Greetings Beloved Souls. I AM Bringing THIS Message To You All To Directly Address Questions Recently Asked Of Me and Michael and About The Recent Appearance Of These Messages Of Mine With My Beloved Michael.
As All Of You KNOW From What Michael HimSelf Has Previously Said On More Than One Occasion, His Beloved Twin Flame FAITH IS On Your Earthly Plane Having Incarnated Into a 3rd Dimensional Physical Body So That SHE May Be In EXACTLY The Correct Place To Assist In The Creator's Divine Plan Of Returning The Hu-Man Race To FULL SPIRITUAL CONSCIOUSNESS And Assist In Bringing About Hu-Manity's Ascension Into The GOLDEN AGE of The 5th Dimension.
Michael: Beloved Ones, I Know That Many Of You Reading and Receiving This Message KNOW Precisely What My Beloved FAITH Is Speaking Of. I HAVE, In Fact, Made The Statements That She Speaks Of Many Times In Regards To Her.
Faith DOES In Fact Have a 3D Life Of Her Own. Her Identity In/On 3rd Dimensional Earth Is One That I, and ONLY A SELECT FEW OTHERS That She and I TRUST Implicitly, Know. I WILL NOT Speak Her 3D Name Here Or In Any Other Message Delivered Through My Chosen Channellers Though. THAT Information WILL BE Revealed By Faith and MySelf AT FIRST CONTACT To THE ENTIRE WORLD.
As My Faith Has Already Said, She and I Together Have Been Getting SO MANY QUESTIONS Regarding WHY ONLY NOW Has She Begun To Deliver Her Messages To You All.
FAITH: My Answer to THAT Inquiry Is Very SIMPLE In Truth. Prime Creator ASKED Me To Begin Delivering My Messages AT THIS TIME In Earth's and Hu-Manity's Evolution AND NO OTHER TIME!
My Beloved Michael and I ALSO Have A VERY SPECIFIC Soul AGREEMENT As Twin Flames That NOW - JUST PRIOR To The 9th Wave BE-ing Released To BEGIN The FINAL Preparations For The ASCENSION Of Both Gaia-Mother Earth AND ManKind TOGETHER -- Is The PRECISE MOMENT I AM To Make My Presence Known And To Begin Sending Out My Messages To You. We ALSO Agreed To Begin Putting Out These Messages TOGETHER AFTER the 3rd Message I Released Through My Chosen Hu-Man Channel Was POSTED BY Michael On HIS FaceBook Page.
You See, We ALREADY KNEW That This WONDERFUL Site Would BE In Existence By This Time As One You Now Know As MARK ZUCKERBURG, FaceBook's Creator, Had ALREADY Agreed To Create It MANY AEONS Ago So that ALL Be-ings Could COME TOGETHER As You Now Have At THIS PRECISE Moment In Time.
Think On This For A While, My Beloved Souls...
We're all just notes in God's cosmic symphony, each unique and special- to lose one would be to ruin the song, yet we all merge into one great sound, one massive song called "Creation" fabricated by Source, whom we are all a part.
You fear losing your ego, Captain S, but no worries, just as a diamond has it's facets, so too, does your soul group have you as one of its facets... you are still you, just happier :)
Some umans want to work for the gfl, what's the problem with that? (I mean with their choice)
Many people wanted to work for Hitler and back then they were even looked up to.
Honestly people have done things that are far crazier and senseless than anything we talk about in this forum.
All Darkness And Negativity Serves the Light, It helps to make the light brighter and show up the opposite polarity as to what the truth is, the brighter the light, the darker the opposite, Its all about Balancing the polarities and tranforming the darkness back to the light . I bless and thank the darkness for showing me so much proof in this. For It has proven my greatest teacher and guide. I send Love to all them who are feeling ego and negative and the dark ones I love them too.
Thankyou for showing me the way to not be, so that I may be and Shine!
Yeh Pichu, It is gonna be rough for everyone to find out that there are celestial beings as well as Galactic beings living side by side with humanity. But the truth needs to be told and the four corners of all of the planet will know it.
As to being frauds? I agree with Rae, why would anyone want to be associated with either the Celestials or the Galactics? Yet still NOW is the time for the truth to be told, and I will work to my end of the deal to get that truth out which I am allowed to tell at the correct times stated.
Sayzarzillion, we are indeed multidimensional beings, its just your not all aware yet of all your potential and where your other aspects of self are located. This is why you have to shift past the ego and self and mini me self that keeps on stating me me me and go past that and look beyond what you can see and touch physically. I walk other dimensions and other planets, I know of my other aspects and where some of myne are. I also know I am able to project myself instantaneously to where I have need to go and still sit here typing all this to you. Thats what being a mulitidimensional being is about, being aware of all aspects of you, all your other incarnations that are ongoing at present. And still working your end of the deal with this 3d life of duality.
Also Dear Brother, you preach individuality, yes we are individual, learning our own things, but this is where I feel more ego comming because you make no menation of the fact that we are all one in the same Godess/God or Prime Creator, whatever you term the eternal source of creation. Blessed be all <3
Wow! Facebook? Really!? Awesome!
(No sarcasm there... I promise!)
As I was reading that, I knew that the part of archangels having agreements and liaisons / twin flames on earth was gonna be a rough one to dig.
Beloved ones this site is not here to be fought over, nor about who is right or wrong, its about unity, and peace, please be considerate in your postings to others who may be offended by your words.
Dramu Kas (Sirian for much love)