Ascension Is A Choice

 1. What is meant by the term Ascension?

The Universe exists as a vast ocean of consciousness - in other words light energy. It is arrayed in layers of decreasing vibration - what many call "dimensions" or "densities". Dimensions array together forming "dimensional realms" of existence. We live in the lower Physical Realm which is comprised of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Densities.

Consider it like a pond: the 'creator' (pure presence) spontaneously separated into consciousness, spreading rapidly outwards until the pull back to the centre caused the condensation of form, in this case ripples on our universal 'pond'. Each ripple represents a dimension. As you get further out from the centre, the ripples widden so their wavelength gets longer and therefore vibrational frequency lower. It is exactly the same in our Universe where the further we get away from the centre (the Source), the lower the vibrational frequency of the dimensions get and therefore the denser "heavier" they are.

The consciousness of most people is currently centered in the lower Physical Realm - we have a physical body and tend to be attuned to these dimensional frequencies. Many evolving people believe that Gaia herself has already ascended, and centered her consciousness in the 5th Density, a process completed in 2012.

Put simply, you might say the "New World" exists in the Middle Ream of the 5th, 6th and 7th Dimensions and the "Old World" exists in the Lower Ream of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Dimensions. The two are inter connected by the 4th Dimension. When we get out of the mind and into the Heart, our consciousness expands and we begin to feel the energies of the New World expressed as joy, love, expansiveness, completeness, wholeness, lightness and timelessness. Because the dimensions overlap we experience the new paradigm here and now all around us.

2. Why is it that society does not view the Universe in this way?

The human brain is bombarded with hundreds of billions bits of information about our reality every second and yet can only deal with a small fraction of this. To cope with the overload, it superimposes a map of the reality it expects over the incoming information and filters out the rest. Since our experience of life is created by our consciousness - our thoughts and beliefs - we continually recreate the reality we expect and have become used to. It is a bit like tuning in stations on a radio - people have become so addicted to a particular station, they've stopped looking for other ones!

3. So how do we experience the new reality?

The key is to get out of the mind and into the Heart. In other words to let go of our attachments and need for an outcome in the external drama of life. If we can rise above this self imposed victimisation, then we discover the essence of our being - our spirit, consciousness or soul. Every single event and circumstance in the universe is designed to reveal this; the universe acts as a mirror to see that which could not otherwise be seen.

So if we let go of our fears and doubts about life then we can let go or out attachment to the drama, the Heart opens and we begin to connect with the true essence of life itself. We experience the infinite and simple joy of living - we touch the soul.

4. What happens when we connect to the soul?

The soul connects us to a super conscious field of energy - what some call "Unity Consciousness". It is the awareness that arises from the Source of all life - what some might call "God" and what we at Openhand call the "Seer". The Seer is in and through all things and in our truth, we are that.

When we connect to the soul, we are infused with energy which raises our vibrationary state. If we can keep connecting, then over time our energy rises, our consciousness expands and we begin to unfold into the new vibrational reality. The new paradigm actually becomes a part of our consciousness and we begin to create that more and more in our lives. In a way, we are dissolving from this dimensional realm and forming in the new one (although we are likely to experience both simultaneously until we've made the full internal transition - our Ascension).

5. So how do we raise our vibration?

Basically we raise our vibration by attuning to those inner feelings of joy, love and completeness - we might say a sense of "rightness". If we return to our pond analogy, on the surface the waves flow outwards from the centre to ever increasing separation which we witness in our universe as increasing disorder and dis-ease; because we are moving further away from our connection to the Source inner doubt, fear, separateness and selfishness intensify. However under the surface of the pond - and in our universe - is an undertow, a flow of energy pulling back to the centre. It is the flow back to increasing order, ease and harmony. Science calls it an 'increase in negative entropy' but we know it by a much more powerful name - "unconditional love"!

It is not always simple however to tune into this 'consciousness space' and feel the guiding hand leading us on a pathway of increasing order, internal harmony and love. We are living in a society that continually conditions us with false desires, illusionary needs and distorted behaviour patterns - leading to increasing separation. Our society is sustained by consumerism first generating and then feeding off our ever spiraling habits and addictions. It is one based on fear and manipulation. Fear that there isn't enough for all and then manipulating us into struggling to get our fair share. Our true passion - our authentic inner longing for unity with the Source - gets lost in thought control programs. It is this that is causing the wholesale destruction of the planet in this realm of reality.

6. How do we release ourselves from this programming?

If we can pause for a moment in life and begin to connect once more with those things that really give us joy and a sense of 'rightness', then we reconnect to the soul and receive infusions of energy - downloads from our soul ray harmonic. It infuses causing distorted patterns of behaviour to be brought to the surface. In other words it recreates patterns of experiences in our lives where a choice is exposed to us: either give in to the old addictions and fear based behaviours or instead embrace a higher choice - that which really expresses the essence of our being. If we keep doing this in every moment, then our conditioned behaviours dissolve over time and our vibration rises.


7. What do we experience when our vibration rises?

See for the Five Gateways process.


8. Is everyone ascending?

Ascension is a choice - currently a window of opportunity is open for us. Our destiny is to ascend, but if current patterns of behaviour on our planet continue, it is highly unlikely that everyone will. What is beyond doubt however, is that our planetary system IS ascending, the Soul of the Earth is gathering her energies into the new realm as we speak. That is why we are witnessing an increasing polarity between the darker forces - those of fear based manipulation - and those of the lighter ones - based on profound unconditional love. The energies are separating and therefore becoming more obvious.

However, the fear based reality will not exist indefinitely especially if society continues to pollute, rape and destroy Mother Earth in this plane the way it currently is. As this old consciousness fragments, peels away and is dissolved, those souls that ascend will taste eternal life as a unique expression of the One Life.

For the souls that do not ascend, many will be held in the Angelic Realms within the 4th Density until another reincarnation possibility happens. It's also likely, that due to continual lack of progression in this dense and difficult environment, others will be dissolved and reintegrated back into the source.

9. Do we need to heal Mother Earth?

It is not necessary to heal Mother Earth - her Ascension is her healing. She is shaking off an old skin so to speak. However it is still important for our own evolution to treasure and cherish her. The only way to ascend is to transcend this plane by becoming completely at one with her - by respecting her and all life, not exploiting her or the animal or plant kingdoms, not manipulating but surrendering - trusting in the divine and riding the wave of unconditional love that is our soul.


We do indeed stand on the brink of a miraculous transformation and a choice lies open to each and everyone of us: the chance to let go of the old fear based reality of control and instead embrace the new paradigm of unconditional love for all life.

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