In Archangel Metatron’s previous Capsule of Wisdom No 90 he focused upon the Sacral Chakra and its importance in the ascension of all. Archangel Metatron now brings for a channelling and guided meditation in Capsule No 91 focused upon the purpose and development of the Throat Chakra in your everyday life, as well as in manifesting the Era of Love for your own experience.

Archangel Metatron explains the connection between the Throat Chakra, Heart Chakra and Third Eye Chakra as well as sharing ideas to development the truthful expression of your Throat Chakra, voice and the wisdom you share. This is a very powerful concept that Archangel Metatron brings forth as it encourages us to truly become divine expressions of the Creator enhancing our connection with our soul. To me, Capsule of Wisdom No 91, brings forth a powerful journey of exploration and discovery, walking hand in hand with your soul, while encouraging your physical body and actions to resonate with and be born from the soul; the truth of the Creator.  This is a wonderful experience to empower yourself, to enhance connection with your soul, to understand yourself more fully and to exist as an expression of your soul on all levels of your being. Your soul is waiting to express its t rue authentic voice through your being, allow yourself to open up in acceptance and embodiment of your soul.

I do hope you enjoy,

Many blessings,Natalie

by The Golden Light Channel

Capsule of Wisdom No 91

By Natalie Glasson,

Expressing Your True Soul Voice in Everyday Life

Working with the Throat Chakra to Connect with and Express the True Vibrations and Wisdom of your Soul

  from Archangel Metatron

1st April 2015

  Download Now

  View Past Capsules of Wisdom


Workshop Audio Recording
Accelerate Your Ascension

Transform & Align Your Self with the Dimensions of the Creator, Experience Your Natural Divine Trinity to Heal Yourself and the Earth.

Support Tremendous Ascension Shifts for the Earth

With Saint Germain, Archangel Metatron and Sacred Friends

Channelled Workshop through Natalie Glasson of the Sacred School of OmNa

We are all beings of light, love and sacred sound vibrations existing on an Earth which is ascending with speed and vigour. With each day we have opportunities to move from illusion into light, love and truth, healing our beings and developing the expression of the Creator.  This is an opportunity to achieve further activations and sacred shifts for yourself and the Earth. Your focus, devotion and understanding enhanced can instigate a deep surrendering within you to act as a divine instrument of the Creator. You are so greatly supported by the inner planes, Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels and Light Beings as new ever expanding vibrations of light pour into the Earth and your being, while new aspects of yourself emerge from within. This is a pinnacle point in Ascension; it is a time for tremendous shifts to be made, new beginnings, deep resonance with the Creator and blossom ing of your divine purpose in manifestation.  You are a key part in a powerful trinity which requires to be activated and experienced. A balanced resonance with your sacred essence, the Earth dimensions and the inner plane dimensions is required to bring forth great waves of healing, balance, harmony, truth and understanding for all.  The vibrations of Equilibrium are required as the Ascension of all quickens.  Through practices, meditations, activations, initiations and tools of navigating some of the dimensions of the Earth, inner planes and your own essence you will be able to draw upon greater wisdom to fuel your purpose and existence upon the Earth as well as assisting and supporting tremendous planetary through to cosmic shifts to benefit humanity’s Ascension.

Let’s bring harmony and unity to the Earth! Let’s explore the essence of the Creator!

Through this workshop, ‘Accelerate Your Ascension,’ Saint Germain, Archangel Metatron, Sacred Friends and Natalie wish to guide and support you in infusing your life with high frequency vibrations of light, accessing deeper sensations of fulfilment, peace, healing, bliss and love as well as bringing understanding to the existence and process you are moving through. Saint Germain and Archangel Metatron are key figures in Ascension, understanding the processes of transformation, mastery and the current planetary shifts moving through the dimensions of the Earth. These sacred beings along with some of our sacred inner plane friends wish to share their consciousness, guidance, inspiration and truth with you to support acceleration in your personal Ascension and the Ascension of all. Saint Germain and Archangel Metatron wish to inspire you to be powerful healers and examples of integration with the Creator upon the Earth as well as awakening the remembrance of your soul and inner truth.

Download Audio Recording Now!

New Webinar Series

Creator Acceptance through the Primary Rays of Light

with Master El Morya, Master Joshua, Master Serapis Bey

Online Webinar Course

Channelled through Natalie Glasson

Part 1 Catch Up Now

Part 2 Catch Up Now

2nd April 2015 Join Now

The universe of the Creator is filled with diverse and expansive Rays of Light, each are an expression of the Creator which can be accessed and absorbed to achieve a more complete integration with and awareness of the Creator. Within the Twelve Rays of Light of the Planetary Level there are three primary vibrations which act as guidance for our entire spiritual evolution and ascension when studied, with their light experienced.

As we exist in the Era of Love the presence of three Rays of Light, in fact all Rays of Light, becomes deeply important as they assist in creating further foundation for the development, experience and expression of divine love. In this Era of Love we are all finding our feet, accepting and embodying that which we wish to create while discarding that which cannot exist in pure vibrations of love. It is greatly beneficial to anchor the three primary Rays of Light into our beings and realities to accelerate the vibrations of love while creating focuses and pathways for unfoldment in love.  These three Rays of Light reflect the energies within us required to be activated and enhanced to further fulfil our purpose upon the Earth. By grounding and exploring these three Rays of Light you can bring a deeper focus to your ascension, while supporting any discomfort, confusion or healing m anifesting at this time.

The first Ray of Light overseen by Master El Morya expresses the divine will and power of the Creator bringing clarity, empowerment and truth to your spiritual evolution and creations upon the Earth. The Second Ray of Light overseen by Master Joshua holds the focus of through love wisdom is born encouraging you to access your inner acceptance, knowledge and knowingness born from the Creator through your being. The Third Ray of Light overseen by Master Serpis Bey expresses mind mastery and clarity as well as holding supreme keys for manifestation. Each Ray of Light encourages you to accept, embody, experience and express the Creator more fully throughout your being. In a period upon the Earth when manifesting love, following your intuition and purifying yourself of old habits is at the forefront of ascension these three Rays of Light are essential highly powered support networks to fur ther manifest the Era of Love within and around all.

Part 1- Awakening Your Divine Intelligence with Master El Morya

Master El Morya wishes to anchor new levels of the 1st Ray of Light into your being and reality to further manifest love and your acceptance of the Creator. While Master El Morya shares the divine expression which is the 1st Ray of Light, he also wishes to enhance your divine intelligence by working with the Divine Will and Power of the Creator.

Part 2-Acceptance of Divine Truth with Master Joshua

Master Joshua holds the keys of the 2nd Ray of Light within his heart and consciousness, wishing to share these with you, through your anchoring and expression of the 2nd Ray of Light. Master Joshua encourages you to experience the immense vibrations of love available to you, while demonstrating the power of love in manifesting and displaying the truth of the Creator within you and your reality. Where love is present truth is revealed, Master Joshua wishes to support you in accepting and connecting with the truth of the Creator manifesting through you at this time of immense awakening.

Part 3- Embodiment of Divine Clarity and Simplicity with Master Serapis Bey

Master Serapis Bey is a powerful figure in manifestation and mastery which is reflected in the Creator’s expression entitled the 3rd Ray of Light. Master Serapis Bey wishes to focus upon enhancing and developing your mastery and manifestation aligned with the Era of Love and to enrich your acceptance of the Creator.

This is a wonderful opportunity for deep light grounding, embodiment and enhanced radiance, accessing wisdom from the guiding masters as well as through your own acceptance and expression of the Creator while being supported by the Primary Rays of Light.

Book Webinar Now

View Past Webinars

Preparation for Channelling
with Master Kuthumi

Online Workshop Webinar
Channelled through Natalie Glasson

Creating the Foundations for Awakening Your Channelling Abilities in Your Everyday Life

Master Kuthumi wishes to guide you personally in a three stage process of preparing yourself and your being for awakening your natural channelling abilities. Every person on the Earth has the ability to channel and naturally channels with every moment of their day. Channelling isn’t a gift, like all abilities some people are more able than others and yet we all have the ability to channel as channelling is a tool and form of expression.

View Past Webinars

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  • Thanks U.M. and I agree with you,I think. This is very heavy stuff hopefully to help people to awaken, for in essence that what it is really all about. For us to make a change in this world and save it and our selves ,we need to awaken all people or at least a good number of them. But the poison in our air ,food and water is poisoning us so that the mind does not function correctly, that is where we need to start. Have you more info for us at this stage for there is much confusion? I personally would like to hear more, we need all the help we can get now,indeed and so it is..Let the light shine on all for all needs to awaken in this end times, huh. Adonai

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Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.. ኔጡ። commented on AlternateEarth's blog post GFL or Military/Project Bluebeam? 1/5/2024 Over Washington DC
"I dare you Drekx to click the link now being provided and be lured into the fake ufo drone sky entertainment & conspiracy in the USA, watch the white LED dog flying above the crowd on a piece of fishing line, put it on full screen geepers even kids…"
9 minutes ago
AlternateEarth commented on AlternateEarth's blog post GFL or Military/Project Bluebeam? 1/5/2024 Over Washington DC
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Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"That's good news, chaps.....6th Jan and we have lift off, President Trump 47...👏🏻
Also a double whammy, with Trudeau hitting the ejector seat button, today....Happy landings...🤣"
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
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Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ.. ኔጡ። commented on AlternateEarth's blog post GFL or Military/Project Bluebeam? 1/5/2024 Over Washington DC
"Drekx all you had to do was click on the link provided above the screen shots, as it goes straight to the vid on X, but dont bother as it would be a waste of your time as its just a Chinese green light drone carrying a white plastic dog dangling…"
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Drekx Omega commented on AlternateEarth's blog post GFL or Military/Project Bluebeam? 1/5/2024 Over Washington DC
"I'm afraid that I cannot access this vid, to check it fully..."
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AlternateEarth left a comment on Comment Wall
"Drexk-does this look like GFL to you?"
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