ASCENSION FOMULA MEDITATION (from the Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse Training) LUNAR VISIONS PRODUCTIONS ASCENSION MEDITATIONS These Meditations are a collection from the COMPLETE ASCENSION KIT, THE ASCENSION PORTAL KIT and THE PURE IN HEART KIT. THOSE KITS WERE $50- $65 each, and were a part of the original training of the COSMIC MYSTERY SCHOOL OF THE OMNIVERSE given in Monterey when the REAL ASCENSION PORTAL allowing the Sun Alcyone Teleportation station to be reconnected to Earth. That project was completed on APRIL 27, 2015. THIS IS A GREAT SALE ON THIS VALUABLE TRAINING TOOL The Meditations include 1. DIVINE PLAN 2. Activate Light Body 3. Merkaba Creation 4. Merkaba Collection 5. Five Spheres 6. 15 Dimensional Source Portal 7. Hellium Activation 8. ASCENSION FORMULA 23 minutes You may listen to all of our Ascension Music at LEARNING HOW TO LISTEN Dr.Angela Barnett Shifting Consciousness into a new reality requires learning to move beyond the Five Senses into the Normal Knowing that is given through Super Consciousness. We can not connect with our Over Soul Super Consciousness through the Five Senses. The Frequency Music and the Meditations that I create are to help guide and transform your listening into the Inner Domains- into the Etheric Level of beyond sight and sound. Those who still believe that many people will not disappear from their lives in 2017 are those who do not understand that there are multiple levels of parallel realities that people will shift to after Fall 2016. The Parallel Reality will be the one that matches their Frequencies. Those who remain in the Five Senses World called the NET EARTH will not longer see those who have shifted to the ASCENSION EARTH. Those who can SEE and HEAR in the Frequencies of Infra Red and Invisible Light will be able to see the Reality of the Ascension Earth, the reality of the Inner Earth and those who shift to Higher Frequencies will be able to see Tara and Gaia. Those who continue to attune their brain to the Lowest Hertzian Frequencies as taught in many New Age teachings, will move to that Frequency of the Hertzian. That is in the Net Earth. Many who first begin listening to my music and meditations tell me that they can not hear the words because they are too soft and faint. The words are soft and faint because the meditations are designed to shift your ears into listening INWARD. If you don't shift your listening inward to Higher Frequencies and shift your Vision into the Full Spectrum of Light to reach Highest Frequencies of Light and Sound, you will not be able to see the NEW EARTH- the Ascension Earth. Those who will shift to that reality are those who have shifted their Consciousness out of the Hertzian Frequencies of dense hearing and seeing. You might think that the words are not audible in the meditations and in some of the music. That is because your ears are trained to listen in a way that makes you deaf to all frequencies that are higher than hertzian frequencies. Many New Age recordings train you to only listen to the lowest of the low hertzian frequencies. You were trained to only hear hertzian frequencies. You must train your ears to listen to words the same way you have trained them to listen to the frequency music. If you can't hear my spoken words, you certainly can not hear the frequency music. And if you can't hear the frequencies of the music or of my spoken words, this means you will not be able to hear your Soul or your Over Soul giving you subtle directions and messages of knowingness. I'm just offering an opportunity to learn how to listen to your Soul and now your Over Soul through practicing listening with the Frequencies--because that is how they communicate. This is why it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT to listen to the Meditations in a NEW WAY. Train your Ears to Listen in a New Way. I know that the words can be heard easily and clearly when you Tune in to the Minute Micro Frequencies. If you are tuning in to the Hertzian Channel you will not be able to hear my words. Every day of your life on planet Earth has been training you to listen to lowest frequency- the dense frequency that is normally compressed on recordings. The compresser squeezes the frequencies- the light- the essence out of the Sound. But that is what your ears have been trained to hear. They have been trained to think that they can not hear a sweet soft tone, but only a hard dense tone. The more time an Individual has practiced listening in that method, the harder it will be to change. It is your choice to change. You don't have to change. You can stay on NET EARTH when Ascension Earth separates in Fall 2016. You can stay in your FIVE SENSES of Mortality that will not allow you to hear the KNOWING and the Super Consciousness of the OVER SOUL. I'm just here to give you a chance to change. Think of listening like the difference between listening to the crackling of a hard frozen Ice cube or the essence of a soft flowing cloud. Shift your ears to hear the cloud instead of the ice cube. THE FACT THAT IS BEING SHOWN by the Frequencies overpowering the voice in the meditations is the FACT that the Higher the Frequencies- the more powerful. We want the Higher Frequencies to Transmute, Disolve, Melt away the lower frequencies. However, there are layers of these higher frequencies even in the voice. These meditations will work even if you only hear the frequencies and not the words. But after you tune in to the Frequencies Also Tune in to the Words. SHIFT YOUR HEARS into the 14th dimension to listen. I also recommend going back to the Candle Technique and looking at the Pyramid Chart that shows you that the HERTZIAN frequencies are the Lowest Light Field and the Lowest Sound Field. Just as you must move in to the Full Spectrum of Light in the Candle in order to See the Blue in the Light, you must also move your HEARING into the Full Sound Spectrum in order to hear your OVER SOUL communication. NEW ASCENSION MEDITATIONS have been placed for sale as mp3's. These Meditations are a collection from the COMPLETE ASCENSION KIT, THE ASCENSION PORTAL KIT and THE PURE IN HEART KIT. THOSE KITS WERE $50- $65 each, and were a part of the original training of the COSMIC MYSTERY SCHOOL OF THE OMNIVERSE given in Monterey when the REAL ASCENSION PORTAL allowing the Sun Alcyone Teleportation station to be reconnected to Earth. That project was completed on APRIL 27, 2015. That was the Sirius B Project that allowed the Sirius Consciousness to be placed in our Moon to help us connect with our OVER SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS. This was the beginning of the reactivation of the GREAT WHITE LION. The GWL will turn on in 2017. These are the words to the ASCENSION FOMULA MEDITATION 1. Activate the Light Body by first creating a crystal light sphere in the Heart Chakra area and placing a mini-me of yourself inside the sphere. 2. Next let that mini-me grow into the size of your full body. 3. While lying flat on your back in bed place a magnetic shield under your body 4. Send your Light body down through a chamber or tube (riding on top of the shield) down through the Earth’s crust 5. Now exhale to send the Light body on down to Earth’s Core 6. Push down through the shield at Earth’s Core into the LIQUID LIGHT area 7. Ride the shield of the Crystal Light Body down through the Aqua shield and into the liquid light energy field-the atmosphere feels like water, but it doesn’t make you wet-you can float on it swim in it, breath it 8. Next- Pull the miniature light body down through the bottom of the liquid light shield and into the Etheric Realm of Earth’s Core. 9. Focus attention in and around the miniature Body as it is positioned with the Ethers within the Nada Crystal there is a translucent irradescent, pastel silver violet frequency chamber. The metalic glitter and sparkle and flicker to define the sphere around the Light Body. 10. Take one step down through this shield and enter a mirror laying flat right at the center of the earth 11. This mirror separates the physical side of earth from spiritual side of earth. 12. The Shield opens and Merges with Spiritual Shield when Spiritual frequencies come into Light Body and Physical body. NOTES ABOUT THE MEDITATION The 14th dimensional sparkly metallic irradescent pastel Shield is being pulled into the miniature light Body. Inhale three times to bring frequencies from irradescent shield fully into light Body. Imagine laying your light body flat on the Mirror, become a mirror image of the Spiritual Body, soak it up, become one with it. Feel sensation in physical body of a sparkling light entering right under skins surface when the IRRADESCENT frequencies come. Inhale the Golden Crystal Body into the Light Body Shield (This shield is like a merkaba vehicle, it is simply a form of moving forms of light energy form one place to another). Feel the sensation while passing through the mirror membrane of Mother Earth's CRYSTAL HEART. There will be a sensation of passing through a liquid metallic mirror into a different frequency pattern of less density. In the crystal heart of the Light Body there is a sparkling metallic pastel like glitter of sparks growing into a flame in the center of the crystal heart. This crystal heart is remembering its ONENESS with the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth. These two hearts- the heart of Mother Earth and the Heart of the Crystal Light Body flame and merge into one new flame of ONENESS. We become ONE with all that Mother Earth Contains in her Crystal Heart. This glittering metallic rainbow colored IRRADESCENT Shield that has Merged the HEARTS INTO ONENESS replaces the the other Light Body Frequency that existed before the merging into oneness with the Heart of Mother Earth. Once this irradescense of Mother Earth's Breaths of Consciousness merges and ignites with the Sparks of Source in the Crystal Heart, the Sphere of the Crystal Heart grows into Oneness and alignment that allows the Spiritual Body to totally and correctly align into the Physical Body to create a balance of the physical and the spiritual. Now, slide the new crystal light body down into the Silica Chamber deep inside the Mother Earth's Core. This is where the original body was created as a Silica Based body before being transformed into Carbon Based matter. Reunite with this Silica Base Energy of Etheric Substance. Now the physical, spiritual, golden crystal dust irradescent and Silica Based bodies have merged into ONENESS. Now, we can raise this newly formed Irradescent body up into the original Physical Body and continue to remove all that is left from this third dimensional density consciousness from it. Next, see a silver cord of life running from the heart of the IRRADESCENT Body into the Heart of Spirit body. As the 3D density consciousness is pulled out of the body-the spirit body rises fully into the Body. Next the Liquid Light Frequencies will be sent from our Sirius Etheric Realms and Aquafarian Etheric Realms to cleanse the IRRADESCENT Body. Feel a cool sensation of Spirit Body entering in Now see a pearly white frequency streaming down into the crystal heart. See the pearls of wisdom from all that has been created in this 3D density melt into Divine Wisdom of all that was ever created by Divine Minds. Allow the wisdom from the pearl in your crystal heart to also contain the wisdom of all others on this 3D realm to be melted into the Sparks of Source and melted to be reformed by the pearly white frequency that streams liquid light energy to lift all from the crystal heart to be rekindled into a higher frequency of liquid light frequencies of Galactic and Cosmic Consciousness. There is a gold and silver light swirling down from the galactic and cosmic realms. This crystal river of liquid light streams clockwise and counter clockwise moving around the IRRADESCENT Body. A shower of pale green liquid light from our original Aquarius realm along with a turquoise light from our Sirian Dolphonoid family streams down through the chamber from above and goes all the way down through the IRRADESCENT Body, Light Body and Spirit Body and on down into Earth’s core. The body and mind are cleared of all of the worlds old movies. The Physical Matirx responds and returns Blue Turquoise Rain upwards through the bodies and up into the sky. Mother Earth has stored this Turquoise Essence Deep inside her for millions of years. This is the essence of the Dolphonoids, the Aquafarian memory of all that we once were. This Aquafarian Essence has remained perfect for over 18 million years.

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