Blessed Hearts, in order to help new students or clarify about the terminology of the Ascended Masters, I will post the definitions and explanations of these terminologies. Starting with the Archangels:
Archangels are Angels that have passed certain Initiations and gained the Attainment of this rank in the Hierarchy of the Angelic Hosts. The Attributes of the Solar Consciousness and God Consciousness of each of the Seven Rays to the Earth's evolutions are represented by an Archangel and His Divine Complement, an Archeia.
• The First Ray (Blue Flame of Power, Will, Protection, and Faith) is represented by Archangel Michael and Faith in the "Temple of Faith and Protection", in the etheric realm over the Canadian Rockies, near Banff and Lake Louise, Canada, and extending over the border of the United States.
• The Second Ray (Yellow Flame of Illumination, Wisdom, and Understanding) is represented by Archangel Jophiel and Christine in the Retreat in the etheric realm south of the Great Wall near Lanchow, north central China.
• The Third Ray (Pink Flame of Love, Adoration, Creativity and Compassion) is represented by Archangel Chamuel and Charity in the Retreat in the etheric realm over St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A..
• The Fourth Ray (White Flame of Purity, Discipline, and Harmony) is represented by Archangel Gabriel and Hope in the Retreat in the etheric realm between Sacramento and Mount Shasta, California, U.S.A.
• The Fifth Ray (Green Flame of Truth, Healing, Abundance, and Science) is represented by Archangel Raphael and Mother Mary in the Retreat in the Temple of the Sacred Heart in the etheric realm over Fatima, Portugal.
• The Sixth Ray (Ruby, Purple, and Gold Flame of Peace, Ministration, and Service) is represented by Archangel Uriel and Aurora in the etheric realm over the Tatra Mountains, south of Krakow, Poland.
• The Seventh Ray (Violet Flame of Freedom, Ceremony, Mercy, and Transmutation) is represented by Archangel Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst in the "Temple of Purification" in the etheric realm over Cuba.
Secret Rays:
• The First Secret Ray (Prana, the Flame color like Clear Crystal of Responsibility) is represented by Archangel Roiiel.
• The Second Secret Ray ( Prana, the Flame color similar to peach / golden-pink of Authority) is represented by Archangel Adonel.
• The Third Secret Ray ( Prana, the Flame color similar to ruby of Sacrifice) is represented by Archangel Agapiel.
• The Fourth Secret Ray (Prana, the Flame color similar to sea foam green / aquamarine of Necessity) represented by Archangel Anankiel.
• The Fifth Secret Ray ( Prana, the Flame color similar to turquoise of Constancy) represented by Archangel Shaddiel.