

We continue with the second part of Archangel Michael’s initial discussion of building Nova Earth. Archangel Michael discusses the physical changes to Gaia, which will be gradual and not violent.

After discussing our internal shifts, the complete eradication of the old, he explains how abundance comes out of the divine qualities, particularly of trust. He points to the change in heart that will occur for those who wield power, resulting in broader participation. He says that those who were in containment still are.

He demonstrates how changes will occur on every level by predicting that cities will become more welcoming and inclusive rather than forbidding and exclusive.
He states that “it is time for the best and the brightest - and we are not meaning just those who have been identified by former regimes as the best and the brightest - but it is time for the best and the brightest hearts, intellects, spirits, healers, communicators to come together and to formulate (to use your terms, dear heart) what is workable, what is sustainable. Might I add, what is joyful?”
He tells us to begin our work building Nova Earth with our communities.

An Hour with an Angel, January 21, 2013, with Archangel Michael - Part 2/2

Now, Gaia herself is addressing many of what you think of as the physical aspects of Nova Earth, of the restoration. She has not done so, and she will not do so violently. Now, that does not mean that there are not climatic changes, that there are not slight shifts in shorelines, for she is not stagnant. She is vibrant and alive. Of course she shifts.

The first steps in creating and bringing to the forefront what you and we think of as Nova Earth, and anchoring as Nova Earth is the shift in the internal, in your spirit, in your soul, in your emotional body, in your mental body, in your causal, your astral - you name it. And what you are doing is you are changing… The most significant piece of creating Nova Earth is the letting go that you are doing - and have done and have been doing - of the false illusions that were created over eons by the human race.

So all of those tendencies… and I have to say the letting go of war - and that is war within, it is war between individuals, it is war within communities and nations - that is critical. And what you are doing is letting go of all those belief systems that have never served you.

Oh, you can say to me, “But, dear Michael, there have been times when conflict has catapulted me forward, when lack has made me create.” And what I am saying to thee, what we are saying to thee, there are better ways. There are more efficient ways. And there are certainly easier ways.
So, the first element of Nova Earth is the complete eradication of the old.

Now, let us suggest to you that much has been done. The last decades, and certainly the last two years, have not been for naught. You have let go and cleansed so much, to the point where your generosity has shone not only to us but throughout the galaxies and all over the planet. But it is the elimination, until it is a vague memory, the way it is in so many of the other galaxies.

Now, the memory of war - and we use that in the organic, generic term - will never completely fade. And the reason being, so that you will not revert to it; that it will be such a horrific memory - no, not one that hurts - but simply something that you know at all costs must be avoided.

The creation of Nova Earth comes with the kind, considerate, what you consider Divine, qualities, what this channel has called blessings and virtues. It comes with the anchoring of those qualities not only within thee, but in every interaction - in the microcosm, within and without, in the macrocosm.
Now, you say, “But Lord, I do not have money.”

And we acknowledge and accept that. Do not think that we are ruthless and do not know the struggles that you have been feeling? But what we also say to you is you are a living, breathing example, leader, demonstrator of incorporating the Divine qualities, and the trust, without money, because it is not dependent on money.

Money, abundance is the reflection, the outcome, part of the generosity that emerges from that love and trust and sharing and prudence and temperance - and patience.
Now, we know - and I particularly know - that these are not particularly popular qualities, are they? But as you anchor these qualities, it is reflected; it is reflected in economics.

Let me explain.
Not only does the spirit of sharing, of generosity, of caring, of consideration expand. The belief system - that some have the key and some do not; that some have chosen to live and die in poverty and some have not - disappears, so that there is this burning desire to share what one has. And that shifts. It shifts institutions, it shifts markets, it shifts neighborhoods and it shifts families. Similarly, it shifts power structures, what you think of as political structures.

How can there be oppressive regimes? And I include the western world in this. How can there be exclusion, when all are united in heart, when those who wish their opinions to be heard, their priorities to be counted, their desires for participation to be included? Yes, it means a change of heart for those who wield power, which is a very small percentage of global population….

But how does that change of heart take place? Well, it takes place in a number of ways - and I know I am giving you a global overview; and we will spend many hours talking about the specifics.
But if the collective is saying, “Share. Let me participate.

Let me be free. I demand my freedom,” at the same time as those who are in power, who have wielded power - and we are not just talking about those in containment; that is a whole other, separate discussion; and yes, they are still in containment; and no, it is not a whimsy or a fantasy; that would be ridiculous - those in power are also having a change of heart.

How is this occurring? Because the energy upon your planet, not only within you, but upon the planet, Gaia herself, is shifting, so that there is a different longing, a different desire, so that their focus is no longer on holding on to what they’ve got, so there is an easing and saying, “Yes, I think it is a good idea that there is broader participation.”

No, not everybody has any desire to participate in what you think of as the political process. And at the same time, what I suggest to you in the anchoring of my peace initiative is that in so many ways everything is political, the same way everything is economic. So there are shifts taking place on every level.

Now, you say to me, “Okay, how does that reflect in the outer world?” Let us use the example, well, of the cities of light. Let us use the example of your galactic brothers and sisters. Let us use the example of architecture.

When there is a vision of access, of sharing, of beauty, of grace, then what you choose to build are not stone edifices that keep people at bay. Cities shift. And the term, even of what you think of as a city, which has become fairly unmanageable, in human or divine terms, become places of gathering, of welcoming, of accessibility, so that those who construct, design, who participate, who gather in the cities, whether it is for a place of healing or commerce - commerce takes on a different meaning - they become places that are welcoming rather than exclusionary.

Now, your cities of light are at hand - cities that were once 800,000 years in the future. This is why I say to you, you have been creating Nova Earth, and co-creating it, with us, with your star brothers and sisters, and you have been pulling those cities closer and closer, because you are ready.

The vibration with your star brothers and sisters - which, by the way, is not simply the Fifth Dimension; but that, again, is a different conversation; there is so much to talk about - but that vibration more and more and more is compatible because you are not carrying that debris.

You are coming into the full partnership, yes, but you are also coming into the fullness of your being. And I mean each and every one of you, and who you are, who you are claiming, who you are becoming.

Are there needs for the platforms, and particularly this one, to continue? It is seldom that I am at a loss for words, but we really don’t know what we would do without this platform. And that is why we encourage you, and we request you, in the spirit of equality and partnership, to please continue on. You are serving, but you are also creating with us.

Are there need for conferences, for gatherings, for people of all realms to come together, not just with the intellect, not just with the information, but with the heart? Because if the heart is not present, if the love is not present, there is no Nova Earth. So if the love is not present, the creation is a false illusion. It is a deck of cards that is blown away by the wind. The bedrock is your spirit, your soul, your heart, your intentions, and yes, your actions.

It is time for the best and the brightest - and we are not meaning just those who have been identified by former regimes as the best and the brightest - but it is time for the best and the brightest hearts, intellects, spirits, healers, communicators to come together and to formulate (to use your terms, dear heart) what is workable, what is sustainable. Might I add, what is joyful?

Repeatedly, we have said to you, it is not of love, if it is not of joy, don’t do it. It is a very simple test. It is a very simple litmus test. If it does not make your heart sing…. And I do not mean that everything is easy. Heaven and Earth knows what you have decided to construct, and what you have already seen and done we would never term as easy. So, are there moments where you feel befuddled, confused? But that is when you return to your heart, to your core, to us, and to each other, and you receive the support and the love.

So, is every step smooth? No. But the creation of what you are doing has need to be loving, joyful and reflective not only of what you want, but of what sings the praises of Gaia. That is so deeply respectful of this mighty one who holds you, that is in harmony and alignment. It cannot be a zigzag line. Yes, it is a spiral, but think of going up the center of the spiral. (1)

Alignment is just that. And it isn’t saying, “Well, I am not having a good day, so today I am not in alignment. Today I am not in joy.” It is claiming and breathing and living your joy, no matter what, every single day, every moment, and not accepting anything else. We don’t.

Are there times when we have looked and felt the pain of each of you, of your planet, of your hearts, how distraught you are? Yes. And so you would say to me, “Michael, Gabrielle, Raphael, what do you do when you feel this?” And the answer is, we gather, and we gather in the heart of the Mother until such pain - which is much greater than yours; different, but greater - until it simply dissolves.

And you say, “Well, I did not know you experience pain or distress.” It is not the same as yours, because, yes, we are gifted and we are blessed, because we have the bigger picture. But do not think, dear ones, that when in the past we have seen bombs drop and children mutilated that it does not cause distress.

So when you feel this, can you gather together? Can you gather with us? You, in the past - and you will hear me say this again and again and again - you have come to a place where you have felt the distraught, disappointment, disillusionment, sorrow, grief - many of the “disses” - are personal. Now, some of you have broken through that. And yes, Sananda and I have heard this very clearly.

But many of you still have this attachment to thinking it is private, that it it something that must be processed quietly, discretely, and alone, as if it is something within you that you need to take care of.
And subtly what that translates into is a feeling that somehow you have failed, that you are not worthy, that we have forgotten you, and that there is separation - all not only incorrect, but untrue.
If you hear one thing I communicate to you this day, it is to please let go of that. Cleanse your being of that.

When you share your tears, your questions, your doubts, what you are doing is letting it out. And you are giving it back. And it can be completely transmuted and returned to you as a bright, shiny, effervescent light that lifts you up and that gives you and awakens within you the energy to create and to co-create Nova Earth. Nova Earth is a joint project. As you proceed, no matter what, the money will come. Simply claim your abundance. It is right there on the table.
Now, I know I have gone on, but I wished to address this.

SB: Lord, I’d like our listeners to know that I have a list of questions, but as has happened so many times in the past, you answered them one by one! So it’s not as if I needed to ask them. (2)
But perhaps we could spend the rest of the short time that we have left on this Inauguration Day in this inaugural discussion of building Nova Earth addresing the fact that lightworkers are itching to get to work co-creating, building Nova Earth. And what would you recommend that they be either focusing on or doing in the areas of the outer social structures of the world or the outer technological structures of the world, to bring in Nova Earth?

AAM: Now, you have some of the platforms, and for this I thank you.
And the wondrous thing about community is that it has been completely redefined on your planet in the past several years. Yes, there is the community of your neighborhood, of the building within which you live, of the block within which you live, but community has also taken on completely broader terms because community is now global.

You have the technology within which to communicate. You have your social networks. Now, I do not criticize the back-and-forthing, the games that are played, for that is a way in which to play together, to communicate. But can I suggest that you start to eliminate criticism, debasing? Share what is uplifting.

The biggest piece right now that you are engaging in is the practice of discernment, the quality of discernment, as completely divorced from judgment. (3) Build your communities globally. You have had tastes of what is possible, with the Occupy movements, with Arab Spring, with many institutions that are in place to assist those in need.

Now, do they need to be cleaned up? (4) Yes. And can you do that? Yes. You do not need to reinvent the wheel. What you need to do is perhaps clean up the wheel, and put in a few new spokes, and fill the tires.

Begin the communication. Expand the communication. Become involved in your community, whether it is in a community garden, in a community action group; whether it is bringing together singers who are interested - and we do not mean simply scientists - who are interested in the issue of free energy. There are many among you who are in very active collaboration with your star brothers and sisters.

Why are you not coming together and sharing what you are learning? And I do not simply mean about the technology or the play, I mean about the vibration that is required for you to actually come and conjoin.

So, choose your area, or your areas, that you wish to address and get going. And then come together in collaboration and in groups to deal with any issues that are coming forth that need to be eliminated, eradicated. Use the law of elimination, dear heart. This is something that Sanat Kumara has not talked of very frequently in the old days, in the past. But now it is time to bring this and anchor this law firmly within you.

[music up, out]
I hear the music, and it is the Heavenly Host.

SB: Thank you, Lord.

AAM: I give you my love, and I am anxious to continue with you.

SB: So are we, Lord. Thank you.

AAM: Go in peace. Farewell.

SB: Farewell.

(1) A zigzag line of evolution, I think, denotes a person whose progress is confused, hesitant, uncertain. First they go in this direction and then in that. A spiral denotes a person coming back to the same lessons at higher and higher levels until they are learned. A person going up the inside of the spiral denotes one who learns his or her lessons very rapidly and consequently makes rapid progress going up the karmic spiral of evolution.

(2) My list of questions were to start with the internal/personal phase of constructing Nova Earth and to move to the outer/social phase and thence to the outer/technological phase. AAM addressed the first two without my needing to ask them. That makes interviewing easy and hard. Easy because I don’t need to ask my questions because he already has answered them. Hard because I could run out of questions and have none when he asks me what I wish him to speak to! He will have already answered the ones I had intended to ask!

(3) Notice that I was inspired a day ago to write on distinctions vs. judgments and here is AAM saying that we need discernment but we need to divorce it from judgment. Is it just a coincidence that I made this distinction yesterday and he makes it today? I think not. He probably inspired the thought and now confirms it, for me at least, by making this distinction today. See “What Does a Creative Explosion Look Like?” at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/01/what-does-a-creative-explosion-look-like/

(4) Many charities for instance have been taken over by the Illuminati. But he recommends not getting rid of them, but reforming them.


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