
Tom: Hello, Djehuty. I’ve just reread what you shared with me the other day. I’d like to begin today’s session by asking you to share your thoughts on woundedness in general, and being traumatized in particular.

I ask this because as humans begin trafficking in the unearthing of their past wounding, it can be in a way tempting or sort of seductive to begin to identify as wounded.

As you and I continue to dialogue about trauma and PTSD, I’d like to ensure that your thoughts on this are early on in the conversation. I’ve found those ideas helpful and would like you to spell them out here.

Djehuty. Of course, I am happy to do so. Your question reflects a concern that some people moving in metaphysical circles these days have, and you as a healer are in some way always aware of the dynamics that can arise from categorizing self and/or other as wounded or hurt.

I ask all I work with through you – and including you – to be willing to cease identifying the self as wounded, recognizing that pain and its effects are part of the normal, natural human experience.

It is not abnormal to get something painful seemingly cemented in place in the human energy field, perhaps even remaining emotionally and psychologically the age at which pain and trauma occur. But that the experience is normal and natural does not mean that it should be allowed to persist.

When you as a human experience significant pain, including the kind associated with trauma, imprints are made upon on your energetic bodies.

Those made upon the emotional body are what drive later repeating of the trauma or the ongoing identification as wounded or traumatized. A part of you has been in one way locked in place but in time – that part of you stands out.

It can also take over when the situation is truly painful and/or traumatic, leaving the person biologically aging while the emotional and psychological selves are stuck.

The first thing I want you to realize is that pain is a natural part of life. Human life does not have the overarching purpose of being pain-free, as pain is a critical teacher for each human along the multilife journey of soul.

Life is not about avoiding pain such that if you feel pain, you are doing something wrong. Each of you must root out the perception or belief or expectation that life should be free of pain.

Life should not be anything and it also should not be not anything – there are no rules outside each human’s soul’s mandate that a variety of experiences are had in order to teach that soul about what it means to live a human life.

So, the first thing is that I want each of you to abandon the notion that something is wrong when you have pain, especially that you either are doing something wrong or that you are being punished for some transgression by being hurt.

There is, in fact, no rewards-and-punishment system for humans except the ones they can choose to force upon themselves and each other. There is no system of cosmic or karmic justice that is modeled after human systems of justice.

There is no karmic police force coming to get you if you do something that you or others perceive is wrong. Nothing of the kind happens. None of that business is real.

It is based in a fear that you must do something to receive love, or that you need to be a certain way or a particular kind of person in order to deserve safety and love.

When you find that you have been hurt, the part of you that has been conditioned over many lifetimes by the fear of an external parental god figure who will love you only if you do certain things is asserting itself.

This is, in other words, a part of you coming to the surface and telling you that carry a fear deep down that you are not lovable. I am a broken record at times because I ask humans to love themselves – to fully know and fully accept themselves – in order to create the love that they desperately need.

All of the drama on your planet can be seen in terms of humans trying to figure out who will love them or what it takes to be safe or deserve it.

Each human is, in fact, capable of generating the kind of love that he or she needs to experience. Often, I talk about becoming the source of love for yourself. It involves letting others off the hook for not loving you in the ways that you needed and in learning to be grateful for how they have, in truth, loved you.

But each person needs something deeply and no one else will ever be able to give it to the person – not ever.

So, if you wait around for some god or other to love you, then you are living a life of waiting. And you will be looking to others to make you feel safe, putting them in a god’s place and blaming them when they don’t make you feel safe or do something that makes you afraid.

This is a sad way to live, and at this time most of humanity is living this way. It is because of a lack of intelligence but reflective of the fact that all humans are part of a collective – the species – that is learning over the long-term (and sometimes in awful ways) what it means to put on others and the outside world the burden of making them feel safe.

All that comes to and happens to you reflects what your energy field is vibrating must come to you.

Your vibratory power is extreme – you are, after all, a portion of All That Is, Divine Intelligence. What you intend and believe cannot help but manifest in your life! It is unavoidable.

You are a portion of god, in other words, and what you think, feel, emote, and believe is what happens. If you feel safe, you will emit that frequency and it will be reality. If you believe that are wonderful, then you will emit that frequency and the universe cannot help but organize itself around this Divine command of yours.


There is also the fact of contracts between souls to consider. All that a person experiences fits within the major set of themes that his or her soul has chosen to experience over the course of many human lives lived on Earth. Each of you has been born to learn through experience.

This is why I often refer to your life as the laboratory part of your soul’s incarnation course. Given certain conditions, what will I choose?

Each soul asks this because the Divine, of which each soul is part, has great curiosity about gaining experience as a human.

Being here is a precious experience to each and every soul, and all of each human’s experiences are monitored and learned from by the souls involved.

When another hurts you, your souls have a contract. Each contract between souls is based in love – without exception. Souls are committed to loving each other.

It is all they can do to each other. In the context of being incarnated as humans, they offer and agree to trigger fears and joys as well as share experiences together as they are each born and living on Earth in order to learn about all the possibilities of doing so.

Therefore, all possible human feelings are needed to be explored over the course of many lives. All possible human motivations, too. And the same goes for all possible human reactions and responses to self and other.

When you perceive that life is supposed to be free of pain or that if you are having a tough time that you are being punished for doing something bad or not doing something good, you are living through a lens that represents the infancy of human spiritual development.

I do not say this with criticism but so that you can understand that you are headed for drastically different interpretations of how you life has been and is set up.

You are ready to learn to take responsibility for your soul’s manifestation power as it has worked and still works through you and to do so without shaming, judging, or guilting yourself for what has happened to you that has been and is painful.

You have played out all the possibilities available to you through living through the lens of this spiritual infancy, and you are left feeling powerless about your lives as a result. Humanity is at a crossroads at this point on the Earth timeline because it must choose how it will interpret what has happened.

This happens, of course, through individual choices and interpretations. If a person remains aligned with old beliefs – such as angry god or universe punishing you and this is why you experience difficulty and pain – then you will perpetuate the creation of whatever it is that causes you as an individual pain and difficulty.

If, on the other hand, you are willing to alter your perspective, then you can mature spiritually and become someone who holds space for and a frequency of empowerment so that others can be supported in transitioning out of those old ways.

It is never easy to make this transition, and it happens through old fears becoming manifest and the person learning (choosing!) to respond in new, more grounded and more empowered ways to the old dynamics. At each point in time you have the right to decide how you interpret what is happening within, around, and to you.

Back to the conversation about trauma, it happens. Pain happens. Difficult situations happen, and you can get hurt. As stated above, this is normal and natural. And it is even normal and natural that a person is hurt traumatically in ways that alter the course of that person’s life.

Each human must learn what to do with pain. I invite all to cease identifying themselves as mere products of their histories, defining themselves in terms of their pain and/or joy, their perceived accomplishments and/or perceived failures. If you need to do that, it is fine … but you will suffer more than if you are willing to reinterpret who you really are and what is really happening.

I strongly advise all who identify as their pain to do whatever it takes to get to the bottom of the situation and change it. If you are just what has happened to you, then you are disempowered.

If you are the product of how someone traumatized you, then you are disempowered. If the image of yourself that you carry is that of someone who has been hurt, then you nearly guarantee that you are staying there.

It is a choice, and all humans are ready to learn that each and every one of you has a choice in how you interpret what’s happening at any given time and what it means about self and other.

If, on the other hand, you define yourself as a Divine being who is vibrating that certain life themes unfold themselves in front of you, then that leads to a very different life experience.

You can in this mode accept that pain happens and is part of the human learning process. You can also refrain from identifying as someone who is treated as not safe by life and is, therefore, not safe.

And so, yes, trauma happens. Those who are traumatized are, as described above, fragmented.

Parts of them may be stuck outside of themselves because of a rift created at the moment of trauma, and parts of them may be stuck with one foot out the door of their consciousness.

When stuck in the mode of trauma, they might not be able to get and stay grounded, making healthy definitions of self difficult, if not impossible. It can be easy for someone in the mode of trauma to experience little else, so that it takes over the person’s life.

Alignment of the person’s energy field and calling back fragments are necessary, but until there is a disruption of the traumatized status quo, they might not happen easily. This is why we are asking you to work with onyx for trauma and PTSD.

Tom: Thank you.

Djehuty: You’re welcome.

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