ASCENSION DOCTORS ACTIVATING THE DNA Posted on September 20, 2014 at 4:33pm by Dr. Angela Barnett View Blog ASCENSION DOCTORS ACTIVATING THE DNA CRYSTALAI (2014) Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. (Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse) I have received many reports that when newcomers come to my website, they really don't know where to begin. As your Cosmic Doctor of Ascension, I would like to Prescribe the following Ascension Tools, Remedies and Medications for you. These frequencies are, in fact designed to work exactly like the prescriptions from any Third Dimensional Doctor or Scientist. However, the doctors and scientists involved with these prescriptions are Cosmic. They are the Light and Sound Doctors who are a part of the Ascension Teams and the Evolutionary Teams who have been directing the remodeling of our Consciousness, our Universe and even our Cosmos during the past 5.5 million years. This team of Cosmic Doctors is now arranging to restore the neuronet system within our bodies which can not be plugged back into the Mind of God for the Eternal Life potential. Restoring the Eternal Life Code into the zero point of every neuronet in the body is a prerequisite for our transformation out of this Carbon Based Structure that we have experienced. We are now being operated on during our sleeping hours. We can best utilize this dream time after we have actually tuned in to the Consciousness that will be operating on us, and actually PARTICIPATE in the Divine Operations going on in the Body. My newest release of ETERNAL LIFE WATERS SET ONE AND TWO are most TUNED IN to the Activity of restructuring our bodies from the inside out. It is the first time that I have attempted to design a Kit that is more in tune with the medical understanding of how the body works so that it might be made available to patients in medical environments. The new transformational tools of Eternal Life restoration are available on Earth now. They are available for Healing the Body as well as Transforming the Body. They are available for tuning our Consciousness in to the New Reality that we are moving to. We cannot move to a new reality unless our Frequencies are already there. In the ETERNAL LIFE WATERS journey, the listener will meet their Ascension Mentors. They will meet Cosmic Entities who store the Frequency Signature Keys which allow us to return to these places in the Future. We will learn how every organ in the Body can be transformed through the correction of the Neuronets. We learn how to tune in to these activations and set them in motion to continue all night long as we sleep. It is common to have nightly visits from Ascension Teams after these visits are set in motion. (EACH OF THESE LINKS WILL READ YOU TO MORE READINGS ON THE SUBJECT) I recommend beginning with the MANIFESTATION MERKABA KIT because it contains a set of seven meditation journies to teach you how to align consciousness into the Cosmic and Universal Streams of ASCENSION ACTIVATION that were prepared by the Cosmic Guardians. The journies have the listener riding in their Merkaba Crystal Space Ship down into the Cosmic Core through the Inner Earth Domains that extend into Median Earth, which is our new Ascension Earth. The Traveler absorbs the frequencies from the Cosmic Core that contain Divine Love, Divine Supply, the I AM GOD Principle. These are basic meditation journies that were taken from the original Complete Ascension Process Kit that gives a complete introduction to how the ASCENSION FREQUENCIES are absorbed into the body and activated in the body. The PURE IN HEART KIT is another excellent set of Meditation Journies that guide the listener in absorbing the frequencies from the Fifteen Dimensions of the Earth's Matrix and then aligning these into the Spiritual Perfect Parallel Universal and Cosmic Matrix. All of the KITS contain a set of Frequency Music and a set of Meditative Journies. The ASCENSION KIT the set of Music that goes with THE COMPLETE ASCENSION PROCESS. There are also KITS of Frequency Music that work together to help activate one certain process that was occuring on Planet Earth during HER progressive Evolution through Time out of the Phantom Matrix and into the Aurora Earth Field. The COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS KIT is an excellent source of Frequencies to represpent the Greatest Historical Event that has taken place in our Universe in 5.5 million years. The Cosmic Kit contains albums that tell the story of how the Earth and Sun realign so that the Light Energy begins to come from their Crystal Heart of Energy and spread up their Portals into the Atmosphere and braiding together to form more and more Eternal Life Energy. The OVER THE RAINBOW SET contains the Frequencies of Earth rising into the AURORA FIELD through the COSMAYA SHIPS BLANKET. The Audio Journey explains the complete process of how Earth left the Phantom Matrix and the Milky Way Galaxy and has actually risen into an Inner Domain that leads back to Source Consciousness and will allow Earth to become ASCENSION EARTH in 2043. Meanwhile, those who study these Ascension Training and use the tools can rise into the Median Earth between 2017-2022. STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN TO CLOUD CITIES EMERALD CITY contains the frequencies of the Earth rising through each step of the stairway to heaven back into the Cloud Cities THIS set of DNA activations contains the story and directions for how this event is taking place. Earth was set free from the Phantom Matrix in 2012 and is now realigning into the Star Self called Urtha through the Rainbow Bridge of the Cloud Cities and Inner Earth alignment. These are the Frequencies that allow our consciousness to guide Earth into this higher reality of the Cloud Cities and Shamballa. EMERALD CITY contains the frequencies of the Earth rising through each step of the stairway to heaven back into the Cloud Cities, the Winterlands and Aquafaria. We can see this reality of the spiritual and physical creating a new reality through the way we see the light in the clouds, double rainbows, new colors in auroras, etc. The MOTHER SHIP SET the frequencies of the COSMAYA SHIP created of millions of Cosmic Entities who have been waiting for this activation of the Earth for 5.5 million years. The Mother Ship always works in conjunction with the Cosmic Oraphim Dolphins and a team of Cetaceans who are in our oceans now. The DOLPHIN THERAPY and DOLPHIN DNA contain the frequencies of that DOLPHIN ASCENSION TEAM and their personal bio-regenisis plan for the Human Angelic Raceline. PORTAL TO NEW REALITY - Create a portal that allows you to orb into Terra Firma and Gaia. Three hour audio file This is a three hour audio file describes how ascension portals are created as we connect our consciousness with Ascension Teams from Inner realms. We are in the process of Indigos and Angelic Humans creating the portal into New Earth that allows us to orb into Terra Firma and Gaia and allows Entities from other Star Systems to bring advanced technology awareness to Earth. ETERNAL LIFE WATERS SET ONE AND SET TWO (RELEASE DATE SEPTEMBER 24) Our most recent KIT comes in two sections. Section One of the ETERNAL LIFE WATERS contains the Frequencies of the Journey into the Cosmic Eternal Life Waters and the detailed explanation of who these ETERNAL LIFE WATERS are, what frequencies they carry, their atomic structure and their Power of Life potential. The Journies lead the listener into the waters and teaches them how to use the magical waters for frequency activation. The Section Two of ETERNAL LIFE WATERS contains the magical coded frequencies from the Streams of Light and Sound from the Cosmic Sun 8, who is the New Sun born from the Seven Suns reuniting as One. The Frequencies come from the Cosmic Inner Earth Domains of Aquafaria where the Cosmic Water Elementals send their flames of Atomic Radiation to create the Fire Vehicles that will allow the Listener's Plasma Body to ride the Space Ship beyond the Earth's Matrix and then pop into Orb into the Sun 8 Core. This set also teaches how to use the Magical Light and Sound to TRANSFORM THE NEURONETS of the Body. The Neuronet system of the body is what runs our engine. The neuronets tell every organ in the body what to do. Our bodies are not running on the Eternal Life Engine of the Mind of God, like they are supposed to. This set of Journies was created for the SPECIFIC PURPOSE of wrapping the physical neuronets into the Spiritual Plasma Neuronets that contain the Divine Template of Eternal Reality. That template is within a Drop of Water. That drop of water is the nucleus of Plasma Energy. That Drop of Water contains the Code of the Mind of God Eternal Life Template. That MAGICAL ETERNAL LIFE CODE is in this music. The question most often asked is,"how often should I listen to the music?" The answer to this question is how often would you like to be completely immersed within the entire Divine Blue Print Template of the Breath of Source that originally created you? You can begin with one hour or two hours a day, which is enough to listen to all of your songs at least once. Find songs that resonate with you the most, and listen to them one hour a day. Those songs might be the ones that are healing something in you that needs the most attention at this time. You will eventually get tired of those songs, because that item that needed attention is healed. Soon, another song or two will resonate with you the most. You see, when I am collecting frequencies and aligning consciousness into the certain places and certain codes, I am going through a process of healing one miasm at a time, as well as always aligning consciousness through the Elohim of Hearing into oneness with Source Consciousness. Practice feeling the Frequencies from the music penatrate deep into the zero point of your atoms. Focus frequencies in the heart chakra area and then deep into the area below the heart, which is where your Soul becomes activated. Focus the frequencies into your Seed Atom which deep within your Thymus. Focus the frequencies deep into the crystal seals deep within the pineal and pituitary areas, focus the frequenices into the Tailbone area, and focus the frequencies into the Navel area. All of these areas are very important. Next focus on bringing so much of the full specturm of light energy into your heart chakra area that you can exhale that energy down your arms and into the palms of your hands. Hold that etheric energy of Cosmic Frequencies in your hands. Enhale the frequencies and exhale it into the water that you drink. Each and every time you drink water. That Cosmic Frequency will translate the water into the healing energy that will transform your body. You are transforming the H2O into H2O2HE3-- the Spiritual Hydrolaise that will transform your body and our atmosphere. CAUTION: It is best to listen to the music with headphones and while you are not active. The music will make you drowsy. It is best to listen while you are relaxing and also play the music in your room where you sleep at night. MATHEMATICAL FORMULA OF CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS CRYSTALAI (2014) Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. (Teachings of the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse) Christ Consciousness is the Mind of God that sees everything before it is breathed into existence at this level. Christ Consciousness is the mathematical code which is continuously creating the Divine Blue Print of the perfect image and likeness or mirror image of the entire Mind of God or Omnipotent Divine Consciousness. That divine blue print is a 12 dimensional code containing within it the Divine Manifestations of the Eternal Life, Continuous Omnipresent Love that continuously spins the electromagnetic frequencies of 331/3 electro clockwise and 112/3 magnetic counterclockwise within the sphere of clockwise rotation. That frequency Radiates into the at oneness with a parallel field of electromagnetic frequencies spinning the same way, but in a parallel anti particle reality field. Each of the particle and anti particle reality fields spin 45 degrees to equal 90 degrees in a vertical reality field. Another set of mathematical radiation particles spin together to create the horizontal reality field. Together they create 180 degree field of reality. That field of reality is then broken down into faster moving fields of diagonal spinning fields of electromagnetic particles creating radiation fields of plasma, gamma, x ray, invisible light, visible light, infra red and hertzian light energy into a sphere of light 360 degrees. Everything in Divine Consciousness Creativity is made of spheres of light that spin at this perfect ratio to create layers of 45 degree angles of rotation. The creation energy is always radiation energy. We must be radiating this high frequency energy at the fastest rate of spin in the 12 dimensional radiation level to maintain our complete reality in the Christ Coded blue print. Simultaneously that 12 dimensional divine blue print can express itself in parallel reality fields that manifest as 5 dimensional and 6 dimensional realities. These would contain the 12 sub harmonics of the Christ Consciousness mathematical formula in each of the 5 DNA strands or 6 DNA strands. The reality would appear different because it would be less dense or more dense. There is no density in the 12 DNA reality field. It is completely etheric in nature. However, that etheric reality is always a part of everything even if it only has 3DNA or 4 DNA. The perfect mathematical principle of all creation is always the 12 DNA coded divine blue print. IN reality that Divine Blue Print of Christ Consciousness has Always Existed, Does Exist and Always will Exist in every human angelic being and every star seed on Earth. The reason that this reality doesn't seem to appear to us when we look at people and situations is because there was a Miasm placed between the vortexes where the light energy and frequencies created by the spin ratio of the 331/3 and 11 2/3 merkaba spin rate within the particle and anti particle universe. The problem was actually placed in the anti particle universe that was parallel to ours so that we could never align correctly into the harmony of that blended rate of spin that would create the 90 degree and 180 degree and perfect 360 degree spheres of light and sound that are NORMAL to any God Made reality field. Those Miasms are frozen Light Energy that is unable to spin and move and freely manifest. Those miasms can be melted out of the old frozen DNA that is creating the illusion of this Frozen Density of Consciousness. Our Guardian Races have placed our original Divine Blue Print into our 12 DNA strands already. That gift has already been established on Earth. Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.
Posted by Dr. Angela Barnett on September 21, 2014 at 12:35am