
Our message today is for you to maintain your center during the coming three weeks...The alignments and energy which begins these for you now may cause some discomfort, but allow that to settle for you...The most important saviors of Earth are landing right now.  They are landing in your own hearts and bodies...Allow the seedling which you are the opportunity to grow and amaze you


through Ron Head




April 24, 2012


Our message today is for you to maintain your center during the coming three weeks.  Very powerful alignments and energy waves are going to occur and change you more rapidly than anything you have experienced thus far.


Of course everyone has the choice to accept or resist these changes, but change will occur.  Acceptance and welcoming them will create one kind of change and resistance will create another.  This will mark the beginning of the changes to the physical make up of your bodies that are necessary.  You will not necessarily see anything, but without them your ascension in this body will not be possible.


Along with the energies incoming to your earth will be the energies of your own higher selves beginning to manifest into your physical selves.  Without the changes we are discussing, that will not be possible for you.  These will not be overnight changes.  The alignments and energy which begins these for you now may cause some discomfort, but allow that to settle for you.  Quickly thereafter it will become quite a pleasant experience.  As you say so often, “Go with the flow.”


The self whom you have always intuitively known is about to manifest for all to see.  You just might be as surprised and pleased as everyone else.  There will be those whose consciousness does not allow this.  Their reactions to what is happening may be unpleasant for you.  We advise you to allow them their discomforts and keep your attention on your acceptance of this gift, given to you by your Creator and your higher selves.  You will, at some point, find yourself to be a different person from whom you believe yourself to be today.  But the person you are growing to be is in you now as surely as a huge tree is in the acorn.  Allow the seedling which you are the opportunity to grow and amaze you.  The new world that has been promised to you will be born in this manner.


The most important saviors of Earth are landing right now.  They are landing in your own hearts and bodies.  They are indeed you.  You will be joined by others, yes.  But first you must become the ones who will build the world you have imagined into being.  Give thanks to your Creator for who and what you are, for in you, you will find the greatest gift of all.  We know of a video you have called The Secret.  This, my dearest friends, is the secret.  Well hidden by you from yourselves.  And now is the time for you to unwrap it.  Thank your Creator, thank yourselves, and thank each other.  Then enjoy yourself as you change everything.


Good day to you now, until tomorrow.




Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice



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  • The thought of having a community  of like minded brothers and sisters with whom to share this kind of love is breath-taking.  I bid you all Namaste.

  •  So appropriate and so so positive, Thank you for this post K H.

     Love it Blessings light love balance peace harmony kingjeff.

     I am seeing the warmth and love wherever I go along with the

    knowing while in some cases sleep prevails. Love is in the air.

  • Wow this is amazing

  • thank you so much for the sharing..i know this is happening now to me..but i always make myself at peace..the frequency over my ears becomes more intense specially when i am alone..i am much more in control..and even some given me negativity i only give back and response smile and happiness which i knew and feel it is vibrating to them..looking forward to the changes for everyone in this planet earth..

    namaste love and peace..

  • Love and Light :D

  • It's awesome, thank you so much...

  • I had just wrote on Facebook the post "This is the most fabulous year I have ever witnessed yet. The Feminine Love energies coming into the planet and our bodies are amazing me left and right....Wow,Wow & Holy Wow !!! Incredible!!! Are you guys feeling it ???" and then read this April 24,02012 post. It just keeps getting better and better in the unfolding

  • I'm so confused, what about what the Bible says about no one can get to the father except through the son? It seems like everyone has scoffed at the Bible, but this seems stranger than anything I ever learned there. What makes you have faith in this, our own power is all we need? I'm opened minded for this but I'm afraid. What if we are wrong? Couldn't this be Satans trick to get us to worship the antichrist instead of God. Isn't that how Revelations says it will happen. Alot of people will be tricked into worshipping the beast. I'm open minded...but this goes against all I've been taught. Help me...I don't want to make the wrong choice and I don't want all of you to make the wrong choice either.

  • Brings to mind a  few verses of a prayer invocation to the Violet Transmuting Flame of St Germaine:

    I am god's flame within my soul

    I am god's flashing beacon goal

    I am, I am the sacred fire

    I feel the flow of Joy inspire....

    The consciousness of God in me

    Does raise me to the Christ I see

    Descending now in violet flame

    I see him come for e'er to reign

    right now blaze through and saturate

    right now expand and penetrate

    right now set free god's mind to be

    right now and for eternity....

  • Indeed, Ron! Namaste to you all...out there!

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