Today is a very important day. We are sure that you can feel it at some level in your body, in your mind and in your heart center. We want you to know how happy we are to report this amazing and wonderful news. It is because of the vantage point from where we reside that we can see the big picture. Your physical being may be experiencing only a fragment or a portion of this huge heart opening, but at a higher level you also have this awareness.

Your planet and every being on the planet has been going through many accelerated changes, some of which can look and feel terrifying and even chaotic. But we can see the higher vision of all that is happening and want to assure you that everything is happening in perfect alignment, at the perfect time in the perfect order.

When you look around your planet you can see that so many events are taking place where people are coming together in very large groups. Some of these events are joyous and happy occasions like the royal wedding and the beatification in Rome. Other events are more dire, but nonetheless people are coming together to help one another (e.g. Japan earthquake, the tornadoes and other weather related events in the U.S.). We mention only a few events; there are so many happening in the world right now. One of the most common threads of energy that runs through all of these events is that many people are gathering together, sharing energy for a common purpose. When humans gather together in small or large groups and they share a common purpose, their heart centers link to each other and the energy is activated exponentially. This is a very natural occurrence, and it is essentially how you interact with others when you are in your non-physical, energetic state. You do not need to have intent or action for this linking of your collective heart centers. You simply must come together, physically, emotionally or mentally. It does not matter whether you are physically near each other or are joined by telephone, web cast or television. Your higher level programming knows to kick in when you are gathered together and are focused on a common purpose.

Imagine what this looks and feels like. Over a million people are gathered in person to witness a joyous occasion and even more people are linked to this joyous occasion through the Internet and television and many other means. It is a joy-filled and happy event, and the linking of your collective energies amplifies that energy greatly. The same thing happens even when a disastrous event takes places like the earthquakes or tornadoes. People all over the world want to help, they link their heart centers again and the energy amplifies. So many major events and experiences are happening at a rapid rate across your planet. You are relearning what it is like to connect your heart centers again and realizing that your energies when used together are extremely powerful. Once humanity’s heart is synchronized, you will continue to work together like this. You will understand that before action, inspired intent and joining of energies will literally help you move mountains. Remember that we explained previously that to understand the magnification process, you simply multiply the number of people who are joined together in focused intent physically or virtually by itself and then multiply that by 1000. Yes, that is correct. 

As the heart center of your collective consciousness opens, you may have some physical experiences. We will name a few and let you know that it is perfectly normal. You may experience headaches and body aches, foot and knee pain, allergy symptoms and even a feeling of being light headed. You may need to sleep more or have trouble sleeping. These simply are usually associated with bringing more light into the body and allowing lower and denser vibrations to be released. Focus your heart on taking care of yourself and giving yourself what you need: more water, more rest or seeking the help of a medical professional. As the energies stabilize and balance, you will feel better.

Your Sun is a key energy in assisting with the shifting of the energies for all the beings on your planet and for Mother Earth herself. You can align yourself with the Sun’s energies for feeling very grateful to her for the life she brings to your planet. She will continue to bring life and light and will assist in the ascension of every living being on your planet. You can allow yourself to feel grateful for her help and simply set an intention that you will easily accept her shifting energies. How do you do this? It is very simple. Just be thankful for the energy she provides to you and appreciate her warmth and light. When you express gratitude and appreciate for the Sun, you will align your vibration to her shifting vibration. It is really that simple.

We are telling you this because we want you to see and feel the progress you are making. We want you to hear good news and to feel excited and joyous about it. We want you to move past hope into a knowing that you are making wonderful progress and are remembering what you came to remember. Please know that you can continue this progress by being together in groups of any size. Join your heart centers together and feel happiness and love. Imagine a perfect world, imagine what you want and let go of what you do not want. You can do this by yourself, with friends, acquaintances or loved ones. You can do this while in nature or while at work. It really does not matter how you do it or when you do it. Just do it!

We love and honor you.

Until next time.

The Arcturian Circle.

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  • Thank you for this so encouraging message <3 with love and blessings to all
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