Ascension 101 – Lesson 1  A Beginner’s Analogy For Understanding Ascension




At the most simple is merely a CHANGE...albeit a very special kind of change.
Everyone knows water, so let’s look at the element of water for a moment as a way of understanding the coming changes, and their potential effect upon an individual.
Water is one of the primary elements of creation, and the human body consists of about 70-85% water, depending upon which scientific source you resonate with.
The work of Dr. Masaru Emoto, featured in the movie ‘What The Bleep Do We Know!?”, has demonstrated quite conclusively that water has the ability to be affected by the surrounding energies.  For those unfamiliar with his work, he took water samples in bottles, and placed different messages on the bottles, messages reflecting many different words and sentiments of both positivity and negativity.  Upon freezing the samples, and then looking at the crystal formation of the water from the samples, he found that the crystal formation for water samples based in love were of a beautiful and structured formation.  Those of a negative energy had little or not structure, and were not beautiful.
This research supports the idea that all energies act and interact with all surrounding energies.
So, an understanding of ascension through water.  Let’s proceed.
Water can exist in at least three distinct states:  solid (ice), liquid and vapour.  The ONLY difference between these states is the frequency rate of its molecules.
Ice is a very solid/dense vibration, and cannot change its form unless it is interfered with forcefully.  This then, might describe human consciousness over the last few hundred years, perhaps even the last 12500.  We have been 'stuck' in a very rigid formation, and change only happens when it is forced upon us.  However, in the last hundred years or so, the 'frequency' of human consciousness began to change to a higher vibration.  The 'ice' began to slowly melt.  Some of the liquid dripped down over the other ice, slowly affecting the part that was still ice, but the water moved to another place...the bottom of the container...and began to form a new 'community' the community that resonated at the frequency of liquid.   This community was more flexible, and began to take the shape of its environment/container.  As more and more of the ice began to be affected by the higher vibrations of those molecules seeking to become a part of the more fluid liquid community, the ice began to find itself being surrounded more and more by this community.  Eventually the ice community could no longer keep the structure of the container it was in, and began to float around among the community of the liquid.  More and more molecules began to take on the higher energies, being affected by the temperatures of the surrounding environment, and soon, the ice could no longer exist in that form.  A more flexible community had formed, over time, with molecules affecting other molecules to slowly bring change. 
For the purposes of understanding this, let’s use an example that it took 2 hours for that ice to melt to a liquid.  If we consider the ‘density’ of human consciousness over the last few hundred years, if not more, it has taken an extremely long period of time for small groups of humans to affect enough other humans to create a society that we are now entering.  We are becoming a global society that is more open, more adaptable, and receiving higher energies more easily.   If we compare our current society with the water analogy above, we might be at the point where there is only a small cube of ice left, and is completely surrounded by water (the consciousness of love and Light)….. and about ten minutes ago (figuratively speaking for this example), someone turned on the heat underneath the container of water.
Another change had begun to happen.  Something external happened.  Heat was now being applied to the water, causing the change to become even faster.  The concept of ‘time’ as the molecules understood it before (again figuratively speaking), no longer applied because another change was happening at a faster rate, affecting an outcome more quickly also.
Some molecules began to get ‘excited’ and their frequency rate began to reflect that, affecting other molecules around  and more and more…and so on.
Suddenly when a certain point had been reached, the boiling point had been hit, a ‘critical mass’ of sorts where another change became possible:  a change from a physical state, to a non-physical state.  With this new state, a different sense of awareness began to form. Molecules began to separate from one another, and ‘evaporate’ into the non-physical state.  They were still there, but this new state is not visible to the human eye…or most of them, anyway.  ;-)
All of these molecules had a new-found freedom, to exist in ways that were not possible before as part of a physical community.  They could travel more freely, and were not limited to a specific form, or a specific container (community).  There came a realization that is possible to exist in another form without those attachments, but STILL be connected to the other water.
The ‘external’ energy that has been applied to help humanity at this time is the same energy that has always been present within each one of us, but we were just not aware of it, and this is the ‘heat’ energy that is LOVE.
The ‘ice’ that was humanity’s consciousness controlled by the dark cabal, began to be impacted by the liquid molecules of humanity that began to awaken and find the courage to change their state of being towards something else, and seek out communities of others that would help implement a larger change. These souls took great risks, and many of them were killed, punished or converted back to ‘ice’ through fear. They became ‘cold-hearted’ again.
But…the Light and the energies of LOVE persisted.  Through their courage and their service to LIFE...they became the examples that have created the world that we are experiencing at this moment…the community of ‘liquid’ that is now on the verge of melting the last pieces of ice representing the dark cabal.
As mentioned above, there is also an external force ‘turning up the heat’ to move our frequency/vibration higher.  These energies are coming from the Universe itself, and from our galactic families. 
Note if you are a beginner to all of this, the ideas of energy from the Universe or galactic families may cause you concern.  These will become more understood in future ascension lessons. 
You have heard expressions such as  ‘cold-hearted’ or ‘heat of passion’ or ‘walking on clouds’, when one is in love.   These expressions had to originate from somewhere.
As we awaken more to our Divine nature that is Love and Light, and allow these energies coming from our galactic families and the Universe to fill us, another change becomes possible.
Like the water evaporating to become free yet still a part of the ONENESS that is water…humanity is soon to experience this transition also.
We will have a chance to move into our Light bodies; to raise our frequencies high enough to allow us to exist in both physical form and non-physical form, through our Divine free-will choice.
When humanity was ‘ice’ we were limited to a very structured existence, and no change was possible, unless some external force broke pieces of ice off the larger group.  Those little pieces however became the catalysts for change, because in smaller groups, they could be converted to a liquid much more quickly.  This is why the cabal has not wanted people to ‘break off’ and think for themselves.  They needed to be kept ‘in the freezer’ so to speak, meaning states of fear, separation, and debt, and other energies of negativity.
The break-out groups began to interact and share energies. This represents the souls who have been ‘breaking the ice’ for so long now, so YOU could have the experience you are now having.
YOU have the choice to become the liquid, so that you can soon experience the freedom of being a human in non-physical form…or you have the choice to remain in the consciousness of ‘ice’.  However, within the container you are in now, that being the planet Earth – her vibration is rising to a higher frequency.  It is at, or almost at, a level where it will be impossible to maintain the frequency of ice.  That way of living is now impossible.
So this is going to leave you with a choice to either join the higher frequencies or you will have to find a way to leave this container to be around other energies that are the vibration you want to be at.
This is the Divine gift of free-will choice, and the gift that allows you to experience yourself in each moment of ‘now’ that you choose.
This change need not be fearful.  With change comes an apprehension, because there is always something about the ‘unknown’…  or the ‘not yet remembered’ about who you are.  As you remember more and more who you truly are, the ‘you’ that has been kept hidden from you within the structure of the ice community, you are beginning to find…and enjoy a new sense of freedom in being at a higher frequency/vibration…and this vibration, like heated water, causes the water within your body to become more excited!
Soon…very soon…the water that is your body will reach a level of change where you can potentially exist as ‘controlled energy’ in both physical and non-physical form.
It may seem like a scary thought, but observe those around you who are living the example of this change.  Do they seem scared for frightened?  More than likely not, for at a much deeper level of knowing…they are aware that we are connected to something much larger and much more beautiful than what we have been allowed to experience in our past.
This lesson is not meant to convince you…but merely to offer an analogy that will allow you to think and reflect, when it is meaningful for you to do so, about all that is happening now.  Remember also then those moments when you were separated from that love; how you longed to be with it again, and how time seemed to be so slow without that love.
When you remember the first feelings of love that you had with someone; how you seemed to ‘walk on clouds’, or that ‘time just seemed to fly’, then you can begin to grasp the kinds of changes our planet and humanity are soon to go through.  If you are able to hold the memory of those experiences in your mind and heart and hold the energies of longing to keep that love around you… you will be guided to people, to communities and to experiences that will help you maintain that love energy and vibration. 
Courage, faith, and trust!

Remember the information from Dr. Emoto above?  If you surround the water that is your body with messages of love, Light, health, and all energies positive, this is the message that the water of your body will receive and create.  If you choose energies and messages of negativity....well, I personally choose not to go there!
What will this new future look like?  If I had to pick a movie that MIGHT describe an answer to this question, it would be ‘What Dreams May Come’ with Robin Williams. 
It is a bit hard to say because we are in uncharted waters.  It is also hard to say because no one; not I or any other can tell you what your future will look like, because you will be the one creating it.  All you have to do is make the choice to be a PART of it!
BE Light.  BE love,  BE ONE with LIFE.   You are, after all a human, BE-ing!  Who are you choosing to BE
Where does the change begin?  Within you?  When does this change begin?  In any moment of ‘now’ when you feel it is meaningful for you to make this change!
End of Lesson One – Part 1!
Lesson One – Part 2 offers another analogy, the ‘Popcorn’ analogy for understanding Ascension!
Feeling hungry yet?  You will contemplate the popcorn, while sitting down to watch ‘What Dreams May Come”  !! 
Namasté, love and Light to all!

Geoffrey West
*Lecturer/Writer – A Greenprint For LIFE, Galactic, Global, and Inner Peace/Healing
*Radio host: ‘The Awakening Wanderer’ on BBS Station One  (soon to come)
*LIFE Counsellor

M.A., Peace Education, UN-mandated University for Peace, Costa Rica
B.A.A., Radio and Television Arts, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada

SKYPE:           greenprint4life


A Greenprint For LIFE -- Galactic, global, and inner peace/healing begins with a simple choice ~ a choice made by YOU!!




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  • The ice on the Planet is melting..The Pole ice will disapeare. Not because of Carbon in the air. The temperature in water rising since the inner Earth is heated up. New glaciere wil be born on the new North/South Pole after Poleshift.
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