Edited version:

Solar Flares Energies have opened a hole in the False Matrix;

The F.F. Matrix is surely effecting the minds of people, even the awakened ones. So I and my higher self team , decided to do more updates on what is happening mostly on the Inner world 1st as we have already moved into the 4D time line and 5D is not so far away now as it was before. But this has also caused much confusion in the minds of the Starseeds for many don't remember doing this before but most have to some degree, even if they cannot remember it clearly. This New Energies that are coming down now are even more powerful than the ones we had last couple of year's and before that. Some of the light-workers are not seeing the whole picture or puzzle. They are to busy concentrating on the Outer World and the War of the minds that is going on. JC, said; The world is an illusion, be in it but not of it. He also said Don't attack the Evil Oes but Expose them instead.!

But many Starseeds forget about the Great Earth Changes that are upon us now and all the New Energies that are uplifting our DNA and changing our bodies form Carbon Base to crystal based. Ascension means to Rise up and in this case it means for us to raise our consciousness Far above the 5% most are using now. With the help of the Holy Spirit which is our Other Self, to Christ Consciousness also called our higher Self, Divine Consciousness or Divine self. We also have a Possible Future Self which we will someday be able to access as we are multi-dimensional beings. And we also have the Lower self or alter Ego. We must learn to let go of this lower Ego self which we created in our infency, it is holding us back and latch on the Higher Self,and learn to tap into it where 95 % of our mind is operating. And that mind is an extension of Gods mind, God is pure mind and we need Spirit to access it.

And this new Energies that are coming down with and behind the Solar X-Flares are designed to uplift our consciousness, so we can and do access our higher self or Divine Self and the Holy Spirit. That is the main reason of the Ascension Event. So there is 3 Events happening at the same time. We need to look at all 3 stages of this Ascension Event, not just one or two parts of it. I tried to explain that in the comments from Ben Fulfords blog that I have posted on this site below. And I have re-posted them here so that we can come together and see the big picture or Divine Plan of our Creator Father and stop with the Mind control game the DC has imposed upon us, if we are to brake free of the False Matrix.....If you want to see all of the comments and Bens post then go to that blog here on this site, that I posted in the last week.

I took out a few sayings of JC from the Book ''A Course in Miracles'' to help us get through this confusion and attacks of conflicts, not only on the Normies and sleepers but also what is going on here on this site and the Net in general. heres the 1st key from JC.

''Just as Forgiveness overlooks all sins that were accomplished, Healing but removes Illusions that have not occurred. Just as the ''Real WORLD Will Arise'' to take the place of what has never been at all, Healing but offers Restitution for imagined states and False Ideas which dreams embroider into pictures of Truth''.JC-ACIM.......

To whom it may imply;..2nd key by JC. [ ACIM ] ''If I defend myself,I am attacked. But in defenselessness I will be strong, and I will learn what my defenses hide.''... So there we have it folks, this War is not just about overthrowing the DC. Its also about Ascension and both are happening at the same time. if you put all your efforts and energy in destroying the DC and you neglect your own Ascension Process. What then have you accomplished ? Our main goal here should be to work on ourselves, release our negative past, be in the ''Now moment'' and trust the future to God.    He has a Divine Plan in 3 parts which we are all a part of which is to restore his Sovereignty and ours at the same time. This Divine Plan requires that we reprogram ourselves from the negative programing the DC has implanted into our selves and our DNA. But 1st we have to deleate the old programing and reboot. We are in a False Matrix designed to keep us confused and separated in Conflict with each other and thus keeping us in Fear from which they feed off of because the DC separated them selves from God the Father and in there rebellion cannot receive his Love and light which sustains all life.

When we get too caught up in this ''War of the minds'' with all its Disinformation, lies and Deception, we become confused once again as in the old days when we were slaves to the DC through Lucifer and Satans Evil Empire. We have today much help both from the Spiritual Kingdom and our ET Allies, So we then reprogram ourselves, ''As above so below''......We can choose to listen and follow them or fall back into our old ways of right and wrong and fall into the trap of ''Separation'' and Conflict,when we try to influence and control or per-sway others, who did what to whom and where and when did it happen and what are they or we going to do about it. This non-spiritual attitude towards others hinders us and them and the whole New Age movement . Our Ascension Process comes to a sudden halt as people ask themselves and others in the movement as to what happened, Why are we not Ascending or becoming fully Awakened. We Star seeds and light workers who are awakened are in 4D now but where not going anywhere fast, or so it seems.

Goodbye 3D World~ Hello 4&5D world !

Did someone pull the emergency brake system to fast ?. This happens when we forget we are the Sons of GOD the father and we start to call names and bickering amongst ourselves. When some people think that they know better Whats going on and want people to follow them, instead of Starseeds going inside themselves and be silent and listen to the voice of God, the Holy Spirit. or the Spirit of Truth.  When we learn to do that by asking them into our being. The Ego then resides back into his lower self or shadow self and our true divine self joins up with the H.S. and we become a team. People don't need to be told what to think or even how to think about a certain subject matter's of the Outer World. They should try to inform each other instead of trying to control each other as what we are seeing now, not only on this site but all over the place on the Net. That my friends causes Separation. And that is how the kept us as Slaves for many thousands of years. Some of us have broken free and are trying to free the others but many light-workers never did this before or they don't remember there preprograming, that is a part the Ascension Process and must Relearn it ourselves, then we can help others.

So if we and those of the New Age Movement continue to push there own agenda or there beliefs on others for control, our Cosmic Consciousness Mind will need much healing before we can again go out to all those newly Awakened ones with inspiration and info.Those who are just beginning to push through the Vail of the Matrix ,only to see light-workers and Starseeds attacking one another on what is happening. These newly awakened may become confused and in fear they may turn around and go back into the Matrix, which to them may seem more at home in that stage of Denial. The whole world is nearly in that stage of Denial now. JC called them the Sleepers.
So when we began to wake up the Sleepers , we must do it gently and together as one people in this Golden Age movement. There is already much confusion as to what is the Matrix and what about the 3rd part of the Event? The Earth Changes! Those changing time lines coming in all the time from the Solar Flares of the Suns Pole Shift and Magnectic Core changes of the inner Earth. Plus the Mandela effect and the New Energies that are behind them and what about all the Earth changes and the Pole Shift that is about to happen soon and has already started.

And how does all that fit in with the 4D and 5D Ascension.? And how does one go about putting all of this together so that it makes since to the Sleepers.? It first has to make sense to us and no one has all the answers down here but there are those who know much more about how to put it all together and we need there help. But first we must stop this Ego Tripping and learn to work together with deep respect for one another and there own opinions.Don't follow those who pretend they know it all. We all have different talents and skills that we are good at and everyone is created equal.We are all a part in Gods Divine Plan and and have a job to do. But first and formost we must work on ourselves by letting go of the negative past, learn to be in the Holy instant now moment and set the future in the hands of God. Some will reach 5D in 10 yrs and for others it may take a hundred years. But we are well on our way, there's no turning back now, its 5D or bust, Remember we are all one family of God.  Adonai Rev. Joshua

Are we there Yet?

My Friends, it seems many here do not yet understand what the real message is and what it is not. Its not about who is right or wrong in what has happened or is about to happen or whats going to happen when this 3D War is over. We the light-workers and open minded people are not allowed to know everything or even some things that are going on behind the scenes right now. If we did know then the enemy, the DC would also know and would use that info against us. They are loosing the War now which everyone can see who have eyes to see and they are looking for a way out of what they have done and they don't care who they hurt doing it. In fact they want to take as many of us down with them as they can.

So we cannot get caught up in our opinions to much as to what is going down or what will happen next. We even have different opinions as to who is the good guys and who is not [ White Hats VS Black Hats ]. And don't forget the Gray Hats. One thing that is for sure after the War is over, is that all people will get there land back and will have to go back to there own lands to be a part of the New Quantum system and get support. We also know that the Nuremberg 2 trails will become open to the public once the vids are out world wide,about what they have done to us and this planet. People will have seen the Truth which is and has been recorded for quite some time now in the last several decades at least or more. It could be as much as the last hundred years and history shows it the NWO [ New World Order ] goes back thousands of years. The DC has been working on this for a very long time. and the White Hats have the proof to prove it all against them, with pic's vids, audio and files.

So the message here is for us not to blow this Final battle by arguing and Conflict amongst ourselves as to what as happened, what is happening and what will or could happen as the WAR comes to an end, which should be by or before the end of this year 2024.We must learn to respect others opinion and learn how to exchange our ''Beliefs'' with others and be open to ''there truths'' no-one will know the ''Truth'' until it is released to all the world with proof and there will be much discussion's. Until then we must learn to get along. The DC would love for us to be Separated again for that is how they controlled us for thousands of years but now we have the Net which is mostly still free, to get the ''Truth'' out to those who are awake and to those who are just now awakening. The Sleepers can sleep no more. So we must be very cautious as to how we wake them up and what we tell and show them as to what is going on. They are going to be very surprised,and overwhelmed by all the new info.  Remember,  Waking up the world is a important and difficult job... We are all One... Adonai Rev. Joshua


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