This is your mind when your born it is like soil good soil, there is no growth(life)
where there soil is bad
The seeds represent different ideas, beliefs and truth, false.
hate deceit murder chaos etc, love
Now the seeds are planted and what was planted grows
The mind produces whatever is planted rather it's good or bad
(Positive planters of light in the world ) noticing that the Egyptians are not worshiping the sun but are receiving information. The sun represent light, transformed into information /enlightenment. There are plenty more but it would take to long to list us all.
Planters of Darkness/( bad seed planters)
Whose main focus is to enslave the mind of all human kind.
or plant bad seeds into the minds of all human kind all over the universe.
which results in lust
Instead of
We must therefore weadout the bad from the soil in order to produce
a more prosperous way of life.
But first we must start within ourselves
freeing ourselves
from these evil beings of the universe
Mind Shackles
Seed Growth