

Is this unique to 4D or is there something altogether at the higher realms? Its starting to become clear why certain religious prohibitions and superstitions were put in place, it was to maintain control by the elite, who have been in control of the religious institutions. This is tangential, but after reading David Wilcock's article on the Illuminati I keep wondering if the death of Junior Seau was another one of these Illuminati rituals to put fear into the 5/5 event (Seau's jersey was 55). Perhaps I am reading too much into that. We don't know what really killed Junior Seau yet, except for the alleged cell phone text messages (which can be easily faked) so I probably shouldn't speculate on that.

GW: Over the years, you have continued to amaze me with your ability to perceive, to change, to grow, and to transform. Your opening line [above] is prescient. In one sense you are correct in stating that trying to deflect criticism is patriarchal.

However, in another sense there is transcendence in the symbols in the same way that there was holographic information in the parables of Jeshua. No matter where a person was in their comprehension, the parable had something to say. So, yes, the symbols carry a holographic message, but so do my words. As an example. You've heard of the trick that fundamentalists used to use when they had a question they needed an answer to, they would take the Bible and randomly open it to a passage by sticking their finger on the opened page? Well, the reason that works is that some of Scripture is holographic ... the part that wasn't messed with.

But it isn't the only book that can be done with. Years ago, I discovered the same thing could be done with some of my books ... even did a demo of it in a few of my classes. Blows people away. So know that you also carry this. It's why you are a dreamer. It's why the symbols of your dreams are far more reaching than just getting you to try and analyse them. How many times have I told you that some of the symbols in your dreams cannot be analysed? What I'm saying is that you don't need to worry about editing out the symbols in the name of deflecting criticism because you have built into you what I have built into me: an ability to create holographic messages with words.

So if they don't see it in the symbols, they'll get in your writings. One way or the other, the holographic message will come through. These symbols are beyond 4D because human DNA itself can transcend all the way up to 12D. Have you heard of the Duet? It's the Egyptian theology of "As above so below; as below so above." You see this in all the Egyptian architecture, hieroglyphs, landscaping, and city-building. However, the angels say that the Egyptians were incorrect because they saw transcendence itself as dualistic. It isn't. It's monastic. The angels say that the Law of the Universe is "As below so above." And quantum mechanics bears this out.

With any systems that are in entanglement or coherence, the vibration of the higher will move to the vibration of the lower. Everyone thinks that the higher beings are effecting us. Nothing could be further from the truth. When the Creator opened the 3rd dimension to creation, he/she knew that it would ultimately change ALL the higher dimensions. That is now happening.

That's why Source is intent on giving humanity this great chance at choosing at this time. In quantum mechanics there no longer are two states: waves and particles. There are now three. Quantum physicists call those three states (1) waves, (2) particles, and (3) the point of choosing. The reason they did this is that this third state contains both the properties of waves and particles, and at the same time neither. All of the dimensions hold this and more. In higher densities there are still more states (i.e. plasma states), but every single one of the higher densities containing the inherent properties of the 3rd dimension, and all are subject to this property of the 3rd dimension.

This is the symbol of the Divine Hermaphrodite [the Rebis], or the Divine Child ... the Divine Marriage of the two states of Duality ... Divine Masculine/Divine Feminine, on and on and on. What we are metaphorically calling the Avatar-Child or the Divine-Child is in reality the complete transformation of the entire Cosmos via lowly humans. The Elohim, the Elohei Elohim, and the Ancient Elohim all were aware of this when they first created humanity. So don't worry so much about the symbols. Your words are in the symbols and the symbols are in your words. What ultimately counts is what is in you.

AK: So are you saying that even if say someone chooses the offer of the Angels for ascension, and there isn't this threshold, then everyone goes the less desirable ascension route?  Are we (in terms of 3D experience) talking of doing this rapidly, kind of the HOV lane of the freeway kind of thing, or getting stuck in the ascension traffic jam which takes longer and is slightly more frustrating?  They haven't give us munch notice on this have they? Is this a third option?   The Galactic Federation has presented two scenerios, this world will ascend, and humans can chose to match the vibration or not, and at some stage (I don't know when) those who choose to remain in the same state of consciousness move bodily to a world of the same level of consciousness vibration.  Am I correct the angels are offer a third option - as a possible alternative to this light  vs dark war?  I'm a little confused on this.

GW: Your question is biased in its asking. You imply that there is a less desirable or more desirable route. What quantum mechanics has discovered is that Schrodinger's cat is either dead or alive. It doesn't care a hoot about whether it is better to be dead or better to be alive. That's irrelevant.

I am using 3D metaphors so that this Supreme Act of Choosing can have a level of comprehension that will make sense to people who've lived in prison [of duality] all their lives.

All of the metaphoric writing, symbols, and presentation that we are talking about is Kabuki for what really counts: CHOOSING. If we don't tell the story the way we are telling it, people simply won't choose. "Many are called, but few choose."

You can call humanity lazy, or brainwashed, or unaware, or stupid. But the truth is, if you don't give humans a reason to choose, they won't choose. Which gets us right back into the writing on taking responsibility. We don't like being godlike. We'd rather be chattel [someoe else's property]. We have to somehow change that.

AK: I think this is most significant, but I admit I can only dimly grasp the magnitude of the choice at hand.  The toughest thing a human on this planet can do is thank God for the good and THE BAD we've gone through and our hand in them. ...[some people are] still very much in this victim mindset of "everything goes wrong and the world is out to get me".  That mindset gives up responsibility for living to others actions. How we process this adventure is up to us. Good and bad happens to us all.  Mega-millionaires die of pancreatic cancer.  Poor suffering people live long lives.  There's a strange balance in it all somehow. Is there some threshold humanity must reach? Percentage?  Or is it a sorting process one set going one way and other set going the other (as the ET channelings have suggested)?

GW: There it is: the full responsibility to self in choosing to be whole. We are at that critical moment where we can choose to do this collectively ... what Dean calls "coherent consciousness."

AK: Look at what Blossom Goodchild just posted! http://goo.gl/E5Yae  It fits doesn't it?

AK: Isn't the Rebes another name for one of the planets? Mercury? The messenger? Can you clarify for me the meaning of the Rebes in regards to the Crop Circle and Antares or Avatar Child? I'm not sure I have that clear in my mind.

GW: REBIS --from Wiki-- Mercury, the archetype of the "Alchemical Hermaphrodite" or "Divine Child" which is the result of the "Mysterium Coniunctionis" or the sacred marriage between the sun king and the moon queen.

The Divine Child archetype has started to act and will be acting very powerfully in our world in this new Golden Age. Another name for the Hermaphrodite is the Rebis which is the final product; the fully actualized divine child birthed from the alchemical, sacred marriage. See: www.angelfire.com/ct3/ascension/alchemy.html

The Divine Child is the same as the Avatar-Child. I wrote about that in my first article on the Avatar-Child:
In January of 2011 the angels made the first announcement about the Child. They spoke about the coming together of people who would work with the angelic realm at an event in Arkansas. This gathering would require these people to move into a formation, based on sacred geometry that would unite the intent of humans and angels. The number of people needed to create this sacred formation was 333.
The angel said, “Should you number 111 [of those attending the Arkansas event in June], you will bring forth the Masculine aspects of Creation.
Should you number 222, you will bring forth the Feminine aspects of Creation.
Should your number reach 333, you will bring forth the Child of Creation that will grow in the hearts of mankind.”
In April that same year, in another appearance, once again the angels beseeched humanity to come together in strong enough numbers during the summer solstice to allow the Child to come forth, saying, if the numbers were 111 or 222, those numbers “... would bring in the vibrations of the Male and Female. The 333 would bring the Child, which is the new world.”
The reaction to these messages was less than stirring, mostly because few understood the significance. The implication of what the angel had said, though profound, was nonetheless subject to interpretation. Was the Child merely an archetype? If so, then how different might that be from the Jungian archetypal Child (Inner Child)? How can the Child, even an archetypal Child be “the new world”? And why call this archetype the “Child” in one instance and the “Child of Creation” in the other? What could the “Child of Creation” mean?

In previous gathering events, when the angels used gendered terms—Masculine and Feminine, as archetypes—they were referring to the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine—the Metatron and the Shekinah. They openly used these terms for the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine. Did this mean there was a Divine Child? None of these questions were answered because the number of those attending the Arkansas event did not reach 333.

Had humanity missed a golden opportunity? In the third article I go into the manifestations showing up around the Avatar-Child: Three different realms of beings have spoken of the Avatar-Child: the realm of angels, the realm of the Ascended Masters, and the realm of the Elohim. Four different groups of people have witnessed the appearances of the Elohim, one of those groups being Native American. The Elders have been outspoken in what these Creator Beings are saying with regard to humanity’s movement into what they call the Fifth World (Ascension).

Three faces or vibrational densities of the Elohim have been witnessed, each addressing a different level of manifestation of the Avatar-Child, whose archetypal consciousness dwells in what they call the “Golden City.” These Elohim echo the messages of the angels in stating that the highest manifestation of the Avatar-Child shall come through humanity. How many humans? That depends on us. As many as choose to welcome this Ascension Consciousness into our being. However, at some point, critical mass will be achieved and all of humanity will then hold the Avatar-Child within.

The Antares Stargate is where the Ascended Beings from Source are coming from now (what I call the Higher Dimensional Higher Densities or HDHDs). On several blogs you are reading how Source has pretty much taken over the destiny of humanity. No longer were there just ET/EDs playing a significant role as to engagement with the Men of War. The mere fact that the ET/EDs have taken any active role in interfering with plots to start world war or cause human chaos is unheard of.

The Star Trek notion of the "Prime Directive" is an actual edict in place with Earth, because Earth is a freewill planet. The angelic realm, who certain whistle-blowers have intimated sit on the higher councils of the ETs, related to these councils that Source had indicated that the "Prime Directive was no longer in force ... that the ET/EDs could now take an active role in accelerating humanity's destiny into Ascension Consciousness.

Thus we began to see blogs popping up and interviews popping up about the Andromedan Council and the Procyons. But something major happened in March. You saw on certain blogs like Sheldan Nidle and even Divine Cosmos, that it looked like the angelic realm and Source itself was now taking an active role.

This same information came through my protege, which is when these HDHDs (even higher in density--which means light-based-- as opposed to dimensions) began showing up.

Other blogs in April began noting that Source itself seemed to be stepping in to bring an end to human suffering. The Wholeness Blessing I have written about is one indicator of that. There are others.

So the Antares Stargate is the entryway of these Higher Dimensional Higher Densities (HDHDs). I now know that the HDHDs wants humanity to know that we are presently entering this critical time between May 5 and May 22, thus the reason for the picture of the crop circle, which you played a significant role in decoding.

The REBIS is the end result of the Divine Child manifesting in all humans who will allow the Avatar-Child or the Divine Child (another name for the REBIS), to come into their lives. An astrologer told me the significance of the planets in the picture of the Rebis, but I didn't take notes. So when you bring the three pictures together, you have a symbolic story announcing that humanity is about to enter a time of great choice.

We are the holders of our own destiny, in spite of ET/EDs taking an active role. We are coming to the critical point where we get to say the Divine-Yes of the Divine-No with regard to whether we align our beingness with the Avatar-Child, the Divine-Child, the Rebis. If we make that choice during this critical time frame, then we shall determine the best way possible for our entering into Ascension Consciousness. And with that, we can choose to accept the notion of bringing human suffering to and end.

Honestly, people really have a hard time giving up suffering. Seriously. I constantly see that in my work. This is no easy choice we face. If we choose to bring our suffering to an end, then we have to face the inevitable ... responsibility for the kind of world we live in. Most people do not want to be responsible for themselves.

Your life story is an example in spades of that because you chose to become responsible for your divine relationship with yourself and the Oneness that embraces that. I hope this gives you the threads you are asking for. If not, I believe it is important enough to support you in any way I can to continue this dialogue. You certainly have been herculean in supporting me. I trust your instincts, your gifts. If you don't feel the story is strong enough to break, I'm OK with that. One way or another, it will break. I'm not attached to ego thinking it has to come through me. from my heart to yours, GW
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