I AM the Archangel of Protection after all, and I wouldn't be doing my job very well if I let the earth (or the universe for that matter), plunge into peril....I tell you: We got this.
"Why does the chicken cross the road?"-To get to the "other side".
My friends, the heaviness on your heart, do you feel that? That, my dear friends, is called fear. In this time, re-visit your books, and your teachings, and re-reflect, upon who you are, and who you choose to be in this moment.
Think on the child. Now, children no nothing about danger, until they are taught danger. If you care about your children, and their safety, how much more does your Father or Mother in heaven care for you?
I tell you: We got this.
Okay my friends? The only fear you have, is the fear you create.
Look, I love you. Lighten up, just a bit. Okay?
Things will be alright, I promise. I AM the Archangel of Protection after all, and I wouldn't be doing my job very well if I let the earth (or the universe for that matter), plunge into peril.
Though I love the fact that one of the greatest minds of his age wrote revelations, it wasn't all that "revealing", except to him. Lets move past the apocalypse, and move into the a-possible.
Now, I do not not usually communicate in this channels, but my dear friend asked me to give you a message. Have a good day my friends, no worries. All is well. Just have a little faith.