

The actual airing of this episode of An Hour with an Angel, with Archangel Michael this week, was interrupted by technical difficulties so, thanks to Ellen’s skill and speed, we have the transcript available now for listeners and readers. In this episode, Archangel Michael looks at the many instances interference with lightwork from Yahoo and YouTube/Google, the impact of the video I Know Our Galactic Family is Here, the extent and nature of containment, the latest on NESARA, who the masters are who are really returning (you), and much, much more.

We apologize for the interruptions in service. Since this has happened before with Blogtalk Radio, we are looking into migrating to another radio host.

An Hour with an Angel, October 8, 2012, with Archangel Michael

Geoffrey West: Greetings and blessings. Thank you for sharing your time with us on this 90-minute extended Hour with an Angel for October the 8th, Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love and author of the book The Great Awakening, and tonight Steve Beckow, founder of the 2012 Scenario.

I’m Geoffrey West, filling in for Graham Dewyea this evening, and I will be occasionally joining in for this extended program with Steve and our guest Archangel Michael, and also Linda Dillon as herself.
With this, I’ll turn things over to you, Steve to start things off.

Steve Beckow: Thank you, Geoff, and welcome to all our listeners. It feels like we’ve been away for a wee while. Linda, I think you have something to share with us before we start the program.
Linda Dillon: I do. And hi, everybody, and welcome, as well. And I hope you’re all making your plans to be with us in Sedona for the 2012 Scenario Conference.

But as I was meditating this morning and getting ready for this wonderful time that we get together every week, I was channeling with Archangel Michael. And he asked me to remind people of the channeling that the Council of Love had done on the 13 blessings and virtues. So this is out of my book The Great Awakening.

But more importantly than that, now is the time when it’s really important for all of us to be working deeply and diligently with what Steve calls the divine qualities and what I refer to as the blessings and virtues. But they’re one and the same thing.

And what Archangel Michael had asked me to do was to read for you, to set the tone - because I think today’s going to be a blockbuster program! - but to remind us, as we get started, while we’re in our hearts and in that place of peace and calm, what the definition, the channeled definition of the quality of hope is. And it’s different than what we have perceived or thought of as hope in the current realm, if I can put it that way.

So, hope: It’s the gift of heart-knowing of the presence of God; the ability to understand that very often things on Earth are not as they appear; an ability to pierce the illusion of the veil; the only reason for change.
Hope encompasses serenity, total and perfect calm; to be in the world but not of it; to be able to remain centered and still, one with who you are, regardless of the externals.

And hope is the color of deep twilight blue, almost navy. It’s the color of our beloved Divine Mother.
So, with that understanding of what we’re holding together - because we are in this together - I’ll just take a second and step aside, Steve, and let you get going.

SB: Thank you, Linda.
And I’d like to point out to our listeners, because it’s always nice to get evidence of things, that I have it in my questions to ask Archangel Michael about hope. But Linda doesn’t know that. We don’t send our questions to Linda.
So, here Linda has said that Archangel Michael wants to discuss hope. You may get a sense of how he knows about what we’re going to talk about.

And with that, we have a very full program today and I welcome you, Archangel Michael.
Archangel Michael: And I welcome you. I welcome all of you across the planet and far beyond. Because do not forget your star brothers and sisters also tune in! So yes, I am Michael, archangel of love, warrior of peace. And each of you, my beloved friends, are also warriors of peace.
As you have seen, in the platform that we have formed [Achieving World Peace Now! at

http://achievingworldpeacenow.wordpress.com/, this issue of peace re-emerges front and center, important, crucial and pivotal. But it is also the peace of one’s heart, of being in harmony, of being in love with your sacred self and everything else.

You cannot experience or be in peace, or have what you think of as peace, upon your planet if it is not being held within you, if that vibration and frequency is not being held and practiced, nourished and embraced - hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, year after year.

Now, many of you work with me every night on the mission of peace, on my strategic peace initiative. And for this I am mightily and eternally grateful. But it also contributes to the exhaustion that many of you feel. Yes, it is also the adjustments and attunements in your frequency, the expansion within your field. You are holding more energy than human beings, either individually or collectively, have ever held before.

But know: we are in sacred partnership with this undertaking, this undertaking. And it does not matter whether you call it the unfoldment of the Divine Plan, the Shift, Ascension, or the anchoring of peace on Earth. These are all one and the same. They are all part and parcel of one achievement, of raising to a higher frequency, new dimensions, new octaves.
So, I welcome you and I welcome your conversation this night.

SB: Thank you, Lord. And of course you’ve surprised me again because I think you’ve just referred to the newest blog, called Achieving World Peace Now, and you said that you formed it. Could you tell us a little bit about what you mean by the fact that you formed it? Did you inspire this creation?

AAM: Yes, I did. Now, part of our conversation this day will be about what has and has not happened, both in the external reality and within your hearts.
[Steve: Again, for the sake of readers, I had this exact topic down on my list of questions. AAM has anticipated it.]
Now, I have had and been in charge of, or charged with, the honor of anchoring peace upon the planet, and far beyond, for eons. But, yes, I have inspired the re-emergence of this dedicated interest of formulating peace on Earth now.

So it is an expansion, my dear friend, of this platform that you and I have agreed to, the foundation for the conversation across the planet about what is relevant, what is important and what is timely.
So, yes, I have inspired this, and I thank all of those who have stepped forward, and I thank those who are about to step forward.

SB: Well, thank you very much. And again, listeners should know that you have anticipated that I wanted to ask you about our accomplishments outside, in the outside world and the inner world. So you really do know what my questions are here on this question paper.

Two straightforward questions first, Archangel Michael. What is the true count on the number of views of the video I Know My Galactic Family Is Here ,as of today?

AAM: As of today, at this very moment, you are looking… 731,000 views. [The actual YouTube count at this moment was around 139,000.]

SB: Wow. And can you explain to us what is happening at YouTube-Google, that somebody is under-counting the number of views of the video?

AAM: And it is not just your video, it is many such videos. They do not always accurately allow the counting to happen. So there is some interference.
It is actually quite amusing, is it not, that they will allow millions upon millions of views of happy cats or mischievous dogs or things of that nature, or even horrendous things to be viewed. But when they think that something is perhaps needing to be toned down a little, there is a mechanism where the counting goes askew.

It does not matter. But you do raise a question, and it is the question about Disclosure.
First of all, I want each of you to feel my gentle embrace. I want you to feel my presence in your heart, and the blue flame that I have placed within each of you time and time and time again.

But this day I also want you to feel very clearly my sword and shield that I have also gifted you long ago, and have reminded you of time and time and time again.
You are warriors of peace, and you are warriors of Disclosure. You are warriors of change, agents, starseeds and angels of change.

You have looked to the powers that be, those that have had authority and control in your old third-dimensional reality to acknowledge Disclosure. And ideally, yes, that would have been nice. And it will be nice, when it occurs. But that is not what I wish to address.

I am asking you to give yourselves, all of you - because this video has been sent around the world many times already - give yourselves the credit that you have already announced Disclosure. Do not put yourself into a secondary position where you are saying and asking whether it is for the President or the Pope to acknowledge that what you say is true and valid, to give it legitimacy.

You are the agents of change. Your legitimacy comes from on high. It comes from a power high above Earth, and it is not a controlling power.
So I am asking all of you who have watched the video, who have shared the video, who have made the video, accept as your star brothers and sisters have that Disclosure, the first step, has already been taken. Hear us - and there are many of us - when we say to you, “Job well done. Keep going. Be brave. Be fearless. Be outrageous.”

And then you step back. Stop stepping back, and claim your position truly as the bringers of change, as the forerunners, as the anchors of Nova Earth and Nova Reality.

SB: What would you like to see as the next video, Lord?

AAM: I want you to have fun with these videos. And I know that this is a tremendous investment on your part. But I would like the next video to be on the creation of peace right now. Again, peace is in the hearts of people. It is in the agreement of harmony with all things, all realms, all kingdoms, including the human kingdom.

But you, my friends, are working in the human realm, and therefore what we are asking you to do, your next project, if I was given my preference, would be on the declaration of peace.
Now, you have already done, dear Steve, a great deal of work on this subject. (1) And so have you, Geoffrey. And so have you, Linda. And there are many, all over your planet, that wish this Declaration, this clarion call, to go out.

And I most certainly do, because peace is going to be declared by the people. It is a response, you know! Very seldom are machines or bureaucracies such as government pro-active. The only time they tend to be pro-active is in war, and even then they are reactive. They do not take stances on matters of true importance. What they react to is where the people are.

And that is why there is such change upon the planet, and, yes, such chaos and upheaval. Because the collective is saying, “No. What you are doing is not acceptable, and what you want us to do is not acceptable.” It is not of love in any realm.
So, declare peace. Start this ball rolling.

SB: Now, Lord, you remember that we’ve talked many times about how you are the author of the Declaration of Human Freedom, (2) which comes under my name, but I know I didn’t write it. So would you acknowledge here on the air that you are the author of that, please?

AAM: I would be proud to acknowledge this.

SB: Thank you.

AAM: And it is not, dear one, that I wish in any way to minimize [your contribution], because we are in sacred partnership. And that is the perfect starting place for the Declaration, is it not?

SB: Yes. Now, will you channel a Declaration of World Peace through me?

AAM: Yes, I will.

SB: All right. And should that be the basis of this video?

AAM: Yes, and then expand it like you have in your other video to include many from all over the world.

SB: Very good. Okay. I think we can well do that. And is it your thought that InLight Radio will do it or that the Achieving World Peace Now blogsite will do it?

AAM: It is the blogsite. It is their baby.

SB: All right. That’s very good. Okay. Thank you.
A few more questions now about YouTube and Google. When I went to start a World Peace Now discussion group, Yahoo would not allow me to do that. And yet, when I said, “Okay, I’ll start a different group. I’ll start a group called Strawberry Jam Now,” Yahoo allowed me to do that. And then I change dthe name to World Peace Now.
Again, is there something happening with Yahoo that they’re opposing a cause like world peace?

AAM: They are reticent to become too involved in what they think are controversial matters. So, if you had said World War Now it would have been the same reaction.

SB: Okay. Well, that’s good to know.
Lately we’ve been having a lot of trouble on the 2012 Scenario with our daily digest. 500 subscribers at a time are dropped. Is Yahoo censoring the 2012 Scenario site?

AAM: From time to time, yes.

SB: What is their motivation? What is their reason for that?

AAM: It is not really a motivation at all. It is more a case of a single individual. Do not worry. It’s being taken care of.

SB: Could you just explain that a bit more?

AAM: When you think of organizations, whether it is any of these social media, there are certain flags that are raised now and then - and certainly the 2012 Scenario has raised many flags over the years! - and then it is at the discretion of what you can think of as managers, technicians, to either proceed or simply let things flow.
So what has happened in this situation - and it is an isolated situation time-wise and content-wise - is that you have irritated or challenged the belief systems of an individual.

SB: Okay. I know you don’t like to judge people or name people, so I’ll let it go there. I’d like to switch over to a discussion of containment, and Geoffrey would like to ask some questions in this area, Lord.

AAM: And I would be pleased to answer.

GW: Greetings, Michael. A number of things are coming up in the global events of this time - one primarily involving the country of Iran, but also things that are happening in Israel. I’d just like to start out by asking is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in containment at this present time?

AAM: Yes, he is.

GW: Okay. And was he responsible directly for the repressive policies in Iran, or perhaps was he under the control of a cabal shadow government? I’m being very cautious in using the term, but some perhaps have believed that maybe he is working for the Light or at one time even was a light-worker.

AAM: And understand this has happened a great deal. And this is one of the things and opportunities I want to take to address these issues.
How does it happen that someone who has started as a light-worker, as a light-holder, has become involved in, shall we say, less than love, or very controlling and abusive energies or policies? And that they have aligned themselves with what you think of as those who would wish to harm or hurt or kill or destroy or oppress people?

It happens when they lose faith and hope, when they forget who they are. And then the door is opened, because the person no longer recognizes their worth and their divine spark of essence. So this is a very good example of what has happened.
But now he is being brought back into the Light. And you will see indications of that. Well, you already have.

GW: Is it possible to go into a little bit more detail? How exactly is this taking place?

AAM: There is a phenomenon that we do not talk about a great deal, that when, say, someone is a light-worker, light-holder in their present heart, and then they diverge, they take the detour or the scenic route into areas that are not of light and love, and they commit or experience things that are abhorrent.

Then, very often what will happen - and particularly this is a factor of containment, of someone being put in and re-penetrated by the Light; now, it does not always work, and there are some that will remain there for thousands of years; but that is all right - but very often what happens is they depart. When they are not being true to themselves, think of it as a large chunk, a large piece, many aspects of your being leave, because they cannot tolerate the energy of the lower vibration.

Then what happens with the light infusion is re-integration, reconstruction in many ways. And so what happens is the person basically walks into themselves. So it is like, and akin to, a spiritual death and then a rebirth.

GW: Great. Thank you, Michael. There are so many directions we could go on that flow but for the purposes of sticking to our planned schedule I think we’ll have to leave that for now.
But I would like to know a little bit more about what is taking place with Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. It seems like his plans are falling apart miserably. Could this perhaps be his, quote-unquote, “final curtain,” so to speak?

AAM: He is being given a choice, as are all human beings, and it is just that some are more visible because of the power and authority and the profile that they have maintained. So he is being given a choice to step into the light of cooperation and peace, or not.

GW: Okay. Great. So, obviously with the time-frame that we’re working with things are going to be taking place fairly quickly.

AAM: They are going to be happening far more rapidly than you can imagine.

GW: Well, I think that’s cause for excitement around the world, for sure. I’d like to bring Steve back in for a moment. He has a point that he would like to offer. So, Steve, what would you like to share?

SB: Well, Lord, your description of people who… a part of whose soul leaves, who can’t stand the direction that somebody is taking…. You have talked to me on occasion about Sri Sathya Sai Baba. And you said that that was something that happened in his case, too, that the avatar could not tolerate where the lower vehicle was going. Is that correct? (3)

AAM: That is correct.

SB: All right. I won’t pursue that at this point, but I did want to raise the similarity. Thank you, Geoff.

GW: Great. Thank you, Steve. I’d like to ask a question about Mehran Keshe and his foundation to release technologies to the world. I and others have had this strong feeling that there’s something about this story that has not yet been revealed. He seems to be very careful not to talk about Disclosure in any official sense, and he seems to strongly emphasize that all ships being seen at this time were of terrestrial origin.

So there was something in the energy of a discussion with him I had recently, and I don’t want to ask specifically, but is this feeling that some of us have on track? Is there something more definitive to come that will either support the work, or is there an attempt to perhaps discredit the work?

AAM: We do not really try to discredit anybody’s work, for that would not be fair. And there is a great deal of this work, of this individual, Keshe, that is of value. And, as you know, both your star brothers and sisters, humanity, but also we, of this legion of light, have an interest in formulating completely free energy, for all of humanity, everywhere so that that bond and harness of control is completely broken. It is an absurd harness to start with.

So what we are saying is that we do not throw the baby out with the bath water. But there are some discrepancies and some, hmm, I am sorry, but ego agendas that are at play here. And there is a desire to discredit the star brothers and sisters.

Now, this is also based in a belief that the energy has to come from the human collective, that humanity themselves are fully capable of solving and resolving this issue. And in fact that is very true. But it is also true that it is possible to be solved and resolved because of the ideas and implants and the technology that has already been shared from your star brothers and sisters.

So I think it is a question of not living in isolation and separation and giving credit where credit is due. Why does one wish to even think, let alone put forward, that you are alone in the universe? That your star brothers and sisters are not as close as the next room or the next chair?
So there is some further work to be done in this project. Can I say that?

GW: That sounds rather appropriate. And at least that helps bring a little bit more clarity to that. So, thank you, Michael. Okay, Steve, I’ll turn things back over to you.

SB: Thanks, Geoff. I wonder how much can be done, Lord, in a mere 73 days with Keshe? I mean, is it possible to bring in new technologies at lightning speed?

AAM: Yes, it is.

SB: Okay. [laugh] Can you expand on that a bit?

AAM: The technology…. You are thinking in three-dimensional human terms. Now, Steve, you are not even in the third dimension anymore, but you are helping out. So we’ll address it that way.

SB: All right. Thank you.

AAM: What you have forgotten is you tend to put things in human terms: Well, the technology needs to be developed. It needs to be tested. It needs to be trialed. It needs to be manufactured. It needs to be exported. It needs to be put in place. And you think of this in the processes of the time continuum - and that is an issue we will talk about today - the time continuum that is the reference point of the old third dimension. But it is not necessary.

Understand: change - whether it is change of heart, change of technology, change of government, change of attitudes - can happen overnight. Yes, the technology might take a couple of days in terms of your reference points. But technology can be shared very rapidly. And what I am suggesting to you is that technology is already there. It has already been developed. It has already been tested. It is all ready for distribution.

So then you say to me, “Well, Lord, what is the problem?” We are waiting for the shift, the bigger shift in the human heart, to accept that this is possible.
So that is my request to each and every one of you, this night and every day. Can you, in the fullness of your being, in the fullness of your heart - and yes, with your clock as you look at it, 73 days and counting - can you simply make room for the spontaneous change, for the instantaneous miracles?

SB: Perhaps we could talk a little bit about that, Lord. Because there’s a discussion in the air about what has been called on occasion the return of the Masters.
And maybe I can just say a wee bit about that before you answer.

You’ve said that there’ll be waves of people ascending, going first and being the wayshowers for others. You’ve called these gatekeepers. You’ve said that these ones who go first can exhibit, that is to come back here, to reach back and bring others through. And you’ve actually said that this is a great part of the return of the Masters. Can you talk about that whole subject that I’ve just related, please?

AAM: There is an awakening that is taking place, and it is already underway. Let us talk about the return of the Masters and this event. But while I am doing so, I ask all of you listeners to understand, you are already in the process of your Ascension. So open your hearts and keep going.

The return of the Masters is twofold. First of all, it is you, and I mean all of you, every single person listening and every single person on the planet - can you imagine? - not just claiming, but being in their mastery, being in the fullness of their divinity, to be the embodiment of that light, of that love, in form. Because that is the quality - yes, with variation and delightful variation - of the Masters. It is that place of enlightenment, and it is the place of kindness, and the ability to create and co-create.

So part of what we have not talked about in great depth in terms of the return of the Masters is each of you assuming your role. When you volunteered, when you turned to me and to the Mother and to your guides and you said, “Yes, I will go, and I will be part of this transformation and unfoldment,” we did not take or recruit, or even accept, if you can think of it that way, souls who were not having the potential to reach this state of being. They aren’t here on your planet.
So that is the first part.

Then there is the second part of the return of the Masters, of many of what you think of as the Ascended Ones, that can walk with you as friends, as teachers, as allies, as family. Because the vibration and the frequency that Gaia, and each of you who choose to come, who choose to accept that invitation in the fullness of what it really is - they will walk with you. They will be with you.

Now, there are some that are very clear that they are not interested or enamored or wishful of doing that at this time. But there are many Masters who will return, and to be with you.
Now, if you are asking me, my dear heart, “Will there be a Master manifest in the third dimension” - that you are occupying now and then - “in order to wake people up?” the answer is no.

You, each of you, are necessarily the masters. It is the awakening - and believe you me the alarm clock has rung already - it is the awakening of the human collective.
Now, you would say to me, “Well, Michael, a lot of people have slept through the alarm.” And I would say, yes, they have. And as they are sleeping they are being worked on. They are still integrating the love directly from the heart of the Mother/Father One. So we do not worry about it.

There are beings on Earth, even that you know, who have accepted the fact that their role is to work with the collective, with the masses - and I am not talking about small groups; I am talking about millions - and that they are awakening them in ways that may not be even conscious, the same way that we are working with the human collective to awaken, and much of it is unconscious or subconscious.

But the key is bringing this to consciousness for the awakening to be, for someone to wake up in the morning and say, “I feel completely different. I do not know what happened, but I feel different. I feel like the clouds have cleared, the despair is gone, the fear is gone, and I am free to get on with my life and what I really came here for. I feel that I love myself, I love my partner, I love my family, I love my neighbor.”

And this change, which is the fundamental change, is happening by the millions every day. And beyond that… let me be clear that the tipping point that so many refer to has already been reached. So now it simply spreads.
Gaia herself is also going through events, through transitions, through reconstructions. And as she is doing so, so are each of you.
I am sorry I interrupted you, dear one.

SB: Oh, as I’ve said many times, Lord, the listeners are here to hear you, not me. You have mentioned on many occasions with me, in personal readings or on this program, the subject of early Ascensions. You’ve talked about steps, stages, waves.

Now, in this discussion of the return of the Masters what I’ve been trying to edge towards is that these Masters, which are ourselves, are part of this early wave. Can you talk more, please, about early Ascension and the steps that we’ll be seeing in stages or waves, please?

AAM: Yes. Because many of you have and are already through the greater part of your Ascension process. And may I liken it to some of the humility or the other issues that we have talked about today - for example, when you are waiting for someone else to announce Disclosure when you have already done so. So what you do is you step back and you minimize, you downplay, where you are and how you are in this process of Ascension.

Most of you have gone through the transition, through the reconstruction, through the disconnection. You have traveled the waves and the troughs. And some of you still are.
What you want to know, what you are really asking me, is “How do I know, dear Michael, when I am there? How do I know when I have truly embraced my mastery, which is a reflection of and in alignment with One? Is it a light bulb? Is it an event?”

What it is is surrender, when you have reached that point, when you absolutely feel, know and are in the state of being that all you are, all you ever have been, all you ever can be is love.
And it is a feeling in your terms of almost overwhelm, of the tide breaking through, of the dam breaking, and the opening of floodgates completely opening, and that you cannot go back and really touch or relate or engage with those old, false paradigms. You may acknowledge them, but they do not and cannot exist within your field.

It is like the memory of a country that you traveled to years or eons ago. Now, one of the things in this process - and it is unique to each one of you - one of the things that is happening, just before that letting go, that surrender, is the last vestige of fear.

Because you are literally jumping into a sphere… no matter what we say or how much detail we give you, you are moving into a dimensional reality that you do not fully know or understand or embrace. You embrace the concepts, you embrace the idea, but you cannot fully be there until this surrender and this fullness is felt.

This channel has talked about this to many, and certainly to a dear friend just yesterday. And I have spoken through her to this one, and I have likened it to the moment of birthing. And even if you are male, you have been female and you know what it is to birth.

And there is the excitement with the pregnancy and with the child growing, as the energy has been growing within each one of you, and your fields have expanded enormously, courageously, fearlessly, joyfully.
And then comes the moment of delivery, when you are in fear of losing your life because the pain is so intense, and you wish that this child had never taken up residence, and you would do anything to get rid of it and have it slip from your womb. And it is that moment of fear and desperation and excitement and then surrender into the totality of love.

The birthing process in the human race is one of the ways in which you learn unconditional love and surrender. And that is where you are. Most of you are right there. And you are petrified. “Will I make it? Where are my signs?”
And the truth is that you are the sign. You are the catalyst. You are the outcome. It is that surrender into the beingness of love, and nothing else. And from that emerges, like the phoenix from the ashes, the master, the co-creator, the catalyst who is ready to assist with the birthing of others.

So, you have asked me many times: is it a moment? Yes. Is it an event? Yes. And it is a process. Yes. And you are going, and you have gone, through all of it. And you say, “Well, then, why do I not feel the fullness of what you refer to as the higher dimensions?”

And I am asking you, I am begging you, go into your heart, into your spirit, and allow that to be. And go far beyond feeling or thinking, because what you are doing is you get afraid, and then you look externally: “Give me more information. Give me more signs. Let me understand mentally.”

Now, we are not trying to eliminate your mental body or your ego. Quite the contrary. This is an integrated process. But stop looking outside and go within, because as you are the change, as you are the shift, it catalyzes the shift for humanity. Many of you are in that place, in that moment of birthing. And I am asking you, hang on and let go.

You cannot turn back. You can turn away. And of course that is a choice, a choice that we do not believe that you will make because we know you and we love you. But are you free to turn away? Of course. But let me also say about that, do not think, my friends, that if you turn to me and say, “This is all too much, Michael. I give up, I turn away,” it does not mean that I am going anywhere. It does not mean that Gabriel or Raphael or the Mother is going anywhere, because we are not abandoning you.

So we will be by your side while you breathe and rethink your position - and I use the word think - and then with our hands gently on your shoulder, and with love, we will turn you back to where you have decided to go, long ago.
That is why we say everyone is welcome. Everyone. No one came for this transition, for this magnificent, cosmic event to then turn away and say, “Oh, no thanks.” Are there those who have patently refused to prepare?

Yes. Are there those that will go to an alternate reality? Yes. But even that can be considered a form of transformation or Ascension. Everybody upon Gaia ascends.
And we have said, and we say again, the passport is love. But let us be very clear: we have no intention of elongating this time-frame. Time-frame is something that you are working with. What we say is the time is now. Do not wait. Do not wait one more day. Come with us. And come now.

(Continued in Part 2 http://the2012scenario.com/2012/10/archangel-michael-the-returning-...)

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"War is building up all over the place which is the Cabal's end goal they want WW3 which would end up being a nuclear war. Tensions are rising between North and South Korea, drone strike was initiated on Netanyahu's house. He is okay, Xi Jingping of…"
7 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
7 hours ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"We all see the manner in which the western elites, seek to place Red China on a global pedestal, as an exemplar of ordered society...social credit scores, disciplined work force, heavy manufacturing, et al...

However, anyone naively inspired by…"
12 hours ago
Drekx Omega commented on Drekx Omega's blog post Greta Thunberg's Alarmist Tactics Suit Elite Agendas
"As we on ACC mostly realise, the dark elites seek to promote the use of EVs on a mass scale....However, I'm optimistic that people are now realising that this promotion is based upon the fakery of "climate emergency"...Moreover, rather than saving…"
13 hours ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"As we on ACC mostly realise, the dark elites seek to promote the use of EVs on a mass scale....However, I'm optimistic that people are now realising that this promotion is based upon the fakery of "climate emergency"...Moreover, rather than saving…"
13 hours ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"I would always recommend a very trustworthy supplier of gold and silver bullion. Anything from China should always be avoided....My tried and trusted favourite bullion merchants, are Baird & Co of London....
"Baird & Co. is one of the UK’s leading…"
13 hours ago