Are Eyes the Windows to the Soul?


Are the Eyes Really the Windows to the Soul?

by Michelle Butt

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We’ve all heard the saying, “The eyes are the windows to the soul.” It’s clear that when we look into the eyes of another we are seeing something so much more than blue or brown, but are we really seeing their soul? According to the Ancient Chinese, actually, we are NOT. We are in fact, seeing into the heart of another. Yes, connecting the heart to love is as much an ancient, scientific observation as it is a modern day romantic notion that is amplified in February thanks to St. Valentine.

The science of face reading began in Ancient China as a branch of Chinese Medicine. Not only was the face used as a diagnostic tool to assist in identifying illness, but through observing patterns of features, Ancient Chinese Healers discovered that the face could determine emotional and personality tendencies as well. The Chinese believed that the heart was the center of our existence, not just for its ability to sustain life, but by its connection to our emotional nature as well.

As the center of the circulatory system, the job of the heart is to pump blood to the whole body. Essentially, it is the communication hub of our physical existence. Yet, emotionally it serves the same purpose according to the Ancient Chinese. It is the center from which our love and deep emotions flow, thus it is the hub of our deep, emotional nature and circulates those emotions for us. Instead of a heartbeat as the indication of the state of our openness to love, sharing and communication of deep feelings, we have a feature on our faces that shows us the state of our emotional heart.

In the observation of the face and the connection of features to behaviors, it was found that the eyes were and are the windows to the heart, not the soul. When we look into the eyes of another, we can tell by the shape and size of their eyes two significant things about them. One is how openhearted and trusting they are and the other is how open to communication they are.

For example, if someone has big, widely held eyes, they have an open heart, which means that they are open to love and communicating their deeper feelings and emotions easily with others. If, on the other hand, someone has eyes that are more narrowly held, they can be more cautious when opening up to others. They may need more time to feel comfortable and be able to trust another with their feelings and emotions. Their heart will be more guarded.

In addition, the shape of the lower eyelid can tell us a lot about how another person will communicate their feelings to us. If the lower eyelid is rounded, then that person will temper their communications with warmth and a loving compassionate flavor. If the lower eyelid is straight, then that person will take a more logical, matter of fact approach to their communications.

Although, ideally, we would all want big widely held eyes signifying an open heart, there is a potential drawback to this quality. You see, the open heart can be the vulnerable heart. Sometimes, those with big, open eyes can be too trusting and share too much, which could set them up for disappointment and betrayal. By the same token, those with narrowly held eyes can fall into the trap of being too guarded, too cautious and not forthcoming enough. They can perhaps sabotage relationships and deny themselves the love they deserve.

The beauty of this knowledge is that we all have the ability to be loving and open hearted. We just have to understand how we are uniquely connected to our hearts and our capacity to love and communicate. Once we understand ourselves, we can show up for relationships in alignment with our unique design.


What does this mean about the eyes?

Well, say you are a person with big bright eyes who comes to every new encounter with trust and the openness to express all of your feelings and thoughts easily, and you find yourself attracted to another who has more narrowly held eyes. You may feel like you are the only one sharing, initially. You may feel like the other person may not be into you or not care because they are guarded. This may, in fact, not be the case at all. That person could care very much for you, but they need time to feel safe and comfortable enough to express their feelings. They may need more time than you do to be able to talk about themselves in a deep way. Understanding this dynamic would take the judgment out of the situation. You could acknowledge that you are an open book, and you know that the other needs time to warm up. This alone would go a long way in progressing the relationship.

When, as human beings, we feel innately understood by others, we are able to let our guards down and be more open to vulnerability. The gift of face reading is that it gives us all the ability to understand others, without them having to say a word. We can look into their eyes, see into their hearts and meet them in their sacred space to create beautiful, respectful, loving relationships.


About the Author

Michelle Butt is a Face Reader, Certified Master Coach and an Ordained Metaphysical Minister. She is also a contributing author to the book, Ready Aim Captivate, featuring Deepak Chopra. Her goal in life is to assist others in truly understanding who they are and to guide them to achieving the joyful, fulfilling and successful lives that they desire.

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  • I like to look people in the eyes and scan them....some say my steely-grey eyes can look through people....It is a soul link of sorts and serves several purposes, from exoteric to esoteric levels....

  • AsWithin


    Through our Eyes, the Universe is perceiving itself. Through our Ears, the Universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witnesses through which the Universe becomes Conscious of its Glory, of its Magnificence.

    ~Alan Watts

  • A thought about the physical eyes and humanity -

    As we know, the right eye validates the left brain of reasoning, discrimination and linear time.
    The left eye validates the right brain of intuition, direct cognition, inspiration.

    Some things can be easily deduced by a simple google search of eyes.

    Two thirds of humans are right eye dominant using the simple finger test.

    Eighty percent or so of humans are right handed (very practical).

    Just these simple eye facts illustrate how dominant the subconscious choice to validate space and time is in most folks thee days.

    What is not readily seen (a personal insight), is what happens when two people face each other in the physical world. One person's right eye always squares off against the other person's left eye. There is always a subconscious disagreement or contest between two facing people because a left eye is always facing the right eye of another. We invalidate each other's reality. Maybe this is why it is a trigger of aggression in animals.

    Perhaps while listening to a person's problem, it can be dissipated by looking at, hence validating, the person's left eye. hmmm…

    It would be interesting to see stats about which eye in humans require glasses or has more problems. My right eye of linear time has been weakened by abuse.

    On a different note, Steiner wrote "the nervous system is the soul's extension on the physical plane." Perhaps this is why dowsing works. A question is asked of the soul, and the divining rods via the nervous system point where the soul directs them to go. :)

  • The eyes are not 'THE' window to the soul, but they sure are 'A' window to the soul. But only by basics. The eyes show the things that are close to the surface (the conscious but only barely the subconscious) but for the readers who want to read mental baselines (the subconsious), deeper reading is required (past the visual and into the etherical). :)

  • Interesting. Thanks for sharing. I usually just go by the other folks' energy, but this is a great tool, too.

  • And yes um you are correct on what you said there.
  • We are all having typos lol the importance of what's said. We are smart people we can understand one another at least I hope. Lol sometimes our brains think faster then our fingers can type its all good dearest
  • The ancients also said 'The heart is the seat of the soul'......soul resides in the core of the heart, emotions are signals and connecting energies that flow from and through the heart. The heart chakra is at the centre of our personal torus field and generates the largest magnetic field around the body, much larger than the brain's electromagnetic field. 

    With eyes, as window to the heart/seat of the soul, shape and structure are just one aspect. More telling is how someone meets your eyes, or not, as to how your souls connect.

    Namaste. :)

  • Absolutely. They are. When I Walker to soeone I look them in the eyes it tells everything
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