
The first thing on my mind....(Continued from Part 2.)

SB: I’d like to turn to the global currency reset now, which is one of the earlier events of NESARA, or at least the precursors of NESARA. And perhaps you could tell us - the reset goes a step forward, then it goes a step back… Who’s holding it up? When - I’m not asking for dates, but generally, when can we expect to see it?

And then after that, I’d like to ask you if you have a word to the various lightworkers who will find themselves new millionaires: what your vision is for them and the new wealth that they will have come into. Of course, not trying to abrogate their free will, but just if you have any encouragement for them. Thank you.

AAM: I have great encouragement for all of you. And yes, I am more than willing to address this topic.
Understand, this is already underway, and yes, has been for some time. You are correct insofar as some of those myths, of the existing third reality, of those who are afraid and who do not wish to relinquish control, who hang on to greed as if it is the mighty jewels of the Mother.

But I also wish to include in this those - and we are talking energetically, now - those individuals who take pride and see it as an innate value that they struggle, that they are in poverty, that they are in lack; that there is an equation that somehow this makes them worthy and virtuous.

Now, we have not addressed this before, but now it is time because it is time, my brothers and sisters, where you can do something about it. Send the energy of my blue flame of truth to all of those who, in their humility, have believed that there is innate value in struggle and lack; that somehow they believe that this is their karma, that this is what they have agreed in terms of service to the Mother; that this is what they have agreed to do in terms of their journey.

Those who are of greed, control, and shall we say in positions of power, are being worked on mightily, both above and below. But do not forget this other group. What you are doing is breaking old paradigms of belief systems. So send them energy as well. This will come to pass quite quickly, probably more quickly than even you imagine. This is not something that has need to drag on and on and on.

Now, do I have advice for those who find themselves in a position of abundance? Well, let me say this, in very practical terms. On your planet of Gaia, out of the realm of the old third there have been thousands and thousands and thousands of new millionaires every day.

And each of them has been given the golden gift and the ability to share, to create, and to assist in the creation of Nova Earth. Have they? Well, some have and some have not.

So, now you are creating the new realm. And it is not about giving away every sou that you have, although - listen to what I say to thee! - if you do give away every penny, it matters not, because you have the power, within each and every one of you, to create what you desire and to bring forth.

This is simply a demonstration, a tangible demonstration so that you will understand your ability to create, not simply in the spiritual realm, but in the tangible realm of physicality.
But yes, it is about sharing. It is about taking this abundance, in every realm, to create more abundance in the collective and on Gaia, so that there is more love.

So, that is the task. Do your gifts create more love? Are they an expression of love for the planet, for the kingdom? Is it new energy? Is it clean energy? Is it clean food? Is it clean air? Is it clean emotionally? Or are there still strings and cords and bonds? Because none of that can exist.

We come together to create new sense of community, of unity of heart. That is why you, finally, are being gifted. So what I do ask you, do not invest in the old, because what you will do is recreate the old. Oh, yes, you have that power as well. And if we see that, then it would be within our purview to intervene.

SB: Well, I’m going to put in a bald-faced pitch for the Hope Chest, Lord. The Hope Chest stands ready to receive any contributions which will then be sent right out to lightworkers. We regard this as the beginning of our work, which we’ve waited for for about 22 months now. So we regard this as us getting down to work.

AAM: The Hope Chest is where I would encourage people to donate.

SB: Thank you, Lord. Turning now to something else associated, generally associated with the reset - and that’s the new republic in the United States. There’s a lot of people, many lightworkers, who are saying,

“Oh, now Obama’s going to get turfed out the door, and we’re going to have a new government.”
But my understanding is quite the contrary: President Obama is a lightworker, and he’s here to lead us into the Golden Age, and he’s not going to get turfed out of the door. Could you comment, please?

AAM: Why would I throw my brother out the door when he has endured as much as any of you? Yes, he is a lightworker, a star being. Has he made mistakes? Yes. Does he know that? Yes. Does he suffer for it at night? Yes. Does this sound familiar to each of you?

SB: Yes.

AAM: Of course it does. So, no. Barack Obama is stepping into the fullness of his role. He is not on his way out the door, he is on his way in.

SB: Okay. Thank you, Lord. The HSBC has told the Vatican it won’t any longer be their banker. Can you tell us what the significance and ramifications of that move are, please?

AAM: It is a combination of events. It is a bringing of integrity to the financial and to some, shall we say, banking system. But the Vatican is also in a process of massive shifting as well. And the management of their resources are is going to be significantly altered.

As you well know, Francis is one that likes to live simply - both then and now. And yes, he is over-lit [Steve: by St. Francis], as you know. So the Vatican Bank will find itself in a dilemma, and it is a delicious dilemma, of how to proceed. And what that entire dilemma brings to the forefront is how do we proceed with integrity. And their CEO, as it were, will not allow the progression to go forward without those considerations.

SB: Okay. Thank you, Lord. Now, two questions about NESARA, questions that keep coming up. And I must admit that I scratch my head over them myself.
The first is, readers ask, if everyone receives money, does it not make sense that prices will rise accordingly and wipe out the new-found prosperity?

AAM: Now, this is why I am speaking to you this day of looking at things from a higher plane. Come with me; come with me, my brothers and sisters. The precursor, the foundation of this shift is an anchoring in the divine qualities, and the divine qualities are of love, of generosity, of prudence, of clarity… you know the list.

That has been worked on for decades and decades, but it has been worked on diligently in the past year. The reason why escalation does not take place, which would render such abundance useless, is because the qualities are anchored within. There is a desire not to grab and go, but to share, to see prosperity and beauty for all.

So, this is your signal. As you see the divine qualities in each other, what you are seeing is the capacity within the human collective to deal with such abundance - fairly, genuinely, and generously. Greed and control and this desire to get ahead at the expense of harming another do not exist in the fifth.

SB: Here’s a related question, Lord. If everyone receives money and does not need to work, how will hospitals run and garbage be collected?

AAM: First of all, what you think of as healing - and we will include hospitals in this - yes, people work for a salary. But, by and large, many who work in hospitals, this concrete example - and we do not simply mean doctors and nurses, physicians’ assistants and those who are laboratory technicians - they also do so because they were guided by their hearts that that was part of their contribution, their mission and purpose and their passion.

And when you remove some of the strictures that make such jobs difficult, then in fact what you have are people who care and who wish to contribute. And the hospitals will open to various kinds of healing.

Now, do not also forget that part of this expansion is star technology, not only in terms of the healing ships and the healers that are available to you, but also in terms of technology, to understand on a whole different scale of rapidity how quickly things can be taken care of.

But it does a huge disservice to suggest that people only work within a hospital or within a school or within a municipality simply because it is self-serving. That is not so.
Come back with me to the issue of the divine qualities of compassion and the desire to heal those who have been injured and who are in pain of all kinds.

Now, garbage: Is this not interesting? First of all we suggest to you, garbage, human detritus are one and the same. The technology, even the human technology to deal with the elimination of garbage has existed on your planet for some time. It has not been profitable or politically desirable to introduce that level of assistance simply because of job creation.

And we do not naysay that. It has given some who had no other opportunities the ability to feed their families and to feel that they were committed and participating in society.
Now, this is where humility truly is at work, because this is a humble job.

But add to this already available human technology your star brothers and sisters. Do you think, after all this time traveling throughout space, living on-board ship, that they do not have the capacity to cleanly, efficiently, instantaneously eliminate garbage? So that simply will not be an issue.

One of the most delightful things that will occur - now, we are not saying that garbage will disappear completely. What will disappear is the human arrogance which we witness in littering.
Littering is a cousin, a first cousin, to bullying, to taking advantage. T

his level of arrogance, to throw garbage not only where it offends other human beings, where it hurts animals and plant life, but it is so disrespectful to Gaia!

So, you will see these changes, and you will be surprised at the number of people in the interim who step forward and say, “That’s okay. I am not above picking up garbage.”

SB: Thank you, Lord. Actually, in earlier years I had a very great head of steam for going into waste management, given some of the technologies that were being developed for total recycling.

Now, before we run out of time, I must ask this question for editor Andrew Eardsley, who very much would like an answer to it. Is SaLuSa currently speaking through a channel?

AAM: SaLuSa continues to speak and whisper in the ears of many. What you are asking is has SaLuSa chosen a brand new channel to be her vehicle - his vehicle. And the answer is not as yet. Shortly you will be speaking to SaLuSa directly.

SB: I can’t wait! That’s absolutely wonderful.

Could you tell us something about how containment has gone? We’ve put certain people in containment. But then you’ve said, well, other people are coming out of containment, like Vladimir Putin, for instance.

Where are we at with containment? And what has been its impact on the Illuminati and other cabals?

AAM: Well, there are still many in containment, and they will remain there until the completion of the shift, or the completion of their own regenerative process, which we see at this point will be post-shift, post-Ascension. And then they can emerge into either a different form, returning home, or return to the New Earth.

And we do not single these ones out, but there have been releases, or there has been a lessening of the light. But understand, containment was not done with lesser beings, it was not done casually. And so the severity of the need for penetration for most continues.

And it does have a ripple effect, by the way; because not only do those in containment receive the penetration from the light (we have not spoken of this before, but there is also an external penetration of light to all who are, shall we say, on a similar journey or engaging in similar activities) - so, what we say about the Illuminati or what you think of as the dark forces or the cabal is that they have been penetrated and they are part of that fading mist.

So perhaps you wish, with me, to take this opportunity to simply wave goodbye and wish them well?
Now, you say to me, “Well, Michael, then how are we seeing such upheaval throughout the world?” And I wish to speak to this, yes, before we run out of time!

What has come to the surface is not simply political strife. It is the striving for freedom, but it is also the removal, the clearing, the elimination of the core issue of humanity, which is self-worth. It is not simply this sect against that sect, this power regime against that power regime. Because if you had the full knowing of the sanctity [of] your divinity, there would be no need for such strife.

So this has risen to the surface, and you are hearing, “I deserve, we deserve.” Now, do we wish to see this through needless bloodshed? No. And many of you are working with me night and day in these war-torn areas.

But what we are doing is infusing the pure white light of love and of worth into all sectors, so that my mission - and yours - of peace, on Earth and within each and every heart, will come to pass, and pass quickly. It is not the beginning of another realm or round of wars. It is the completion.

SB: Okay. Thank you for that.
Now, we have about four minutes before we run out of time, and this is a bit of a complex topic. But Matthew Ward told us in I think his June message that Obama is working with the galactics; that there are galactics in the National Security Agency; that the National Security Agency was gathering evidence on the Illuminati, and that explains why Obama was supporting the… well, if not supporting, then not doing something about the spying of the NSA. It’s really directed at the Illuminati.

Can you talk a little bit more generally about Obama’s working with the galactics? And if you can - I mean, you may not be able to, but if you can - on the galactics in the other agencies and what they’re doing to bring forward a cleansing of those agencies, please?

AAM: Let me say that your star brothers and sisters, the galactics and the inter-galactics are everywhere. And yes, they are certainly very deep within the administration not only of the United States but might we say most powerful nations, and those that you would not even deign as powerful.

So yes, of course Obama is working with the galactics, and he has been for some time. And that partnership has been important. Now, there have been some very rough patches, and we would be remiss if we did not mention them. But it is not yet time to discuss the fullness of those rough patches. They will come to light.

The purpose of what you think of as spying has been, yes, targeted to Illuminati or those who are not acting in the best interests of the collective, whether it is the United States, Israel, Botswana, Switzerland, Germany, Russia - it does not matter.

There are more of your star beings, your brothers and sisters on the ground than you can fathom. And one of the reasons why this approach… not only has the approach been taken to assist in this shift, it has also been taken to anchor that energy fully and completely on Gaia.

So, the vision of a fleet of starships arising, or coming across the horizon and causing fear has been circumvented. Look to the person standing next to you and look in their eyes. There is a very good chance that you are looking at one of your star brothers or sisters.

SB: Wonderful. Thank you very much, Lord.
I hear the music, and you’ve given us a very complete overview of what’s been happening. Thank you very much for that.

AAM: It is my pleasure always. Go with my love.

SB: Thank you, Lord.

AAM: Farewell.

SB: Farewell.



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  • Some good data Drekx... but of course the deeper point (which is predictably missed by you) is the outrageous imbalance of Energy you project when it comes to discussing the ruling bloodlines. Nonetheless, as I've continued to say... get it out brother! Purging this low grade shite from your consciousness is ultimately a good thing... & it's always amusing to help you in the process. ~Now when it comes to your Warrior Spirit, I can certainly honor that. I don't half measure my commitment to the Light either Omego & I can only say you would be humbled by the circles I travel in. As for the verbal posturing & backflips you've done to justify some of your more questionable behavior on this site?...  Little more than semantic masturbation my friend. As a cunning linguist & a master debater myself, I won't deny this can be fun... but in 3D, it can also be dangerous. So while there's no denying this helps with keeping our "brains exercised"... we both know that when it comes to getting your "hands dirty & fists scuffed" that's more bark than bite. Seeing as we're two sides of the same multidimensional coin, I offer you my service in this area. I'm being serious here mate. If you ever make it to my sector... we have your back Drekx. We train Jiu Jitsu & Kung Fu San Soo at my God-brothers MMA Dojo in Los Angeles. Mind, Body & Spirit! To put it bluntly brother... we don't fu#k around. So again, if you make it to my side of the pond, consider yourself invited... with respect. In the meantime (at least in real world interactions), you should consider keeping your side of the street clean. Words are powerful things. ~InLight555 


  • Here is some history about England that you might not realise:


    Charles's last years were marked by the Civil War, in which he fought the forces of the English and Scottish parliaments. He was defeated in the First Civil War (1642–45), after which Parliament expected him to accept its demands for a constitutional monarchy. He instead remained defiant by attempting to forge an alliance with Scotland and escaping to the Isle of Wight. This provoked the Second Civil War (1648–49) and a second defeat for Charles, who was subsequently captured, tried, convicted, and executed for high treason. The monarchy was abolished and a republic called the Commonwealth of England, also referred to as the Cromwellian Interregnum, was declared. In 1660, the monarchy was restored to his son, Charles II.


  • Very amusing Stick...I see you have no idea about me, apart from what makes your ears prick up, when I mention the subject of Obama, which is of particular defensive concern for you..LOL


    However I have made my views on the British royals very plain, several times...You obviously were not paying attention..But I'll give you one example from the 25th July, in the form of an extract from a post I had placed on Kelly Lightchalice's ACC wall....

    So proving your error, if you believe I'm one of those "fawning" over the new royal birth....

    I'm not a royalist and never have been....If you would like an historical parallel to my views on the matter, you could look up English Civil War, and Commonwealth of England......Contrary to modern assumptions about the English generally, far from being closet royalists, many of us are not...Indeed, our history demonstrates that well, if you consider that England was the first nation in Europe to behead a standing monarch...circa 1649.

    However, in this current era, although the new "royal" baby is an annoying distraction from the important issues, I will focus on the more immediate and dangerous politicians in America, who blow up babies in drone strikes, rather than fawning over them....

    So you are wrong to assume all Englishmen and women are royalists.....We have many, but they tend to be simple folk, or sychophants celebrities, sportsmen or business people, seeking knighthoods and medals...

    I'm feeling very well and productively active, yet note the changes around me, in slow motion sometimes...

    Also I must confess to being somewhat sick to the back teeth of the media coverage concerning the "new royal baby." It's verging on obsession for so many people, clinging to what they perceive as a "continuance of the familiar," symbolised in this particular birth...You might have read my comment on the recent blog placed by someone here..?

    Read more: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/profiles/comment/list?attachedToTy...
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  • 8114871079?profile=original

    Perhaps you should keep your eyes focused on your side of the pond Drekx... your sector is the center point of the Annunaki/Reptilian  hive on the Gaian-Matrix. No need to worry about the younglings on ACC being duped... they're more Conscious than you give them credit for. Simply walk out your front door & call out all of your fellow countrymen & women who are fawning over the birth of the 'new' Royal... oh wait a second, don't you fall into that category?  ;-)




    ( ( ( ApotheosisNow247 ) ) ) 

  • GFL Ground Crew are karmically bonded with earth, unlike the flight crew, so we are here to get our hands dirty, our fists scuffed, our backs strained and our brains exercised....it's doing such work and especially for starseeds who are SPIRIT WARRIORS, or "Atars," in the Sirian 6-clan system...

    You will find me a tough warrior, Stick...and I don't allow the dark much quarter, including Obama, who serves the Illuminoid familes......I tend to place special effort on exposing the maya, glamours and illusions surrounding this dangerous politician.....He will stand trial at some stage, so if I were you I would drop your support for him...

    What I counter is the obsession the politically naive have for Obama....My role is to expose the lies of Obama, on the international scene....He is not my sector's concern, but he does influence my sector, as he influences the UK as a whole..and the world...So he should be countered by all....and exposed to the light of day...

    This is not a personal grudge or obsession, as you believe...It is DUTY.. ;-) If I see CIA-psyops penetration of the New Age movement I will expose it....and that means I will counter those false channels and hangers-on, such as Beckow....I'm happy to serve this cause, Stick and am fearless in seeing it through..... ;-) You will see me doing it more on ACC...not because I need to teach you any lessons about the matter, but so that no ACC youngling is duped by those dark ones you support and defend...




  • ~Not to waste more energy on this low grade thread, I'll just leave it at this. When Drekx works himself into one of his frothy messes over his Obama obsession, one thing becomes disturbingly clear. He doesn't actually take the time to read what people have written... he just morphs into a ravenous dog. Really look at what I've said here & tell me I'm wrong. Seriously... his over the top rants speak for themselves... like he's responding to voices in his head, not what was actually written. Nonetheless, aways a treat when Omegos true colors are on full display. Beautiful aren't they? No worries though brother... we ALL have our shadows. -Does me writing that it's dangerous to tag someone as CIA because they had a Q&A with Linda Dillon really warrant his venomous response? Be honest with yourselves. Might actually be entertaining if it wasn't so sad... perhaps it's both. As anyone knows on ACC... there is no member so singularly obsessed with Obama than Drekxie himself. It's off the charts bizarre if you ask me... but syphoning through his endless fear mongering on the subject will prove this fact. As I said, I haven't even mentioned Obama on this post & bam! Look at him go... here are some of Drekx's 'gems' (in case he decides to delete them as he did with his other slanderous comments on this post)

    "So would be as pointless as placing gemstones before swine...and I hope you recognise yourself in that parable..Your obsessive defence of holy moly Obama, is truly absurd...You disgust me, Stick....

    You don't deserve gems of wisdom from me, Stick...just a pile of crap, which you are...That resonates with you, it seems....You get back what you send out, boy...

    So get real, little Stick...and get over your obsessions with a variety of frauds, whom you will stubbornly defend to my face, no matter how stupid they have been....Beckow, Quinsey, Obama, et al...

    Maybe you should get a bigger stick if you want to play kendo with me...

    You sound very confused and moronic here, Sticky boy...A government shill in training..."

    Wow!... What a class act. So this is how a representative of the GFL sounds when they disagree with someone? If so, First Contact ain't going to play out to well ;-) Absolutely absurd! Simply not the case. Even his hero Sheldan would be appalled by his behavior & venomous words for people like Quinsey & Beckow. Thanks for the laughs Omego... in the meantime, get a hold of yourself! Go outside & get some air brother. & for those who actually read this thread... Lesson Learned, Court Adjourned! Nuff said. ~InLight555


  • Knight takes Queen... Check! Mate in seven ;-)


  • Obama is mentioned on this sorry blog, in the title....so I am  keeping on topic by mentioning him and I know for sure he is your main topic of interest, Stick......So now you claim disinterest, as you have not mentioned him on this thread...?? HOWEVER, we all know you spend a great deal of effort on the site, generally defending him and what annoys you so are my exposes and images of him...You now stupidly claim to not read Dillon's material, so why defend it...?? Why argue with me about the veracity of Steve Beckow, mentioned on Dillon's channeling above...?? Which you now state no interest in...?? You sound very confused and moronic here, Sticky boy...A government shill in training, it seems....?? LOL

  • Well Stick I shall also re-iterate my opinions that Steve Beckow is not to be trusted....If he has been mentioned in a "channeling" by another, such as Dillon, by his initials, people are advised to leave well alone...

    And if you want to believe SB's work, please feel free, but don't asume we must all do likwise...nor asume that we should fall for the Obamanations you attach yourself to...That's your decision, not ours....and note that most people commenting here have said very much that they do not fall for these Obamanoid tricks.....you might fall for it all, willingly...But we do not..

    And as Kelly mentioned....SB was the guy offering rides to Neptune....and if you recall, at the time I debunked it all.....So get real, little Stick...and get over your obsessions with a variety of frauds, whom you will stubbornly defend to my face, no matter how stupid they have been....Beckow, Quinsey, Obama, et al...

    Maybe you should get a bigger stick if you want to play kendo with me...


    politics DETROIT IN RUINS





  • "...deserve my contributions... gemstones before swine"? Wow!... Listen to yourself brother. Your narcissism truly has no boundaries. Get it out Drekx!... Breathe!... Holding in all this vitriol for one individual can't be good for your spirit. & it certainly doesn't add credibility that you are a Commander of anything... you don't even have 'command' over your childish emotions. Sticks & Stones Drekx. -You know what's really hilarious... I haven't mentioned Obama anywhere on this thread. Haven't even read the channeling as I don't resonate with Linda Dillon's work. Widen the scope of your one dimensional viewfinder Omego. ~InLak'echAlaK'in555 



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