Archangel Michael on Valor
Everything Archangel Michael says is fraught with significance.
Here he is greeting me on Dec. 20, 2017, but greeting everybody. And what he goes on to teach, though he doesn’t mention it by name, is, in my opinion, the value of valor.
Valor seems to be the willingness to keep one’s promise by pursuing or remaining with something to the end.
From Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Dec. 20, 2017. Thanks to Dana for our transcript.
Welcome to you, beloved one, and welcome to you from this entire Council as you go forth in the truth, in the wonder, in the unfoldment of our Sacred Mother’s Plan.
And it is not merely a future fulfillment for it is fulfillment in every breath in every day and it is the anchoring of the depth of that commitment, the wonder of that commitment, and the fulfillment of that commitment each and every day.
For that is what the journey is. Yes, of course, I have said to you and I will say to you again, it is always vitally important, not only for you, my friend, but for every single being upon this planet, to keep their eye, their heart, their promise on what lies ahead, on what you are working for.
But every step you take, every action, every breath is in the fulfillment of that Plan and not only of course our Mother’s Plan but yours as well, [the plan] of each and every person upon this planet. Whether they accept it, know it, live it or not, that is what they are doing.
Some try and successfully attempt to veer from their chosen path. And that of course is an exercise of free will and the right of that free will to take as many scenic detours as the individual desires.
But more and more, the Nova Beings, the human race, the Gaians are learning that in fact the scenic detours are an exercise in frustration, in loneliness, separation, isolation.
So more and more, they turn from the chaos, from the insanity, and say, “No, that is not what I wanted. That was not what I was attempting to create. What I want is very simple. What I want is some peace and quiet. What I want is some comfort and nurturing,” to which we say, “Hallelujah!”
So it is a time of radical shift and, yes, very often it feels as if you are turning a massive ship around and it takes this time and energy but, dearest heart, it is the Queen Mary, not the Titanic and so it is important to have faith.