Hi Star Sisters & Brothers,
I'm just feeling/hearing to share some photos I took in February, while in inner connection with Archangel Uriel and Archangel Khemiel (TwinFlame/OneFlame) flowing the Light of the Yellow Ray and Golden Ray.
They appeared first, in one merged brilliant light-form, on the night of February 17th 2021, as a spark of Light high above the stars Sirius and Canopus (which act as mirror nodes to each other, and are both closely connected with the Solar System & Earth's Ascension). They appeared in or close to this position for several nights, but this is the first and brightest, forming a triangle (Divine Trinity) vibration with the two stars, as they opened the Stargates and sent this Golden-Yellow Light stream to the Earth.
If this energy is resonating for you, just centre in your Heart, and invite the Light of Uriel & Khemiel, flowing in from the 12th Dimension, to fill your Heart and radiate throughout your being...every cell and atom, DNA & RNA strands, all your body organs and systems...bathing your etheric layer, mental layer, emotional layer, astral layer, your whole auric field, in Yellow-Golden Light, the radiance of SUNflowers...and as you breathe out, imagine this Light rippling outward from you all around the Earth, all Beings, the collective energy field.
Tuning in with the Blue Staff he/she is holding outstretched, feel the beautiful strength of the Blue Ray aligning you into deep clarity, in Oneness with Divine Love & Will, steady, calm and clear, as Blue Sirius and Golden Canopus stream and flow their Light together as One to our Sun, this Earth, and all Beings here. 💙💛🌞
Moving with the interdimensional flows, we attune now with Uriel & Khemiel through their 6th Dimensional light-form appearing in this next photo, on February 28th, beaming from within a lightship (Canopus is the light at lower left, and their merged light-form, they name as Haram'ura, is shining at the top right of the frame):
You can see their graceful light-form as Haram'ura robed in white-gold light, and the blue staff has become, at this 6D level, a blue light-device which they're working with, within their ship, to assist the integration of higher frequencies, the 5D and 6D vibrations of crystalline light Unity in Love and pure, fluid Harmony, into our beings, our minds, emotional fields and physical bodies, at this earthly level.
Breathe in, invite the flow of 6D liquid light, the beautiful vibrations of Bliss and Harmony with the Divine Source, with all Creation. You can integrate this frequency through the sacred geometries of the Flower of Life, or the Six-Pointed Star, filling your Merkabah light body...breathing out, and radiating to All...
Blessings, Oneness, Universal Love, within us and encompassing All...gently, deeply aligning, transforming, shifting the Whole into Peace and Well-Being on Earth and Everywhere...
Shared with Love and the Joy of the Golden-Yellow Light, with thanks to Archangels Uriel & Khemiel, and all Beings of Universal Love assisting this Ascension,
Joanna&Ashura&Family&Friends 😇💛🌞🌻🥰