Sent by: Inakshi
Sensitivity is a beautiful and powerful gift, and there is no such thing as being "too sensitive".
Your sensitivity helps you know the truth about situations and people and it is important for you to trust and follow these hunches, intuitions and impressions.
Spend some time alone in nature to further develop your sensitivity. Avoid harsh situations and chemicals.
Invoke ARCHANGEL HANIEL and ask her to help you choose life-affirming foods, beverages, companions and activities.
Know that it is safe for you to feel deep emotions as they are a part of your sensitivity.
Honor your sensitivity as it acts as a referral point and it is on the basis of that , you are able to make important life decisions.
Wishing everyone an empowering day.
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Love, Light and Blessings ,
Centre deeply in your heart, trust yourself, centre with Gaia, connect with her heart and the Heart of the Source, then it can be both possible and wondrous to be ultra sensitive in the midst of (the transient vibrations of) dense energies....
Love, Light & Peace to you Amparo and 1 Darkstar. Shine your Light, free of fears <3
Yes, but it's hard to be sensitive, and I'm ULTRA sensitive.
Beautiful truth takes great trust and a particular kind of strength to keep our sensitivity open amid dense, harsh vibrations without being overwhelmed. From personal experience, coming into that centrepoint of true unconditional trust of Divine Love and Purpose unfolds internal miracles.... <3