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Ascension for the Planet Now =Personal Ascension Now! (read explanation from SANANDA below in theAscension Lesson provided) You are the LIGHT of the world because youare a perfect reflection of the DIVINE! Join our online group now:
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revdeb @ sanandaeagles . com
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Here is where you learn how to ascend:

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Ascension Class #__
from SANANDA (Lord JesusChrist)
as channeled through Reverend Debbie Write

"The DominoEffect"

This is the lesson that you shall have concerningplanetary, galactic, universal, All That Is ascension. Technically, eachand every one of you, individually, are that first domino of a wholetable full of dominos that bump into each other until all of the GrandDesign is effected. However, for some of you, we shall make it simpler.Each and every one of you are the one individual drop of rain that landsin the middle of a calm ocean, that sends out minute little ripplesthat get bigger and bigger, and bigger and bigger, until eventuallythere's a tidal wave caused by that one drop of rain. I know I'mover-exaggerating here, but I think you get the picture. <grin>

Now,as you know, someone wonderful came in and taught you a little bitabout the parts of personal ascension that some of you may or may nothave thought of before. And those are things that you can do to assistyourself up that ladder. Once so many of you reach the top of yourladder, does that mean that the planet herself ascends? Ahhh… this is atrick question. Each and every one of you affect this planet beforeyou're even halfway up your ladder, you do not have to reach the top toaffect this planet. Well, once you reach a certain point on yourladders, the planet feels the pull. And when she feels the pull, therest of those living upon her, whether they be animal, vegetable,mineral, whatever, they feel the pull, too. We have discussed this atquite some length before. However, we are now here to warn you, too.There comes a time, when you're climbing up your ladder and you'repulling the planet right along with you, that you're pulling somethingelse along… something else that comes along with all of those that feelthe pull of the planet, coming behind you, or with you. And what thatis, is those that perceive 'evil' as something of great power, assomething of Divine Providence, or as something they consider themselvesto be. And since they're being taken along for the ride, sometimes youshall encounter this. It does not necessarily mean that you shallencounter evil incarnate face to face. It just means that you will feelthe pull of the energy pulling you back, because there are many thathave that energy within them. Your job, your mission, is to carry on andto do the best that you can to continue onward and upward up thatladder even though you feel that pull. The higher you get up thatladder, the stronger you feel the pull.

Let's consider it aswe would consider your basic physics, your basic science. You'refighting the pull of gravity. Many of you consider the fact that thiswill make your trip up the ladder easier once you reach that certainpoint, when in actuality it pulls on you harder. I hate to fall uponyour clichés here, but no one ever promised you that it would be easy…we just said it would be worthwhile. We said that it would be beneficialonce it is complete. We have not played word games with you, we havedone everything in our ability to warn you that there are times that youwill feel that pull and there are times that you will be weary of theclimb. Those are the times that we do our best to come in and make youlaugh, or give you a distraction, or sometimes even just hug you atnight while you're asleep… give you that little 'boost' of extra loveand care. The best direction that we can give you concerning this is,with each step that you take up that ladder, you get closer and closerto the power of the Love of the All That Is. So keep looking up, keepyour focus point up. If you look back down to see what it is that'sdragging on you, you lose momentum, you lose the sight of your goal thatyou are striving so hard for. With each and every step you take, if youkeep your eyes up, if you keep the focus of your mission up, if youkeep your heart up, it will not be easier but you will have less doubtwhich, in the long run, makes it easier on your personally. For many ofyou have doubt, which is one of those things that is drawing you backdown.

With each step that you take up that ladder, you'repulling more and more on the energy of this planet and those that resideupon her. But are you the only ones? We have spoken of your soul'ssong, we have spoken of your split-aparts, and we have spoken of soulfragments. Each and every one of you has fragments, counterparts,split-aparts, that are doing essentially the same thing on differentlevels. Some, very few though, on lower levels than you're at. Many onmuch higher levels than you're at. And their energy, as they move onwardand upward on their ladder, assists you in pulling you up your ladder.You're magnetized to those pieces and parts. You're magnetized to theenergy of the Creator. You're magnetized by the true physics of allCreation, and that true physics being, the higher you get, the lighteryou become… the lighter you become, the more Light that emanates fromyou.

You keep your step light, you keep your heart light, youkeep your sight light, and you aim for the Light. And, as I have saidbefore, every once in awhile you'll find a ledge and you might step offyour ladder and take a breather for awhile. And when you look down toassist those that are coming up behind you or along side you, you do notlook down for what it is that you have bypassed, the lessons you havealready learned. You look for the Light that is getting brighter andbrighter as it comes up the ladder also. You encourage that Light, youtell IT to look up, you tell it to keep getting there, that you're thereand they can be, too. Do not look for the dark, look for the Lightwithin the dark. Encourage it. Pat it on the back. Allow your Light toshine a wee bit brighter so that it might see your Light ahead throughthe dark that it is surrounded by. Allow yourself to be that beacon thatthe Creator uses to add more Light to Itself. For you never know, asyou are looking up your ladder, and you see that Light, it's justanother beacon in between you and where it is that you are heading. Andif you pass a ledge and you see someone taking a break on the ledge, andyou feel refreshed and do not necessarily feel that it is time for youto take a break, shine your Light for them. For those that stop and takethat break on the ledge are the ones that are being the beacons thatcall others on up their ladders. Do you understand this?

Onceall of you reach that one ledge of YOUR ladders, and this planet isfinally able to reach that ledge on HER ladder, and all those creaturesupon her reach that ledge on THEIR ladder, then you shall be theforerunners that begin climbing your ladder again. And it starts allover again. However, there is something most wondrous that happens whenall of you reach that ledge. When you reach that ledge, your Lightsbecome very bright and it sends out a Call. And that Call awakens all ofthose others that have not even begun their flight up from many otherdifferent places in your solar system. You see, there's the ripple,there's the domino for the next level. You begin pulling them, and thenthey, in turn, are where you began. They're just waking up, they're justgetting started. And then, as you begin your next level, and after sometime goes by, and the entire galaxy reaches the level that you had justleft when it woke them up, you will then be pushed to your next level.And as you being at that next level, it will push and wake up evenanother galaxy, and another, and another, until soon you're entireuniverse is affected by this push and pull effect. Now I could, but Ihave been asked not to, tell you how many systems in your universe areabove or below you, for that makes no bit of difference. Each and everyone of you is all doing the same job. You're assisting each other,whether you're the one that's pulling them awake, or they are the onesthat have pulled you awake. And then once your entire universe reaches aspecific level, it begins being either pushed or pulled by otheruniverses. And the one that is pulling and magnetizing each and everyuniverse, each and every solar system, each and every planet, each andevery Being, is the Creator… calling back unto Himself all those thatwent out to educate Him, to teach, to learn, to share, to assist.

Someof you, at this point in time, may be saying that this sounds like anexhausting affair. It is. Very exhausting. Ahhh… but well worth it. Verywell worth it. For those of you that have come here to assist thisplanet, some of you will reach the top of your ladder much quicker thanothers, and then you shall go home. And when you go home, your home isdoing the exact same thing. Technically, you will each be doing it allover again. It's just that the vast majority of you are from places thathave far outreached the more mundane levels that you've had to dealwith here and now in this reality. But the experiences that you havehere and now in this reality, are the experiences that you can take homewith you, that will give you and your reality just a bit more of a pushin going to the 'real' Home… the end of the puzzle, the last domino.The last domino being the full picture, or the full ocean, however youwish to look at it.

This one, when she teaches her Kabbalah,uses the ancient term of Light as being: you get closer to the emanationof God. This is true. I myself much prefer to say that you keep gettingcloser and closer to the Light that gets brighter and brighter. Thebrighter it gets, the closer you are. And, at times, you shall reach apoint to where that Light is so bright that you will feel that youcannot even take it, for it is SO bright. But you know that it is Home,and you keep on and you keep on, and then you are consumed by thebrightest Light of All. And many of you may feel that when you becomeincorporated back into the Creator that you lose 'who you are'. As faras a body, as far as a soul, you become incorporated back into the One.However, it is a One of great Knowledge, a One of great Experience, andthe way that that Knowledge and that Experience is incorporated into theOne is so vast and incomprehensible that it is hard to explain to youhow. So you may trust or not trust, you may believe or not believe, itmakes no difference to me. However, you will still know your 'self', andyou will still know your Creator… each and every part and parcel ofyour Creator. You will know the ones that you have met before in pastlives, and you will still carry the soul memory of each and every stepup those ladders that you took, and all of those different part andparcels that you met along the way.

I guess the best way Icould explain it to you is this: Every drop of blood that flows throughyour body, and you know the name of every drop of that blood; and youknow the experience that every drop of that blood has had, each paththat it's coursed through your body; each and every different drop ofblood that it has met and interacted with along the way; and if you havehad a cut, you know the names of each drop of blood that left your bodythrough that cut; if you've had a transfusion, you know the names ofeach drop of blood that came through that bag into your body, and you'venamed each of those pieces and parts and parcels, and you know wherethey came from and you know the course that they took to get there. Thatis just a small example of how you can compare it. Hopefully if shallhelp you comprehend part of what it is that each and every one of youare aiming for.

If you have a problem along the way, you feelthat pull down the ladder or you look off that ledge and you do not seeLights coming towards you, you just see darkness enveloping the Lights,please look up. Ask your heart… just as if you were a drop of blood…ask your heart, the Creator, the 'mover', to make your path Lighter… toshine the Light on you brighter from above to make it easier for notonly YOU to see, but every other drop of blood coming up the ladderbehind you, so that they shall see, too. Does this make sense? Youunderstand this?

We have had such a glorious communion with eachand every one of you, whether you allowed us to or not… consciously,that is. For your soul saw the Light whether you've chosen to see it ornot. And we have shined our Lights for you, and we have given you muchto ponder. We have given you much to look forward to and much to laughabout. These lessons are almost done… for awhile. We will have one morelesson that shall come through, and when that lesson comes through, weshall rejoice. And we hope YOU shall rejoice, because once that lessoncomes through, technically, you will have much that you can be thankfulfor… or shall I say 'more' thankful for… than you did before you startedthese lessons. For you see, if nothing else, hopefully we have beenable to prove to you that we are here with you. We are not going away.We are not here to harm you, we are here to assist. We are here to shineour Lights for you to be able to see through the dark. Please, aboveall else, just remember: the dark is nothing more than YOU not beingable to see the Light at that particular point. As your wonderfulscriptures say, almost at the very beginning, that the Lord thy Godseparated the Light from the Dark. Did you ever wonder which there was'first'? Did God make Dark, or did God make Light? The answer is simple.God made both… and that is what you are to keep in mind.

Iwill not be asking any questions this week. I've asked a few 'small'ones before now. <grin> But we do wish for you to gather togetherin the classes and discuss this, for some of you will probably come upwith your own questions, and that is OK. For you see, that is where weare leading you… hopefully… to that 'last lesson'… hopefully. And then,if you wish to, you might find it to be quite fun and entertaining tobegin all over again and see how far you have advanced in your own heartand in your own mind as compared to where you were in the verybeginning of these lessons.

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Here is whereyou learn how to ascend:

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