Out of the enchanting reverie of enchanting flowers, emerges the magical voice of KUNDRY, the original devil, the prototype of doom and fall, which not even Amfortas himself, the marvelous king of the Holy Grail, could once resist.
The mysterious female cries out passionately, calling the hero by his own name. The one with whom in other times his loving mother tenderly called him.
"PARSIFAL, stop!" The sweet voice shouts at him. "At the same time, pleasure and happiness invite you ... Depart from him, vulgar women, lovers and frivolous girls, fascinating flowers for a few hours you will soon wither! ".
At those words, the fickle, variable and versatile Nymphs are deeply saddened.
It is written - and many people know that - that those evil beauties later left laughing back to the gloomy castle of KLINGSOR.
PARSIFAL directs a fearful glance towards that place of love where the voice had emerged...
And then the vision contemplates that of youthful and splendid beauty; the provocative KUNDRY lying in a bed of exquisite flowers and adorned in the most fantastic and tempting garb that Arab refinement could ever dream of.
"Was it you, sublime feminine beauty, the one who called me? Who never had a name?"
"Oh Gods! Did you also grow up and detach yourself from the perfumed forest?"
"Yes," replies KUNDRY, that stormy blonde they called Herodias, and her tender words resonate with moving accents of the sweetest lyre...
"To you innocent and pure, I called FAL-PARSI"...
"Dying in the exotic land of CALIPHAS and SULTANS, that is how your courageous Father GAMURET named and joyfully greeted the son he had engendered. Precisely to reveal to you I was waiting here."
"Certainly I was not born from this garden of wonders like the other beauties"...
"Very far from all these thousand and one night charms is my beloved Homeland; I was only in this corner of those passionate sayings for you to find me."
"I came from very distant lands and I have seen many extraordinary things; I hope you listen to me"...
"It is good that you know that I had the great joy of meeting your mother HERZELEIDE"...
"Only cry knew that exceptional woman surrendering to the pain for the love and death of your father, from whose very misfortune she wanted to preserve you, placing her highest and imperative duties on it, turning you away from the exercise of arms to guard you and save you from rage Men's".
"Pretty little mother, good little mother, that one day you had pomegranate lips, ivory teeth, curls that rolled like a waterfall on your warm and perfumed back, on that your body carved with a burin" ...
"Little Holy mother you had one day, all the charms of a beautiful houri; Little mother tender, white and scented like a lily that when opening her chalice became a cradle to rock you."
"There were only shadows and fears for her that you never had to know. Don't you hear her calls of anguish, the same ones from when you were far away?"
"Pretty little mother, good little mother, that on those nights of the full moon, you put the swing on the big tree in your garden"...
"Already there she brought you the sweet and the dinner smelling of moss, carnation and verbena and roses, peach and jasmine"...
"But you never knew their sorrows, nor ever the delirium of their sufferings, one day you left never to return"...
"She anxiously waited for you many days, until her own regrets made her mute and she died"...
Tremendously interested in the wonderful story of KUNDRY, the original devil, PARSIFAL falls at the feet of the beautiful, overwhelmed and overwhelmed by the most acerbic pain.
"Until now, pain was unknown to you," she adds, "not until now have you been able to feel the sweetness of pleasure in your heart," KUNDRY tells him. Calm down now in consolations, which are the natural loot of love, the pain and anguish of your tears!"
"The knowing will turn unconsciousness into knowledge. Try to know, then, that love that embraced GAMURET's heart one day when HERZELEIDE's ardent passion flooded him; that love that one day gave you a body and life; that love that will drive away death, that will drive away your clumsiness, and that today has to offer you ... as the last greeting and blessing of your mother ... the first kiss of passion ".
While speaking so deliciously and in such moving language, KUNDRY, the most terrible beauty, has completely reclined her head of charms on PARSIFAL's, finally joining her cursed purple lips with his in a long, fiery kiss. .
However, for everything there is a moment; the fiery contact of such dreadful sexual passion originates in the hero of the Wagnerian Drama, intense terror...
Torn by anguish he cries out with all the might of his soul "AMFORTAS! The wound! The wound!"
"In my heart it already burns! His lamentations tear my soul! I saw that wound bleed ... that now bleeds inside of me ... right here, right here" ...
"No, no! It is not the wound! That blood has yet to flow in torrents! It is the fire here, here, in my body!"
"It is the horrible anxiety that seizes me and violently holds my senses! Oh love's plea!"
"My whole being throbs, burns and trembles and shudders in sinful longings!"
Then comes the best: the hero evokes the memory of the Sacred Vessel and the Divine blood that sin shed, heroically rejects KUNDRY, the Wagnerian Magdalene who frightfully wallows in her bed of flowers agitated by the most tremendous lust...
In vain then KUNDRY resorts to all the charms, tricks and artifices that her cunning suggests to her. The Hero escapes her...
The sinner, exasperated and defeated, but without wanting to renounce what she believed to be her easy prey, calls the magician to her aid who appears on the wall brandishing the spear of the Lord...
Spear that he throws against PARSIFAL with the intention of wounding him like AMFORTAS; but the hero is pure, and is therefore invulnerable, the spear is suspended over the head of the latter, who takes it, and, in an ecstatic gesture, makes with it the sign of the cross...
Under such a spell, the dark castle of KLINGSOR falls to the horrible precipice turned into cosmic dust...
The garden of delights is reduced to a mere penitent's wasteland and the flower-women wither and roll on the ground, swept away by fearsome hurricanes...
Terrible moment is the one when KUNDRY, the evil beauty, screams and collapses like a death wound...
Victorious PARSIFAL walks away and disappears...