Archangel Raphael’s Emerald Octagon and David Wilcock’s Antarctica Information
David Wilcock posted a video, recently, called New Revelations, (1) in which he talked about an emerald octagon structure found under the ice in Antarctica
The information starts at about 1:03:00. David mentioned that due to planetary pole shifts the lost civilization of Atlantis may be found in Antarctica.
Interestingly, in March of 2012, Archangel Raphael through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, spoke to us of his Emerald Octagon healing chamber at the base of the golden spiral.
It’s noteworthy what Archangel Raphael says about the octagon shape and the number 8:
“Come with me to the foot of the golden spiral because there I have placed my Emerald Octagon, the healing chamber that I have created for you, for each one of you.
“It is an octagon because 8 is the number of creation.
“It is the dimension of creation, and I also want you to come to understand, to fully comprehend, that there is no difference between healing and creation.”
“You have need to know that the healing chambers aboard the ships of your star brothers and sisters have been modelled on this chamber.
“It is ancient wisdom and it is used throughout the multiverse.” (2)
Here is the beginning of Archangel Raphael’s information, and a link to it in greater depth below, if you are interested.
Greetings, I Am Raphael. Welcome to you. Welcome to all of you.
I Am Archangel of Emerald and I thank the channel for her description, for it is a joy to be thought of as gentle, and it is a gift of gentleness that I wish to give to each of you for it is an area that has been lacking upon your planet for a long time.
You have seen a great deal of violence, a great deal of chaos, of war, of mayhem, and yet what your soul yearns for, what your heart yearns for my beloved friends, yes, is the peace of Michael and the gentleness of Love, the kindness of interaction, and the sweetness of what is available to you on your planet.
Many of you do not know me, but I wish to change that. I wish for you to know of my presence in your life and in your Universe and on your planet as well. I wish for you to know of my caring for each and every one of you.
Often you have heard us say that we are in sacred partnership and this I wish to emphasize to each and every one of you.
I am a partner in your healing. I am a partner in your life.
When I speak to you of healing, I speak to you of the healing of your heart, of your mind, of your emotional field, yes, of your life. And how do we do this?
We do this by you recognizing and coming to understand your worthiness, your wholeness, how deeply you are Loved, not only by me but by Mother-Father-One, by entire legions of angels.
None of you, none of you have any idea how profoundly you are Loved, and when you come to know this, you are instantaneously healed. (3)
Read more of this channeling: here.
Thank you, Archangel Raphael.
Much golden gratitude for all you do.
Has our healing of the old belief in limitation
allowed information about Antarctica
to be widely received now?
Ascension as a process,
the golden spiral of gratitude,
is happening within, and all around us.
(1) “David Wilcock: New Revelations from Antarctic SSP Insiders,” February 24, 2019,
(2) “Archangel Raphael on ‘Heavenly Blessings,’ March 26, 2012, channeled by Linda Dillon for the Council of Love,
(3) Loc. cit
Dear amparo,
I love A.A. Raphael...
Emrald is my stone to wear !!