Ascension Gateway 7-9 July

Dear All,

Today we’re putting out an ‘intention request’ to all star brothers and sisters, friends and companions on this journey of the planetary ascension of Gaia, for the period of 7-8-9th of July 2017, which will see the opening of a new Gateway of Ascension Light in this galactic region. Our preparations for this opening have been months in the making (in Earth time), and are converging now into the completion and resolution of a much longer cycle involving many star systems and planets. Here on Earth, we ask as many of you as possible to focus with this Gateway, and anchor the new creation through all your energetic layers to and through your 3D physical, holding the intention for maximum Love-Light to flow and ground through your Being, in union with the Heart of Source to the Heart of Gaia, for all Life here.

The new Gateway is in the Carina constellation, where a major ‘hub’ radiating misaligned (controlling) energies is now set to return to Divine Order, and radiate once more the natural weave of Love throughout the living multiverse, in highest Light. On July 7th, there will be a deep focus of encompassing the energy at the centre of this hub and transforming it back to the pure light of eternal Love, in accordance with Divine Will. On the 8th, this focus will shift to stabilizing and purifying all the energies of that ‘place’, restoring them to sacred Harmony, Grace and Love. On the 9th, when the sacred harmonics have been laid in place, a divine Ascension Light Tower will come into creation there, and pure transforming Love will flow through it, grounding the ‘spiral of ascension’ from the Heart of Source, to emanate and flow through our galactic region.

To picture this Light Tower, firstly imagine an endless spreading field of Bluebells, like a sea of blue flowers, all around you, rippling around the beautiful Earth. These Bluebells are emitting a continuous Tone, the Tone of the Heart (pitched to the note of F, if you wish to feel or sound this out loud, or with a musical instrument).



Then visualize a tall triangular pillar of pure white crystal or diamond standing amid the Bluebells, with a golden crescent upon its tip, and a Star of golden-white light within the crescent. See or intend this Star to rotate – from one side it appears as a 6-pointed star, and as it turns, a 7-point star, and as it spins and merges, it becomes the vibration of 13 (6+7), the Grace of the 7th Dimension moving through the Harmony and Bliss of the 6th Dimension, bringing through the 13th Dimensional Light of Ascension from the Heart of Source, a pure white spiral of Light flowing through this Star, filling the ‘cup’ of the golden crescent, transmitting outwards infinitely, and streaming down through the white crystal pillar – you can see and feel this as flowing water through the crystal – and spreading out into and through the sea of Bluebells, radiating through the beautiful divine Heart Tone within you, to all Life, to the Heart of Gaia, and through all her energetic layers and meridians, immersing all the grids of high light which are cradling this planet through to ascension.


Hold your focus and intention from your Heart and Soul, in unconditional Love for all, feel this pure Light flowing and anchoring through your incarnate being assisting the planet and all living beings here, all consciousness in, on and around the Earth. Call on the Will of Source to fully restore Divine Order here on Earth, for all life, full of harmony, grace and joy, the flow of Divine Providence washing through this world. See and hold the intention of all that is not aligned to harmony and joy, love and peace resolved into the highest vibrations possible in this Now. Pure Love is flowing, peace is growing, the seeds of boundless creative joy are sowing. 

We thank all who feel to align with participating as conduits and anchors through this three day Gateway, with deepest gratitude, and would like to share a few recent photos below of a Doorway in the clouds with my beloved Flame, Ashura ‘in the picture’ ~ which has a personal meaning, but is also connected with and represents the Light/Will of Source, the Breath of Life, opening a new Gate of free-flowing Love.


Doorway opening in the clouds, June 15, 2017.


Ashura’s small ‘pod ship’ that he flies down from the Meri’Ashar appears and flashes near the open doorway, June 15, 2017.


Another doorway forms on June 23rd 2017, this time Ashura’s pod ship is stationed within the opening doorway.


So relax deeply, feel a huge smile in your heart, hold faith steadfastly with the process of Ascension, personal and planetary all as One shift ~ and focus with Transformation to Love on July 7th, Harmony and Divine Order re-established on July 8th, and Divine New Creation of a beacon and transmitter of highest Ascension Light, flowing to this planet and all this galactic region on July 9th. In the Angelic 9, all is fulfilled, a cycle is completed, to open the rebirth of this world in Love, Peace and Joy.


Joanna&Ashura, Tanabor and the divine many who have aligned and committed their soul lights and energies throughout this preparation, fulfilling together now this mission of Love. 


PS: We recommend reading the Meditation Guidelines on this page to align and focus your energies securely and safely with the 7-9 July meditation/completion. 


*For a bit of background on the Carina region and shifts/movements there since late last year, you may wish to read these two posts: Canopus: Return of the Navigator and The Winged Lions of Eremor.

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  • Thanks and love to everyone who took part in last Sunday's 'anchoring the Light' meditation, and blessings to those who continued through the week. :)  We're continuing with this focus today, specifically on behalf of/in union with Gaia's planetary merkaba.

    Details for today (and the coming week, if you feel called to continue daily) are here:

    Sunday Meditation July 16

    Sunday Meditation July 16
    Greetings dear LoveLights  ❤ Blessings to all who have meditated, focused, attuned with, and helped anchor through your BEings and intentions the new…
  • For anyone here who may like to join in, we have a SUNday meditation running this weekend, specifically to ground this Gateway's Light on/to Earth. See this post:

    Sunday Meditation July 9

    Blessings to All, Joanna. 

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      Greetings all Beings of Love  <3 Thanks and heart hugs to all the LoveLighters who joined in the planetary merkaba meditation last Sunday, clearing…
  • Dear Amparo, yes indeed, all is unfolding in Divine Order, re-alignments are made in perfect Divine Timing. Oh, that is beautiful about the doorway and rainbow you saw during your three Suns meditation, thank you. :)

    Much love, peace and blessings to you too during this sacred Shift on Earth,

    Joanna. <3

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