Archangel Michael:
"Greetings, Beloved Ones. We send you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now moment, and we invite you to open your heart for our message for you...
We wish to share with you how much the light on your planet has increased, in the the past few days.
Just the simple act of speaking out what you are thankful for, sets a myriad of new energies into motion, to deliver you more experiences to be thankful for.
You already know this fact.
The question is, how much do you employ these simple, yet profound mechanics of appreciation and manifestation?
The more you appreciate, you are telling the Universe: "Bring me more things to appreciate!"
And, when you stay out of the way, the Universe will in turn attune your vibrational frequencies, to experience more of the things you are appreciating.
By "staying out of the way" we are referring to the continuing thoughts of appreciation and wellbeing and not thoughts that contradict what you appreciate.
Understand that your simple act of appreciation, does not only create new manifestations for you in the immediate future, it also creates new manifestations in the long term - as long as you're staying out of the way of this flow of creation.
Try this:
Take out a journal or notepad.
Begin to write down all the things you appreciate.
Start by writing down general things first and then be more specific.
"I love that..." should be the beginning of each sentence.
Let's begin:
Your relationships: (family, romantic relationships)
"I love that..."
Your work:
"I love that..."
Your health:
"I love that..."
Your Abundance:
"I love that..."
Your Self:
"I love that..."
Do this exercise for the next 21 days. (Every morning would be best, if you can.)
Then, watch your reality change for the better.
All is well, Beloved Ones.
We are walking beside you, every step of the way.
Dear Ones, you are loved beyond measure.
Always. I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.
Thank You, Archangel Michael!
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