Arcturian message

MAY 7, 2010

Greetings to all in this new time of spring and renewal.

We come to tell you to have courage dear ones. We see your struggles and we see you discouragement as to the seeming state of affairs in the world . These things are but the death throes of the old, dear ones; the energy of the old leaving in order to allow in the new and higher energies of awakening.

There are many who have now awakened, and we tell you that the ascension of earth and her people is well on it's way. We tell you that the issues you struggle with will soon no longer have the energy that they have had in the past. Please be patient dear ones, we know how it seems to be by all appearances.

There is much that is to be revealed in this coming year. Much that will enlighten you as to why you have found yourselves in the financial situations that you are in. Much treachery and much dishonestly on the part of those you have trusted. The truth is now coming out and more will be coming out. Those who function from the level of greed and power will no longer have the hold upon you that they have had in the past; in the days of your ignorance, because you are awakening dear ones. You are awakening not only to a higher sense of the issues of every day living on earth, but to your true nature and your true inheritance as beings of Light and expressions of Source. This is huge dear ones, huge.

Try to rest in a realization of your oneness with Source and what that means. What is Source? Study this in your hearts, not in the words of some self proclaimed expert who is interpreting truth from his own state of searching and wondering; his own state of consciousness which may be much less evolved than your own. Those who claim to have all the answers are fooling you. God/Source cannot be contained in a mind or a concept, but only experienced.

It is time to determine for yourselves that which is true and that which is not. It is time to claim back your power. The power you have given away to those you believed knew more than you. If you are one with Source, do you not also have the answers; the Divine energy of completeness within?

It is time for mankind to grow up, dear ones, to claim your identity and then live out from it. Time to be strong and time to let go of all the old concepts and beliefs that have held you in bondage to the old teachings of your being born sinners and less than a "worm in the dust". This is pure nonsense, kindergarten religion. It is now a new time, a time of awakening.

Do you find yourself not resonating with TV shows, news, magazines, movies, and even people that you used to love? Well, that is because you have graduated. You are not in the same energy of these things as you once were. You are in a new place of consciousness and the old is no longer resonating at your new level.

Do not try to be as you were (go backward so to speak), in order to please those in your life who have not yet moved beyond the old, but courageously take up the sword, and cut away those issues that hold you in bondage to that which you have outgrown. Become that light which you have been seeking and move forward confidently in the realization of your true identity as One.

Thank you Arcturian Group

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  • Darryl,
    I know how frustrating it can be to tell others of this ascension proccess because first of all they have to realize who they are. Next they have to understand the earth is a living sentiment being with a soul. Until these 2 points are understood they will never understand the ascension proccess.
    Even people who feel there will be contact with our ET friends have to understand that contace is not just technological but mostly a spiritual event. Done get too discouraged as you are not here to convert them and sometimes it is better we allow others to follow their own truths. Also from what i get we will all be bought back to full consciousness and then we make our decision to ascend or not. Good luck
  • Great Message! I am talking to my friends about the ascension. It's not getting thru. I'm telling them "get with the program or get left behind". Although earth will be ascending in 2012, there's not a time table for individual ascension. Since there is no death of spirit, they will get there at their own pace. It would be nice to share in the joy of the new world with them but if they don't make it, I'll miss 'em. Good times thou, good times. :)
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