
Linda Dillon: Archangel Michael explains the Mother’s Plan of Rebirth

by Linda Dillon, June 6, 2020


You have lived in a construct where birth and death are linear, but that does not mean that you cannot literally, physically, situationally be reborn… that we cannot ignite the physical, mental, emotional changes you are seeking…


Let’s begin by taking a really nice deep breath of blue… the blue of truth, the blue of peace, the blue of the Mother, the blue of Archangel Michael, the blue of the oceans, the blue of the sky, the blue diamond, the blue sapphire, the blue tanzanite. Breathe blue… from blue topaz to forget-me-nots, to brilliant Siberian iris. Breathe blue and anchor into your heart…


As we look at the themes for the past couple of weeks and what’s happening… I noticed this morning on June 6th — 6-6. So, we’ve got storms, we’ve got flooding, locust, global protests, and in case you forgot, a global pandemic. These are all impossible to ignore. And yes, I’ve heard from several of you about how we can’t ignore the issues facing us front and center of racism and Black Lives Matter.

But… I also want to step back and look at everything that’s happening right now from a perspective of unfoldment of the Mother’s Plan of rebirth, and of us stepping forward as Nova Gaians. So, I’m asking you to step back and adopt the broader perspective because that’s my job. So, let’s get started…

The biggest issue, the good news issue, the biggest theme I’ve seen or identified this week came through Archangel Michael and that was about the total expansion, a fundamental redefinition… at least for me… of what the rebirth project of the Mother really means. And I think we’re going to hear from Archangel Michael in a few minutes, so we’ll just put that aside… but think about it… the total expansion of what rebirth means.

Now, I know that we’ve all gotten into the habit… and I might say a really bad habit… of living in news cycles or sound clips. And certainly, what’s been happening here in the United States and actually all over the world, in terms of peaceful protests for racial equality, can’t be understated, underestimated. However, we can’t simply ignore the bigger picture because it really helps us understand what’s going on front and center.

So, let’s just breathe blue and step back a little bit… let’s put it in context. The Mother’s pause is and has been about time-out, for all of us to think about what’s really important… What do we really value? What are the fundamental qualities that we want to build into Nova Earth? And in concert with the pause, we’ve also had the Mother’s clarion call to action. So, how does this balance out? What does it all mean?

In the pause we’ve been given a chance to think about what we want to create, what we want to… ‘we birth’ … in terms of building Nova Earth… a world based on fairness and equality, justice and kindness, compassion… you know the list, you know the Blessings and Virtues.

Apparently, and sadly, it hasn’t been enough for this country, the United States, to have been engaged in one of the longest wars in modern history… think about it! We’ve been at war since October 2001. There has been blood and carnage massively spilt and unimaginable atrocities in the Middle East. Children starving in Yemen… that hasn’t been enough to create a public cry for change. Children gunned down at school… but that hasn’t been enough. The forced evacuation of close to 700,000 Rohingya from Myanmar hasn’t been enough to garner attention and turn it into action. Even the #MeToo movement, while it’s created some change, hasn’t been systemic enough to create equality… in some ways, sexism and even misogyny… it doesn’t seem to matter.

What Covid-19 has been teaching us in a very up close and personal way is how energy moves. The Mother hasn’t just been giving us a time-out, She’s been giving us a really very practical example of how energy moves in unseen ways… fear and anger, bigotry and racism, kindness and unity, connectedness and balance, and love… they all move in exactly the same way. Person to person, group to group, this is fundamental to our understanding of how we build Nova Earth from the grassroots, how we build from the ground up. The Mother has always said, the entire Council has always said that it will not come from the top down, Nova Earth will be built from the grassroots up.

We have witnessed for over the past week how the murder of George Floyd, in a terrible and inhumane way, has literally been the straw that broke the camel’s back. Because, let’s face it, police killings of people of color, particularly men of color, is nothing new. In my own twisted way, it was shocking but somehow really right, when I learned this morning that the Police Commissioner in Chicago, who had joined the peaceful protest march, was beaten by the local police to the point where he had to go to the hospital.

The good news is there’s no more hiding the dirty little secrets any longer. Yes, everything really is at the surface and there’s no ignoring it. What we’re seeing as people move and start answering… consciously or unconsciously, it doesn’t matter… they are answering the Mother’s clarion call to action, and they are saying our current world is not acceptable. This is not acceptable in any reality and certainly not in the world that we’re creating. Today in Washington alone we’re anticipating that there will be at least half a million peaceful protesters gathering… and that’s not even counting what’s happening in every other major city and even small towns like here in Port St. Lucie and across the globe… in places like Paris and London, New Zealand… who would have thought New Zealand?

This is so encouraging, and unfortunately necessary because far too many people in positions of authority… false use of control… haven’t heard or paid close enough attention to the atrocities of killing people of color. They haven’t paid enough attention to make and then implement systemic change.

So, we’ll do it! This is how we do it from the ground up. This is how grassroots change happens, how it works. This is how we build Nova Earth… by taking personal action and personal responsibility and coming together in unity consciousness… unity consciousness… heart speaking and heart listening.

Now, I don’t want to, I can’t, just look at what’s wrong because there are so many encouraging signs by those who are people… quote/unquote… “people in authority” that are taking action. We’re seeing police forces and police chiefs, like Chris Swanson in Flint, Michigan, and Art Acevedo in Houston, chiefs in Denver, Camden, New Jersey, Norfork, Santa Cruz, all stepping forward and acknowledging and stating that this abuse of killing, killing of people of color has to stop. I want to take my hat off to the DC Mayor, Muriel Bowser, who painted in those huge yellow letters “Black Lives Matter” on the street across, bordering Lafayette Park, the street where peaceful protesters were gassed, broken up, batoned, and their constitutional civil rights disregarded.

Now, I’m sure you’ve noticed over the years, I always endeavor to try and stay pretty neutral regarding politics. But… and yeah, this is the big but… we have to pay attention to what people do and not just the rhetoric but what they’re really saying. When I hear things like dominate, instead of cooperate, it turns my stomach and it wrenches my heart. It’s not enough to blame secret cabals or an alliance pulling strings behind the scene. Each of us has to be responsible for what we say and do, and how we behave as human beings to our fellow human beings, to our fellow Gaians.

You know, as Representative John Lewis, who is a hero in this country, says we have to be inclusive… in his interview, I think this morning or late last night… we have to be inclusive. He says, “We all live in the same house, the house of the world.” Representative Lewis, who has been there, done that, with Martin Luther King in the 60s, encourages us to lay down the burden of division and adopt the discipline, the discipline of peace and non-violence. And that’s not easy. And yes, I know as I sit here as a middle-aged white woman, I speak from a protected position. But each of us knows, as wayshowers, as bringers of the change, how it’s not easy to speak up. Because we’re not just talking about gatherings and peaceful protests… that’s just the tip of the iceberg… we’re talking about systemic change on a massive, massive scale… social, economic, cultural, and global. That’s what’s called for and that requires patience, and impatience, stamina, resolve, prudence, fortitude… all the tough and boring Divine Qualities.

You know, on a personal note, I have a… I guess you would say through marriage… I have a mixed racial family, both my sisters are married to men of color, my brother is married to a Chinese lady, I got lucky and got the Latino. For years I’ve wanted my one brother-in-law to come visit… and he hasn’t… we’re talking close to twenty years now. And the reason he hasn’t, because he doesn’t live in the US, is that he, as a black man, was fearful that if he came here that he would be shot, that if there was some incident with the police he would be shot dead. For years I tried to reassure him, and there were moments when I thought he was being overly dramatic, like he didn’t understand… I lived in the dome… neighbors on both sides of me are black. Now I get it! That this fear was completely founded and that that’s also how we’re being viewed by the world. It’s not only unacceptable, it’s tragic. So, I get it… I get it on a very personal level… when family can’t get together because they’re afraid of being shot.

This change, this rebirth that the Mother is giving us, is what we came here for. Not for unseen forces above and below, our star brothers and sisters, the angels, and archangels… they’re helping us, yes, but this is what we came for. We came to fix things as Nova Gaians standing up and saying, “This ain’t good enough… not for any of us. This doesn’t reflect who we really are!”

And as I said during our self care gathering on Tuesday, this can’t be about us and them, the good guys and the bad guys. That would just continue the problem of separation and duality, blame, shame, guilt. That’s the old paradigm, and some beings would love to continue it, but we’re not. It has to be ‘we’ … we together, learning, changing, shifting, powered by heart, and fueled by love. We can do this; I know we can do this! And isn’t this just the perfect segue for me to step aside for Michael and the whole gang. It’s not very often that one of the archangels steps forward on behalf of the entire Council of Love. And normally when that happens, obviously it’s the Mother, or usually Archangel Gabrielle. But today it’s Archangel Michael…


Greetings, I AM Michael, Archangel of Peace, Warrior of Love, bringer of news… and let me say, bringer of good news. Your world, this beautiful planet, this Archangel Gianna, this world has not gone dark, it is being illuminated, it is being transformed, it is awakening into the dimensional reality of Christ Consciousness, into the dimensional reality of love, into the dimensional reality of grace, of ideation.

And June, June is the month of rebirth; 2020 is the year of rebirth; 2020 to 2030 is the decade of reconstruction. Our beloved Mother does not simply speak metaphorically. And I wish… before I talk about rebirth… I wish to talk to you about the anchoring, the embodiment, the integration of peace because it is only from peace that the new emerges, that the Gaia spring comes and blossoms.

Years ago, I have waged, and you have joined me, in a battle for peace, and I have asked you, and you have worked to bring peace about. It does not require storm troops or political decrees. It requires you with us, with all of us, not only the Council of Love but all universes, all realities, all dimensions, your star family, and far, far beyond. It is not merely the anchoring of Divine Authority, it is the acting from the bedrock of your divine authority, not to override the free will of others but to make the peace, the love, the kindness, the humility, the compassion so powerful, so contagious that everybody wishes to join.

Beings all over this planet have moved from spiritual, mental, physical exhaustion to a place of demanding, not through the raising of arms, or the manipulation of control but from the essence of their hearts, they are demanding peace, fairness. This cannot be simply esoteric. We know about etheric spiritual, but my beloved friends, we also know your greatest challenge in the ascension of this planet and the humanity that has lagged behind, is the anchoring in form, on planet, of your ascended self, of the wide-awake, loving, heart-listening, heart-speaking, heart-living individual connected… not to this group, or that group, him, or her, but to all beings.

You have had many examples, of late, of unity consciousness… it is spreading like wildfire. It is the good news, and we are with you, and we defend you, and we protect you, and we honor you, and we admire you, for you are dear.

Now, let me speak, let me broaden the understanding of rebirth because again, in the human translation of this word, there has been the introduction… subtly, but we want to eliminate it, yes, Sanat Kumara and the Law of Elimination is right with you… we want to eliminate the limitation. You have lived in a construct where birth and death are linear; that you believe you are born, that you live for umpteen years or umpteen decades, and then you die… and it is a continuum. And you aren’t familiar with the idea, the concept, and the reality of being able to be reborn while you are in that continuum… that you can be reborn, reconstituted, reconstructed, recalibrated while what you are thinking of that you are alive.

First of all, that is an incorrect assumption and it is a minimizing of what the Mother is truly, truly offering you. So many, not just in this circle but across the planet, have said, “I want to go on… but I am tired, my back hurts, I have diabetes, I have heart issues, I have no money, I have chosen to be born into a situation of poverty and inequality so that I can teach and change the world.” All of this is just and right and based on free-will determination. But my beloveds, that does not mean for one moment, when the Mother says, “You can be reborn” that you cannot literally, physically, situationally, be reborn, that your DNA markers that SK has talked about for years, that the fire of the Violet Flame and yes, my Blue Flame, that we cannot ignite the physical, mental, emotional changes you are seeking.

Do not think… and you are being given the perfect example in the global protests… do not think that you cannot redefine who and what you are. Many of you have been feeling exhausted… ‘I need to go to bed and sleep for twelve days.’ Do so because that is when it is taking place. Do not fight the exhaustion… lie down, recalibrate, and live – not to fight another day but to peace another day. Peace has been used as a quality or political situation… think of it as an action.

Peace today! Peace within and around. Share your peace, make it go viral. Back it up with love and then throw in Gabrielle’s Joy at the excitement of what you are creating and that we are creating with you. Your brothers and sisters of the stars know what rebirth is… their physical bodies do not last thousands of years… when they get bored, they trade them in. You can do the same… and it is time. And, if you aren’t sure how, then turn to any of us because we are waiting, and we are available. We will ‘peace’ with you, my beloveds.

So, go with the peace of my being. Go with the peace of this Council. Go with our love. Farewell.


Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2020 Council of Love, Inc.

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