April~May Light-bridge 2020


Green and reddish coloured orb appears above Mars, April 22nd 2020.

Dear Friends,

Love and heart hugs to everyone, through this intense phase of Earth’s Ascension, and to those who feel the inner call, thank you for continuing to anchor Universal Love into the planetary light-grids and collective energy field, through the rigours of pandemic and other pressurized energies in personal, social and global fields of vibration. We see golden-white light around all of humanity, all around the Earth, lifting, centering, rebirthing all energies into love and harmony.

As we flow toward the completion of the current ‘Venus Light arc’ described in previous posts, through a Venus~Mercury conjunction on May 22nd, we’ll reflect back to April 22nd for a moment, the final 444 (22-4-2020 = 444) of this year, which aligned a stream of light codes from galactic centre into the Earth’s vibrational field, acting as a light bridge through to the May 22nd anchorpoint and beyond, within this ongoing flow of convergence that culminates in planetary ascension.

From our perspective, the Earth’s vibration soared during the night of April 22nd, during the peak of the Lyrid meteor shower, and also in relation to Mars, through the lightwork of cooperating groups (securing the light field of Mars/Aris from attempted disruption). We can’t talk very much about this at the moment, but the beautiful orb at the top of this post came through a photo in the early hours of April 23rd, in vivid green and red-hued colours. Mars is the bright light at the bottom of the frame, with the orb above, and in the enlargements below, the two figures walking on the ground (Mars) are my Twin Flame in his 5D expression, Arnap, with our star brother Ash’Tar Ka’ree. The green light flowing all around and above them represents the love vibration of the heart chakra (emerald green), and the continued strengthening and renewing of Mars’ heart vibration.



Arnap and Ka’ree’s presence in this Mars orb represents the Ashtar Command and Jupiter Command’s combined focus into a deeper clearing and stabilization of Mars’ energy field, which has reverberated back to Earth, defusing more unascended ‘martial’ war/control imprints and specific AI etheric constructs that much of the human collective is at present (mostly unconsciously) energizing and validating. The Ascension Council and connected fleets are constantly aware of vibrations in and around the Earth’s field and Solar System, and wherever dense imprints and constructs become energized enough to heavily influence the planetary ascension trajectory, energies are transmuted. From this higher dimensional view, they/we are working with planetary, stellar and galactic nodal alignments that present opportunities to dissolve distortions and enhance the overall light vibrations in the field…and throughout 2020, these alignments are frequent and power-packed!

On April 22nd, at ground level we focused with this stabilizing vibration as two of the Lyrid meteors zipped overhead here (with the second meteor visible in the photo below, and rainbow orb projecting transformational light to its right).


Lyrid meteor passing overhead on April 22nd 2020, with a large rainbow-coloured orb lower right.

In the April Update, we mentioned how the Lyrids, in their higher dimensional apsect, transmitted a subtle ‘stream’ of universal light codes, which translate through the mirror numbers 27-72 into this galaxy, as they brushed by the Earth’s atmosphere at 27 miles per second. And how this led into a galactic central code activation through Venus to Earth, with Venus at her brightest this year on April 27th 2020, with exactly 27% of her disc illuminated. This particular ‘in-flow’ of Venusian ascended vibrations came into heightened focus through the Venus~Moon conjunction on April 26th, and you can see in the photo below that Venus and the Moon were also in straight alignment to the red star Aldebaran, alpha star of Taurus, that night.


The Moon in conjunction with Venus (lower right), in alignment with the red star Aldebaran, alpha star of the Taurus constellation, to the upper left, April 26th 2020.

As Star Family amplified the uplifting vibration of harmony, love and warmth activated through this alignment, the lightship Lei’hua gave a huge flash beside the Moon as she sent a light-pulse, clearing energies in the sublunar field and opening a pathway for the Venusian~Taurean light.


During the Venus-Moon conjunction, the lightship Lei’hua ~ the ship Ashura&I, in our 5D forms Arnap & Rowena, are bringing to Earth from our mothership, the Meri’Ashar ~ gave a huge flash beside the Moon, signifying she was working with the energies of this alignment, on April 26th 2020.

In the next photo, a huge orb expanded from Venus as her light became rose-white hued, toward the Moon. The focused beam of Soul light from Venus to the Moon, and into the sublunar Earth field and light-grids, was so strong in that moment! With the orb turned around and contrast increased, the Soul of Venus can be seen in her Divine Feminine form, with green light all around her, like the green heart chakra light washing over Mars in the photo above. In this Venus orb, however, deep rose light of many variations from carmine through to violet-plum colours is radiating outward from her form in the centre of the Venus orb. Her head is crowned with a white crescent that extends into long ‘cow horns’, symbolizing her soul connection to Taurus, and how she is receiving, anchoring and radiating the ascended Taurean energies of stability, beauty and peaceful harmony (Aldebaran, the Hyades and Pleiades cluster are all within the Taurus constellation) to the Earth, via her overlighting, guiding soul connection to Gaia.




Massive orb expands from Venus toward the Moon during their conjunction, April 26th 2020.

Earth’s energy field and collective consciousness has been steadied in synchronicity with Mars, embraced through the lovelight of Venus and many connected stars, through late April, flowing into May. As the loving focus of so many ascended Star groups is constantly interweaving and shifting through many roles and missions supporting Ascension, incredibly beautiful ‘meetings and mergings’ are reflecting in orbs this year. In the flow of Taurean energies into May, a high vibrational purple-blue orb that appeared among raindrops on May 4th, radiated a vibrant combined soul signature of Sirian and Hyadean star groups. This small but concentrated orb can be seen just above the treetop in the centre of the photo, radiating a purple halo. Can you see/feel how its subtle vibration ‘stands out’ from the rain orbs and droplets around it?


Purple-blue soul orb of Sirian & Hyadean vibrations appears above a tree amidst rain orbs and droplets, May 4th 2020.

In the enlargement, two distinct soul group vibrations can be seen coming through this orb, melded together in unity, with a face in purple-blue light on the left, showing leonine-humanoid features, and the face on the right in royal blue and light blue, with cow horns.



Several more of these tiny blue-purple light flashes appeared that night, each one a symbolic ‘window’ into a lightship, showing blue humanlike beings seated around a small table (on the left, with a white object on the table their attention is focused upon) and on the right, standing, with their faces and upper bodies visible.



The beautiful clarity of forms and vibrations within orbs, clouds, and all manner of ways light beings (and our own higher selves and soul families) utilize to visually communicate with us and activate us in this Earth plane, continues to deepen as this density keeps converging with the higher dimensions…and higher dimensional light qualities and presences shine through ever more brightly, in more detail.

One way this convergence itself symbolizes is through what appears as ‘dimensional folds’ in the sky. The fold below appeared on April 18th as the energies were building up to April 22nd…a translation into the 4D plane of the folding and merging of higher dimensional frequencies into this reality (with a reiteration here, that Ascension isn’t a splitting of realities or ‘timelines’ into a unified New Earth and disharmonic old Earth or other planet, or a split into a light universe/dark universe, it’s a natural reunification into love, unity and higher harmony of all energies that appear to be split, fragmented, or pitted against each other). Higher dimensions from 5D+ are unified, in oneness with universal love, and love is the most coherent, cohesive vibration in the Omniverse. As energies and timeline variables imbued with disharmony or incoherence magnetize into the fold that represents the zero-point of infinite love, through which the Ascension pathway aligns, those variables smooth, soften and cohese into that love. They transform into the unified Flow, which radiates and expresses through love as soul expressions, forms and creations in well-being, in divine alignment. Fighting, blocking, splitting or trying to control Love melts into the fold, reharmonized through the zero-point of transformational Convergence.

Dimensional fold visible in the sky on April 18th 2020.
The effects of these uplifting vibrations and heightened ‘fold moments’ around the Earth can also be seen in the peaks of late April’s Schumann Resonances (record of changes in the electromagnetic resonance in the extremely low frequency spectrum of the Earth’s field), which climbed to 110 hz on April 20th, and a high 140hz on April 23rd. (The Earth’s electromagnetic fluctuations have tangible, physical catalysts, such as lightning, solar storms etc, but from a multi-dimensional perspective, there are more subtle contributors at work too, including at the human level, collective unified, loving vibrations, and if you’re interested, you can read about Schumann Resonances in relation to collective coherence and altered states of consciousness at the HeartMath Institute).
Another sign of increasing convergence is, to those currently attuning in this way, clearer and more detailed appearances of closely connected soul family and friends, lightships, higher dimensional soul expressions (and for some in particular roles and missions, transdimensional connections and meetings). On the night of May 5th, a blissful sequence ‘unfolded from the fold’ overhead here, which began with Ashurana (our merged One Flame, which expresses as Twin Flame Ashura&Irana, and through many soul expressions) approaching as a plume of golden-white light, symbolically through a narrow gap between trees (ie; through a precise pathway) and forming into an angel.
In the next frame, where our angel-light had coalesced, a small green-white light projected aboved the cloaked Lei’hua lightship. When enlarged, Arnap (Ashura’s 5D form) can be seen seated in a chair, with his hands on arm-rests, wearing deep green, with white light radiating upward from the floor.
He then decloaked the Lei’hua in her golden-white diamond light, and crossed over the sky to the south, where the ship shone brightly for a few seconds. In the enlargement below, you can see the interior light of her centre, with a rosy tint wrapped around, and green light radiating from the ship’s central Core Crystal (Arnap is also standing there, in the centre of the ship, in his green suit).
Lei’hua lightship decloaked, with her interior higher dimensional diamond light qualities visible, sending love and healing vibrations to Earth, May 5th 2020.
Here’s the Lei’hua again, just above the star Canopus, showing her 5D crystalline light form, as a seamless, glowing white-gold disc. I see subtle golden shimmers constantly running through her walls, floors and ceilings, with streams of light language and codes flowing through the shimmers, as the whole ship is ‘aware’ (as a natural extension of our consciousness, with everyone on board, currently around 400) and in continuous communication with the Meri’Ashar mothership through its Core Crystal (actually, the Core Crystals of all ships in the Ashtar Command fleets are in constant vibrational connection/dynamic resonance with the golden Core Crystal of Ashtar’s ship, the Phoenix, flowing in unified energy and synergy).
The Lei’hua decloaks above Canopus, golden-white light with a touch of rose, April 11th 2020.

We’re thrilled to share that at this stage, areas within the Lei’hua and some other lightships coming in at the ‘front of the wave’ are being fitted/adapted for Earth human visitors to come on board, physically, at the right moment(s). We’ll hope to share more details about this soon, but for now, keep holding the vision of landings and meetings with Star Family of Universal Love, assisting the planetary Shift into freedom in love, peace, wholeness and joy. The more, the better! We all have the ability to keep lifting our vibration at this level, embracing infinite love in our hearts, radiating it through our beings to All, through all the tensions and pressures in this plane. We’re in this together, galactically speaking, and have all the support in the universe.

Love, Peace & Joy to All,



Orb of rose light with a hint of blue, Archangel Haniel’s vibration, flowing through Rowena’s vibration (my/our 5D soul expression, now on board the Lei’hua), that appeared in a softly rose-tinted nightsky, while anchoring Venus energies on May 7th 2020.

*We’ll share a meditation focus for May 22nd’s Venus~Mercury Conjunction, which anchors the current arc of Venusian inflowing Light, at the LoveLight Circle very soon, all very welcome to join in if this resonates for you.

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  • We have a meditation focus during May 21st-22nd, with a very close conjunction right now of Mercury and Venus. If you feel an inner call to hold this focus, there's a meditation here:

    Mercury~Venus Meditation May 22nd 2020

    Blessings <3

    Mercury~Venus Meditation May 22, 2020
      Greetings dear LoveLights  🙂 Thank you all for your loving presence as we continue anchoring the high vibrations of light-coded alignments rolling…
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