Archangel Michael and Lucy the Police Officer" alt="" class="CToWUd" />
When she was sixteen, Lucy had a premonition that she would die a violent death at age thirty. At twenty-five, she began asking God to keep her from the death she felt was fated.
In the meantime, she had become a Montreal police officer. Although violence against police officers is rarer in Canada than in America, Lucy felt that she was in danger and asked God to lead her to prayers for protection.
She had heard that Archangel Michael was the patron of police officers, so she was looking for prayers to him.
She was thirty when she first learned about decrees and prayers to Archangel Michael as well as the fiat “Archangel Michael, help me! help me! help me!” She quickly memorized the decrees and began giving them on her way to and from work and during breaks. “I was almost in constant communion with the angels,” she recalls.
On May 22, 1993, Lucy gave decrees to Archangel Michael before going to work at 8 p.m. That night, she and her partner were searching for an assault suspect.
They pulled up to someone and asked him if he had seen anything. The man leveled a 9 mm pistol at them and demanded their weapons. When they hesitated, he shot them both—Lucy in the head, face and leg and her partner in the head.
Lucy opened her door and fell out, trying to take cover under the car. “Lord Michael! help me! help me! help me!” she called aloud. Her call frightened the gunman, who ran away, thinking she was radioing for help.
This gave her the time to actually get to the radio. (The gunman was later caught and convicted.)
Although Lucy had been seriously wounded, the bullets miraculously missed her spinal cord and major blood vessels. She “was probably within millimeters of having something tragic happen,” said her surgeon.
Lucy attributes the near misses as well as her swift recovery to Archangel Michael. She never went into shock. And she was walking around two days after the shooting.
Ten days after that, she left the hospital. Although her hearing was impaired and some of her facial muscles were paralyzed, today she can hear, in the low normal range. The doctors originally told her that she would never again hear out of her right ear. Lucy calls her recovery “awesome!”
Why didn’t Archangel Michael keep her from being shot in the first place?
Lucy believes that her karma prevented him from stopping the bullets. But she also thinks that her prayers enabled Archangel Michael to redirect the bullets so that she was not killed. Although at one time her karma may have destined her to die at age thirty, her determination to live and her choice to pray changed her “fate.”
“My karma didn’t allow the bullets to be stopped, but what Archangel Michael did was just as good. He saved my life!” she said.
“God doesn’t always answer our prayers the way we expect him to.”
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Angelic Affirmation for the Gift of Faith and Courage
I AM the flaming fire of cosmic Faith
I AM the flaming awareness of divine potential that blesses the entire planetary body with the momentum of God’s Will
I am charged with Faith
I surrender all fear and doubt
I surrender all lack of mastery and lack of God-control
I AM strength
I AM courage
I AM determination
I AM Victory
I AM Faith
It is done!
Thank You and May the Archangels Watch Over You!
The Archangel Community Team
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