Raphael energy

Reposted 5-24-16, Original message 8-13-13; Dear Friends,
Today Archangel Raphael wishes to assist you in healing your multidimensional being, across all time and space. We are coming into a time now where all that no longer serves your higher being is being brought to the surface to be transmuted so that your being may ascend into the higher frequencies of light. Ascension as we have discussed in the past is simply a harmonizing with the higher frequencies, a harmonization that is taking place within your being of not only a harmonization with the higher dimensions and higher dimensional energies that are now surrounding you, but also unification with the higher self. Your higher self is that higher part of your multidimensional being which is infused with source light and which is somewhat “hard-wired” to Source. This higher self and higher being part of you is closely connected to Source at all times, and lives in the higher dimensions. The goal of your ascension at this time is to bring in this Higher Self into your life, so that you may live your life from the perspective of your higher self, so that you may live your highest version of yourself, so that you may be connected at all times to Source which is really You. You are Source expressing Itself. The human being physical body part of you that lives on Earth is a small particle of your entire being, and what is occurring now during this time with those who are awakening and coming into enlightenment is a unification and merging with all aspects of your multidimensional self, which includes your higher self. This will allow you to heal yourself across all time and space.

Many of the challenges that you have had in your lifetime have been a result of karmic contracts in the past, from your past lives with other beings. You have had to work through many of these karmic residues in this lifetime. We are asking now that you become aware of these karmic contracts and begin to dissolve them within you and with all you interact with in your life. Karmic contracts with loved ones and family can be especially challenging. Karmic memories from not only this lifetime but all lifetimes will often be brought to the surface of one’s awareness for the purpose of being released. Oftentimes repressed feelings that have been stored in this physical body, the etheric body and the multidimensional being will rise to the surface of one’s awareness for release and expression. A good exercise to release these feelings is to express them through writing. This will help in the process of releasing all karmic contracts in these close relationships. And this is of great importance now, to release these karmic contracts.

Call on me, Archangel Raphael, and I will instantly be there to assist you in this cleansing and purification process. Ask us of the Arch-angelic Realm to assist you and surround you in the evening as you lay down in meditation before going to sleep, and we will heal you overnight with our soothing, loving, angelic energies. This we have done for the channel many times, in assisting her to cleanse all of her etheric body from these karmic releasements. I, Archangel Raphael, am the angel of divine cleansing, purification and healing, and I am here to assist you in releasing all your karmic contracts, all of your negative emotions, and all that hinders you on your path to harmonizing with the higher dimensional frequencies of light. And I can assist you in the integration with your higher self. The first thing is to become aware that you have a higher self, then you can begin to integrate, in your meditations with your higher self, to begin a communication and a relationship with your higher self. Invite your HS into your life, into all aspects of your life, to help you with any remaining cleansing s or clearings that you need, to assist you in remembering your life contracts, your soul contracts, that you made before entering this life on earth.

If you lay still and become quiet and ask within to connect with your higher self, your HS will reveal what your soul mission and your soul contract is and are, as each soul has many different missions on earth that were pre-arranged by each soul before coming to earth. Ask in your meditations to connect with your HS, ask in your meditations to connect with Archangel Raphael, Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, and Archangel Chamuel. Archangel Chamuel is the angel of love and relationships. There is a pink golden light surrounded around AA Chamuel. AA Michael has a beautiful, aquamarine, deep blue energy, AA Gabriel has a golden white bright creative energy, this is one of the Channel’s main archangels is AA Gabriel, and I, too, Raphael am one of her guides. Call on us in your meditations to come in and assist you in your healing, in your integration, in your ascension, in your integrating with the higher dimensional energies that now surround the earth. Call on us and we will be there. We love you unconditionally. We are ever at your side, in service and love.

And we leave you now to your meditations and your healing s, and your alignments with your higher self. Remember the importance of your integration with your higher self. Ask for us to come in during your meditations. We love you, and we want to assist you. That is our job and that is our goal and that is why we exist. We are expressions of Source Energy that loves you. Source loves you, unconditionally and at all times, no matter what, and without fail. We are sending you the softest, loving, most healing energy on this beautiful, beautiful higher dimensional channel of Light.

Original message: http://thegoldenlightchannel.com/archangel-raphael-via-goldenlight-healing-across-all-time-and-space-and-integration-with-your-higher-self-8-13-13/

Message transcribed by Goldenlight, thegoldenlightchannel.com. © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit at top without alteration when re-posting t
Archangel Raphael via Goldenlight: Healing Across All Time and Space, and Integration with Your Higher Self

May 24, 2016 By The Golden Light Channel
Raphael energy

Artwork by Jane Marin ~ inspiredartbyjanemarin.com
Malachite ~ Archangel Raphael ~ The Gift of Oneness

Message transcribed by Goldenlight, thegoldenlightchannel.com. © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit at top without alteration when re-posting this message.

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