It is not too rare to hear someone try to convince you that 'sports are very important'. We even hear that it is about 'international friendship' and other jarring claims. Very soon we will have world cup. Then we are in for another month of taking, sleeping eating and $hitting football. But what does chasing a sack full of air got to do with 'international unity and friendship'? Even the name 'friendly match' is suggestive! If games were about 'international friendship', then all matches would be properly called 'friendly marches'! The name 'friendly' unwittingly reveals what were in the minds of the concocters of the whisky. Sports are about 'enemity' not 'friendship'!
Sports are bastardized plays and sanitized wars! It has absolutely nothing to do 'international unity' or 'friendships'! Sports does to 'play' what 'religion' does to 'spirituality'. It is an attempt to 'organize play', but in the process, they miss the point all together! Sports does not bring two conflicting or fighting nations together. It takes them further apart! Since 'we have parted with Russia' then 'we are not going to play with Russia in the next world cup'. While you might think that this is a 'misuse of sports', it actually follows logically from the nature of sports! The problem is not a 'misuse of sports' or even 'politicization of sports'. The problem is the sports itself!
Next you will be told of an array of 'doppings', 'match fixing',....yada yada,...And then the sports advocate of the devil will now try to convince you that 'this are the unfortunate incidences which spoil sports'. This is nonsense!! Doppings and other things stems directly from the very nature of sports. It is a more naked revelation of what sports are. If sports were about bringing nations and pple together etc, then a lot of emphasis needed not be placed on 'winning', and therefore the 'dopping' thing would not arise at all!
What sense do this mean? Do adults need to watch a gang of lunatics chasing a bag of air in order to be 'united'? Aren't adults supposed to understand the importance of unity using their heads? To understand the importance of unity, don't go to stadiums. Visit ants and watch them working together in unity and harmony. Then also zoom the lens and see if they play football to enhance this unity amongst themselves! If ants can do this without sports, why can't humans? Why do we need to spend billions of valuable money to erect stadiums, to help us do things that ants can easily do?
If sports were about international unity and friendship, then why can't you cheer the team of the other country? Why can't you rejoice when they win? Why do you cry like a stupid baby when the other team win? Why do the whole stadium (in 'home ground') grow silent when the person of 'the other country' performs magnificent moves that should have entertained all of us? It is because they are realy not 'our friends'! No one is in to stadium to realy get entertained by how the 'other' country might play against your own country. You would have like all the good show to emanate from your own country, not the other. You would have preferred the fans at the other team to only marvel at how smart your country is! That was the reason you invited them: to showcase how smart your country is. That is why you cried when you were beaten! They are about lunatic chauvinism, not international unity! It is about uniting your country against the 'enemy' country! It is about divisions, not unity!
Sports represents everything that can go wrong with a child, combined with everything that can go wrong with an adult! It is about people who never grew up to understand how childhood play comes up in adulthood. The kittens play, the cubes play, the puppies play etc. When they grow, they apply this play in hunting etc. But this doesn't mean that adults don't play, or watch plays. They do. An adult lion might wrestle with a cube etc. But then it is just that, a play! There is no referee, rules or 'scores' or whatever. This is because a lion is smart enough to understand that the main point is training, not winning anything! Yes, a cube might realy realy become good in wrestling and outwrestles the dad. But that is not the point!
Similarly, children normally stops at enjoying the play. They can form whichever team they like. If Russian children were playing with Ukrainian children, they would first creat a long row. Then they say 'go there, come here, go there.....'. You will find two teams but at a complete random! At no point will they form a group of 'Ukrainians' vs another one for 'Russians', unless instructed to do so by an adult! There is a reason for this: as far as enjoying the play itself is concerned, it is actually irrelevant what team you form!
When you hear children talk about the play, you realize that all they enjoy is the play itself. They get exited by a player drippling past 6 other players, some acrobatic kick or a diving goalkeeper. To an adult, all these are irrelevant, or even annoying, if it did not result in goals! But to an adult, a mere penalty awarded by a biased referee is even more exiting! An adult sports lover is a pervert child whose instincts don't understand that it is in the play that nature wanted us to enjoy so it may motivate us to exercise and so improve stamina, argility etc which are useful even in adulthood.
An adult sportsman loves to boast, that is all! He want to talk of how many goals his country scored, even if they are the boring ones presented on a silver platter termed 'penalty kicks'. If someone comes on the way, e.g. handling the ball, or player's shirt, he might even think of calling the police!! If you told the children whether they will report to the teacher, in case someone scored from offsite, it will lead to nothing but a cracking laughter amongst the children! This is because they still know that these are realy not 'serious' things as such! Adult sports lover is that idiot who carried over everything bad about childhood plays (eg quarrels, anger, winning, referees, complaints, report to authority etc) and left behind everything good about plays (e.g. a performance and display of argility, skills, stamina etc)u. When adult grown boys meet to talk of Arsenal, Man U or whatever, it is damn boring talk about what player was bought by who, what couch has what team employed, what rank is what team, which team did what team beat,....yada yada....They better shut the hell up!! Some even commit suicide when their teams fail to win! It is nothing like what boys would be discussing, e.g. how Messi drippled past 5 midfieldeers or how someone shot a 'banana kick' or how a goalkeeper saved a penalty etc.
What is 'sports' anyway. What is the meaning of watching whizzing cars or racing men? Do cheetahs care about what cheetah if faster than what in a fraction of a second? Of course not, and they know better! These are a very 'one dimensional' mindset that does not signify anything about any of day to day activities that are of importance to life. A cheetah knows that its success comes from a combination of skills that includes speed, argility, strength stamina, reasoning, timing, balance etc. A test of only one ability, e.g. speed is absolutely meaningless! Furthermore if you were to go along the road with your pen and paper to examine cars, then look for 'what car is moving realy fast', or 'what vehicle was the first to reach what town', pple might want to examine your head! This is because such things like we see in sports have zero relevance in day to day human activities! We don't do things to COMPETE with other pple. Even when we look 'far behind' other cars, we can be far ahead of schedule depending on our plan, which has nothing to do with the plans of others!
Sports are about 'governing games', 'controling plays', yada yada!! It does to play what governance does to leadership, or what religion does to spirituality!