Beloved Kuan Yin:
" . . . Beloved ones, this Violet Transmuting Flame is the full Power of God in Action to wipe out the causes and cores of all human mistakes, regardless of how, when, where, why or by whom they were made. Its Light and Flame never fail to act instantly at your call. The only appearance of delay or failure there can ever be anywhere is for the vacillating outer self of the unascended to give up too easily and too soon. Keeping everlastingly as it brings success.
"You know, Light manifests instantly for all of Us! Now, why does Light manifest instantly for Us and seem to require time and patience on your part to await Its manifestation in your worlds? Because, beloved ones, We have become Its Own Purity and Perfection, and in Our Personal Worlds (as well as in Our Realm of Life) there is naught of human shadow to obstruct or delay Its instantaneous manifestations. Do you see? At your earnest calls, Light answers you instantly and goes direct (for It is Intelligent Substance) to the person, place, condition and thing to whom and to which it has been directed in the world of form. . . . "
" . . . Now, this Violet Transmuting Flame consciously called into action does actually dissolve (like water dissolves salt) those unfortunate condensations of distorted form created by the "human" but, again, the speed and intensity of Its Action depends largely upon the feelings of earnest sincerity, faith and loving gratitude in the consciousness of the one calling it forth. Then, too, since the Violet Fire is actually God's Memory of Perfection, It does more than just dissolve those forms. It actually sublimates (refines by Fire) and then transmutes into the pure Light Essence from whence it first came forth all that shadowed energy, returning it to the Sun for repolarization.
"Gentle, yet tremendously Positive, Determined and Persistent is the Nature of God-Patience, which is One of the many Virtues contained within the Flame of Mercy from on High. For centuries before My Ascension, I so dearly loved and developed the Virtue of Mercy until I became the Embodiment of that Quality Myself. Within Mercy are also Faith (knowing the inevitability of Perfection made manifest); Hope (holding to the Immaculate Concept until it appears); and Charity (that love which will never let go of the loved one or the needs thereof until eternal Perfection manifests all ways). . . . "
" . . . As heart friends and true companions of the Ascended Host on earth, should not all our beloved chelas endeavor now practically and daily to express the most loving patience with those human appearances as yet not transmuted in and around themselves and each other? I can help you to do this if you want My help! Call directly to Me whenever those human feelings would express through you and ask me to give you my feelings of loving, patient mercy toward them. I will give it to you if you will try to feel it. Then hold the Vision of Divine Mastery for yourself and others until that Mastery does manifest.
"Let us make you a perfect outpouring and outpicturing of Our Gentle Patience with all Life. We are never any farther away from you than your own heartbeat and We answer your every call. Believe that, for it is true! . . . "