Monday, September 19, 2011
Anger in Lightworkers
Control of man's anger must get the attention of his mind. No other galaxy can accept anger against an entire group of different thinking beings. Man's condemnation of differences is the reason for the defection of those commanding areas where man was originally destined for evacuation. When this plan originated there were no wars being demanded for the sole purpose of obtaining oil, or greed demonstrated as grandly as it has been in the last fifty years.
Many of those now incarnate decided to become anchors of light to reverse this trend. But unfortunately, this has not done what we had hoped. Commander Ashtar wants the opportunity to gather his anchors of light in the next days. Will they go when called? We don't know. When they are called onto the craft they will be disappearing from their daily activities along with the ascension candidates. More than 50,000 are now on the matrix of materialization as lightworkers who are not on the ordinary life and death contract made by most humans. They came later than the body's birth. In many cases the new consciousness came in when the original left. You call this a "walk-in" being. Many are choosing ascension now because they only came to do a certain thing and are already awakened as an anchor of light.
Practicing love in all circumstances, they are not actors in their own movies, only actors in movies of those they chose to assist. Many of today's chelas are Ascended Masters who incarnated to bring consciousness raising leadership that could improve the mass consciousness by turning it away from anger. But many got caught in the density they came to change.
We have discussed negativity on numerous occasions, and this doesn't seem to deter the light bearers from acting out their negative attitudes. "I don't like this," or "not this," or "never them," or "cancel them from my life" are all negative attitudes. Saying that you are "not resonating" with an article about caring is not very caring. Being against anything is anger.
You can call it "discernment" or "non-resonance," but these are different than being against; only being against carries a charge. Non-resonance is noticing and not caring. Discernment is the clarity that comes out of divine awareness, not an ego's opinion. Discernment does not take on any data as "fact," and it does not disturb the being who is discerning or the one who is contributing an opportunity to discern. Discernment does not attack, nor does it stimulate comments. Playing the authority when it comes to discernment is the choice of an ego, an aware consciousness does not announce their assessment.
Chelas, anger is the cause of all negativity. Attack is anger in action. Attacking anyone for any reason is not delivering light. Please, do not call yourself a lightworker when you are still delivering anger. When deception is noticed, ignore it. Answer disturbing information with detached (contraction free) attitudes, and accept that the details being offered are merely a test of your clarity.
Only submit accepting, positive comments to articles and network sites. Contributing negativity to any magazine or carrier of data carries that negative energy to thousands of potential change agents. By doing so you are denying them the ability to make their own assessment. If anyone is diminished by the comments you deliver, you are being a controller.
Save havens are not available to those who have determined that they deserve a change of consciousness in this dimension—because of their deceit. Only claim your love and light when you are an example. Examples of these characteristics neither declare their conclusions as facts, nor present their attitudes as the most accurate. They are empty of opinions.
Anger is an opinion that is carried as energy. It contracts the carrier and all who are at the other end of the gift that anger brings. Say "No" to this darkness by loving your anger and then letting go of it.
Ascended Master Saint Germain
Channeled by Aruna
Idont see this message as being coincidal. To me it shows that we/U/I/some of us/some of U are connected. Would he/they/we not know exactly what is/was going on here..?? ;-)
All in a day of Light a way of setting boundaries for outsite influence and actions.
On one's own football court - so to speak
The focus here should be NOT to identify with it.
But be aware that anger is not part of the original energy of the soul.
And One should not remain in that feeling or state of mind..
Let me be an example and free me from ego-centered thoughts and opinions.
It´s my heartfelt request to you, beloved Master...
Give away the stone, let the ocean kiss and Trans-mutate this cold and fated anchor...
Give away the stone, let the waters kiss and transmutate these leaden grudges into GOLD!!! :)
if you have something nice to say than by all means do so if not well we all know the rest of the parable