
TOPICS: A prophecy about the Middle East - Why man-made problems have no solutions - How the West furthers the conflict in the Middle East - Why people are willing to kill each other - You are not responsible for how people outplay their minds - You cannot be indiscriminately compassionate - What you must do in order to ascend - Internal spirits are formed and react in pairs - People are trapped between two spirits - A pattern that you can apply to yourself - One spirit can see the faults of its opposite - Don’t be attached to a certain outer result - Transcending the reactionary pattern of internal spirits - Use the tools to free yourself and the world - Logical questions about the situation in Ukraine - The downing of Flight MH-17 over Ukraine - Be free from the illusory world of opposing spirits -


Ascended Master Mother Mary, August 19, 2014 through Kim Michaels

My beloved hearts, I am Mother Mary, the ascended

master who holds the office of the Divine Mother for earth. It is possible for me to attune my consciousness to the pain and suffering that is happening all over the earth. This is not something I do often. It is not something I encourage you to do, for you might easily be overwhelmed by the cries of pain that are rising from human beings in embodiment, from elemental life, and even from the body of the earth Mother.

Yet, it is necessary, once in a while, to take a look at the world and see where there are situations that cause more pain than normal. It is necessary, once in a while, to allow your attention to focus on the issues that need your calls, your invocations, your decrees, your visualization of a divine solution to a man-made problem that has no man-made solution.

A prophecy about the Middle East

Thus, I will begin this discourse by focusing on the situation in the Middle East, where you have seen the civil war in Syria going on for years, and now you see something that is beginning to approach a civil war in Iraq. My beloved, I would draw your attention to a prophecy I made on the first of January 2008, and therefore, I ask the messenger to read from that dictation:

“Unless the moderate people in Islam finally rise up and take a stand against extremism, well then, it will be impossible to stop an escalating conflict that will literally tear the Islamic world apart. And you might think that this will lead to a war against the West, but I tell you, it will not be a war against the West. For once the cat is out of the bag, so to speak, there will be so much infighting amongst the Islamic nations that they will have very little energy, weapons, and attention left over for fighting against the West, being so concerned about first killing their own brothers. I can assure you that there will be a great fracturing of the Islamic world where entire nations could potentially disappear and dissolve into smaller areas, each ruled by their certain chieftain or warlord who is against all others. Such an upheaval is the potential in the Islamic world that it will literally be like the scorched earth, where entire cities can be destroyed; entire cultures can be almost wiped away.”

My beloved, what you are seeing right now is the beginning of this prophecy unfolding. Entire cities have been wiped away; entire cultures have been forced to flee out of where people have lived for centuries. There is no joy in a prophecy being fulfilled, but there is a certain sense of realism that needs to dawn upon the nations of the world.

I have said it before that it is impossible to impose a Western-style democracy on the Middle East. But what needs to dawn on the Western nations, and which has not dawned until this moment, is the realization that you cannot treat people in the Middle East the same way you treat each other in the Western world or in the modern, developed world. The entire ideal that you can solve conflict through peaceful negotiations is simply not applicable to the people in the Middle East. What, then, should the Western nations do? What, indeed?

Why man-made problems have no solutions

This is a man-made problem. It is not a problem made in modern times. It is not a problem made by the Western nations, even though there are people in the Islamic nations who are always pointing the finger at the West. The Western nations somehow feel responsible for this situation, but this is a false sense of responsibility.

I am not in any way denying that the Western nations have always, at least in the recent century, attempted to influence events in the Middle East. I am not denying that there are huge, international, world corporations that have attempted to influence nations. I am not denying that Western nations want to maintain a steady supply of oil from the Middle East. What I am saying is that the Western, democratic nations need to stop feeling responsible for stopping a conflict that they have not created, regardless of the rhetoric coming out of certain Islamist extremists. The Western nations are not responsible for the current misery in the Middle East.

As I have talked about before, no people on the face of this earth are more divided amongst themselves than the Arab people and the people in the Middle East in general. This is the problem that Islam was meant to address: to stop the fighting amongst the Arab people. But this has not happened. As you can clearly see, Islam has been used to divide Sunni and Shi’a but also other factions. How many other factions are there, my beloved? I can of course count this, but there are so many that, for most human beings in embodiment, it is impossible to even keep track of them, for they morph all the time and change their names and do this and do that.

This division is the problem, this division where you are willing to kill your brothers and sisters indiscriminately in order to further what you see as a desirable end. You may say that it is God’s Will to establish an Islamic state based on Sharia law. You may say that because this end is so important, any means that you deem necessary to accomplish that end are automatically justifiable. You may believe that they are justifiable in the eyes of God and that he will reward you for doing his work on earth, but you are mistaken. And because you are completely mistaken, you become a tool for the forces who oppose God. There is no other way to state this from a sense of realism.

How the West furthers the conflict in the Middle East

What I said in 2008 was that the moderate people in Arab nations needed to awaken and make their voices heard. Have they done so? They have attempted to do so, but have they yet done so to the point where it has had a major impact on the region? No, they have not, my beloved. What needs to be questioned is the entire mentality that the ends can justify the means. Then it needs to be seen honestly that Islam, Judaism, Christianity, and other religions and political philosophies have been used to define an end that justifies the means of killing your own brothers and sisters.

This is the very consciousness that needs to be acknowledged and addressed. My beloved, it is the overcoming of this very consciousness that is the foundation for Western-style democracies. This consciousness has been overcome to a critical degree, or democracies could not have been established and have survived for as long as they have. What the Western world will not recognize is that the progress made in their part of the world has not been made in Islamic nations in the Middle East, and that is why there can be no negotiation on equal terms with such people. What, then, can the West do? Clearly, we are not encouraging a military intervention like the invasion of Iraq, but what they can do is stop supplying the arms and the credit that enables this fighting to start and to go on, and to go on, and to go on.

My beloved, how is it possible that a small group of people in a nation like Syria and Iraq suddenly have such an abundant supply of weapons that they can wage a war against an established and well-equipped government with a trained and fairly large army? How is this possible unless they received those weapons from some source outside their own country? This, my beloved, is something that the Western world has not been willing to address openly and honestly.

It is partly because the Western world itself is engaged in supplying arms to various groups around the world because they still have remnants of the consciousness that there are certain ends which justify killing and justifies the supply of weapons to those who are willing to kill. This must end, and I look to you who are the spiritual people to make the calls and hold the vision that there will be a major exposure of arms dealing around the world, how it is tied to governments even in the West.

Have you not seen in the last few years how even the American nation has been embarrassed by the leak of information? Do you think, my beloved, that there is no more information that could be leaked? I tell you, there are mountains of information that could be leaked, and that potentially need to be leaked. The governments themselves are not willing to do the necessary house cleaning and recognize that you cannot, on the one hand, claim to have a free nation with a democratic form of government and at the same time, under the table, be supplying arms to various groups who are not loyal to democratic ideals, but are simply seeking a temporary advantage, and are willing to kill in order to accomplish it.

What has happened time and time again is that democratic nations have made severe karma – and, quite frankly, none have made more severe karma in the democratic world than the United States – by supplying weapons to various groups that have no reverence for life. How long can a democratic government, a democratic form of government, survive if it loses reverence for life, if it sets aside reverence for life in order to achieve some temporary goal?

Why people are willing to kill each other

What is this willingness to kill in order to further some kind of end? It is, my beloved, a perversion of both the Divine Mother and the Divine Father. What you see is, of course, that the Mother is the physical realm. This is where things manifest as physical events. So what human beings do is that they look at the situation, as it is right now in the physical octave. Based on what they are experiencing right now, they define a goal. In many cases, there are unpleasant circumstances that cause them pain or other inconveniences, and they want to get away from the pain. Therefore, they formulate a goal based on the temporary circumstances they see right now. This is a perversion of the Mother because the Mother should be in complete alignment with the long-term, timeless goals of the Father. What is the long-term goal of the Father? It is that all human beings on earth are raised in consciousness.

It is not the long-term goal of the Father to establish an Islamic state that covers the entire world, nor is it the long-term goal of God to establish a Christian state that takes over the world. It is the long-term goal of the Father that any circumstance on earth serves the purpose that is the only purpose on earth, namely the raising of consciousness. This is the goal.

God does not have a specific physical outcome that is his supreme will. Throughout history, both religions and political philosophies have been used to come up with a definition that says: “This is the overall, supreme, absolute goal for what should or should not happen on earth.” This is the perversion of the Father where you take this idea of an absolute goal and you say: “The establishment of an Islamic State, of a Communist world, of a Christian nation, or even of democratic and free nations around the world is so important that it sets aside the reverence for life.” The Father’s overall, absolute goal for planet earth is that people are allowed to exercise their free will until they have had enough of a certain experience and say: “We want more.”

It is now possible to say, as many people have said over the centuries: “Well then, should we not allow people to do whatever they want without interfering?” This, my beloved, is exactly what you should do; you should not interfere with the internal affairs of a country or a group of people. Of course, in the present situation on earth, it is necessary for you to defend yourself against those other people interfering with you and your nation. Therefore, it is, unfortunately, necessary to have a certain form of defense. I am not saying that this is ultimately justified. I am saying it is necessary in order to prevent a greater calamity, but this is a double-edged sword. It is a very delicate balance, and that is exactly what I am seeking to point out.

You are not responsible for how people outplay their minds

It is not that we are sitting here as the ascended masters having a black-and-white judgment of the nations of the earth. There is, again, a long-standing tendency of wanting to have this black-and-white view where you can look at any situation and say: “This is right. This is wrong. Those people are wrong, and we are right. Because we are right, it is justified that we do what is needed to stop those who are wrong.”

My beloved, it is God’s will that free will on earth is allowed to outplay itself. There are certain times where you must stand by and watch while there is such fighting in a nation that it literally tears that nation apart. I know that you can come up with humanitarian concerns and say: “When does it become the international community’s responsibility to go in and stop, for example, the massacres and the torture you have seen in Syria and Iraq?” But you see, again, there are times when the international community must allow these events to outplay themselves, but they should do everything possible to stop the flow of arms into these nations.

This, of course, is not a simple issue. I am, again, not saying there is an easy solution. What I am saying is that there needs to be a raising of awareness where you recognize that the ends cannot justify the means. This means that, for a modern, democratic nation, it is necessary to recognize that when you have dedicated your nation to a peaceful resolution of conflict, you cannot go in and use force and violence in a nation or an area that has not reached your level of consciousness.

You must stop feeling responsible for those people who are still living in a medieval state of mind and have not yet outplayed it to the point where they have had enough of it and want more. This is the test that the modern nations are facing right now and will be facing potentially for one to two decades. Hopefully, they will rise above this test before it, but if they do not, you will see more and more of these man-made conflicts, problems, and atrocities that will seemingly defy any solution.

You see, my beloved, a perversion of the Mother is to be willing to kill in the name of some superior goal. This is one perversion of the Mother, but the other perversion of the Mother is where you take sympathy so far that you try to prevent any kind of suffering. Both of these perversions of the Mother spring from a failure to understand the absolute nature of the Law of Free Will. You do not, according to the Law of Free Will, have the right to forcefully stop other people from exercising their free will. The Omega aspect is that you are not responsible for mitigating or alleviating the suffering caused by people exercising their free will. This is a very difficult test that all of us who have ascended have had to face.

You cannot be indiscriminately compassionate

Jesus himself faced it because he did come to a state of consciousness, a level of Christ attainment, where he had the ability to heal the physical ailments of any person he encountered. There was not a single person among the tens of thousands of people that Jesus met during his three-year mission that he could not have healed. Jesus was many times moved by compassion of seeing the suffering of other people, wanting to alleviate that suffering by healing the person.

In the beginning of his mission, he did, in several instances, heal people out of pure compassion. It was only later – and again, I had some role in helping him see this – that he came to the realization that there were people who, regardless of how much they were suffering, needed to not be healed. Because only by experiencing the suffering, would they eventually come to the point where they had had enough of experiencing life through this filter of being a victim that is constantly suffering. Only then would they be willing to start taking responsibility for themselves, look at themselves and say: “What is it that I can change in myself?”

So many people who are suffering are constantly looking outside themselves for solutions or alleviation from their suffering. In a universe where free will reigns supreme, your suffering is never caused exclusively by other people. Now, be careful to use discernment here.

In a universe where free will reigns supreme, there are many times where you are not in control of the actions of other people, where they come in and use force against you. Nevertheless, what you need to ask yourself is: “What is it in my consciousness that caused me to be magnetized to this situation? There are people in the world who are not being forced by others. So why have I magnetized myself to a situation where I am being forced? What is it I need to learn from this situation? What is it I need to see in myself that is keeping me trapped in these reactionary patterns of reacting against others who are using force against me? What is it in me that is preventing me from being free to live without this oppression?”

What you must do in order to ascend

My beloved, how do you ascend? You ascend by realizing that the prince of this world cannot force you to stay in this world. The prince of this world cannot keep you out of the kingdom of the ascended state. How do you come to the point where the prince of this world has nothing in you? Only by being willing to look at yourself and ask yourself: “What is it that the prince in this world has in me that gives him an inroad into my consciousness, that makes me think there is something I cannot let go off? And precisely because I cannot let go of this, I am not free to ascend.”

You see, my beloved, those of you who have the potential to ascend after this lifetime need to look at the life of Jesus and his words. You need to look beyond what I have talked about earlier this year of feel-good spirituality and realize that Jesus' form of spirituality was not radical, not extremist; it was simply realistic. Jesus was realistic in realizing that when it is your last embodiment and you are seeking to qualify for your ascension, you have to take some steps that will seem extremist to ordinary people in the feel-good consciousness. That is why he told you to forgive seventy times seven, to be willing to lose your life for the sake of following Christ, in other words, to be willing to give up any attachment to anything in this world in order to follow Christ. This is the only way that you can personally qualify for your ascension.

It is also the only way that the nations of the world, who are the more developed nations, can move out of the quagmire of seeking to solve man-made problems with man-made means. Do you not see that if the more developed democratic nations are to get out of this pattern of feeling that they have to react to everything that is going on in the Middle East and elsewhere, they have to ascend in consciousness? They have to ascend to a higher level where they are not pulled into any of these conflicts that are going on around the world. Otherwise, you will bind yourself to doing what the United States did with the invasion in Iraq, which I think has been generally recognized was a mistake. You cannot continue to do this because there are too many nations that are so far back that there is no way the democratic world has the means or the money to fight all of these battles.

What can you do? You can raise yourself, regardless of what others do. This is the step you can take when you personally are ready to go beyond what I have called feel-good spirituality where you think: “It’s all good.” What you do is that you look at the situation in the world, and then you look at your reaction to it, and then you make a very critical assessment.

As I said in the beginning, it is necessary for you to see what is going on in the world so that you know where to make your calls. This may also apply to your personal situation concerning the people you meet. You see that there are certain people that are trapped in a certain pattern. You make the calls for them to be cut free or be healed. You may take action in the form of talking to them about this but always by respecting their free will and not seeking to force their choices. If you find yourself being attached to producing a certain result in terms of changing other people, then you know here is the hook that the prince of this world is using to tie you to this world.

Internal spirits are formed and react in pairs

My beloved, let me give you a deeper teaching on how this works and why this is so critical. We have talked about many things over the years that can help you understand the patterns in yourself that keep you trapped, imprisoned in this world. We have talked about the ego. We have, in the last few years, talked about the creation of internal spirits. In previous dispensations, we talked about something called the dweller on the threshold, which can be seen as an internal spirit that is waiting on the threshold where you rise to a new level of awareness.

Before you can rise, you must deal with that dweller, with that spirit that seeks to keep you at the existing level. Until you see that dweller and resolve the belief that gives it a hook in your consciousness, you cannot rise. This is just another word for the internal spirits. What I would like to draw your attention to is that we have actually now given a higher teaching than the teaching on the dweller because the dweller was presented as if it was one being, one entity, one spirit. What we have said with the creation of internal spirits is that they are always created in pairs. This is an essential teaching to contemplate, and here is why.

Let us say that you observe your own reactions to certain other people or to what is going on in the world. Let us say, for example, to keep this impersonal, that you look at the Islamic extremists who are massacring people deliberately to instil terror. Let us say that you become very upset over this and you say: "This is absolutely wrong! Our government should send in troops or planes to stop this. These people should be killed because they obviously will not stop killing other people." I am here deliberately not talking about the outer situation. I am only talking about your reaction. What I want you to see here is how this relates to the creation of spirits in pairs.

People are trapped between two spirits

There is a worldwide spirit that causes people to believe the ends can justify the means, and therefore it is justifiable that they use force in order to achieve an end. This is what you see with the people in Iraq. They have completely surrendered their free will to this worldwide spirit. They are feeding their energy into the spirit, and the energy released when they massacre and torture other people is also fed into the spirit. They feel a temporary sense of empowerment by doing what they are doing, but in the end, it depletes them of energy, and they end up feeling lower and lower.

Nevertheless, my point here is this: This is one spirit. It does not exist in isolation. It was created along with another spirit. The one spirit says it is okay to use force and to kill other people to achieve a goal. What does the opposite spirit say, my beloved? It says that the first spirit is wrong. The opposite spirit says that the people who are embodying the first spirit must be stopped even with force, if necessary.

Can you not see, or at least begin to see, how human beings on the individual level and even on the national level, even on the worldly level, have been trapped in the interplay between those two spirits? Some people have become completely blinded and overtaken by the first spirit, and then others have seen the atrocities committed by those people. They have felt the compassion of how wrong this is. I am not saying it is not wrong. But these people have then reacted by saying: "It is justifiable for us to kill those people who are doing what is wrong." Can you not see that by doing this, by reacting this way, they simply opened themselves up so they are taken over by the opposite spirit of the first spirit? Now both sides in this conflict are feeding their energies into these spirits.

A pattern that you can apply to yourself

Now let me take this to a personal level, and let me make it personal to this messenger, who since 2009 has been exposed to a very direct attack on his person and character by certain people. In the beginning, he reacted exactly as most people do. He realized it was wrong what they were doing. He felt it was wrong, and he wanted it to stop. What he did not do was take action, forceful action, to stop it. He could have engaged in a fight against these people, trying to prove them wrong, but he was able to stop himself from doing this. But he was not able to stop himself from reacting to it, and this is the point that I want to bring out. What was it that caused his reaction? It was the opposite spirit of the spirit that was causing the other people to attack him.

My beloved, this is a pattern you can apply to yourself. Remember, your goal is: "I want to qualify for my ascension. In order to qualify for my ascension, I have to overcome all internal spirits in my being. In order to overcome an internal spirit, I have to see it. What is the most effective way to see my internal spirits? It is to see how I react to other people. If I am disturbed by other people doing something, if I am attached, if I go over this again and again, feeling these people should be stopped, these people should change, they should be made to see what they are doing, and I need to try to make them see this." My beloved, whenever you see this reaction, this is your internal spirit that is reacting against the spirit you see in the other people.

One spirit can see the faults of its opposite

It has been said that it is so easy to see the faults of others. Jesus talked about seeing the splinter in the eyes of your brother but not seeing the beam in your own eye. Well, what you could actually say is that you are seeing the spirit in the eye of your brother, but you are not seeing the spirit in yourself. Why not?

The reason you see the spirit in your brother is that you are seeing through the perception filter of the spirit in yourself. Because you are seeing through the filter, you cannot see that it is a filter. Therefore, you cannot see the spirit, which can hide behind the filter. Do you not see, my beloved, how this works? Be willing to look at yourself. How many times have you been so good at seeing what other people are doing wrong? How many times have you found yourself come up with arguments: “They are doing this wrong. They shouldn’t be doing this. They should be made to see this, and they should be made to change.”

My beloved, when you approach other people from this state of mind that they should be made to see what they are doing, how many times have you been successful in changing them? Here is the reason why, as we have already given some teachings about, but I want to bring it up again. Why is it you cannot convince them that you are right?

It is because they are looking at the situation and their own behavior through the perception filter of their internal spirit. You are thinking that you are looking at it neutrally, that you have the right vision, that you are seeing reality, but you are not. You are looking at the situation through the perception filter of your spirit. Your spirit is not better than the other spirit. They were both created at the same time because they were created as a pair. The reason you can see the faults in the other people is precisely that there is no one who is better at seeing the fault in the opposite spirit than the spirit that you have.

When you have two spirits that were created as a pair, is it not logical that the one spirit can see all the faults in the other spirit and vice versa? You are looking at the situation through the perception filter of one spirit that sees all the faults in the spirit that the other person has. Of course, the other person is looking at the situation through the perception filter of that spirit and that spirit can see all the faults in your spirit and the arguments raised by your spirit. Will there ever be a meeting of the minds, my beloved?

No, because two opposing spirits can never meet. You never have, in the entire history of the universe, seen two opposing spirits who got together and said: “You know what? I think we got this all wrong. Let’s just sit down and agree.” This, my beloved, never happens. But two human beings can do this if each of them – each of them – is willing to transcend their internal spirit. If both transcend their spirit, then there can be a meeting of the minds of the people. Spirits will never meet, but people can because people are more than the spirits. This, my beloved, I trust you can see.

Don’t be attached to a certain outer result

What is it that you need to do? You need to look at your reaction and say: “What is my spirit?” And then you need to make the calls to me, to any ascended master who is close to your heart, to your Christ self, to your I AM Presence: “Show me the spirit!” Then, you need to decide honestly: “I want to see the spirit! Even if it causes me some temporary pain and embarrassment, I want to see the spirit because I want to move on.” Why do you want to move on? Because you are dedicated to life.

Do you remember Jesus said: “Let the dead bury their dead,” “Unless you partake of the body and blood of Christ, you have no life in you,” and “I am come that all might have life and that they might have it more abundantly.” What is life? Life is a process, my beloved.

Life is an ongoing process of the transcendence of consciousness. This is the Father’s supreme will—ongoing transcendence of consciousness through free will. That is why I said: “It is not God’s will that a specific physical result be achieved on earth.” Do you see that, in the process of life, there can be no absolute or final outcome? Any outcome is just a step in the ongoing process of self-transcendence. Therefore, life never stops. It is only the ego and the spirits who want to stop life. It is only they who want to focus on a result.

Do you not see that one spirit is created to achieve a specific result on earth, and the opposing spirit is created to prevent the manifestation of that choice? Therefore, they will never agree, and the people who are trapped by them will never make peace. You may have people who are attacking you. They may never change. They may stay trapped in that attacking spirit for the rest of this embodiment. But that is not your concern because the Law of Free Will is set up to make sure that they will receive what they are sending out. That same law will also make sure that you are receiving what you are sending out. If you are sending out something through a spirit that opposes the spirits of other people, then you are producing a force-based impulse and this will come back to you.

Transcending the reactionary pattern of internal spirits

What you need to do – if you want to ascend – is to stop sending out any force-based impulses. You need to stop sending out anything through the filter of these spirits, and therefore, you need to stop opposing anything. You are not here, my beloved, to oppose anyone or anything through force. You are not here to produce a specific physical result.

My beloved, this messenger recently had a discussion with a person who advocated the idea that you can instantly change your consciousness and then your problems will go away. This is part of what I call “feel-good spirituality.” Now, it is perfectly valid that you do need to change your consciousness. You do need to become more heart-centered. There is no question about it. But what I want to point out is that discouragement is the sharpest tool in the devil’s toolkit.

There are many, many people on earth who cannot instantly change their consciousness because, as this messenger pointed out, they have so much misqualified energy in their energy fields that it keeps pulling them into the old patterns. Unless they do the work to transmute that energy, they will not be free. Unless they do the work to look for the spirits that cause them to maintain self-destructive beliefs, they will not be free.

What happens is that when you come and say: “Oh, just change your consciousness. Be positive. Be heart-centered.” And then, people cannot do this, they feel: “Well, if other people can do it, and if these people are right, and this is all I need to do, there must be something wrong with me.” Then, they become discouraged, and they might give up on the Path, or they might simply continue, but still they feel inside that they are deficient.

This, my beloved, is another spirit. There is a spirit that says: “Oh you should be able to just walk away from everything and pretend like you never did anything wrong. You never misqualified any energy, and you don’t need to transmute it.” Then there is an opposite spirit that says: “If you can’t do this, there is something wrong with you, or there is something wrong with the path, or there is something wrong with this guru or that guru.”

You see, again, how these spirits are created deliberately to oppose each other so that if you are not trapped in the one spirit, you will be trapped in the other, and you will be damned if you do or damned if you don’t. My beloved, it is time to rise above this reactionary pattern, to look at these spirits and say: “Get thee behind me, Satan. I will have none of you in my being, neither this one or the opposing one or the third one and its opposing spirit and so on.”

Use the tools to free yourself and the world

It is time, and we have prepared you by giving you all the teachings and the tools we have given you, that you can make that step if you are willing. My beloved, we have, since 2002, released sufficient teachings and sufficient tools through this messenger that anyone who applies them with a willingness to change will experience lasting results.

I cannot guarantee you that, if you follow the outer teachings and use the tools, you will automatically make a shift in consciousness. What I can guarantee you is that if you apply the teachings and the tools, you will come to the point where there will be absolute minimum resistance to you making the necessary choice, the necessary shift in consciousness. You can suddenly see this menagerie of spirits and start saying: “Oh, I don’t want you anymore. And I don’t want the opposite one either. You are both gone from my being.” This, my beloved, is your personal potential to be free. It is also the best way you can help the overall situation on earth and help the more evolved nations transcend this same pattern of reacting against something else. Can you not see this happening again and again?

Logical questions about the situation in Ukraine

Look at the situation in Ukraine. The Russian-speaking people and the people in Russia have surrendered and are blinded by one spirit, but most people in Ukraine are blinded by another. They are opposing each other, instead of being able to find a different solution that transcends the old patterns. My beloved, as much as we do not encourage, in any way, that Russia interferes in Ukraine, it must also be stated why Ukraine has attracted this situation. It is, again, because there is not enough of a willingness to transcend the old.

It simply, my beloved, cannot be logical that a nation as large as Ukraine – with the potential it has, given its natural resources – cannot have a sustainable economy. This is not logical. It can only be because there is an elitist tendency where certain people are seeking to exploit the population. The population has been allowing this because they are not willing to take responsibility for themselves and for their nation. They are not willing to transcend, as I have talked about before and as we have talked about several times, the consciousness of the Soviet era, the consciousness of being oppressed by an outside force.

The downing of Flight MH-17 over Ukraine

My beloved, let me briefly comment on the event of the downing of the airliner in Ukraine. This should be an event that would shock everybody to realize that this entire situation needs to be reassessed and approached from a higher perspective.

How can it be that there is the availability of a weapon that can shoot down a plane flying so high in the sky that it could not – in any way, shape, or form – be a threat to the two factions in Ukraine? There is no way you can construe that this plane was seen as a military threat to someone on the ground and, as a defensive measure, they shot down this airplane flying at thirtythousand feet.

Therefore, you can only reason that someone deliberately shot down that plane, knowing what they were doing, that this was not a military aircraft, and therefore, it had to be a civilian aircraft. Now then, it needs to be asked why someone would do this? What is the state of mind of the people who did this, the people who supplied the weapons, and the people who supplied the experts and the training that allowed them to operate this fairly complex weapons system?

It also needs to be asked why certain forces in Ukraine would not allow the international community to come in and investigate the crash site and recover the bodies of the civilians who had been brutally and unnecessarily murdered. If you claim that it was the others who did this, why are you then resisting an international investigation to establish the cause? If you know you are not the cause, why would you resist the investigation? Why indeed, my beloved?

Be free from the illusory world of opposing spirits

I have given you more than enough in one installment, and I shall return at some future time to give you, perhaps, a more uplifting message. But then again, if you do not see this message as uplifting, I would submit to you that it is because you are experiencing this message through a particular spirit.

Truly, anything that comes from the ascended masters is an expression of realism, and realism is always uplifting. Reality sets you free from the illusory world of opposing spirits.

I am a Spirit, a free, ascended Spirit. There is no opposing spirit, for we of the ascended masters have no opposition, regardless of what certain spirits in the lower realms might claim. We are God-free Beings, and we have become God-free by transcending all opposing spirits.

This is the vision I hold for you, and I am willing to help you hold it for yourself. You only need ask. Mother Mary, I AM.

Copyright © 2014 Kim Michaels


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