Ascension and Beyond

I know the topic is upon Ascension and BEYOND, and it is true, we are going beyond. However theres been alot of disinformation plastered about the internet that I was unable to keep this in anymore.
The idea about Ascension as it is known here, or Transvibration it is known on other worlds, is very much misunderstood. It doesnt help with the fact that there are alot of interfering governmental dark beings out there helping to confuse everyone by watching what everyone posts and making counterproductive measures to stop it.
We know they are steadily gaining further power over the world with their dark intent, knowing full well that that they do it sneakily to not arouse suspicion upon the sleeping masses who dont have an interest in their movements anymore.
Everyone wants to live in a better world, another plane of existence and even wishes they could be saved from it all. However what would humanity have to learn if everytime they got into trouble they were picked up and saved with a 'there there, go try again' pat on the back? Absolutely nothing. And this is the point. Whilst some of the masses have been led to beleive about a contact scenario within months occuring to come save them from the dark ones, I have to sit and question it and say well what karma is that balancing if they just get saved from everything? Thats not teaching humanity to take responsibility for their choices and manifestations is it? 
my time spent serving with the Grand Cosmic Squadron (otherwise known as Ashtar Command) has taught me alot about the plight of ignorance around us. And also to a greater extent the deceptions and the wool being pulled over everyones eyes.
I have come across rogue ET's who are channeling messages to humanity with an upbeat message but in fact work well within the confines of helping to establish this NEW WORLD ORDER and the ONE WORLD CURRENCY, ONE WORLD RELIGION, and humans will be involved in a great cleansing process if left to vibrate within 3rd density. These Psychotic beings would have control over the whole world and also CHIP humans to be under their total control and sent to live WHERE THEY want people to live, there will be enforced labour, controlled parenthood, and lots more. We already see this comming in sneaking in so what can we do to stop it? 
This isnt an easy question to answer, as you can see no one on Ashtar's  team will be able to tell you what to do either, only advise you. Any Ascended Master you currently have contact with cannot tell you what to do, only guide you.
You see humanity is under the guise and impression that they dont need to do anything to Ascend- that is lazy. And I am here to speak the truth about Ascension. Having already come from a different dimensional existence, I stepped upon this earth to teach, and so now my time is comming now for me to step much more into that role.
Ascension take alot of work, to know thyself fully. To clear yourself of all these programmes, social and religious dogmas, and behaviours. It takes alot of courage to fully understand the divine alchemy infused within different rays of light that assist you to grow and become one step closer to becomming a master.
To then change from inside of yourself and bring that externally into action,  a saying people use here Macrocosm= Microcosm, Or as within, so it is without, as above so below and so on.. It is really only upon raising yourselves up away from all these dramas and connecting with the inner spirit and stepping back up to your divine Higher Self and fully intergrating that into your physical body into the crystaline DNA that is being taken to change your carbon bodies can you actually get one step closer. It is a gradual process over lengths of time upon this planet in this density to be able to Ascend fully, into 5th Dimensional frequency. Yes the planet and its changes are helping you greatly and the influx of enegies are helping you, but you must be willing to do the work, otherwise when that moment comes, it will be much like a bolt of lightning going through something not meant to carry an electrical current. nothing that is of lower vibrational thinking or feeling can enter the higher dimensions and first we must pass thorugh the 4th dimensional plane to practice becomming the master self, in being able to control our energy, thoughts, and feelings. Again there is alot of misconception about entering the 4th plane or density as that hasnt occured yet.
you cannot ascend just by associating yourself it is a personal journey as well as a collective one. Only those whose minds and hearts are vbrationally right at the time will get to go fowards. So find An Ascended Master you particularly admire and work with them, seek ever to embrace their light and knowledge and to allow yourself to transform yourselves into that which is your true form, the baggage will drop away when it no longer holds lessons for you.

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  • Thankyou Fire Eagle and all of you for your likes and messages. I will come back with further information as and when it is done for me to release more. :)
  • it is good that you have your message here....hope you come here often to speak :) ♥☼ ty _/l\_ Namaste
  • Thanks a lot !!!



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In response to to your post....

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Edward posted a status
Have a nice week...
Thanks...take care....
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