Archangel MICHAEL - Gifts to Humanity

Archangel Michael- Gifts to HumanityChannelled through Natalie Glasson- 05/07/09We are moving past, through and into times of change as growth occurs and healing is gained. In many people this may manifest as an uncertainty or doubt in the presence of the Creator, but you must remember that change is a result of growth and the release of negative energies is an aspect of complete healing. When we realise this we understand that situations on the Earth can be due to the growth and healing of humanity. If we imagine that within us is a bag, this bag collects and holds all negative energies, residue, emotions, thoughts and situations that we have ever experienced. As we live our lives the bag collecting the negative energies can expand and the stagnant energies within can radiate into your being lowering your vibration and influencing your life. You may feel the influence of this negative energy without releasing.The only way to free yourself of this influence is to empty the bag, which can be achieved by healing energies or simply the intention of releasing the negativity within you. Gradually as you focus your attention on the collection of negativity held within the bag you allow it to be release, but you may have to confront, forgive and love some negative energies, as if you are facing your demons or fears in order to experience complete healing, this is the same for the Earth. As we send energies into the Earth we will begin to activate the negative energy held within the Earth, allowing it to be released, the more energy and love anchored into the Earth the easier this process will be achieved. Once healing has been achieved then the love that is anchored into the Earth will begin to be held within the consciousness of the Earth and humanity allowing the Earth to rise drastically in energy vibration.The Angelic Kingdom and I wish you to understand that you have our love and assistance as you go through this healing and releasing of old energy patterns and issues within you and of course on the Earth. We understand that the two healing processes that are occurring can bring forth doubt but we are here to support you at all times. I, Archangel Michael have collected the conscious energy of some light beings on the inner planes to share with you as little gifts of inspiration, tools and guidance to aid your healing process and the rejuvenation process of the Earth.As Mother Earth is opening her heart and soul to accept the loving heart of the Creator, she is acting as a divine example to all on the Earth, teaching every soul that to be fearful of a connection with the Creator is to be fearful of your true self. Mother Earth is asking all of humanity to trust in her energies and the example that she leads, understanding that by anchoring the energy of the Creator into your physical body and soul you will ensure your protection at all times, allowing yourself to follow the correct path for your journey on the Earth.All that Mother Earth asks of you is that you place your attention on receiving the love of the Creator anchoring it into your body and into the Earth. If every soul was able to achieve this each day not only would Mother Earth benefit as healing loving light that would be directed to her soul, melting into her consciousness held within the Earth, but it would enable a gradual release of negative energy from the Earth. This is extremely important as to anchor the loving energy of the Creator and for the Earth to embody love in its entirety a great deal of healing and releasing is needed. If every person on the Earth was able to achieve this simple focus each day it would unite the energies of humanity by drawing the energy of love deeper into the consciousness and atmosphere of the Earth.We, the Angelic Kingdom support this notion, it isn't a new concept but one that people are now realising is vitally important. In truth it is an action that allows all of humanity and the inner planes to take a greater step forward to gain unity with the soul of the Creator. This is a wonderful gift to humanity that Mother Earth, the Creator and I, Archangel Michael, wish to remind you of, it is a tool to be integrated into your daily life as a natural habit. Not only will it heal the Earth and allow the transition from fear to love to be smooth and enjoyable but it will also aid your personal bond and individual connection with the soul of the Creator.Each day simply imagine a beam of light of the most sacred vibration descending from the heavens or the Creator's soul into your being, let the light flow through you in abundance anchoring into your being, then allow the light that you are receiving to flow from your being into the Earth. Imagine or simply hold faith that this energy of love is connecting with the soul of Mother Earth, unifying with the energies of love already anchored by others and synthesised with the consciousness of the Earth. Affirm:I now hold a divine alignment with the purest form of love within the soul of the Creator. The Creator's love flows with ease through my being, connecting anchoring and integrating with the soul of Mother Earth. The Earth emanates love in abundance.Anchoring this each day will boost your love quotient and awaken you further to your unity with the Creator's soul.Lord Shiva offers to all of humanity the energy of stillness from the depths of his soul. The energies of Lord Shiva are magnificent; they are of a pure and high vibration. Lord Shiva is able to hear the stillness of the Creator, to experience this energy of stillness and to anchor it deep into his being so that he manifests as the stillness of the Creator. This is something that many on the Earth find difficult to achieve; they feel a sense of loneliness or seclusion when they attempt to be still and to listen to the stillness within them and within the energy of the Creator. These fears are simply because in order to listen to the stillness of the Creator one must place a tremendous amount of faith, trust and confidence in their own abilities, understanding that through this stillness they will journey to gain a greater inner peace and comprehension of the meaning and purpose of the Creator's energy, something that many find unfathomable to understand.Lord Shiva wishes to place the understanding with humanity that even in chaos one can find a sense of stillness both in the energies around and within you as the energy of the Creator is in everything we experience. The stillness of the Creator is so pure, once a connection has been made with the stillness of the Creator you will hear, sense or experience this energy all around you, offering great comfort with a feeling of belonging and being loved. This is an essential energy that is needed now on the Earth and will help you to gain focus in times of uncertainty, also helping you to listen to the wisdom within you. It means that even when there are loud noises in your surroundings you are able to gain equilibrium and a balance that centers your energies bringing forth a greater concentration on the soul of the Creator.Lord Shiva offers his energy and teachings of how to connect with the stillness of the Creator to all on the Earth as a gift of ascension and development, knowing that it will awaken humanity further dissolving many boundaries and limitations so that freedom may be experienced.Simply sit peacefully gaining a deep meditative state of awareness and invoke Lord Shiva, you may repeat Lord Shiva's name or ask Lord Shiva's energies to draw close to you to surround you in the Shiva soul light and consciousness.˜Lord Shiva, I ask with love in my heart that you assist me in connecting on a deeper level with your soul light, help me to hear, experience and acknowledge the silence of your energies. As I breathe in your light allow me to connect with the silence held within my soul and the soul of the Creator, with confidence and courage in my heart and soul. Please support me and teach me to become a master of stillness with the ability to access the stillness of the Creator whenever I need to. Thank you.I am stillness in manifestation; I have now connected with the divine stillness within and around me.Lord Shiva will assist you tremendously if you allow yourself to be open and trusting in his energies, asking him to meditate with you, in order to discover the energy of silence from the Creator's soul.From the Unicorn Kingdom comes the energy of joy, this is the joy and happiness of our contented and loved inner child. Every soul or person has an inner child, it is an aspect of themselves when they where a child, held within them as a symbol of innocence, trust, unconditional love and an openness to the truth of the Creator. Your inner child is simply like an energy wave or consciousness held within you from your childhood. Some people's inner child may hold positive energies that naturally fuel the positive energies and qualities in their life now, energising their happiness and joy. Those who have experienced negative situations in their childhood may hold onto this, therefore their adult reality is being influenced by the negativity of their past. 'This is something that the Unicorn Kingdom wishes to heal. They wish to dissolve any negativity from your childhood to allow your inner child to exist as a positive consciousness aiding your spiritual growth. The unicorn kingdom also wishes to remind you of your inner child's qualities of playfulness, fun, creativity and enjoyment. In a time when many are so focused on their growth it is important to be reminded of and to connect with our inner child to lighten our energies and focus towards our reality.Many people see the unicorns as mythical creatures but they are in existence on the inner planes of the Creators universe and are willing to help you now. They hold so much love, joy and bliss from the Creator's soul and wish to anchor this into your being. Your connection with their energy will of course aid your development and nurture your being. Allow yourself to make an alignment to the energies of the unicorn kingdom asking them to work with your energies.During meditation or simply throughout your day you can ask to be aligned to the energy of joy, happiness and bliss that extends from the energy of the Unicorn Kingdom, this will naturally uplift your energies.Beloved Unicorn Kingdom, I call on your assistance now to aid me in nurturing my inner child with your unconditional love. Allow any negative energies or issues that my inner child still holds onto to, to be release, help me to become aware of the healing process you are now instigating. Please channel your love and healing energy into my inner child so that my inner child aspect emanates love of the purest vibration into every aspect of my life, fueling me with courage to embrace my loving and trusting child self. Please guide me through this healing and nurturing process, I am open to your energies. Thank you.Again the unicorn kingdom has brought forth a special gift to humanity that assists all who embrace their energies. We understand that in order to exist as a beacon of love we must first heal our being which of course involves healing our past. By connecting with your inner child you are achieving this healing process and allowing yourself to rejuvenate your past into a consciousness within you which emanates a strong and powerful love energy that will support you eternally. Allow yourself the time to work with the unconditional love of the Unicorn Kingdom.I hope that you will open your heart to the gifts of consciousness and love that have been offered to you today, I will continue with this communication next week, bringing forth other gifts to assist you in your spiritual growth and development on the Earth.With sacred blessings,Archangel MichaelBest wishes and blessings, Natalie
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  • keep it comming archangel michael wonderful information such a natural link with the animal
    kingdoms on the inner planes namaste mike jay
  • Ah let those who seek enlightment or who have already attained such meditate upon this "The Mystery of the Phoenix, Sphinx, and Unicorn.
    Oh :P tell Micheal Ra says hello. I want him to hear it from you.
  • Thank you, thank you, thank you Archangel Michael
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