EMERGENCE AND THE ELEMENTAL SYNTHESIS :MARCH EQUINOX 2010The Energies for March 2010Archangel Michael through Celia FennThe Gardens of the Bahai Temple in Haifa, IsraelBeloved Family of Light, you are truly passing through energies ofdeep Transformation and Change. Since the activations of the SacredRose Grids and Portals on the 11:11 of 2009, and the powerful Lunarand Solar activity of the first two months of this year, you haveindeed felt the Acceleration of the Cosmic pulse as it is received onEarth. This is affecting the Magnetic grids of the Planet and theweather patterns in both hemispheres. This is a powerful shift, and itbrings in its wake great blessings, even if it is being experiencedright now in ways that are stressful and difficult for many of you.These times will pass, and at least by the Equinox of March you willhave regained your inner and outer balance after this intense wave ofCosmic energy.Beloved Ones, the March Equinox will be something of an "Emergence"in the next steps of your spiritual and physical evolution. Many ofyou will benefit from the ongoing activations and transformations thathave been experienced at the Pineal Gland, in the Brow and CrownChakras and within the DNA. You will begin to notice that you areentering into new perceptions and new and deeper gifts and abilitiesas your Light Body receives more Light and this is transmitted to thephysical structures of the Brain, the Pineal and Pituitary glands andthe Heart, especially the Thymus Gland and the High Heart Chakra. Thiswill expand and intensify your ability to see, hear and communicate onthe Higher Dimensions and with increased intuitive ability.This means, Beloved Ones, that you will become able to access yourgifts of empathy and telepathy more clearly. You will begin tocommunicate more with the Heart and the Feelings, with intuition, thanwith words. As you enter into these intuitive modes of being, you willstill appreciate the gifts of language and words, but you will becomemore aware of the energy behind words, rather than the "meaning" onthe mental level only. Silence will become as important as words. Theability to be in silence and to feel the energy of Love in thatsilence will become more important in this New Energy that you willenter into after the March Equinox.Indeed, Beloveds, at this March Equinox, the energy of the SacredRose will become stable and open, and will be Shimmering and Radiant,and will illuminate the Planet in a Golden Light. This is the GoldenLight of Ascended Unconditional Love, that which we call the "ChristConsciousness". This is the Perfect Balance of Heaven and Earth,expressing the Divine Love of Source through Human Form. We wouldindeed encourage you to join together in Sacred Ceremony on this dateto celebrate this grounding of the Cosmic Christ energy and your ownrapid ascension or acceleration into new ways of Being.Those of you who have activated your "Grail Codes" and becomerecepticles for the Golden Light of Unconditional Love, will also haveintensified abilities to manifest and to heal. The opening of theSacred Rose and the Crown Chakra will intensify the ability to see andhear on the Higher Levels. The Gates of Perception will be fullyopened to those who are awakened and ready to emerge to this new levelof being and living. Beloved Ones, you are the pioneers, the ones whowill access these new abilities so that all humanity might alsodiscover their birthright as the "Holy Grail", the Physical Vehiclefor the Light and Love of Spirit.Beloved Ones, we in the Angelic Realms ask that you become moreconscious of what you Are. As Human Angels, you do indeed have accessto great personal power that flows from the Divine Light within. Thisis a power that can only be used for the Highest Good of All. It isthe power to Love, to Heal, to Manifest, and to Nurture. We ask you toAccept and Receive it, and to Honor it and to treat it with GreatRespect and Gratitude. This is the gift that has been two thousandyears developing within Humanity, and is now being birthed in You.Soon will emerge a real understanding of the New Humanity and itsGifts of Love. These gifts are gifts of Beauty and Love, for there isnothing to fear. Many of you have been hesitant to embrace yourabilities because of past life echoes of persecution for theexpression of such gifts. But know, that in this time, it is the righttime for you to accept that the ability to be a channel for DivineMiracles is the purpose of the New Earth Human Angelic physical form.**The Elemental Synthesis : March 2010**Beloved Family of Light, in this last acceleration of the LightFrequencies, you have experienced many extremes of weather and earthconditions and movements. There has been chaos in the Elemental Realmsas the energies have surged between the Cosmic Heart, the Solar Heartand the Earth itself. The Elementals have responded in their own waywith a desire to cleanse and heal and celebrate.But, Beloved Ones, we would suggest most kindly that it is time thatmore of you took up your responsibilities as Earth Keepers and enteredinto partnerships and working relationships with Nature and theElemental energies.At the March Equinox of 2009, you celebrated the ElementalReconnection that would allow you to co-create the New Earth inpartnership with the Elementals and with Nature. But, so few of youare as yet working with that partnership. In the New Earth, you willfind Oneness with plants, animals, minerals, as well as fellow humans.Your gifts of communication and healing will be exercised inpartnership with these other beings who share the planet.Beloveds, each one of you can create what we call a "biosphere",even in your own home however small that is. This is a "sphere" ofenergy that is devoted to your relationship with plants, animals andminerals. It can be as small as a pot plant and some crystals, that isyour Sacred Bridge to the Elemental Kingdoms, or it can be a Gardenthat celebrates the dance of the Elemental Energies of Nature.There have been many examples of those beautiful souls who havelearned how to communicate with Animals and Nature, and to grow plantswith love for pleasure and for food. Also, in the past, all SacredSpaces and Temples were graced with beautiful gardens to celebrate theworking partnership between Spirit, Humans, Angels and the Elementalsenergies. You have forgotten this because many of you visit SacredSites as tourists, and you do not see that once these sites wereplaces of great sacredness where Nature was held sacred as well.In your modern cities, you have forgotten nature, and you seegrowing trees and plants simply as food or resources. But, theseLiving Beings were created to experience Joy and to bring you Joy inSacred partnerships.Know, Beloved Ones, that when you fully enter into SacredPartnership with Nature and the Elemental energies, you will have theability to communicate with them. This will mean that you will know ofextreme weather patterns and you will be able to modify such patternsthrough Elemental and Human co-operation. This will be a lovingco-operation and not an aggressive manipulation in the name of"science". Your scientists are perceived by the Elemental Kingdom asaggressive, hostile and lacking in respect for the sacredness of life.Is it any wonder that this is what you see in the mirror when youcontemplate so-called "natural disasters". Is it not time to begin toshow respect, sanctity, and love, so that these energies may bereflected back?Beloved Ones, creating a "biosphere" energy allows you to create asmall sphere of energy where Nature and Elemental energy are respectedand loved, and where Human enery and Elemental energy thrive together.These various "spheres" will begin to resonate together and will linkup in a grid of love that will provide the foundation for a moreloving and peaceful relationship with nature and the Elementalenergies. Each of you can contribute, and at the March Equinoxcelebrations it would be good to invite the Elemental energies and tocelebrate a year of Partnership and Love in the New Earth.**Sacred Union and Partnership in the New Earth Energy**Beloved Ones, in the next two years you will be increasingly focussedon the energy of Partnership and Relationship, and especially SacredUnion. This will be because as you enter the Fifth Dimension of Light,you will become more aware of what we will call the "Fractal Patternof Oneness". This is the Original Template of Creation, where the Onebecomes Two, and the Two become One in order to create. Yes, it is awonderful paradox that describes the Pulses and Cycles of the Dance ofLife.So, you will perceive that the Essence of "Oneness" is expressed inDiversity and in Co-operation through Partnership. Only byexperiencing partnership can the Power of the One be achieved, whetherthrough Inner Partnerships or between those expressed in the OuterReality as a Mirror for the Dance of Life. So, you will beincreasingly focussed on ways to express Partnership on all levels andhow to be in Partnerships that are a true expression of your InnerEssence of Divine Love.To assist this process, the Celestial Body of Saturn in your SolarSystem is passing through the Seventh House of Libra, and will bethere until the end of 2012, with a brief retrograde into Virgo frommid April to July of this year. The Seventh House is the place ofPartnership and Sacred Union, of Harmony and Balance. Saturn is theagent of Restructuring Energy, and in this upcoming two year periodyou will indeed experience a complete restructuring of the ideas ofUnion and Partnership to a frequency of Harmony and Love beyond thatof the old energies of Power and Sexual Exchange.All partnerships in the Fifth Dimension will resonate with the"blueprint" or pattern of Sacred Union, in Love, Balance and Harmony.Those who actively seek the intention of Sacred Union in a TwinFlame partnership will find this easier to achieve. They will besupported by the Flowering of the Sacred Rose energies, and the Energyof Restructuring that will finally dissolve the old patterns and allowfor the establishment of New Patterns of Love, Commitment and Joy inthe Light.Indeed, Beloveds, this is a Blessed time of great change, and youare seeing all that you have desired and worked for beginning tomanifest into Physical Form. But, there is still much to come, and weask you to continue to hold the Light in Joy, Peace and Love.You are the Light of the World!**The Energies for March 2010**The Sun will be in Pisces until the 21st if March, when it moves intoAries. The March Equinox, Spring in the North and Autumn in the South,falls on the 20th of March.The New Moon is on the 15th of March, and is in Pisces. At thistime, when the energy is ruled by Neptune, the planet of Higher Loveand Ideals, it is a good time to reaffirm your commitment to servingthe Light and the Highest Good in the year that lies ahead.The Full Moon, on the 30th March, is in Libra, the House ofRelationship and Partnership. Now is the time to create a Sacred Spaceof Meditation to begin your own Process of Restructuring yourPartnerships and Relationships into Alignment with the Balance,Harmony and Love of the New Earth Energy.We wish you Joy, Love and Peace in the Month of March!© 2010-11 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global
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Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
"Sighting in New Mexico back in 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3dt0Ked6dvU"
4 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Sighting in New Mexico back in 2020. https://youtube.com/shorts/3dt0Ked6dvU?si=zTtvZa1Fx1nLc3kO"
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Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
"Sighting in Melbourne, Austrailia, a couple days ago on New Years Day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXQ4DnQMLhw"
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Sighting in Melbourne, Austrailia, a couple days ago on New Years Day. https://youtu.be/lXQ4DnQMLhw?si=GwxxhmIXyF2p4LTL"
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
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