
Many of us lightworkers have recently had an experience of going home...putting together the pieces... I have come to the conclusion that I am an ascended master...I suspect many people feel the same way I do...Maybe these things are happening because I expect them to happen (that's exactly the point, though)...It's time for us to claim our mastery. It's time for us to stop waiting and to realize were have already arrived! We are masters of this universe.


by "Jimmy"



Many of us lightworkers have recently had an experience of going home. I was meditating in my office recently when I found myself in another reality. It was a reality unlike this one, in the sense that all the beings there were colors vibrating at various frequencies. Their energy fields were the shape of two dimensional squares. These beings floated around, melding together with other colors, then separating again, and floating around to meld with different beings. We were all connected to a central entity, which was an array of shades of pink. I was a mauve/pinkish color, and I could feel myself vibrating super fast. I didn't have a human body, but was just a color. The speed of my vibration reminded me of a dragonfly's wings, and my energy field felt as if it had no real density. There was no complete separation from the other beings. We were all connected. I felt extremely light, giggly, and joyful. I think giddiness is a good word to describe it. I was home. I was happy. Nothing else mattered. Although I have had many awesome joyful moments and mystical experiences since my awakening to the ascension process, nothing can compare to this one. I didn't want it to end. As I was enjoying this reality to the hilt, I heard very clearly a voice which said, "Lord Sananda." The experience ended, and I found myself a different person. I had been given a glimpe of life beyond third density. It was magical, incredible, joyful, awesome, and every other word you can think of to describe the best experience ever.


Since then, I have been putting together the pieces of several mystical experience I have recently enjoyed, many of which I have written about, and I have come to the conclusion that I am an ascended master. I was reluctant to come to this conclusion, for fear of letting my ego get out of control. Yet the evidence continues to mount. Here on Lightworkers.org and on other sites, I'm noticing descriptions of trips to other worlds and dimensions, and I noticed several channelings claiming that many have ascended and come back. Yet, I haven't seen or heard of many announcing themselves as ascended ones. I suspect many people feel the same way I do. We don't want to let our egos get out of control. Yet I also suspect that we must claim our mastery for it to fully anchor itself into physical reality.


I believe my experience in the other reality was a trip home. It was a direct experience with my oversoul. I also believe Lord Sananda is my oversoul, and the colorful beings in the other universe are my soul family. I believe I am one of those who ascended and came back to Earth to help facilitate the ascension process.


Let me briefly describe my experience of living life as an ascended master. Everything is easy. Every moment is joyful. I worry about nothing. I enjoy everything. My relationships with my loved ones have either deepened or dissolved, and I have no pain or remorse about the dissolutions. I have nice conversations with strangers all the time. People strike up conversations with me out of the blue. Some people giggle when they see me for no particular reason. I find it easy to resolve conflicts. I feel no obligation to be anywhere or do anything. I feel great all the time.


All of these things are subjective, I know, which makes it difficult to believe. And some people might chalk it up to a matter of perception, a self fulfilling prophecy. Maybe these things are happening because I expect them to happen (that's exactly the point, though). Here is something tangible that is hard to ignore: in the one month since my "ascension" experience, I earned more money than I had earned in the first twenty years of my working life. Several things lined up in perfect harmony which catapulted me out of difficult financial times into a situation where I don't have to worry about money anymore. And get this, I did it while spending most of my time meditating at my desk at work. I didn't have to work more to earn the money; I worked less!!!!! A lot of people don't like to talk about money in a spiritual context, but I learned from my experience that it was my own self defeating programs which were holding back the flow of money into my life. Literally the day after I released those programs (read my previous posts for details), I received a phone call stating that a business deal my partners had been working on for years was finally going through. After that, we had several other business deals fall into place, as if by magic, whereas before the deletion of my self defeating programs everything seemed to be a huge struggle.


Spirit sometimes manifests itself in unexpected ways. I suspect that many of us have ascended and come back, yet we haven't realized the gravity of our experience. If you recently had an "otherworld experience" where it felt like you went home, consider the possibility that you too have ascended. I'm hoping to get lots of responses to this post where people tell of their recent experiences. It's time for us to claim our mastery. It's time for us to stop waiting and to realize were have already arrived! We are masters of this universe. Sure, there is still much more to learn. But the entire universe supports us now. We can be, have, and do anything! And our lives will continue to improve for all eternity as the fullness of our divinity continues to unfold! The whole plan is ingenious. It's fantastic! It's wonderful! And I can't wait to see what happens next.



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  • Cortex.....your response is THE reason I AM here....NICE!!....i love it.....i do the same my friend....albeit, different affirmations.....but yet another "point"....claim YOUR individuality, YOUR own "do's" and "don'ts"...and just BE like a sheet in the wind......."feel" everything....for what "it" IS....an "experience".....move on...






  • I fully believe (in) you. I feel like something similar may happen to me, too, soon as I recently found out one crucial key component to the law of attraction. I learned to potentiate the power of my affirmations by permanently repeating thoughts like this:

    "All (my) positive thoughts are now working 528 billion times stronger, faster and better".

    ^^Because this creates an exponential positive feedback loop getting ever more powerful every time I repeat it.

    It is/was IMO the untilmate Secret of Secret to discover for me. :D

  • Very interesting, thanks Karma  :-)


  • hey there again karma

    i have just been listening to bashar and resonate with his teachings  he reckons there is no such thing as karma like w have been led to believe what do you reckon??

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