Are the countless dimensions changing mirrors of other dimensions? Is it possible for us here to learn to move to another dimension when life becomes too difficult? What is happening in other dimensions?
We would not say the dimensions are changing mirrors, but there are similarities from one dimension to another.You can shift your focus at will. That sounds easy, and it is. Throughout your life you have shifted from one reality to another and had no awareness of the shifts. You were guided by your higher consciousness which is your higher self, the energy that is you and is not in your body. But once you know that you can do this shifting, your human mind is involved. This can make things more difficult. Your mind wants everything to make perfect sense from a logical perspective. You’ve been taught throughout your life that there is only one reality, the one that you see.
So, to make this shift with awareness, you must do it through your heart center. Your heart center is your one true mind, the mind that is connected to your true self/higher consciousness. You must allow your physical mind to get out of the way (laughter). We know that is easier said than done. Over time we will guide you in exercises to expand your heart energy to allow your mind to let go. This is when true expansion happens. So, to answer your question, it is just a simple process of setting an intention to move your awareness and your energy somewhere else without the involvement of your human mind.
Have you ever experienced a day when you noticed things around you more than before? The sky looks clearer or bluer, the air smells fresh and clean, colors look brighter. Basically things around you look different, but yet they look the same. It feels like something has changed, but you can not pinpoint what it is. These are the signs that you’ve made a dimensional shift. What is really exciting about this is that most of the people that are very close to you also notice this shift, or at least the sensitive ones do. When you make a shift like this, you usually do it with your loved ones. It is a collective decision.
We would also point out that dimensional shifts happen only when you’ve let go. If you are struggling with something difficult in your own reality and you are very engaged with this struggle, a dimensional shift can not happen. When you are engaged in a situation or energy, you are holding on to it. It is like an anchor, and it is hard to move on when you are grounded firmly with an anchor. You first must accept that you are where you are, stop fighting it, stop pushing against it, allow everything to flow freely and just give in or let go of the situation. Usually this means that you’ve accepted where you are, you are thankful for where you are and you just let go. You say to the Universe, OK I give up, I let go. You stop thinking about how much you don’t like the situation you are in, and you are thankful and grateful for where you are. Once you let go, you release the anchor, and you are ready to be transported to your next creation. Dimensional shifts happen when you are happy. So, remember that there are many different types of anchors, and you could be holding on to more than one. So, let them go! Let them all go!!
Same question, taken from Transmission of August 13, 2009
Dimensions, Reality and Time Lines
Let us explain a subtle nuance here. We would like to use the terminology dimension, reality and time line. They are all very similar but also are very different. Let us say that a dimension is a physical place where many souls and planets exist, and a reality is a place within a dimension that is created by a being. In addition a time line exists within a dimension (most third and fourth dimensions) but encompasses many realities and beings (being represents people, animals and all living beings). We make this distinction to answer your question. Dimensions are not changing mirrors of each other. They are a progression and are comprised of different levels of energy. Think of this as a process of progression or ascension. Here’s a very simple way of understanding. Let’s say that the third dimension has energy levels three, four and five. Well then, the fourth dimension would have energy levels six, seven and eight. There is a little bit of crossover from one dimension to another, but we would not consider them mirrors of each other.
Now, you are creator beings, and you create your reality within a dimension. You can easily create realities that are mirrors of each other. When it is time for you to move on or you want a new reality, then you just create a new one and move into it. We are all in the process of moving from one dimension into another. It is a process of progression and ascension. You cannot move from the dimension you are in to another dimension until you are energetically ready to do so. If your physical and energy body is not vibrating at a rate that matches the new dimension, you cannot exist in it for a long time, if at all.
There are beings within your planet that have the ability to travel with their physical bodies to multiple dimensions, usually two or three. These same individuals also have the ability to travel energetically to multiple dimensions. There are a few beings on your planet that can span multiple dimensions at any one time and have the ability to merge dimensions.
And lastly, let us talk about time lines. Multiple time lines or possible realities exist at once. You and your soul group can move from one reality to another based on your collective consciousness and desire to do so. This happens at microcosmic levels and macrocosmic levels. The consciousness of your planet can choose a new time line if the collective consciousness agrees to do so.