
In taking steps towards true healing, and of building new relationships, acknowledgement of past choices that were not LIFE-honouring to various groups is hereby offered. I offer these apologies as a representative of the ‘privileged’ society that I was born into:  white, middle-class, North American and male.

AS A GALACTIC/GLOBAL SOVEREIGN HUMAN SHARING THIS PRECIOUS PLANET EARTH/GAIA, I acknowledge that I have made choices to participate in ways of living that have been harmful to our planet and to all upon her.  TO THE LIVING ENERGY SYSTEM THAT IS OUR PLANET EARTH OR GAIA, to our natural environment and to all animals that have suffered as a result of these choices, I OFFER MY SADNESS AND COMPASSION. I ask for forgiveness, that from this moment forward can we begin a new relationship of healing and growing in ONENESS to restore dear Gaia to her original pristine beauty with clean air, water and abundance for ALL!   I AM SORRY.  PLEASE FORGIVE ME.  I FORGIVE MYSELF.  THANK YOU.  I LOVE YOU!
TO MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS WALKING THE PATHS OF FIRST NATIONS, INDIGENOUS AND TRIBAL GROUPS WORLDWIDE that historically have had their roots and traditions in honouring the Earth, and who have been negatively affected by western-world greed, corruption and abuse, MY HEART WEEPS WITH COMPASSION AND SADNESS at what the choices of the white men have brought to your peoples and how we have missed a glorious chance to benefit from the wisdom of your Earth knowledge!   The courage and strength your souls needed to participate in this path of awakening has been challenging and at times dangerous.  We tried to remove the Earth-wisdom from you so you would not remember who you are, and the valuable gifts you were to bring to humanity.  This is changing!  I see your Earth-wisdom awakening in many corners of our planet!  I ask for forgiveness, and that from this moment forward can we begin a new relationship of healing the Earth, re-learning this Earth-wisdom and growing together within the ONENESS. 
May each person receive his or her unique Earth wisdom to begin walking the path of honouring Self, others, our planet and our galactic family!  Thank you for who you are and for what you represent!  I honour you; I thank you; I SEE YOU and I love you all!


TO THE WOMEN OF THE WORLD whose energies, skills, abilities and bodies have been suppressed, oppressed, and subjected to various forms of abuse, including physical, emotional, mental and spiritual:  I OFFER MY COMPASSION and SADNESS that your contribution to humanity’s evolution has been denied its fullest expression of the Divine Feminine within LIFE.  I’m sorry for whatever choices I have made that have perpetuated this condition, and I ask for forgiveness from the Divine Feminine worldwide.  I celebrate this awakening of the deeper Divine Feminine within all aspects of LIFE at this time, and celebrate this awakening with all of you!  May we enter into a new harmonious balance of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine that honour the energies that are a part of both physical bodies in the creation of a new Earth.  Thank you to the courageous souls who brought this truth forward into consciousness, and THANK YOU to those of you strong enough to find the compassion and forgiveness to release and heal all that is crying out to be healed at this time!  May we dance together in joy, Light and love!  I honour you; I thank you; I SEE YOU and I love you all!
TO THE MEMBERS OF THE LESBIAN AND GAY COMMUNITIES WORLDWIDE, I OFFER MY SADNESS AND COMPASSION that there have been those among us who are still continuing to make you ‘wrong’ in having this particular experience within the ONENESS of LIFE.  I honour your courage and service!  You are examples that love exists beyond what has traditionally been taught to us, and love need not be confined to purely the heterosexual experience.  Love exists at a deeper level, and the courage that all of you have shown in creating awareness, while still retaining your gentle nature without significant rebellion demonstrates further what you are contributing to humanity’s evolution at this time. I ask for your forgiveness of any actions I may have knowingly or unknowingly contributed to holding all of you back from you having the fullest, LIFE-honouring experiences of yourselves at this time!  I invite your energies to assist this vision in raising the energies of our planet, in creation of a LIFE-honouring love, in all of its glorious expressions!  I honour you; I thank you; I SEE YOU and I love you all! 
TO ALL WHO ARE VISIBLE MINORITIES, REGARDLESS OF WHERE THEY ARE IN THE WORLD OR THOSE OF THIRD-WORLD COUNTRIES, who have been repressed and oppressed, I OFFER MY SADNESS, COMPASSION that there are those within western-based societies that have taken advantage of your people and your cultures.  It is my inner knowing that your souls came with knowledge of what would happen at this time, and I honour your courage in serving your truth, to assist humanity and the ONENESS in moving further beyond, toward a knowing of what love IS, through our historical experiences of what love has not been.   I ask for forgiveness, and invite you to move forward, if you are willing to choose so, in creating something better for our world.  May we create this new Earth together.  I LOVE YOU ALL!
TO ALL THE RELIGIONS OF THE WORLD, I acknowledge that the vision represented by this work MAY appear as a threat to some of your beliefs.  I ask for your open-mindedness to what we are co-creating.  Within the ONENESS, there are truths that link all religions to a common Divine Energy, and there have been acts within all faiths of separating people, and keeping people living in fear.  IT IS NOW TIME FOR THIS TO PASS.  Religious faiths have been incomplete in their message, and a time is now here to come together in ONENESS to co-create a harmonious environment, while still being able to honour those who wish to continue practicing and celebrating their faiths.  As all are being called to do at this time, so too are religions worldwide being called to evolve.  ALL faiths are invited to help co-create a new Earth, if you are willing to choose this!  I LOVE YOU ALL!
TO THE CHILDREN OF THE WORLD WHO DESERVE OUR DEEPEST APOLOGIES:  OUR CHOICES HAVE NOT BEEN LIFE-HONOURING for your future. Parents were given the responsibility to bring you into this world and raise you.  The world we created made it too difficult for most parents to give you the love, guidance and example that you needed them/us to be. We cannot expect you to simply grow up and be better than we have been, without having given you an example to aspire towards being. Many of us ARE trying!!  We understand your anger, and you do have every right to experience and share those emotions.  However, as very unique souls having chosen to come into the world at this time, you came knowing what was happening, and you DO have it within your memory to awaken to your individual truth, and to be the example of love and forgiveness that many in the older generations are having difficulty being.  I SAY HERE AND NOW THAT I AM TRULY SORRY TO ALL THE CHILDREN OF THE WORLD; that we have taken away so many opportunities for you to fully experience yourselves, even though I also maintain that we DO have the opportunity in creating a new Earth to learn to co-create together.  Will you accept my apologies, on behalf of all people, and share a new loving energy in co-creating a new Earth that will benefit ALL LIFE?   I honour you; I thank you; I SEE YOU and I love you all!
TO THE MEMBERS OF OUR GALACTIC FAMILY who are here to help Earth and those of humanity who are ready to awaken:  More and more are becoming aware of your existence and desire to assist us.  I speak on behalf of humanity that we look forward to a day very soon when we can meet and interact with you at any time, without fear, and with a pure desire to know, learn and understand your people, your worlds, and the universe-at-large.  I OFFER MY SADNESS AND COMPASSION that some of you have been harmed and/or killed by certain dark forces that seek to hide this truth from the world. 
No longer do we wish that information be kept hidden from us by elitist power structures, and we ask for all assistance that is allowed within Divine/Universal Law, to help lift Earth through these evolutionary challenges, and assist us with information and technologies that will build a universal community based in the energies of love and ONENESS and prevent further suffering on this planet. I am personally looking forward to meeting you, working with you, helping to introduce you, travelling with you and learning from you!  I honour your commitment to us!  I thank you; I SEE YOU and I LOVE YOU ALL!
Finally, TO THE MEMBERS OF THE ELITIST POWER STRUCTURES AND OUR INSTITUTIONS OF LEADERSHIP INCLUDING GOVERNMENT, RELIGION AND BUSINESS:   Your time of controlling the global society is over.  You are fearful now of losing all that you have collected, at the expense of other humans and at the expense of this planet that sustains us.  This cannot continue. In the past, we have judged your actions as ‘wrong’, when in fact your choices and actions brought us the very opportunities to choose to be the Light.  I AM SORRY for my part in  making all of you ‘wrong’ within the ONENESS of LIFE. I choose to say to you that I know you have forgotten who you are, and that your actions were a gift to us to know ourselves as spiritual beings.  We allowed these choices of dishonouring LIFE to continue without awakening to our true nature.  I, and any readers choosing to do so, send energies of love to each and every one of you, that you may awaken to the choices you are now making, and realize that in hurting others you are also hurting yourselves.  Step into your full awareness, and relinquish your power structures, that we may co-create a higher vision for ALL of LIFE, for the Highest Good of all involved!  I SEE YOU, and the Light within you!  I thank you for the awakening you have offered me, and I send love to each of you to remember your own Light within! 
To ALL who read this: hold these words deeply within you, if it is meaningful for you to do so, and do your part to help lift the energies of our planet into a space where we need not experience catastrophic disasters in order to balance the energies, and live in harmony.   
 Global peace and healing begins with a choice – a choice made by YOU!!   

Geoffrey West

*Lecturer/Writer – A Greenprint For LIFE, Galactic, Global, and Inner Peace/Healing
*Radio host: ‘The Awakening Wanderer’ on BBS Station One  (soon to come)
*LIFE Counsellor

M.A., Peace Education, UN-mandated University for Peace, Costa Rica
B.A.A., Radio and Television Arts, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada

WEBSITE:     www.greenprintforlife.org
EMAIL:          geoff@greenprintforlife.org
SKYPE:           greenprint4life

A Greenprint For LIFE -- Galactic, global, and inner peace/healing begins with a simple choice ~ a choice made by YOU!!


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Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything Health Related
"More exposing of Covid here as it's mentioned here Covid was Man made and how this all points back to Dr. Fauci and his gain of function research. The sooner Fauci is put away the better. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcxM5KN9jVA"
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"More exposing of Covid here as it's mentioned here Covid was Man made and how this all points back to Dr. Fauci and his gain of function research. The sooner Fauci is put away the better. https://youtu.be/tcxM5KN9jVA?si=RqSJiwV2kgAsNCjO"
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Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything Health Related
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"Dr. Simone Gold comes on to the X22 Report to talk about the lies of the Covid Scamdemic. She talks about how everything we were told about masks and social distancing was a lie. She will also talk about how she was threatened for treating her…"
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