
For centuries the subject of ghosts and apparitions of those that have passed but have not the material realms has been a fascinating and very mysterious subject in the opinion of the typical Urantia mortal. This is one of the most serious consequences of the Lucifer rebellion as well as the failure of the material son and daughter’s mission of genetic uplifting of the human races of Urantia. Since the early times of the initiation of Lucifer’s rebellion in the system of Satania, the mortals residing in the affected worlds have developed a natural or instinctual fear of that which is associated with the spiritual realms, thanks in part to the mischievous acts that now and then were committed by rebellious celestial personalities in existence in said worlds. Even now the fear of ghosts and apparitions is very present on Urantia and very unfortunately being continuously fueled by movies and books created by producers and writers that look to make a living out of it without thinking how this affects their brethren.

Certain personalities working for Lucifer helped bring about psychological as well as genetic changes in the human races of Urantia in order to facilitate their acceptance of the idea that there is spiritual falsity and confusion beyond the boundaries established by him in terms of what or whom to believe, as well as their existence in the afterlife. The fear of “moving on” was instilled in humans by leading them to believe that, should they do not live their lives according to Lucifer’s wishes, they will encounter only punishment and suffering in their lives beyond the grave.

Fear causes many to attempt to escape the apparent reality of a “harsh” afterlife by delving into purely mundane activities, totally devoid of any true spiritual value, and which they mistakenly believe can effectively fill the void that Spirit is supposed to fill. In their confusion, some even embrace the idea that there is simply no GOD
, so that they can somehow justify the way they currently run their lives; they live their lives presuming that there is really no consequence to their actions and that it all simply stops when their existence in the flesh ends.Many philosophers and scientists that embrace Atheism spend a lot of time looking for a way to disprove the existence of God in order to reassure those that think like them that it is fine to live their spiritually empty lives; for them creation is simply a big material space where only an infinite number of coincidences cause galaxies to develop and life to evolve. Nothing happens in all of the Master Universe without the Universal Father knowing about it and approving it as far as creation and life evolution is concerned. The Universal Father, however, does not interfere with the choices that mortals in all worlds of time and space make, even when those choices are terribly erred and may bring about their “second death”, that of the spirit.With spiritual ignorance come egotism, possessiveness, and the lust for power and control among other things. Many mortals strive to acquire material possessions and even to have fellow mortals revere and serve them as they were their servants, people of a lower standing and capacities in the eyes of those who are powerful.
        The Universal Father is no respecter of persons and He loves equally all of His children, so who is man to sit in judgment of their brethren when even the angels in the heavens are incapable of doing such things? However, the desire to acquire possessions, power and control is not constrained to those with wealth but is in the minds of the average citizen as well. The average person may grow very possessive of property, such as a house or a piece of land, and they spend their effort in life asserting control of what they perceive is theirs only. It is greed and egotism that bring about a lot of injustice and suffering today as it did for millennia; they cause a son to turn against his parent or against his brother.Although this is most definitely not always the case, many other mortals are driven to church by the fear of eternal punishment should they fail to do so, and they also believe that not confessing their faults to their ministering fellow men or even failing to pay tithes at church may have their stakes in eternity negatively affected. The obvious has to be stated, however, and that is that the possibility of achievement of life in eternity is not dependent on any particular belief system or in their strict following of the dogmatic practices, but rather in the spiritual nourishment that many mortals derive from them, and most importantly, their salvation is dependent on their faith and the goodness of their intentions. The Mansion Worlds are full of Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and Taoists, of Jews and Gentiles; all of them having in common their love for God, however they perceived Him while in their mortal existence, as well as their love for their fellow men as exemplified by Michael of Nebadon during his bestowal on Urantia.
           The validity of Jesus of Nazareth’s teachings of the Kingdom of Heaven is evident and never needed the unfortunate transformation that it underwent into the current form of Christendom; it never needed to be dogmatized the way it has in order to make it more attractive to God-seeking mortals.Fear of divine punishment force many mortals to “comply” with religious dogma, and so the liberty to consider and ponder its message is taken away from them. After all, would a child be made to freely and sincerely love his parents when threatened with punishment in the event that he or she is at least hesitant to provide this love? Would a truly loving parent constantly seek the opportunity to immediately punish the mistakes made by an ignorant child? Crimes are not always perpetrated with an absolute knowledge of its spiritual consequences to the perpetrator, he or she may simply not know any better, and thus these souls are judged in the courts of the Ancient of Days with great mercy and understanding. Would it be fair for a parent to punish a pre-school child for breaking a delicate vase when this parent never taught the child not to handle it? Evil is inherent in the life of the imperfect mortals of the worlds of time because the spiritual knowledge necessary to make “informed” actions is often deficient or simply not there, which is specially the case in worlds such as Urantia.
It is with this religious fear that many pass away, while others were preoccupied by worldly possessions, were too concerned with relatives that they loved dearly, suffered terrible and untimely deaths, or simply has hatred in their hearts.

On Apparitions and Manifestations

       Many of the souls that awake on Urantia after refusing to move on for any reason can be visualized when captured in photos or recorded video and, often times their voices might also be captured with audio devices. Human eyes and ears are normally unable to see or hear these souls as these stimuli occur at somewhat higher frequencies. Domestic animals can often detect these presences as they can see and hear at higher frequencies and even in almost total darkness. These presences can be captured with video cameras capable of discerning infrared light as often times the apparitions, as they occupy space and could also be at a different temperature, which is typically lower than ambient temperature and this is associated with the “intermediate” or “ethereal” nature of the apparition’s body, which is inherent to the “material consistency” of the soul of the deceased mortal and is not morontial in nature. The “ethereal” nature of their bodies is not affected by linear gravity and they can move through solid objects much like an ascending mortal in a morontial body can; they can also float or fly around for the reasons just stated as well. The “ethereal” body of ghosts is “material” in the sense that it uses ultimatons in its formation. When ascending mortals have achieved the complete spiritualization of their souls, the material influence of ultimatons in their constitution ceases.
            The “paranormal” in many instances is very close to the material and tangible. A good example of this is the fact that, indeed, the mortal soul of a mortal that has just experienced death has mass, as has been demonstrated by experimentation in this field by some scientists on Urantia when they were able to prove that the weight of the body decreased slightly at the moment of death. Experiments where thermal and aural measurements made of the body also have seen to reflect change at the moment of death. The ultimatons used in the formation of the “ethereal” but still material soul of the recently deceased oscillate at frequencies that allow them to be non-tangible to human eyes “a prima facie”, but when those ultimatons react under certain ambient temperature and humidity conditions, their release or absorption of energy due to the differential of temperature makes an apparition “visible”, first at higher frequencies such as infrared, and on rare occasions, at frequencies that would be on the higher end of the spectrum of human vision.It is impossible to trap or restrict a “ghost” in a particular place, or make them leave a place if they do not want to leave, unless this is done according to what will be explained later. Neither said “ghosts” can posses the body of a live mortal, which cannot be done by rebellious celestial personalities either, the latter being especially true after Pentecost. The presentation of these scenarios in movies and books is completely ignorant and unrealistic.
              They will “leave” on their own accord, unless removed either individually by celestial decree or during a planetary dispensation. Very often they choose to hide from people as they consider them a nuisance that does not help them with their current “preoccupations”. On some occasions, when they are in a place that they consider “their property”, when confronted with the unwanted presence of mortals they tend to “show” their displeasure by performing tangible manifestations like footsteps or knocking on doors for example. This phenomenon of being able to have an effect on things material when they wish such manifestations has to do with their “will to convey” a message that is very important to them, which is sometimes displeasure. Said manifestations stop when their “wish” of not being disturbed has been fulfilled. They cannot directly physically harm their live mortal brethren as this is not allowed by the celestial authorities, but they could potentially cause psychological harm with their “manifestations” those that “they” consider either a nuisance or that they perceive had caused them misfortunes when they were alive, although these cases are extremely rare as the “ghosts” are more concerned with trying to understand what has happened to them and are trapped in the “vicious circle” of their own material preoccupations.
             There are also errant souls that have chosen not to leave their former physical plane of existence due to the attachments that “they” had in life with those that they have left behind, typically because “they” understand that their presence is necessary to ensure their safety or at least “they” just want to be able to watch the progress of their loved ones that are still alive. In this cases “their” love for or preoccupation about their relatives could very well have superseded in life the importance of a spiritual life in the “hereafter”; they lived to care for their loved ones, always thinking that they would be available to them for a long time, or at least until they feel they didn’t have to worry for those loved ones anymore. A loving but very worried grandmother could decide to stay behind to look after a favorite grandchild, or a parent could choose to “stay” in order to look after a sickly child as they were unable to trust their care to anybody else in their absence.There are other wandering souls that find themselves in deep sorrow or agony, which is a consequence of a lot of suffering in their lives or due to an untimely and terrible death, this latter case, as an example, being typical of people that people that were abused over a period of time before their deaths or that were just all of the sudden murdered. These souls require a lot of work before they can be “led to the light” as first they need to be helped to understand that they no longer need to suffer and that God’s infinite mercy and compassion will prove to be the perfect solution to their problem and, finally, that no punishment awaits them on the “other side”.
    Use kind words and show true affection for these suffered and beloved sons and daughters of God; show yourself as compassionate and understanding of their situation. Engage in prayer and ask them to follow the guiding light that will be presented to them by the joint work of their Thought Adjuster and the Guardian Seraphim. An appropriate prayer for this kind of work could be the following one:“Dear brother (sister), in the name of the Almighty God I am here today to help you find the peace that you constantly seek but do not seem to find; I am here to help guide you to the loving arms of our Creator. I understand your confusion and your suffering, and I am also aware of the fear of what you perceive may await you, but I assure you that in the many Mansions of our Father, only eternal love and adventure await you, as well as many other of your dear relatives and friends that have preceded you in death and that now await your arrival so that you all can happily glorify our God and forever work in His name. My dear brother (sister), let your Guardian Angel guide you to the light and, in preparation of your resurrection in the Mansions of our Creator, gently go to sleep knowing that our Father loves you as if you were His only child in the entire Creation. Have no worries about the causes of your suffering as our Father holds this world in His hands and His mercy and justice are infallible.And to your Guardian Seraphim, I wish to ask to discharge their sacred duty to escort your soul to the awaiting celestial personalities that will help make your glorious resurrection possible. My dear celestial angelic brethren, accompany now my dear brother (sister) to the Mansions of our Lord. Go in peace, my dear, and may the Almighty God one day allow us to reunite and together serve and worship Him for all eternity.”

A Warning

      The work associated with helping wandering souls to move on and embrace resurrection is a hard and tedious work that requires a very centered and balanced mind. The person performing this work must ask for celestial guidance before performing it, as doing it improperly may cause the souls to not react appropriately and “walk away” from the “saving work” that you intended to perform. Also, psychological damage can be experienced by the mortal behind this effort if he or she attempts to perform this work unescorted by celestials. This work must be performed with sincerity and without any material interests in the form of fame acquiescence or pecuniary compensation. You will find situations were one or more souls can be ministered-to simultaneously, all of which will have a good variety of characters and preoccupations, which in part will be reflected by their appearances should it be possible for you to visualize them. Souls not seeking to be benefitted by the “saving work” will not be allowed to “become attached” to your person and “follow you home”, so to speak. Likewise, unless you intend to perform the “saving work”, we recommend you do not go to their domains; this work is serious and should not be mixed with scientific intent or mortal curiosity. Souls that do not seek to be benefitted by the “saving work” will either embrace God’s mercy, choose to move on and resurrect in the Mansion Worlds, or will be forcibly removed during the next Planetary Dispensation when the “roll call of resurrection” takes place. In the worst possible cases, there have been souls that have wandered for literally thousands of years before being liberated or removed during a Planetary Dispensation.
               Being this the case, as an example, it is possible to find wandering souls of Imperial Roman soldiers or even WWII soldiers, all of which would have suffered terrible and untimely deaths in combat.This work would be commonplace in those places around the world that will see many people die as a consequence of great natural disasters, which will be the case when the required geological changes take place on Urantia. It can be considered a great honor to be able to perform this work on behalf of your suffering disembodied brethren and will be taken into account when its performer is considered for very special assignments of mercy in the worlds of time. Many will be called to serve the Lord in special ways, how many will step forward to heed the call? Consecrate your life to the service of God through the ministry of your brethren, alive or deceased. May the Universal Father guide you in your travails while in the flesh, and later in your glorious ascension career. Farewell

.[Acknowledgment: The message was received by Felix Caro at Everett, Washington, July 3rd, 2013 and was indicted for delivery by the Archangel of Record number 1745139 of the Archangel Intelligence Corp serving Urantia since 1989.]

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  • WOW, is all I can say. Tg=his really hits home for it comes from the same source as the Urantia Book and has many of the same words and meanings in it. This is the kind of spiritual channelling that I have been waiting for, even though its mostly about Ghosts. I feel at home with it, I understand the terms and words, meanings ect. I also had a great many ghosts in my recent life and had to learn how to deal with them. It took a while but I think I have seceded .I wrote about them in my last book.

           AA-Michael speaks of the mansions worlds. This is the next place that we will be spending time, after having completed our mission on Urantia (earth) also the seraphim guardians are our personal guardian angel that we attain when we reach the higher levels of attainment also known as Ascending in Dimensions. I think the reason that they presented this blog to us is that many souls and ghosts are rising up now because we are at the end of a Dispensation, which is about every 2,000 yrs. Also as he said in the end of the post that we are to soon see many people die there bodies in the upcoming Earth Changes and we will need to learn how to deal not only with the Death but all the lost souls who were not ready to ascend and choose death of the body, which for many will become Ghosts here, so it was also a warning to us to get ready and if we wont to help those lost souls, which will be many,we must do it with the help of our Guardian angels and not by ourselves.

    I had chills running down my body when ready this. It has a lot of warning in it and has moved up the scale of what we have been receiving. For those who are reading or have read the Urantia Book this will feel at home for others it may be a bit heavy,huh. I just hope this kind of blogs keep coming for I was tired of the old stuff and the DC& Visitors lies and False Flags. Adonai

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Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
"Yep indeed some ships do appear near underwater areas and these ships have the ability to travel underwater easily."
4 hours ago
Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Yep indeed some ships do appear near underwater areas and these ships have the ability to travel underwater easily."
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Justin89636 replied to Justin89636's discussion Anything UFO Or ET Related
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"And of course the Deep State would do this. This is what happens when you have folks that should be in Mental Asylums or locked away in prison in charge of the country."
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
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