Michael Fiddeler: Are You Ready?
The news spreads and spreads.
by Michael Feddeler
The Grand Awakening
Do you feel it? Can you? Can you feel everything changing?
I hope you can.
If you can feel it are you ready for it? Have you been doing the work you need to do? Sorting out
your life and relationships? Are you meditating and trying to raise your frequency and
I hope you are.
This is a very special time on this Planet and a very special time to be human. This beautiful Planet and all of us that are blessed to be here at this time are going to get a once in a Universe chance to move ahead in leaps and bounds spiritually.
If you are paying attention to the cosmos and our position in it, and if you feel this quickening then you know what I’m saying. Don’t wait another moment to get started if you haven’t, and don’t waste another moment if you have. This is Game Time and every moment counts.
It’s time to make some preparations for you and your family’s safety, and then focus on you and your spiritual work. , pray, think, ponder, imagine and wonder… Stay positive and figure out what you stand for and how you want our future to look.
You are a part of creating this reality and your input is crucial to all of us. We are all a part of the all that is and we are all in this together.
We will forgive those who have done harm to us and tried to oppress us but we will not stand for any more deception or abuses.
This is the time for our future. The future of the Light. A new Golden age for our planet and a time for great peace, joy, and for humanity.
Stay focused and don’t be distracted by seemingly negative things that may happen as shifts occur around you. Stay in the light and be a creator of our new perfect world.
Believe and don’t ever be tempted to doubt your personal power and light. You are a part of the creator with all of the powers of creation within you. You only have to remember who and what you really are.
Wake up dear being of light and create the future. Our future is waiting!
I will ask you again my friends: Are you ready???