Stop and reward yourself at times for the paths you are walking.
As everything is revealed at full speed, while you are confronting everything, you took your real power in your hands. You tried to understand, accept with all your power facing everything.
As the moon gets bigger, this week leading to the full moon, you will be feeling the female energy that is awakening and spreading.
The old Male energy can no longer dominate the new Female energy.
We had mentioned that the old concepts, patters would transform, the old male energy and the old female energy is now transforming, reaching their essence.
You are at a period where the dominance of the female energy is uniting with its other part, its masculinity.
This is why abundance, creativity, subconscious work is important, purification work is continuing and you are making the best of this period.
You are witnessing the meeting of the Female and Male energy inside you.
Some that still hold on to old patters may be experiencing this period more as power games, yet the period is progressing at the most positive way.
When you connect with the female energy inside as man or woman, when you activate it, together with the healing on a subconscious level, the start of abundance and the flow, the waking of creativity and intuition and you will be healing Mother Earth as well as yourself.
When you learn to collaborate in the new system, you will start to manifest everything, materializing it.
This week intend on the clearing to continue in these patters while the healing keeps pouring in, for these energies to meet. Inhale and exhale many breaths while you this work, as you breathe in and out, the remainder residues, dust will fly away, and when they move from where they are, they will disappear.
During the full moon bless, celebrate your femininity.
Know that we hear you at the times when you say you need a miracle, pay attention to the ideas, inspirations we give to you as replies.
For this, give yourselves quite moments, just listen. We are with you.
Love and Light
ArchAngel Ariel