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                                           We all -- as ONE -- need to help
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                                        We all -- as ONE -- need to Co-Create
                                                         NEW EARTH
                                                       and we need to
                                LIGHT BEACONS for our STARSEED FAMILY
                                                TO TAKE US HOME

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                   "Am I My Brother's Keeper?"


METATRON: If my Lord Sananda's going to come in and teach my lessons, then I have a right to come in and teach MY favorite. You shall entitle this one, "Am I My Brother's Keeper?". Shall we beat around the bush?


METATRON: Good. Of COURSE you're your brother's keeper. Was there ever a question? You see, all of you are here to do jobs, yes? Now, when you come in and do a job, do you do it all by yourself? If you did, you would be on a very lonely planet. You job is to come in, and it is to do something to assist others or the planet, or both, or all of Creation. You realize 'why', right? Why?

JANISEL: To help the planet ascend.

METATRON: How would that help all of Creation?

JANISEL: The ripple effect.

METATRON: Ahhh… very good! You see, this is what I'm here to talk to you about. Do you think THEY (the Spiritual Hierarchy) are here for themselves?


METATRON: Do you think my Lord Sananda is here for himself, to have a good time, to eat goodies and drink sweets? He's here to do a job for all of YOU. Now, let us talk about this one [points to painting of Ashtar] and his job. Our Lord Sananda called him a 'space jockey', I believe that was the term that you've gotten such a fun time out of. It's a bit more important than that. In fact, if you wish to be just a wee bit more precise… that's one's job [Ashtar], in this Reality, is more important than my Lord Sananda's. Ohhh… shall we step on toes with that one?

JANISEL: It will.

METATRON: Why? Do they not believe what has already been told to them? Have they not already been told that Ashtar's job is working directly with and for the Creator in making sure that the Divine Blueprint is precisely followed? <sigh>

JANISEL: Yes, they've been told.

METATRON: My Lord Sananda is more or less here to make sure that the morale is kept up… and a few other things. My Lord Sananda tends to act as mediator between Ashtar and I. Does not work well. <grin> Now, does this mean Ashtar or my Lord Sananda is your 'keeper'?


GUEST: Something I hadn't thought of, but yes.

METATRON: You bet. They're both here to tend to your needs. They are here to make sure that you are placated, they are here to make sure that you are in the realization that you are loved and protected and provided for, as is everyone under this roof. Do you buy it?


JANISEL: We're all each other's keepers.

METATRON: Do you buy that your protected and loved and provided for?

JANISEL: Most definitely.

GUEST: Absolutely.

METATRON: Now, how does that make your ego feel… that YOU are not the one responsible for what you do in this life, in this Reality, because you have all these Brothers up there assisting you? Don't answer, because I guarantee you, you would not be able to answer truthfully right now. You see, we all love being the teachers, don't we? Ahhh… that is good. We all love being the ones that can tell everyone else how it is done, how it could be done better, and in some cases, how it SHOULD be done. Well, guess what. You are the teachers, and the more you listen, the higher up in grade you teach. However, the most astute, the most enlightened teacher in a human body on the face of this planet… let us see… is probably about the equivalent of your second grade. This includes teachers such as the Dalai Lama. This includes teachers, if their ego has something to say about it, such as Sai Baba… and some past teachers that, through their death, have become a shining example. If they 'died' in their physical bodies, they were not yet even teaching second grade.

Now, as far as this class is concerned, your societies, your religions, and most of your families, have TOLD you in no uncertain terms, "Be careful of what you ask for." "Be careful of who you teach to." "Be careful of the company you keep." Be careful of many, many things. However, do they then tell you that if you're so careful, you are still your brother's keeper?

Now, let's get back to our basic point of this lesson, shall we? Am I my brother's keeper? You're all of the same Soul, so why not? Now, can you do it without ego, pride, or judgment? Because I guarantee you right now, if you can do it without ego, without pride, or without judgment, you would be far beyond the second grade. Can you ADMIT, not just to yourselves, but can you admit to all that you meet, that you have those three things that prevent you from being higher than second grade? For you see, your human bodies came equipped with a few things, initially, that could have been taken one way or could have been taken another way, or could have just lain dormant forever. However, through the fantastic gift that our Creator gave to humankind, that wondrous misbegotten gift of freewill choice, these gifts were taken out. They were molded, they were stretched, they were painted, they were polished, they were touched up, they were embossed. They were made to shine for all to see. One of those is judgment.

Let's take a look at what you refer to as your Holy Bible, shall we? My Lord Sananda walked upon the face of this planet 2000 years ago… just an eyelash-breeze in time. <grin> And just that eyelash-breeze in time has had most of his words perverted from hither to yon, from up to down, from inside to out. <sigh> Why? Judgment. Let us see… we shall use the one that my Lord Sananda used last week, shall we? He used the one about his most beloved complaining. Complaining about sitting in the dirt… the creation of the Creator… and not being able to stand a scratch here or there while listening to the Master, the one that they were gifted with to have a tenth grade education. Now let's see how much in judgment YOU can be, shall we? If you had the opportunity to have my Lord Sananda embodied, in his full Glory, would you sit on the ground? Would you sit on an anthill? Would you sit upon a sharp rock? Would you sit out in the snow in a blizzard without cover and protection?

Now, the greatest leaders of the greatest churches that you have on the face of this planet, throughout these past 2000 years, have decided in their own infinite judgment, that it was not a 'believable story'. It was not a believable story that someone would NOT be willing to scratch their derrière for a short period of time in order to listen to the one true Master that was walking on the face of this planet. Just a wee bit unbelievable, they thought. So, therefore, they spin it into a yarn. They spin it into a yarn that is like a spider's web that reaches out and grabs someone and doesn't let them go. This, then, became dogma… the original judgment of these churches, and what the true word of the Son of God had to say. Now, my Lord Sananda comes in last week and teaches you that these churches became 'group ego'. How did they become group ego? Because they teach you that you are not your brother's keeper, yet they tell you that they are your shepherds and you are a member of their flock. Let us see… which had you rather be: a 'kept brother' or a sheep? It's that simple. I would rather be neither, however I do believe that a human is fully a bit more intelligent than a sheep… or is he? Is he if he can buy that story… if he can look at this church and vow that his whole believe system, his whole faith in the Creator, is based upon the fact that he is to be a mindless sheep? A beast that, when it gets hot in the summertime, cannot even shave itself. It has to go to an intelligent human to shave it, so that it can cool off. You see, far too much emphasis has been given to this 'Lamb-going-to-the-slaughter' bit, and these churches, these group egos, that my Lord Sananda was putting across to you, was stroking your ego with promises from the Hereafter, and tromping all over your pride in this life. Telling you that as far as your belief system is concerned, as far as your faith in the Creator is concerned, you are to have no brain, you are to have no common sense, and you ARE to have absolutely no discernment coming from your heart or your soul, or any part of your essential Being that is on this planet in this lifetime. Please tell me… I am not in a human body, so I do not understand this comprehensively. Does this make sense to you? Of course not! Then WHY, why do you buy it? I'll tell you why. It makes a darned good excuse… putting someone else, or something else, in a position of authority for your faith in the Creator and your belief systems and how all of Creation functions.

JANISEL: No personal responsibility.

METATRON: Exactly. You could always, in the Hereafter, plead 'innocent'. "My church did not tell me differently. I did not know differently." Ignorance is bliss. Not now. It doesn't work that way. Things were allowed 2000 years ago, things were allowed 500 years ago, things were even allowed 100 years ago. However, please! Use your brain, if nothing else, as far as your faith and belief system is concerned. In a day and age when you have telephones, televisions, radios, computers, satellite dishes, you are no longer restricted to the area that you were born into. You have vehicles that can remove you from one area to another. You have planes that can fly you from one continent to another. You have ships that can take you halfway around the world. If you find that your personal belief, your personal faith, follows the teachings of the Dahlia Lama, you no longer have the 'excuse' of not being able to find the Dahlia Lama to be in his presence so that you can hear directly from his mouth what he is saying. All of your technology has gotten you passed the point of ignorance. You've allowed members of your society, members of this planet, to be your brothers and 'keep you'. You have allowed them to build machinery that can take you from one place to another, that you pick up a piece of machinery and push a button or two and you can talk to someone half-way around the world. You now have technology that they have invented for you that you can sit in your office at your desk, turn on your computer and speak to someone while watching them speak back to you on the screen of your technology. They have been keeping you all along, as have your ministers, your pastors, your preachers, your priests, your nuns. They have been keeping you… fully and completely ignorant. Ignorant of what unlimited possibilities your faith and your beliefs can have. And you have not been that sheep. Do you realize this? You have been that 'starving fish', biting at the bait on the hook, to be reeled in and thrown into a net with all those other starving fish. Did you get fed? You didn't even get FED! You have the hook and the worm taken right out of your mouth… so that they could catch another fish! Ahhh… so you and all these other starving fish are in this net. You want to know why my Lord Sananda used the 'fish'? He was a prophet, too, you know. Just a small one. <grin> You can tell him I said that. He shall get a good laugh off of that one. <grin> Now, I did not mean to come in and shake your world upside down, or to shake up your belief in God, to shake up your faith in the Creator. What I have come in to do is to take you by the shoulders and SHAKE YOU until your brain can assimilate the fact that it has been buying into all of this bait… hook, line and sinker… about your faith in God. Now, you do realize by now, don't you, that you've allowed your brain to do this? You've allowed all those brothers out there to be your 'keeper' and to tell you that you have no right to be YOUR brother's keeper. Why? Because then you would take the keeping of that brother away from THEM.

Now, let us stop and go back a little bit again, shall we? Do you believe in God? Do you believe in the Creator that created all things? Can you believe that your Creator has allowed technology in the form of 'spaceships'? Can you believe that your Creator would send you 12th grade Brothers to come in and assist you, to guide you, to keep you safe, to help you provide for yourself, to point you in the right direction? Can you believe this? Then why do you still play the games? This is what you call a rhetorical question. This is for all that read these lessons, because each and every one of you still play the game by the old rules. Every one of you. Some just play more, some play more often, some play by more rules, some deny that there's a game at all. The Creator did not make the game, your higher-dimensional brothers and sisters that come in to assist you did not make the game. You are making up the game with every breath that you take. Your higher-dimensional brothers and sisters… all they can do is do their job by the rules that you keep putting on them. My Lord Sananda was correct… THERE ARE NO RULES, but you keep making them up as you go along! We shall ask questions now that will get mighty personal. You probably will not feel comfortable discussing these in your classes, however, I give my permission for you to ask the question until you get SOME answer, whether it is a real answer, a pride answer, an ego answer, or a judgment answer… it matters not.

Do you have the foggiest idea how many rules you've established in your game? Do you have the foggiest idea how many rules, on a daily basis, you accept off of other people's games? Do you feel that if you were in contact with a higher-dimensional brother or sister that is here to assist you, to guide you, to protect you that they are here to guide you or protect you from anything other than your own ignorance?

What is your truth? What is your faith? What are your beliefs? MAKE A LIST! If you have not done so, don't you think it's time YET? Let your imagination and your heart go wild. If you wish to accept, in your faith or in your belief, that dragons exist, that unicorns exist, that griffins exist, then by all means put that down on your list. If you have FAITH that you can move a mountain, put it on your list. If you believe in the Almighty Creator being there for you every step of the way, and you were born missing a limb, that you could grow that limb back out of FAITH, then put it on your list. Do you know why you're making a new list? To replace those 'rules'… give yourself a broader scope for these rules that you have for your game. How about, while you're at it, that you have faith in YOURSELF… that, from this day forward, you can identify when you're accepting someone else's rules of their game into you, that you do not NEED those higher-dimensional brothers and sisters to come in because you have faith in God that all you have to do in time of trouble is have a talk with the Creator and co-create a whole new game with God?

You have had so many marvelous instructions thrown your way, not just by your higher-dimensional brothers and sisters that are 'keeping you', but through others of this planet that have their OWN higher-dimensional brothers or sisters that are teaching them, or that they're co-creating with God, and they pass on a little bit of knowledge to you. Ahhh… but watch that ego. That ego goes, "That doesn't sound right to me. That's against everything I've allowed you to take into your Being as your beliefs." Don't you think it's time you put a muzzle on your egos? <sigh> Forget the muzzle for your judgment! Bury it… deeply! In a bed of salt! Perhaps that would cleanse it. Perhaps would transmute it. You have been living in a society on a planet that judgment is a part of your everyday life! You judge someone for snoring, you judge someone for having a dog that barks, you judge someone for eating too much, you judge someone for drinking the wrong thing, you judge someone for having an individual free thought that your ego doesn't like. You judge me because I come in and I pace in this body, and I shake and I speak loud, and I do it completely different than any of the others that come in. Well, guess what. I have that right! And I take full advantage of it. I don't come in to make you laugh, I come in to teach. If you wish your ego to interfere with what I'm teaching… hey!… go right on ahead! After all, you were gifted with freewill choice. I guarantee you the Creator didn't have the foggiest idea that it was going to get this far out of hand.

Yes, I have a big foot, however, my big foot will not fit into this body. However, the biggest foot of all is the one that sent me. You see, I have a boss… only one boss. Any of you can have a boss who has a boss who has a boss, who has an owner, who has the IRS, who has the government… ahhh… shall we go on?… who has the Bishop, who has the Pope. I have one boss… just one. And I take my job very seriously, as each and every one of you should. If you mess around with having fun, if you mess around with playing the games, if you mess around with condescending, judging, or having your pride or ego in the forefront, you've got far too many bosses to deal with. However, I'm not going to tell you who they are. You can take a wild guess. For there are 'bosses' over judgment, over pride, over ego, over 'sanctimonious', over 'sacrifice'… all those wonderful little things that get grouped up in pride and ego… that keep you from doing your job, that keep you from being that starving fish in the net. You see, if there's a hole in that net, your pride and your ego will find it, so you can go back out into the water, so you can bite onto the same worm OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN. So, you see, it's not so important that you find the hole in the net. What's so important is that, perhaps, you start eating something different than worms. You see, those fish maybe are not biting at the worm because they're starving… maybe they're biting at the worm because it's inherent. It is innate inside of them. "Ooooh… I see a worm! I must bite!" You are not a fish. Everything that that fish has within it, that all of the other fish have within it that makes it a fish, are things that are rules to the game. When you can get out of the net, when you can go back out into the water, and when you can start snapping at something other than worms, then and only then, do you truly become your brother's teacher, your brother's keeper. Because then you go to the next fish and you say, "Try the fireflies instead of the worms." "Try the ladybugs instead of the worms." "Try something else besides the worms." Then you become your brother's keeper because you've become your brother's teacher… because you have learned that the worm bites back, and not even by it's own inherent abilities. It bites back because of the one that was controlling the hook. Now, if you're a worm, that's another thing. When you see someone with two legs walk up and they have hooks in their hat…burrow deep! See? I can be funny, too. <grin>

Now, the last question for this lesson is:

Once you have identified your faith, once you have identified your beliefs, can then you take a look around and define who your brothers have been that have been keeping YOU? Some of them you want to keep, some of them you probably want to throw back because they're too small to keep. That was a joke! <grin>

That is the lesson.


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