
 In this interview, Archangel Michael looks at the true state of the global currency reset, the role of the Syrian conflict in bringing the world to a final state of peace, the failure of contemporary analysis to address core issues, the rise of new television programs to reveal the truth, what is happening with debt forgiveness, the manner in which prosperity funds might appear, and the cleansing of Fukushima radiation. Thanks to Ellen for our transcript.

An Hour with an Angel, September 3, 2013, with Archangel Michael

Graham Dewyea: Hello, and welcome to An Hour with an Angel, with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The Great Awakening, and Steve Beckow, editor and founder of the Golden Age of Gaia, and author of Building Nova Earth: Toward a World that Works for Everyone.
It’s a pleasure to be with you. I’m Graham Dewyea.
Our guest today is Archangel Michael. So with that, I’ll pass it on to you, Steve.

Steve Beckow: Thank you very much, Graham. And welcome, Archangel Michael.

Archangel Michael: And welcome to you. Welcome to all of you. I am Michael, archangel of peace and warrior of love. Welcome, my beloved friends, especially those of the blue ray (although I do not discriminate)! I certainly have an affinity for those of you who travel upon this ray of truth, of peace, of change and of communication.

And so I wish to begin this day and every day by again reigniting, within your heart, within your throat, within your very core, my blue flame of truth, my blue flame of peace - for never has the anchoring of peace deep within the center of your being been more critical and important.

You are in the midst of massive change. And we know we keep telling you this. And you say, “Well, where are the benchmarks? Where are the posts, the signs?” But, dear hearts, most of the shift is within your heart, within your core, within your everyday life - how you think, how you feel, how you behave, how you act, how you interact with one another - and that is shifting, and it is having that domino effect out into the world at large.

I ask you once again to up the ante of your spiritual practice, of your journey of one, to align, consciously and joyfully, with the heart and mind and will of One.
So I welcome you on this day, everybody from Africa to Asia, to the Middle East, to Europe, to China, to the United States and Canada, to South America, Central America, Australia - I welcome you all!
Where do you wish to begin?

SB: Thank you very much, Archangel Michael. And I should mention that there’s a tremendous electrical storm happening behind me, and it may cause a little bit of disruption. We’re going to forge ahead. Here we go.

Well, I guess you can probably predict what I’m going to ask given what you’ve just said. Certainly everybody is wondering when the global currency reset will happen. We passed by September 1st, which was an obvious date with the resignations of Bernanke and Napolitano, but nothing has been heard. Can you give us an update, please, on what’s happening with the reset?

AAM: I have said this, and I will repeat myself: it is underway, and there is much that is transpiring from your perspectives, those of you who are not involved in the financial world, shall we say. There is much that is occurring behind the scenes. It is not that there is obstreperous obstruction or that there is intentional delay. It is simply that this is a massive undertaking, both above and below, but particularly below.

It is a bureaucratic - and we do not mean this in a negative sense, but - it is a massive bureaucratic undertaking. And because it has to do with what human beings, might I say unfortunately, are obsessed with, and that is their money, they want to make sure that everything is perfectly in order and progressing in ways that do not cause upheaval, panic, division, derision. So, it is underway.

SB: Okay. Well, perhaps I can say to the listeners, then, that a lot of commentators have attributed it to the same people who brought us 9/11 interfering - the alphabet agencies, the Syrian crisis. But what I hear you saying, Archangel Michael, is that none of that is in play, it’s just the desire to get it right.

AAM: That is correct.

SB: So, that being the case, I won’t go into all the questions I had, then.

AAM: And one of the things that we would ask of you, of each of you - and we might as well state this right at the beginning of our time together, in this delicious union - when we have asked you to come to a higher plane, a plane that you are already occupying with your body and with your spirit, but we are asking also to bring your consciousness, your heart consciousness, to this higher level.

And what that means, both in terms of financial situations - and we know the stress that money and lack of money causes on your plane; it is not that we are insensitive - but whether it is about finances or war, civil unrest, what appears to be like high drama - and you touch upon it - is this a drama of the cabal? Is this dark forces interfering? Is this the alphabet agencies?

When you are going there, you are not holding the highest vision. And that vision - and reality, by the way - has need to be held. We are not suggesting to you to be blind, to be naïve, to not be cognizant of what is transpiring upon your planet. But when you look, as the first line of defense, to the drama, then what you are doing is reinforcing the old third. So you are actually contributing to an energy that is evaporating and dissipating even as we speak.

So let us say this: What if it was an interference of a particular agency or government, or groups of power mongers? You can be aware of that, but be in the observer position, holding the higher truth, holding the higher vibration of the fifth dimension and observing it, sending it light that will diffuse the energy but maintaining the truth of what is real. Because none of that drama, none of that war-mongering is real unless you give it the energy to make it real.

Now you say to me, “Well, Michael, how can you say that? There are people who have been killed and who are dying every day.” Do not think that we do not know this, but also let us say the many who are passing through the doorways, returning home at this time, just like those who died in the twin towers or in the airplane crash [Flight 93], have decided as part of their soul contract that they will contribute to the awakening and re-awakening and heightening of human consciousness and heart consciousness by making this sacrifice. So do not think or always engage that it is tragedy. That is not always how it is viewed from this side.

So our caution and our plea is, look at the drama, see what it is, and then hold the higher vision. Hold the higher energy of behavior, of thought and of love.

SB: Well, it’s an interesting point that you raise, Archangel Michael, because I hear what you’re saying, yet at the same time we have seen, in the past, events - and I think primarily of 9/11, the anniversary of which is coming up soon - that have completely knocked NESARA off the rails, and I think, if I’m correct, it also postponed Ascension.

So it isn’t as if events that happen here don’t have a tremendous impact on matters. And also, we know as well that there are certain things - not 9/11, but other things - that the Company of Heaven will not intervene in because it’s a matter of free will.
So, while I get that we’re to hold the higher ground and the vision of a fifth-dimensional world, I wonder if our concerns about events like the Syrian war are completely misplaced or not. I’m not really sure.
Could you comment on that, please.

AAM: Your question is really, “How do we maintain the anchoring and the focus of a fifth-dimensional reality, of unitive consciousness, of heart consciousness, and not simply of consciousness but of behavior, of overt action, and remain vigilant and aware of what has, and is, transpiring in the fading third?”
Am I correct in this?

SB: Yes. That’s correct. Well, wait a minute. Hold on. Let’s back up a sec. It is correct, but I’m sure you appreciate that when something does interfere with events, that, when we ask you about it, you or another spokesperson for the Company of Heaven will say, “Well, we can’t interfere with free will.” So there is an explanation for why that event did upset the plan.

So, it’s hard for us, on our end, to understand what events we should be concerned about and what events we should just hold the space for and see it as illusion and intend that it pass. Do you follow what I’m saying?

AAM: Yes. And we are not suggesting that you simply ignore the world around you and what is transpiring. And yes, it is also true that we will never interfere in what we would call especially a collective free will decision or action.

Let us put it this way. Most thoughts and decisions and actions of the human race, of each and every one of you, affect the unfoldment of the plan.
Now, when we say this, we are not simply trying to place either undue value or pressure on each of you, my beloved friends. And there is an effect where the reason we do not talk about this too often is that it boggles the mind that billions and billions, and billions of individual thoughts, concomitant actions and decisions and creations - because every action is a creation - affect the collective and the unfoldment of the Mother’s plan.

Now, sometimes there are actions and thoughts that have a very positive effect on that unfoldment. And that is why we are asking each and every one of you to hold the higher ground, as it were. That does not mean that you ignore what is transpiring in what you would tend to think of as everyday unfoldments.

Have the actions of some of those who cling to the false ideals and illusions of the old third create a delay for thousands of years? Yes. And does that come to an end? Yes.
But let us suggest an approach to this.

Very often - let us use the example of either finance or money, or even war, conflict - when something such as a financial re-set does not occur, and we suggest to you that it is in process and part of the unfoldment of the human bureaucracies involved, there are concerns - and we would suggest valid concerns - that it is either dark forces or controlling Illuminati or groups who are power mongers, in the worst sense of the word, trying to affect this outcome (and we’re not saying that their interests are not in defeating this; it is the truth, but they are not having impact on the unfoldment), but when you go to that and spend your energy in investigating - well, you can investigate, because you need to know - but you do not need to spin the drama (and I say this whether it is in your home or in your nation or on your planet).

So there is a point at which there is a choice: Do we engage in the drama, or do we send the energy to those bureaucrats, to those thousands and thousands of people who are actually working on this undertaking?

Well, you know very clearly, all of you, because you come from a place of love and heart, that not only is it for the best and highest good of each of you, and the collective, to send the energy to the bureaucrats, but it also helps you, and each other, to maintain this higher ground.

So what you are doing in that is you are anchoring more clearly in the higher realms. You are behaving - and therefore creating, because you are contributing to that creation - a fifth-dimensional behavior characterized by the divine qualities.

So it is not that we are asking you not to discern what causes delay, what does not, what needs to be eliminated, what does not; but what we are saying is that anything that you look at and you say, “That is not of love; that does not feel as if it is contributing to forward motion,” then you go into the action, collectively and individually, of holding that vision of resolution, and not simply of resolution that it goes away or that it becomes what you wish, but of raising everybody involved in that action, in that drama, to a place where they relinquish what they have been up to. This is a partnership and this is how each of you contribute to Nova Earth.

SB: Thank you, Lord. I should mention that you’re going in and out for me, because of this electrical storm. And so it may be a bit of a choppy transmission, and I apologize for that.

AAM: That is all right. You are going in and out for me as well, dear heart!

SB: [laugh] Okay! But I think what you say got through this time, finally. We’re not to contribute to the drama. And I think I’m beginning to see what you’re talking about.
Can we go on to President Obama and his stance on Syria, for a moment? Am I correct in thinking that he’s taking actions that are…

AAM: You have disappeared again, dear friend.

SB: … designed to see that troops never go into Syria? I mean, he’s passing it over to Congress and saying, “You have to act.” And what he’s really doing is stalling. And maybe later the crisis will have passed, or if it hasn’t, he’ll perhaps say, “No, I’m not going into Syria.” Am I correct in that?

AAM: Your question was incomplete on this side. So let me simply say and discuss with you what is going on in terms of the Obama front.

SB: Thank you.

AAM: You are welcome!
There is a strategy of delay in this regard, but you have it somewhat reversed. The President wished to act unilaterally, but the Congress wished to be involved and informed, and then changed their position, shall we say, in terms of wanting to assume responsibility. But the guidance - and we are not suggesting that the President always listens to or acts completely in accordance with the guidance; but there are many of us walking, literally, the walls and the halls and the floors of the white House (and the Congress, by the way) - but we do not guide or wish for action to be precipitous.
There is a great deal of positioning and posturing that is going on.

And that is, hmm, pro forma old politics. The opportunity, the golden opportunity - and, might I say, the blue opportunity - is to bring the parties to peace, to resolution, so that this sacrifice is not in vain. It is not even simply a financial decision on the part of Obama. It is a moral imperative. And rarely will you hear me talk of these things.

My purpose as archangel of peace is to anchor peace on Earth on behalf of the Mother/Father/One. And until that has truly taken place, there are many other events, such as the return of particular masters, that do not and cannot take place, because the vibration is too low. So every opportunity in the physical realm, in the human realm, of bringing forth peace has need to be heartily and immediately, deeply, embraced.

There is no room for further conflict. Are these situations coming to the surface for the human collective to say, “This is too abhorrent. It cannot continue”? Yes. Have these souls died, as a soul group, to make this point? Yes.

Everybody is playing a role in this unfoldment. But the purpose, the higher purpose of the unfoldment is not to go and play political hockey, but to raise it to a joint decision on the part of all nations that this cannot continue. You are noticing that the Middle East is the cradle in this situation for the anchoring of new paradigms of peace. Are they also the places of greatest turmoil? Yes, and therefore the greatest opportunities for shift.

Are most of you traveling every night with me and with your star brothers and sisters to these places of conflict, of mayhem? Yes. Are your prayers, your meditations, your heart’s desire to create peace in these areas conjoining with the hearts of the populace that live there to create peace?

So despite these upheavals of violence, what is really happening is the people, each of you, in tandem with your brothers and sisters of these areas, is saying, “No, this simply cannot continue.” It is not a matter of which faction is right or wrong, because that is a completely gray area and it has no place, because to determine that someone is right or wrong means that they have greater favor with One, with God, with the Mother.

And that is simply not so. It is an illusion of the most dim sort.
So that is what is truly transpiring. We are making many of what you think of as the political machinations, the posturing, the positioning, the jockeying, very slow right now in this situation, so that the true purpose of peace can come to the forefront and this violence simply stop.

(Continued in Part 2.)


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